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Want to upgrade handle on reel 2025

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 

hey guys I have a daiwa sol that I want to upgrade the handle into something else.  I was looking at either the bass pro shops carbonlite handle or the 2010 revo premier handle.  My question is how much do these handles cost and do they come with bearings?

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 


This may help, good luck....

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

First of all, do not try to upgrade for the handle you like but for the handle you can, you 'll run into a lot of compatibility issues, for a Sol the cheapest and fastest handle upgrade is a TDZ handle ( handle, nut and nut cover ) if you want a longer handle a TDZ US Trail handle will fit, those can be purchased directly from Daiwa. For Daiwa there are other handles without compatibility issues, check, they 've got what you need.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

The handles, nuts, and nut retainers will probably fit the crank shaft.  You're issue is going to be the drag star.  BassArt, Office ZPI, I'ze, and a few others all make carbon fiber handles that fit the Sol.

fishing user avatarRussBert reply : 

Here's few pics of my Sol with a Fuego 80mm handle and aZillion 90mm handle. The Zillion handle set sells for about $40, but note that there are no bearings in it.

I should have my Daiwa I'ZE handle here tomorrow and I'll post a couple pics



fishing user avatarRussBert reply : 
The handles, nuts, and nut retainers will probably fit the crank shaft. You're issue is going to be the drag star. BassArt, Office ZPI, I'ze, and a few others all make carbon fiber handles that fit the Sol.

Note that any of these handles sell for about what a new SOL costs  ;)

If you go with a 80mm swept handle, you'll either need a swept drag star, OR you can bend the legs on the stock drag star to fit.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I guess I get better deals....$80-100 for a Bassart handle, Sols are $250 retail. I didn't mention the other options, because they were already mentioned.

fishing user avatarRussBert reply : 
I guess I get better deals....$80-100 for a Bassart handle, Sols are $250 retail. I didn't mention the other options, because they were already mentioned.

A "loaded" ZPI handle is currently selling for $125 (plus $15 shipping) from Japan Tackle.

Sol's can be had new on ebay for $159.99 shipped

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Don't forget shipping from Japan....  Its not the only place to buy.  Just saying.  But you probably want to argue, I'll give you your ego boost, You win, a $150 Sol isn't worth the upgrade.  I have three, they are beat to hell, and have caught a lot more fish than your trailer queens.

fishing user avatarGone_Phishin reply : 

I hope your last comment was in good fun J.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

98% of it was.  ;D

fishing user avatarGone_Phishin reply : 

Cool.  I'm not trying to be the police or anything, but just trying to increase the peace.  8-)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I lied about all the fish I caught.

fishing user avatarRussBert reply : 
Don't forget shipping from Japan.... Its not the only place to buy. Just saying. But you probably want to argue, I'll give you your ego boost, You win, a $150 Sol isn't worth the upgrade. I have three, they are beat to hell, and have caught a lot more fish than your trailer queens.

I ain't arguing, just quoting some prices I've recently seen.

You seem to have a bug up your butt though. What gives? Did I hurt your feelings or something? And most importantly, what did I win?   ;)

fishing user avatarRussBert reply : 
I lied about all the fish I caught.

Catch fish? Heck, I just put purty handles on them reels and take pictures of 'em  ;D

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

No bugs up there. ;)

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 

okay so I have to go another way.  Well would the advantage HSTA handle work on my sol? I know it has bearings in the knobs.

fishing user avatar21farms reply : 

the sol is one of the sweetest reels but the stock handle is exceedingly lame. i put a swept zillion handle on mine but i personally do not like the ribbed knobs on any of my zillions (all kinds of hard-to-get-out gunk gets into those little ribs). most handles from BPS, quantum, abu-garcia and other daiwas reels will fit on the sol but you will have to bend back the arms on the drag star to accommodate a swept handle (easy to do but somewhat nerve-racking).

if you want a carbonlite handle, good luck. those things have been backordered forever. you can order a 2010 premier handle from abu-garcia at (800) 228-4272. here are the parts you'll need and the part numbers and prices:

handle      1196832      $37.00

handle nut      1132928      $4.50

handle nut retainer      1132929      $2.72

handle nut retainer screw      1132930      $2.50

shipping is $3.95-$8.95. i'd definitely recommend ordering more than $50 worth of stuff because that will take 20% off. keep in mind that the premier handle is short...i think it is only 80mm. given the choice, i'd opt for the handle from the pflueger patriarch XT which is longer and about the same price.

believe it or not, if price is a concern, i'd actually recommend the bass pro shops replacement handles. i bought one to check out and ended up buying more for the rest of my abu round reels. the knobs are bushing-supported but they feel and spin as if they had ball bearings. comes in three colors and two lengths.

fishing user avatarRussBert reply : 
okay so I have to go another way. Well would the advantage HSTA handle work on my sol? I know it has bearings in the knobs.


You will also need a handle nut, handle nut plate and nut plate screw

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 

it's not hard to get a carbonlite handle.  My cousin just got one a few days ago from bass pro shops to put on his daiwa fuego, but it didn't fit so well so he put it on his exceler. haha waste of his money.  He said the handle was $10 and shipping was another $10.

Anyways I'm going to buy the johnny morris swept handle(the one with the eva foam grips).  Does anyone know the parts that I need for it like a new drag star, handle nut, nut retainer, etc?

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Before buying why don 't you ask ?

You only need to write to BPS ( Outdoor reel & repair ) and ask if the handle you want is compatible with your reel, the only thing you 'll waste is a little time, you won 't waste any money.

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 

I just got off the online chat with a BPS representative and he said that he will get back to me in "2 DAYS" to see if the handle will fit.  Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait it out.

fishing user avatarUBA reply : 

  The Johnny Morris gold handle does work on the sol, but the drag star has to be modified.

If anyone needs the part numbers let me know.

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 
The Johnny Morris gold handle does work on the sol, but the drag star has to be modified.

If anyone needs the part numbers let me know.

hey I'm interested in buying the johnny morris handle.  I want the eva knobs as well alright.  If I order from bass pro shops for the handle, what will I get?  My cousin ordered the carbonlite handle and he was disappointed because it didn't come with the handle nut and nut cap.  Also what drag star can I buy to make the handle fit?

fishing user avatarUBA reply : 

The Part numbers from my invoice are:

DO*070 JMG10HA Recurve handle

DO*071 JMG10HA handle nut

DO*094 JMG10HA handle nut retainer

DO*095 JMG10HA retainer screw

I do not have the part number for the Eva Knobs as they are sold separately.

I would also recomend adding a Daiwa friction washer or two underneath the handle to help space the handle from the drag star although not ablsolutely necessary.

The drag star will need to be modified by carefully bending the ends slightly in towards the reel.

I hope this helps.

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 
The Part numbers from my invoice are:

DO*070 JMG10HA Recurve handle

DO*071 JMG10HA handle nut

DO*094 JMG10HA handle nut retainer

DO*095 JMG10HA retainer screw

I do not have the part number for the Eva Knobs as they are sold separately.

I would also recomend adding a Daiwa friction washer or two underneath the handle to help space the handle from the drag star although not ablsolutely necessary.

The drag star will need to be modified by carefully bending the ends slightly in towards the reel.

I hope this helps.

thank you for this.  I will order it right away and we'll see how it goes.


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