Hey everyone I just started using crankbaits (idk why so late) but what's everyone favorite crankbait to use! About to hit up the local cabelas and get cranking !
Bandit 300s and wiggle warts for me.
Norman Fat Boy (Redear pattern)
The old chrome body blue back rat-l-trap. Really digging the Berkley warpig too
not really bass fishing but Wally divers and reef runner deep divers for trolling for walleye on Erie are my 2 favorite trolling crankbaits. You do pick up bass, both smallmouth and largemouth as well as the odd muskie doing this at certain times of the year but it's a walleye technique. Wally Divers arent bad casting lures either.
H20 Xpress line of crankbaits from Academy Sports. I've wrecked em' this year on the CRS squarebill. Good paint, hooks, and sound. Can be bought on sale for 2-3$ a piece. I also have a truckload of Strike King squarebill lures which are also great quality but at a higher price.
I've found that the Academy brand H20 Express work well enough without spending much, so I don't flinch if I have to cut it off of a snag. The trebles seem to bend a little easier than I would like, however.
I regularly use, and have success with, the Ghost Shad lipless and Bluegill squarebill.
Bill Lewis Echo 1.75 that Rat-L-Trap sound
KVD 1.5 and lately I've been loving the Rapala scatter rap crank.
How deep ? I have different favorites for different depths .
Anyone ever had any luck with the megabass shad looking crank baits! And thanks for the input guys !
I catch more fish on a Strike King 6XD than any other crankbait. Fish it from 10-20 feet deep.
shallower than that, I like many different brands of baits.
In my home lake, Strike King 5XD this time of year. Earlier in the spring I use the Strike King square bill (2.5 I think?) Black back Chartreuse color, sometimes Sexy Shad. By far my favorite crankbait.
I picked up some kvd series in the 1.5 and xd and the rapala DT in the 6,10 and 14! So I hope works good.
Mann's Baby 1- but lately started using a lot more is Bill Lewis Echo 1.75......think it's gonna become my favorite soon.
Cotton Cordell Big O. The 3 inch model in natural crawfish. The wobble catches big smallies in the springtime muddy water.
My Favorite bait if buying new, 1/2 Oz Chrome/Blue Rattl Trap. They sink at about 1 FPS so offer lot of versatility on depth. Vary your retrieve until you figure out what they will hit. Once I bang the finish off I use steel wool to take the rest of the finish. A sharpie and spray paint creates the new finish and you wind up with different colors. I tend to throw them where I probably shouldn't so they eventualy get lost. You can buy 1/2 oz factory seconds off the web for about $1 a piece, lots of 20. There is an assortment of crank baits in the box, but this is by far my favorite.
In shallow water it is the Mann's 1 minus. In deeper water I have been using a 1/2 ounce rat-l-trap.
Traps and one I can't mention because it is discontinued and I've been quietly cornering the market on them on the 'bay.
If the shad rap is included then that's my answer by a long shot. Without a doubt my biggest bass on cranks have came on these. The jointed version as well.
Might wanna try some jerkbaits. They work year round.
Berkeley pitbull 5.5 for me. I find it runs that perfect tricky depth between shallow and mid range that most other cranks seem to ignore.
Been using Baby 1 minus or Rapala DT series
LC RC 1.5
There is no way I could pick just one ~ No Way.
This is one of my favorite boxes however..
Red eye shad
I have caught thousands with Rapala Shad Rap, Bill Lewis Rat L-Trap, Storm Wiggle Wart, I do have many other brands but those three stand above all.
Usually balsa no specific brand,there's too many.
Redeye lipless and the Rapala DT's, mostly 4,6, and 10. I always have a few rods rigged ready to go, no matter what time of year.