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How's this for FUGLY? 2025

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

In a pretty sort of way...




fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 

Fugly. That would be a good word to describe it.

fishing user avatarBallpark Frank reply : 

Micro, I must agree. I like the custom colors on some Abu's but that is definitely FUGLY.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

Why??????????????    ;D

And how was it done?

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

absolutley gross....

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I kinda like it.   ;D

fishing user avatardeadeye32. reply : 

I think its pretty cool. how did you get that?

fishing user avatarweknowhowtolive reply : 

I dig it

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

And people think my carrot stix are ugly...... ::)


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I dont care....I'd rock that thing all day, every day and twice on Sunday.

I like it  LOL

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

$50 says Burley has boxers like that.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I think it's cool, but what do I know, my wife says I'm ugly too.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

One thing for sure.. no one would steal it.... it is to identifiable, lmao....

grabs your attention for sure. :) :)

fishing user avatarhawghunter1744 reply : 

I'd fish the hell out of it...

fishing user avatarsal669 reply : 

Holly macaroni !!! :)

Who came up with this "BRIGHT " idea ?????

fishing user avatarCastamasta reply : 

it looks...................fuglybutistillwantit

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 
I kinda like it. ;D

Yeah, I think it's pretty neat. I'd like a combo in Mossy Oak Break-Up® or Duck Blind®! 8-)

fishing user avatarbowtech_182 reply : 

The combo really is fugly.  The mouse pad though I would love to have

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

Where can i not buy one?

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

If you use that rig you better catch some fish because everyone will be watching you.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
$50 says Burley has boxers like that.

Nope, nothing but green camo for my boys.

fishing user avatarwickyman reply : 

Not ugly, really.  It's more of an eccentric collection of color, to attract attention, rather than fish.  Individualism comes to mind.  I personally am not a fan of any camo on my fishing equipment, but then again, I am a simplistic, red kind of guy!  Red, black, and simple yellows are easier for my eyes to look at.  Why have such a fancy color, when all you are going to do, is look at the finish, rather than pay attention to the line?  But again, it's all in personal preference.  It looks like it was finished well.  :)

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 

Someone needs to repent to the Abu gods...

I gotta get that mouse pad.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

I kinda like it...different.  :-[

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

I was expecting to see a picture of a Code.  :)

I get the Abu combo, I know why people would like it and I respect it, but wouldn't own it.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

DON'T DROP IT, YOU MAY NOT FIND IT!!!  It being camo and all.. :)

fishing user avatarwickyman reply : 

The only way you might lose that thing, is if you dropped it in fire orange shag carpet, that is, like 5" long! lol  It's a cool thing to see people do such crazy paint jobs on their equipment!  If you like it that way, then use it! lol  

fishing user avatarmuskyxl reply : 

That reel is kinda like a sounded like a good idea when you were thinkn about fuel consumption. but once your buddy saw you on it... :-/


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