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I Cant Stop Buying Tackle!!!!!!! 2024

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 

I think I have an addiction issue.  For years as my kids were growing I didn't bass fishing too much.  I would take them for sunfish and catfish (easy catches) but never bass fishing.  Now they are finally old enough and patient enough to go bass fishing so I have been gearing up for it.  I really seem to have an issue where I cant stop buying tackle,  I have filled my box, my sons box.  Converted all of my spinning gear to casting and looking for more!  Anybody have a remedy for this?



fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Where's your wife in all of this?! That's usually the remedy, LOL!!

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 7:23 AM, DarrenM said:

Where's your wife in all of this?! That's usually the remedy, LOL!!


She either doesnt care or hasnt realized lol

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 7:25 AM, CYP said:

She either doesnt care or hasnt realized lol


Well, as they say, it's easier to apologize after the fact than ask for permission first.


Good luck! Heh heh heh...

fishing user avatarROCbass reply : 

Next time you get the urge to go to the tackle shop, go fishing instead. This should work until you break off enough that you need to stock back up, or until you're on the way to the lake and realize you forgot your spinnerbaits, and it'll be quicker to stop at the store to get a couple than to go all the way home, and then you walk in and last year's rods are on clearance...

fishing user avatarKritterGitter reply : 

You are far from the only one..... I just got back into Bassin last spring and started with a Ugly Stick GX combo and a few inline spinners, I now have a dedicated room that's wall to wall with fishing rods/reels, tackle boxes and more tackle/lures than I could ever throw . Not to mention the garage that stores the canoe and everything that goes along with it. That's all within a years time, its definitely a slippery slope my friend!! To answer your question though, No, def no remedy I know of, your hooked for life  :grin:........  BTW I just bought a few more jerkbaits today LOL (Baitmonkey thanks us all)

fishing user avatarKritterGitter reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 7:38 AM, ROCbass said:

Next time you get the urge to go to the tackle shop, go fishing instead. This should work until you break off enough that you need to stock back up, or until you're on the way to the lake and realize you forgot your spinnerbaits, and it'll be quicker to stop at the store to get a couple than to go all the way home, and then you walk in and last year's rods are on clearance...

Gets me everyyyyyy time....Oh Ill just grab a few bags of soft plastics....A new reel later and I def forgot to get the plastics.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

I love buying tackle.. id say 80 percent of my spending money goes to tackle

fishing user avatarMaico1 reply : 

Look at this way..."It's just part of the program".

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 

TW is having a sale.  Just ordered more 

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 

Sometimes I get really bad and order stuff to my office so my wife doesn't see.

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 8:11 AM, JeziHogg said:

Sometimes I get really bad and order stuff to my office so my wife doesn't see.

I work from home so I get the mail everyday LOL

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 7:23 AM, DarrenM said:

Where's your wife in all of this?! That's usually the remedy, LOL!!

That doesn't always work.

I started tapering down on purchases and my wife started up looking for herself :D

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 8:41 AM, Valley Sports said:

I'm pretty good with therapy for your addiction, but it's only a temporary cure.


Oh Ill be calling you in April when I get my bonus check

fishing user avatarMarksHooked reply : 

I too can't seem to stop buying tackle, but I think once the ice melts and I can actually start using stuff my spending will drop quite a bit.

fishing user avatarChris186 reply : 

Could be worse, you could be spending it on bad things like hookers and drugs. I say embrace your new addiction!

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 11:08 AM, CD1542 said:

Could be worse, you could be spending it on bad things like hookers and drugs. I say embrace your new addiction!

I like your line of thinking

fishing user avatarKevinator1 reply : 

My wife thinks I have enough tackle for 10 hardcore bass anglers for the rest of their lives plus mine......I think she is exaggerating a little bit....It's probably only enough for 9 hardcore bass anglers.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

My wife wants me to see a shrink over the amount of gear I've purchased. Actually, the amount I haven't purchased this off season.  She asked me why the only gear I've bought so far has be a rod build kit and some replacement hooks.  I told her I didn't really nead or want anything more than I already had.  She asked me what I did with her husband because she was convinced I was a pod person ('Invasion of the Body Snatchers') Then called my niece the psycollogist.

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 

Another good way to get away with BIG purchases (and not letting your wife find out) is go to BPS online and get all the SKU numbers for the items you want, then call the 1800 number and get them to put it on a 6 pay plan. 

fishing user avatarBridgerM reply : 

I don't have a problem buying too much tackle, yet. I definitely took advantage of a few sales over the winter and utilized gift cards. But I did make one purchase I felt might be a bit much or not the best timing with christmas coming up, so I didn't tell the wife. I found a curado 51e locally for $70. I also thought she simply wouldn't care as she usually rolls her eyes when i talk about new gear. I did end up telling her all of this and you know what she got upset about the most? That I thought she didn't care about my interests enough to share something I was so excited about. Go figure.

fishing user avatarfishinthedacks reply : 

Yea I'm there myself signed up for all three mystery boxes and spent around 100.00 on tackle alone both mine and kids boxes are stuffed. Now I'm looking for a bigger box and tacklebag or backpack and possibly getting into fly fishing... Uh oh.

fishing user avatarfishinthedacks reply : 

Yea I'm there myself signed up for all three mystery boxes and spent around 100.00 on tackle alone both mine and kids boxes are stuffed. Now I'm looking for a bigger box and tacklebag or backpack and possibly getting into fly fishing... Uh oh.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I do other fishing besides bass, fish inshore and offshore in the ocean too. I'm at the point (have way more than I need anyway) I only buy a rod and reel when something needs to be replaced.  I fish a lot, I know my waters, my various species and what it takes to catch them, I stick with those items.  Once in while I try something different for a bit of variety, but I stay pretty disciplined, don't really spend all that much.

fishing user avatarhoosierbass07 reply : 

I love soft plastics and have been buying a lot because - they work and are affordable. Now I'm going after expensive soft plastics from Japan! lol. After Japaneese soft plastics I'm not sure what will come after that - Austrailan soft plastics? Fiji soft plastics? French soft plastics made from fine wine? My search for soft plastics will never end! lol.

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 7:27 AM, DarrenM said:

Well, as they say, it's easier to apologize after the fact than ask for permission first.


Good luck! Heh heh heh...


Ive had to do that to often, it lost its effectiveness...

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I could have had a new boat with all the crap I buy between seasons over the last 10 years. Just when I say..."okay that's enough" I go and  buy more. It's a sickness, but it's not the end of the world.

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

So what exactly is the "problem"?

fishing user avatarwnybassman reply : 

Years ago I went through a dramatic cleaning out of crap I don't/won't ever use, and since then I really only buy what I will likely use.   Sure, some stuff still seeps in through the cracks, it's the nature of the game.   


My problem now is I can't stop buying tackle making stuff.    lol

fishing user avatarShadow93 reply : 

Haha. A few years back, my buddy and I went to Bass Pro Shops in search of gear and tackle for a fishing trip up north. In a matter of mere moments my buddy had spent $800 on gear, and planned on ordering more online that night.


I've had my spending sprees on tackle as well, just not $800 in one day.

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 

Coming up in April I have a bonus check due which should be a few grand.  Im afraid with what I may end up doing LOL.  

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

We all experience it, just on different levels. I feel that I'm towards the upper end of the spectrum. I make sure all my bills are payed but I could definitely save a lot of money if I could keep my impulse buys under control. Ooooo those look nice. Hey that's on sale. Come home and I already have it lol. Could be worse I guess.

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

In a week or two I'm going to buy a new tackle bag and about $50 worth of lures.. Then I'm going to start saving for a new rod and reel which I'll probably spend about $250 on. I keep telling myself that once I have those things I will be set, and I can stop buying fishing gear... Yeah right.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 11:08 AM, CD1542 said:

Could be worse, you could be spending it on bad things like hookers and drugs. I say embrace your new addiction!


Beat me to that one.  

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

In the last few days - 7 new jerkbaits, Little John DD, S waver, four baby burners. Last week a tackle shop near me went out of business, I bought every 1/0 hook they had.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

You have all been bitten by the bait monkey. Unfortunately he has given you a virus that there is no cure for. I have it too and have for quite a while. I try to help myself feel better buy only buying things when they are on sale. Problem with that is I just end up buying more and more haha. Once fishing season starts fishing will help to curve my spending but this cold weather seems to take it to me and give me that itch to buy more and more gear!

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

My girlfriend tells me I spend too much on tackle and my response is always, "Would you rather have me speed a $100 on tackle or a $100 at the bar?"  After that she doesn't complain much and besides, there are worse things to be spending money on and having two son's of my own, I'd rather spend the cash on tackle and have them doing something that will keep them out of the house and off the video games.  But beware, my oldest wants me to get a boat now.

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 
  On 2/24/2014 at 9:03 AM, CYP said:

Coming up in April I have a bonus check due which should be a few grand.  Im afraid with what I may end up doing LOL.  

Whats a bonus?   Our CEO just got a $35,000 bonus.  I havent got a raise in 4 years.  As a matter of fact when I got the job the first thing they told me was never ask for a raise, you wont get one!  My wife hasnt seen a raise in 7 years and actually has gotten 2 pay cuts for parities sake!   Still buy tackle like a mad man....God help me

fishing user avatarCYP reply : 
  On 2/25/2014 at 1:37 AM, 119 said:

Whats a bonus?   Our CEO just got a $35,000 bonus.  I havent got a raise in 4 years.  As a matter of fact when I got the job the first thing they told me was never ask for a raise, you wont get one!  My wife hasnt seen a raise in 7 years and actually has gotten 2 pay cuts for parities sake!   Still buy tackle like a mad man....God help me

I have to say i am incredibly fortunate with my current company.  I work from home 90-95% of the time,  I get a yearly raise and we always get a yearly bonus. I am incredibly fortunate.  Its a great company.  Too many companies dont take care of the employees. 

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 2/24/2014 at 12:56 PM, Missourifishin said:

Then I'm going to start saving for a new rod and reel which I'll probably spend about $250 on. I keep telling myself that once I have those things I will be set, and I can stop buying fishing gear... Yeah right.

I've been telling myself that for over 40 years


fishing user avatarChris186 reply : 
  On 2/25/2014 at 5:21 AM, CYP said:

 Too many companies dont take care of the employees.

I work for one of those companies.
fishing user avatargr8outdoorz reply : 

Last time my fiancee asked how much all my gear costs my response was "Not near as much as Pharmacy School"...she never asked again.

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 
  On 2/25/2014 at 8:36 AM, gr8outdoorz said:

Last time my fiancee asked how much all my gear costs my response was "Not near as much as Pharmacy School"...she never asked again.

Hahaha thats gold. Well played sir.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/25/2014 at 8:43 AM, iabass8 said:

Hahaha thats gold. Well played sir.


Indeed, quoth the Cheetos Cheetah.

fishing user avatartubedude reply : 
  On 2/24/2014 at 10:56 PM, WIGuide said:

Once fishing season starts fishing will help to curve my spending but this cold weather seems to take it to me and give me that itch to buy more and more gear!

Yep. I'm at school right now and unable to fish. Meanwhile the bite is on back home. The only reasonable thing to do is take a detour on the way to the grocery store and pay Sportsmans Warehouse a visit...I tell myself I'm only there to look but we all know where that leads!

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 2:41 AM, tubedude said:

Yep. I'm at school right now and unable to fish. Meanwhile the bite is on back home. The only reasonable thing to do is take a detour on the way to the grocery store and pay Sportsmans Warehouse a visit...I tell myself I'm only there to look but we all know where that leads!


I used to live pretty close to a Gander Mountain and during the winter I somehow managed to be over that way and stop in "just to look" on just about every pay day haha. I don't think I could ever work at a tackle shop because on pay day I would owe the store money instead of them paying me!

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

You know its bad when you go shopping for tackle, go to put it away and find that you already bought it.  LOL

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 

I am right there, and my wife has threatened to euthanize the bait monkey. 4 Rods, 3 Reels, and a TON of tackle since December.....I'm ready to go outside now.

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 
  On 2/22/2014 at 11:08 AM, CD1542 said:

Could be worse, you could be spending it on bad things like hookers and drugs. I say embrace your new addiction!


 hookers and blow ......Jigs and JJs. Is there really a difference?


fishing user avatarMaico1 reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 2:53 AM, Felix77 said:

You know its bad when you go shopping for tackle, go to put it away and find that you already bought it.  LOL

Or finding that bag a few years later stashed away.
fishing user avatar1201vilbig reply : 

My biggest fear is that when I die, my wife will sell my fishing stuff for what I "told" her I paid for it........

fishing user avatartrickwormmaster reply : 

tell me about it. spent $150 at tackle warehouse on a T3 ballistic, some crank baits, blade baits, roboworms and JJs magic. 6 days later i had to check out the bps spring fishing classic. somehow walked out of there spending $160 on all different types of crank baits and soft plastics, plus I'm heading back there this saturday to trade in a rod towards the JM signature series II ($90). I've already got more stuff than ill ever use in a fishing season but i just get hooked seeing the stuff.

fishing user avatarPz3 reply : 

Anybody that is addicted to buying tackle, buy me some if you must. :P

fishing user avatarWbeadlescomb reply : 

2500 ish in the last month or so on rods and reels only spent a couple hundred on lures and stuff. I trick myself with how much I spend on line and lures because I'll go buy 20 at academy 20 at Walmart 20 at gander mountain 20 at 2-3 local tackle shops during the week.

Then tackle warehouse probably gets an order every couple of months but it's usually a big order split between me and another guy.

My name is William beadlescomb and I am a gear head

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 
  On 2/28/2014 at 2:53 AM, Felix77 said:

You know its bad when you go shopping for tackle, go to put it away and find that you already bought it.  LOL

fishing user avatarTalonman reply : 

I am in this club too...


Now that my tacke box is getting close to being maxed out, all of my cash will soon be pointing at rods and reels. (Big money)


Now spending 8 to 25 bucks on baits, will seem like small potatos.


I want more Lews baitcasters, and Dobins rods. (3 or 4 of them) $$$


I actually have considered a second part time job, to help pay for my habbit.


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