Gonna try to get into jiggin' and what to start out good. So I'd like to know what's your go-to jig color(s)??
:-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
Greens, blacks and browns.
But don't stress on color just yet, there are much more important factors (IMO) like learning "feel" and "cadence".
Mix it up.
Black, Black/Blue
1/2 oz black & black, black & blue and watermelon with black flakes.
Trailers: GYCB Flappin' Hog, Paca Craws and Baby Paca Craws, GYCB Fat Baby Craws, Kreature and Double Tail Grub, Double Wide Beaver and Uncle Josh Pork.
When it comes to jigs I 'm as cheap as I can get, since a jig in my hands only last in the best of cases a fishing trip ( you have no idea how many jigs I 've lost on the first cast ) I choose BPS jigs, they are dirt cheap and have good hooks.
Only 2 colors I use are Black/Blue and Western Melon which is green pumpkin that Terminator just made fancier. ;D Terminators are my favorite.
Trailers= GYCB flappin hog II's, Reaction innovation sweet beavers, and of course rage tail craws.
it depends on water clarity 8-)
QuoteOnly 2 colors I use are Black/Blue and Western Melon which is green pumpkin that Terminator just made fancier. ;D Terminators are my favorite.Trailers= GYCB flappin hog II's, Reaction innovation sweet beavers, and of course rage tail craws.
Listen to him, smart fella right there. Got to love that Terminator jig, the trailer hanger is my favorite part. You can keep them nice and compact without always having to fix the trailer.
black, black/blue 90% of the time will be fine.
black & blue paca craw
blue strike king 3X chunk
i've tried the paca craw and they tore a little to easily for my liking.
Jig: Oldham's Lures Trailer Hitch Jig the following colors.
Junebug/Blue Claw
Black Neon
Jig trailer Gene Larew Salty Hawg Craws in 4, 5, & 6 in the following colors.
Black Blue
Junebug/Blue Claw
Black Neon
Whichever one looks pretty at the moment.
Whew,....I feel better now,...I saw a blue crayfish this morning...... : ;D
Not saying blue doesn't work, but has anyone seen a bass eat anything blue?? Kind of makes you wonder if they are hitting the color or the fact that your bait resembles something alive and vulnerable.
Oh wait,...there goes a blue Hellagramite too,.....hmmmmm ;D
Blue is one of my most effective colors for a variety of lure classes.
My theory is that "blue" just appears as another shade of black,
especially in low light, stained or deep water.
Green pumkin or Black 95% of the time.
QuoteMy theory is that "blue" just appears as another shade of black,
especially in low light, stained or deep water.
If I'm fishing a green/brown jig then I use a green/brown trailer. If the jig is black then the trailer is black. I don't get too picky about flakes, swirls, or secondary colors either.
Except for the 1 in a million days when a specific color is dynamite, color doesn't matter and I know that I'll never be able to predict the dynamite color so I don't worry about it.
QuoteExcept for the 1 in a million days when a specific color is dynamite, color doesn't matter and I know that I'll never be able to predict the dynamite color so I don't worry about it.
Good point, but to expound a bit,.......was it a dynamite color or were you in the right place at the right time? Variables we will never know.
QuoteWhew,....I feel better now,...I saw a blue crayfish this morning...... :;D
Not saying blue doesn't work, but has anyone seen a bass eat anything blue?? Kind of makes you wonder if they are hitting the color or the fact that your bait resembles something alive and vulnerable.
Oh wait,...there goes a blue Hellagramite too,.....hmmmmm ;D
LOL, Check this guy out:
The color is natural, and selectively bred in captivity, BUT>>>>
On my home waters, I have caught several crayfish that have blue highlights (not electric blue) in their coloration. I also think blue is a key color in lakes that contain alewife. I'm not a huge color guy myself, but I can accept that blue works pretty often. BUT>>>> as you have pointed out that many catch fish on such and such color in such and such lake because that is all they throw, I made a discovery this past weekend that I suspect was influenced by color. Red GYCB twin tail grubs flat out fished black. It didn't matter what color the jig or the skirt was, as long as it had that trailer. I still slap a black or black blue trailer on 99% of the time, since that's what I have in the box. ;D
This is actually much closer to what I've seen naturally occurring in the waters I fish. Perhaps its the pollution in the Great lakes, LOL.
QuoteGood point, but to expound a bit,.......was it a dynamite color or were you in the right place at the right time? Variables we will never know.
That's why I don't sweat it. Give me green, brown, and black and I'm happy. And of those three between the green and the brown I'll just pick whatever I think looks good that particular day and sometimes I'll be crazy and throw black when I "should" throw green or brown and vice versa.
I fish a variety of different lakes with big swings in water colors and clarity thru out the year so I adjust to each accordingly and have found that in too many instances, "color makes a difference in numbers".
Best all around color IMO is Green Pumpkin....If fish are on the jig bite, you won't ever hurt yourself with that choice.
For those who like blue in the trailer, there is Okee craw color which is Green pumpkin back and blue flake belly.
Big O
I use Black alot. Or any thing pumkin, green, etc. Just natural colors. But when the water is dirty or sometimes even if its not dirty, I use black/blue. Sometimes thinking out of the box works like a charm.
I don't know if different types of craws have different colors during molting, but up here in ohio biger craws turn bright blue when they molt and still have very soft shells. I had some I caught and kept in a fish tank and it was amazing to see. When they molt their claws were electric blue, so I use saphire blue trailers a lot. Just my .02
I use a variety of colors depending on time of year and forage, but my go to color is white.
Thinking out of the box is important. In the spring when the Redwing Blackbird chicks hatch, I will sometimes throw a Grey jig with a white pork against the bank to simulate a chick that has fallen out of the nest. This has been very successful in some lakes that are just mobbed with these birds. Just watch out, they like to divebomb.
QuoteThis is actually much closer to what I've seen naturally occurring in the waters I fish. Perhaps its the pollution in the Great lakes, LOL.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.petfish.net/articles/pix/1crayfish_lynn.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.petfish.net/articles/Invertebrates/blue_crayfish.php&h=312&w=325&sz=25&hl=en&start=7&um=1&usg=___TZPKcYItRWzbLBgpZw7eIg78wc=&tbnid=l1nAOrHKXbq6EM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dblue%2Bcrayfish%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
Manns Stone Jig, has a color that would fit that perfectly, its like a lightbrown/white/blue. You should check that out.
As far as my favorite jig colors/trailers go, I like black/blue or black for heavy stained/muddy water clarities, or on overcast days. (If the water is really clear, and its a overcast day, I will use these colors still)
Greenpumpkin, Watermelon, Watermelon red, or any shades of green/brown in clear or lightly stained water clarity.
As for trailers, Netbait Paca Chunks, and Ragetail Chunks are my favorite, although the downside to them is the claws tend to come off after a fish or two.. but the action is incredible. I will match the trailer color to the color of the jig.
I keep it simple.
Blk/blue jig w/ blk/blue fleck trailer for stained water
brown jig w/ Green Pumpkin trailer for clearer water
Rattle Head Black Jig w/
Green Pumpkin pepper & blue flake craw.
this combo rocks in my area..
I'll start off with my trailer matching the jig. If that doesn't work I will start changing the trailer to try and get more contrast between the skirt and the trailer.