Huk (Pronounced "Hook")
Great gear no doubt but I get a lot of stares and questions when I am wearing it. Most common, "What's H-U-K?" Spelling out every letter. Or "What's Huck" and the one that might be specific for me since I am a comic book fan "Why are you wearing a Hulk hat?" They see a phantom "L" there...
Anyone else experience something similar?
On 6/1/2018 at 10:19 PM, NYWayfarer said:Anyone else experience something similar?
No, since I don't own anything from them. At least now I know how to pronounce it, though.
On 6/1/2018 at 10:24 PM, J Francho said:No, since I don't own anything from them. At least now I know how to pronounce it, though.
I always thought "huck"...but why not use an accent character
over the u to give it the "oo" sound?
Hük would be WAY too metal. m/
On 6/1/2018 at 10:19 PM, NYWayfarer said:Huk (Pronounced "Hook")
Aha! So that's how you pronounce it!
On 6/1/2018 at 10:57 PM, Darren. said:I always thought "huck"
I did as well until I caught a random YouTube video from the company called "How do you say our name?"
I actually had one lady say "hook?" when reading my Huk shirt at the boat ramp the other day. I was shocked she got it right.
On 6/1/2018 at 11:03 PM, NYWayfarer said:I did as well until I caught a random YouTube video from the company called "How do you say our name?"
Ok, I get it now, BUT they could have used the actual phonetic
which is hʊk - notice the U is from the international phonetic
I actually think that would have made a cooler looking logo!
You need help, you're hooked on phonics.
It must be raining, because I know it isn't January
On 6/1/2018 at 11:14 PM, J Francho said:You need help, you're hooked on phonics.
Oh that's baaaad.
My wife wondered why they had to spell it that way, I told her it was just a fancy play on phonetics. That said she likes their boxer-briefs they sell at Cabelas. I just can't bring myself to pay 20-something bucks for a single pair of underwear......that is until she tells me she thinks they're sexy.
On 6/1/2018 at 11:19 PM, Choporoz said:It must be raining, because I know it isn't January
It is raining here and I am stuck at work.
On 6/2/2018 at 1:23 AM, A-Jay said:
LOL. Marketing...they removed the diacritical mark over the u that gives it the OO sound! (**I'm having fun with this, and just playing with how we in America mess with pronunciation, spelling, phonetics, and so forth***) I actually think their products are pretty cul. Get it? <shows self out>
On 6/2/2018 at 2:03 AM, Darren. said:I actually think their products are pretty cul.
Is "sool" a word?
On 6/2/2018 at 2:14 AM, J Francho said:Is "sool" a word?
Yeah man, but it's a hard C! <voice of Bill Paxton in Aliens>
You really schuled me on that one.
On 6/2/2018 at 2:17 AM, J Francho said:You really schuled me on that one.
You better lock this thread before we get tu far out of hand.
The name is Dumass.
I always get a kick out of this skit. It's so true!
On 6/2/2018 at 2:36 AM, 12poundbass said:
I always get a kick out of this skit. It's so true!
That was great! Allow me to post the YouTube for everyone:
On 6/2/2018 at 2:43 AM, Darren. said:That was great! Allow me to post the YouTube for everyone:
Thanks! I was trying but gave up.
On 6/2/2018 at 3:06 AM, 12poundbass said:Thanks! I was trying but gave up.
All you need is the YouTube address and it should post
right up.
25% off select gear
I have some, get it on sale. It is very well made and comfortable.
I always pronounced it wrong until I had a buddy that works for AFTCO correct me lol.
Feel like I just got out of class boys, thanks. I’ll never mispronounce Huk in my head ever again.