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Best performing jerkbait for YOU? 2025

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I am certainly not meaning to start a brand war here, just wondering what has caught you the most fish?

If you choose "other", please explain.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

About a 3' pointer has landed me the most fish, some big ones over 4 pounds too. But the 78dd is a close second.

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 
About a 3' pointer

WOW  :o

That's a huge pointer dude.  You must have some beasts swiming in your waters  ;)    ;D ;D

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Megabass Vision 110.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

This is my favorite lure class. I have a large collection of Rogues, X-Raps, Husky Jerks, Pointers and Stacey.

The Lucky Craft Pointers are VERY well made and my most productive jerkbaits. The Rapala X-Rap is also VERY well made. The Blue & Silver Husky Jerk is a "must have". For years I have fished Smithwick Rogues. They are a POS, but when they work right, are VERY productive. (If you buy Rogues, test them and take the ones that are defective or BECOME defective back for exchange).


fishing user avatarSPAZ reply : 

Megabass vision 110's by far.

fishing user avatarBallpark Frank reply : 

X-raps and Husky Jerks

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

4' cultiva rippin minnow

fishing user avatarYakAttack reply : 

LC Pointers

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Rapala Original Minnow size 11.

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

I selected the Pointer, but the X-rap has produced just as well for me to be honest.  I generall throw the Slender Pointer, which has a similar action to the X-rap.  If you own should add a few Slender Pointers to your arsenal.  Especially if you fish waters with smallmouth present.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I forgot all about the X-rap and the original floater. Whoops!!

They are added now.

I put up this poll because I have been building my jerkbait collection.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

There are many jerkbaits from where to choose, still, the Original Rapala floating minnow is the one I 've caught the most fish with out of all the jerkbaits I own, not because it 's the best or greatest, it doesn 't even cast well, it 's just a matter of time, no "newer" bait can contest with a bait you 've been fishing with for more than three decades that still catches fish.

BTW, I caught my first 10+ pounder with one.  ;)

fishing user avatarLaineisbosshog reply : 

LC pointer for me as well

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

For me it's X-Raps and Husky jerks. Very productive lures.


fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

Lucky Craft Pointer has to be my favorite.

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 
Lucky Craft Pointer has to be my favorite.


fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

Rapela X-rap all the way!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Zoom Super Fluke

 (soft jerkbait)


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Original RB1200 Smithwick Rattlin' Rogue, Gold/Black Back/Orange Belly  ;)

fishing user avatarnorm2525 reply : 

If we are talking about the best made now, I would say Lucky crafts and Megabass. As far as catching more fish for me Im still partial to swithwick rogues. Also, I have caught more on a zoom super fluke than all the rest combined.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

While the best bait depends on the day here are my overall top 5:

LC pointer 78sp, LC Slender pointer 97mr, Team Daiwa 1091, Smithwick Rogue, Xcalibur XS4

Honorable mention: LC pointer 65sp (works great but catches a lot of small fish), Evergreen M-1 inspire minnow (would make a top ten list), Rapala Husky Jerk (works great for me in non-moving water but not rivers), Megabass Vision 110 (all or nothing bait? either they are all over it or nothing)


fishing user avatarbrian_82 reply : 

Cultiva's and even some of the suspending bps jerks are working for me. I just cant get myself on the LC bandwagon.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

xrap for me, its about the only jerkbait i have ever used (i havent used jerkbaits much, but i want to use em more this year) and i caught quite a few fish off that xrap. its a good lure!

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

 Would like to back RW up on this one. I voted Husky Jerk, don't think I've ever had a Rapala not run straight out of the box. If you get a Rogue that runs true it is GREAT (really like some of their colors too). I have picked one up because of the color :o (only had one) and it was a piece of crap ;)...

                                       As Ever,


fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

For me, by FAR, it has been the #12 Husky Jerk in Tennessee Shad.

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

Didn't vote cuz I couldn't pick more than one ;)  I use the Long A, Rogue, and Redfin with an occasional Rapala.

fishing user avatarCujo reply : 

Rapala original has put many fish in my boat!  

fishing user avatardeadeye32. reply : 

I like using the pointers and have caught lots of fish with them, but I have also done well with the Diawa TD minnows.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Husky jerks have caught me more fish than X-raps, jsut because they have been around longer. I have been fishing X-raps more the last few years though. I would also say the orginal Rapala has caught me alot of fish too.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
About a 3' pointer has landed me the most fish, some big ones over 4 pounds too. But the 78dd is a close second.

Wow, I must have been really tired after work, I meant a 3" Husky Jerk.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
but I have also done well with the Diawa TD minnows.

Very few people mention these but they are a great jerkbaits.



fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
About a 3' pointer has landed me the most fish, some big ones over 4 pounds too. But the 78dd is a close second.

Wow, I must have been really tired after work, I meant a 3" Husky Jerk.

Or maybe you had too much Jack Daniel's? ;D

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Staysee 90SP Ver.2 Spawning Pro Blue

I don't really throw jerkbaits though

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

Vision 110s and pointer 100s are so different it is ridiculous, but my go to bait that I KILL IT on is the pointer 78

fishing user avatartfisherman reply : 

I like the Xcalibur baits so I'd have to go with their XS4 and this year going to use the XT3 some as well.

I like gold and black this has always been a go to color for me anywhere

fishing user avatarX-Rap reply : 

X-Rap 8 all the way


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