OK OK I'm new to this site, I can't find anything about this all over google, I even emailed the company with no response I backed my reel with mono and then attached the braid and reeled it on my spool tightly ANY suitable lure I throw on it FLYS OFF the spool at the 10 o'clock position even when my control knob is tight and brakes to 10 I seriously can't figure it out I'm pretty sure theres a problem inside the reel ( sorry I'm really new to baitcasters don't tear me apart ahaha!! )
Are you looking to found out how to use a baitcaster reel? setup? If so, Glenn's got a good video on youtube and here is the link.
No like that's the problem with the reel.. It fly's off the spool from the 10 oclock poistion no matter how much I tighten it up and put it to 10 it's like it goes to free spool automatically no way of stopping it. ( like I can't slow it down nothing nothing makes it go slower or ever stop it it's like the tension knob and brake midaswell not be there)
First of all, baitcaster should have some sort of braking systems (ex. centrifugal) on one side of the reel and a tension knob on the other side (located under the reel handle). Make sure they are set correctly, and you might need to practice your timing of release on line spool. If you think that the reel is broke, then either return it or send it DVT to have Mike look at it.
On 3/8/2016 at 9:06 AM, Cody Keegan said:No like that's the problem with the reel.. It fly's off the spool from the 10 oclock poistion no matter how much I tighten it up and put it to 10 it's like it goes to free spool automatically no way of stopping it. ( like I can't slow it down nothing nothing makes it go slower or ever stop it it's like the tension knob and brake midaswell not be there)
What brand and model reel you have?
On 3/8/2016 at 9:19 AM, Dan_the_fisher said:What brand and model reel you have?
Okuma Calera Left
Did you buy it new like this? Assuming you are using it correctly(tension knob) it is having some reel issues
Nope it was working for awhile now it's starting to do this just turning me off baitcasters even more haha
Take a look at the photos in the link above of your reel. You have 3 different ways to add breaking to the spool.
1. The magnetic brake dial on the outside of the reel located on the palming side - Adjust this fairly tight when starting out.
2. Take off the side plate and increase the internal centrifugal brakes. You will see a small red lever next to the numbers. This will need to be increased as well.
3. There is a small circular tension knob on the outside. This will be located just above your handle. Tighten this down to the point that as you press the thumb bar to start the bait in free fall, the bait falls at a fairly slow rate and when the bait hits the ground the spool doesn't over spin an cause an over run.
** Lastly you may have too much line spooled on the reel. Remember that overfilling the reel with line past the 1/8 or 1/16 of an inch below the top will cause the line to jump off the reel and become nearly uncontrollable.
In the event that you bought the reel used it could be missing the tension washer pad(s) inside the the cast control cap. If you tighten in all the way down and it doesn't get any tighter than this is likely the issue.
On 3/8/2016 at 9:36 AM, kickerfish1 said:https://www.google.com/search?q=Okuma+calera&biw=1093&bih=538&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2gcnm96_LAhVhsoMKHaZpANoQ_AUICCgD&dpr=1.25#imgdii=pdBpIDmkOjbOYM%3A%3BpdBpIDmkOjbOYM%3A%3BFONS_IMiBlPCbM%3A&imgrc=pdBpIDmkOjbOYM%3A
Take a look at the photos in the link above of your reel. You have 3 different ways to add breaking to the spool.
1. The magnetic brake dial on the outside of the reel located on the palming side - Adjust this fairly tight when starting out.
2. Take off the side plate and increase the internal centrifugal brakes. You will see a small red lever next to the numbers. This will need to be increased as well.
3. There is a small circular tension knob on the outside. This will be located just above your handle. Tighten this down to the point that as you press the thumb bar to start the bait in free fall, the bait falls at a fairly slow rate and when the bait hits the ground the spool doesn't over spin an cause an over run.
** Lastly you may have too much line spooled on the reel. Remember that overfilling the reel with line past the 1/8 or 1/16 of an inch below the top will cause the line to jump off the reel and become nearly uncontrollable.
In the event that you bought the reel used it could be missing the tension washer pad(s) inside the the cast control cap. If you tighten in all the way down and it doesn't get any tighter than this is likely the issue.
See I saw this, the tension knob is tight as it can get and the magnetic is at 10 and its STILL flying off. And im positive there's not too much line on it reason why I'm thinking something inside is shot and it's messed up.
Did you remove the side cap and adjust the red lever for the internal brakes?
When you engage the thumb bar and put the reel in free spool does the lure fall slowly to the ground. It should drop like a rock with knob set loose and it should either barely fall or not fall at all with it tight.
On 3/8/2016 at 9:42 AM, kickerfish1 said:Did you remove the side cap and adjust the red lever for the internal brakes?
When you engage the thumb bar and put the reel in free spool does the lure fall slowly to the ground. It should drop like a rock with knob set loose and it should either barely fall or not fall at all with it tight.
Yup all the way up its STILL flying. Makes no sense.
On 3/8/2016 at 9:58 AM, Cody Keegan said:Yup all the way up its STILL flying. Makes no sense.
what about you star drag? did you check that?
Yeah loose to tight doesn't matter. Just fly's off. I think it's pooched. Haha
Do you have the reel schematic? Look to make sure the tension knob has the friction washer(s) inside it. They will look like flat tabs and will be on the bottom of the tension knob when you remove it.
Other than that I would say post a picture of your internal brake settings and external brake setting. I would have a hard time believing that the reel worked perfect and now it is uncontrollable without you or somebody else changing the settings or tinkering with something inside it.
I had the Okuma Komodo a few years ago but sold its as I didn't like the adjustment for the internal brakes. Yours has dual brakes so assuming they are set correctly and the tension knob as well as having all internal parts in the correct place and working properly I don't know what to tell you.
On 3/8/2016 at 9:25 AM, Cody Keegan said:Okuma Calera Left
I have an Okuma Krios that is the exact same way. The magnetics are maxed and the brake is tightened all the way. Any cast with some zip and it blows up.
On 3/8/2016 at 10:05 AM, kickerfish1 said:Do you have the reel schematic? Look to make sure the tension knob has the friction washer(s) inside it. They will look like flat tabs and will be on the bottom of the tension knob when you remove it.
Other than that I would say post a picture of your internal brake settings and external brake setting. I would have a hard time believing that the reel worked perfect and now it is uncontrollable without you or somebody else changing the settings or tinkering with something inside it.
I had the Okuma Komodo a few years ago but sold its as I didn't like the adjustment for the internal brakes. Yours has dual brakes so assuming they are set correctly and the tension knob as well as having all internal parts in the correct place and working properly I don't know what to tell you.
I can see that you have the internal and external brakes set to max. At this setting it should be near impossible to backlash even with some force behind it. Your 3rd photo doesn't excactly show the tension cap with is the small cap you removed. If there is a spacer in there that is the next question. If you by you adjusting the tension knob from tight to lose controls the fall rate than that isn't the issue either and it is beyond my knowledge. You could also try removing about 10 yards of line to see if that doesn't help some. If not you have 3 options.
1. Contact Okuma to have it replaced or fixed assuming it is still under warranty
2. Send it to reel service tech to have them look at it see if they can find something wrong with it
3. Take it back or ship it back to where you bought it - perhaps they would refund if the product is defective but they would probably point you to the manufacturer.
I read people are helping you setup your casting reel but I think (correct me if I'm wrong) but you are saying you tightened the tension knob and brakes and when you depress the spool, without casting, they lure still pulls the spool. Is that it's the case yes there Is something not working in the tension knob I would Cantact Okuma again or have Dvt look at it for you.
I'm pretty sure it's out of warranty.. If it is should I just buy a new reel and stay away from Okuma?
Here is a picture in the link of the part I am talking about in the tension knob. If this part is missing it could be the reason why the spool is still spinning fast.
On 3/8/2016 at 11:03 AM, Cody Keegan said:I'm pretty sure it's out of warranty.. If it is should I just buy a new reel and stay away from Okuma?
I may get slammed for this but that is ok. I personally would by the Shimano Citica 200E in the Flea Market here for the price posted. You won't find a better built reel and a more user friendly reel for the money. If not I would shop for any lightly used E series reel from Shimano as they are well built and very easy to use and maintain.
I wouldn't mind having a look at this reel. I've never heard of such a thing as braking going in and out. typically they work or they don't . Send it if you want.
On 3/8/2016 at 11:03 AM, Cody Keegan said:I'm pretty sure it's out of warranty.. If it is should I just buy a new reel and stay away from Okuma?
I would have DVT look at it. Ive never had a problem with Okuma I love their Helios reels. It may just be defective. If you are looking for a new reel always check the flea market wether you buy Shimano or whatever. Personally I am not a fam of Shimano but to each their own
Sounds like you may be missing the spool tension spacer. Without it, despite tightening down on the knob, no tension is placed on the spool shaft. Check the schematic against what you find under the cap. If everything is there, send it off to DVT.
On 3/8/2016 at 12:04 PM, Delaware Valley Tackle said:I wouldn't mind having a look at this reel. I've never heard of such a thing as braking going in and out. typically they work or they don't . Send it if you want.
Emailed you good sir!
This is why I will not buy a reel second hand or a demonstration model. When it comes to a casting reel I never buy a reel that is under $100, never. I'm not made of money, I wait for reels to go on sale or new versions to come out but I try to get a decent reel. What has turned me off to less expensive reels is helping guys in the club with walmart specials, specifically the Lews Laser models and the Abu Garcia black Max reels . The Calera doesn't look to be a bad reel but it has a graphite frame and one good drop may cause a problem, what I'm guessing is a lot of these reels have a washer inside the spool tension knob and they wear out and it either causes squealing or it doesn't allow the user to get enough tension on the spool to make a good cast, basically no tension at all. To the OP, it doesn't mean to stay away from Okuma, basically any casting reel you get can have a problem from any brand, but if you are set on buying an inexpensive reel, buy it new, that way you can return it if there is a problem, as I said, I think you're better off spending a few dollars more but to each their own.
On 3/8/2016 at 9:31 AM, Cody Keegan said:Nope it was working for awhile now it's starting to do this just turning me off baitcasters even more haha
Try not to let one bad experience turn you off. Baitcast reels are a blast to use. I know zilch about your reel. My only Okumas are Helios Air reels, and I think they are fantastic. Keep in mind that shipping and repair cost might not be feasible with a reel that costs about $75 new. Depends on how attached you are to it. I'm guessing shipping both ways and labor would be $30 or a bit more plus any necessary parts. You do get a 10% discount for labor from Mike if you mention you are a member of bassresource.
If you decide on getting another reel and want to keep price at the $75 mark, I'd first look for used. I've gotten some good deals from the Flea Market. I'm like smaljaw67...I'd rather add another $25 to my budget and get a reel that cost $150 or more new. My last used reel was a Revo Premier. Don't recall offhand, but it was in the $100-$130 neighborhood for a reel in excellent condition. It was a $250 reel new. Can't beat that with a 10 foot stick.
I just had such a bad time with them, Like when they casted well it was so much fun and easier to fish but when it bird nested.. That was the worst. Haha I just know you need to use them in certain situations that spinning reels won't cut it so I'm trying my hardest to get good (reason why I wanna fix this reel)
On 3/9/2016 at 5:55 AM, smalljaw67 said:This is why I will not buy a reel second hand or a demonstration model. When it comes to a casting reel I never buy a reel that is under $100, never. I'm not made of money, I wait for reels to go on sale or new versions to come out but I try to get a decent reel. What has turned me off to less expensive reels is helping guys in the club with walmart specials, specifically the Lews Laser models and the Abu Garcia black Max reels . The Calera doesn't look to be a bad reel but it has a graphite frame and one good drop may cause a problem, what I'm guessing is a lot of these reels have a washer inside the spool tension knob and they wear out and it either causes squealing or it doesn't allow the user to get enough tension on the spool to make a good cast, basically no tension at all. To the OP, it doesn't mean to stay away from Okuma, basically any casting reel you get can have a problem from any brand, but if you are set on buying an inexpensive reel, buy it new, that way you can return it if there is a problem, as I said, I think you're better off spending a few dollars more but to each their own.
I disagree with this one hundred percent, no offense. I had no experience with a baitcaster at all before I bought the black max reel for $40. Sure, I had a rough time with it the first few outings but if you practice you will get better. eventually it will become second nature. There are a lot of youtube tutorials on how to get better with a baitcaster, baitcasting for beginners, etc. Another reason I disagree with this is both of my brothers got $300 baitcasters as their first reel and had the same problems I had. Eventually we all got the hang of it. If you have the money, by all means get the best product out there, it might take you less practice before getting it. But If youre in the same boat as me, the "cheaper" reels are fine. Just put in the hours to learn it. It is worth it in the end. Good luck!
On 3/8/2016 at 10:02 AM, JigMe said:what about you star drag? did you check that?
Star drag has nothing to do with free spool. When the spool is in free spin, the main gear does not move at all. The star drag controls the main gear. When a fish takes line, the drag allows the main gear to release and spin backwards. To the OP, i would bet that inside the spool tension cap, the spacer friction washer is missing or possibly broken. If you take the cap off and look inside, is there anything inside the cap?
On 3/9/2016 at 9:03 PM, GetJigginWithIt said:Star drag has nothing to do with free spool. When the spool is in free spin, the main gear does not move at all. The star drag controls the main gear. When a fish takes line, the drag allows the main gear to release and spin backwards. To the OP, i would bet that inside the spool tension cap, the spacer friction washer is missing or possibly broken. If you take the cap off and look inside, is there anything inside the cap?
I had been asking this for about 5 posts....
Send it to DVT and go get you a BPS Pro Qualifier. I can't imagine a better reel for a beginner. That Dual Brake system works
buy daiwa new, with the tension control knob and backlash knob too, and be happy as you don't want a Lews , Okuma, Shimano or anything else
On 3/9/2016 at 10:40 PM, Jaderose said:Send it to DVT and go get you a BPS Pro Qualifier. I can't imagine a better reel for a beginner. That Dual Brake system works
This guy is having a problem with his PQ.
However, I have to think there is a problem with his particular reel...if it is set up correctly....since the PQ is a top rated reel at the $100 and under price point in every such thread.
On 3/10/2016 at 3:27 AM, Slade House said:buy daiwa new, with the tension control knob and backlash knob too, and be happy as you don't want a Lews , Okuma, Shimano or anything else
Whoa! Down boy. Why not? Trying to start a brand war?
About half my reels are Daiwas. I have those other brands you mentioned plus a few others. I am happy with all but two of them...of which one happens to be a Daiwa. I'm hoping a thorough cleaning will solve my displeasure with it and the other reel. The occasional bad reel will slip through QC. That is what a warranty is for.
On 3/9/2016 at 9:07 PM, kickerfish1 said:I had been asking this for about 5 posts....
Yeah I saw that and still no answer.