Robby Rose of Garland Texas, someone who I respected, and you would have to if you met the guy.
Leading money winner on our BassChamps partners tour, over 100,000 won in winnings for the weekend warrior type tournaments.
Has his own web site. This guy is as close to a KVD figure, "KVD, please for give for comparing him to you" Always in the top, always a threat, and always been a devoted christian angler.
The Bud Light tournament on Ray Hubbard, Big Bass Splash yesterday saw a 10.61 weighed in. was good for the win
Up for first place, a 55,ooo, Legeng boat.
Soon after, it was said that Robby Rose weighed in a fish that had polygraphers, then Game wardens scratching their heads. 10.81
It is said, and no official word, cause ever thread on our forums was deleated as fast as the news was coming out, that a 1lb weight was found in the bass
Statement on Robby Rose Website this morning read,
Something to the effect. At the BLT, he exercised poor judgement in weighing a fish, he appologies to his lord and family and friends.
Robby could write his own ticket, Boat sponsors and all, everybody always wanted to know when he would go pro all the way, cause what he does around here is amazing,
or was.
I'll post more as it comes out.
Money corrupts.
It was said, a polygraph wasn't administered.
The fish was weighed in, and put into the tank.
The fish went to the bottom and was stuck to the bottom of the tank so to speak.
So the fish was pulled to see what was wrong.
A 16oz salt water sinker was found to be keeping the bass on the bottom of the tank..
No polygraph needed or administered.
close to 134,000 won on local trail .
Obviously, early reports said polygraphers were scratching their heads, but a forum mod., who Glenn knows, JP Greeson, actually site owner as well, has informed us this morning of the some of the details.
Of the exact weight and there was no polygraph needed.
so that is my latest source on this story.
Also, I pmed a few texas guys yesterday, i wanted to let the dust settle, you know how stories grow.
So i elected to wait to post until the dust settled.
Matt, I'm a bit confused. Are you saying WE deleted posts on THIS forum about this topic, or that JP & Crew deleted posts on the TFF forum? Because I'm not aware of us deleting any such posts here.
Also note that JP hasn't contacted me about this topic. So I'm not sure where the connection is being made.
Please clarify.
No, the TFF was deleting threads last night until details were totally known to prevent the smear of an angler.
This morning, as I'm sure you will have noticed, JP posted a picture of the type of weight found in the bass.
I know jack is member of TFF, he's the only one I had mentioned it to prior to posting it today and that was done private.
Sorry if theres confusion.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. For a moment there, I thought you were another person complaining of us deleting posts that never existed! ;D
I've followed it from a couple other forums. Apparently Robby Rose has already taken his personal website down.
I'm not sure how I'd feel now had I placed 2nd place in any previous tournament he won
He's done.
Let's hope anyone else that decides to try it is also finished.
I feel for his wife and children, this is only the beginning and it will be a while before we know exactly what the charges are.
All kind of stories about Robby and this fish. I don't want to stir the pot any more than it is allready. When I get solid information I will post it up.
Matt, I know how you feel. It's pretty bad when Bass Champs requires you to have an observer any time you fish the circuit alone. That can be verified.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive (Sir Walter Scott.)
It's now officially confirmed. Mr. Rose was caught cheating. Everything he is, was, or would have been, is now irrefutably lost.
Right Mike. He was arrested and his web site has been taken down.
Sure hate that he tried that,,glad he got caught,,i would like to think that the tournys i fish are fair,,but sure hate to think of what his consequences will be
The man has a serious addiction & needs help; pray for his family
The folks at the Bud Light Tournament Trail website have posted the information. Go to:
Robby Rose has taken ALL of his websites down. He is now denying that he had anything to do with altering the fish.
Good thing his admission(Apology)(Allegedly) on his website was there for all to see.
Even the Nitro State Team web site was removed yesterday, seems they maybe doing damage control as well.
Robby was a good enough known locally that he gets a new boat every year on sponsorship.
Reminds me of an angry lynch mob wanting justice around the country reading some replies off web sites. Got them pouring into alot of forums across the country.
QuoteEven the Nitro State Team web site was removed yesterday, seems they maybe doing damage control as well.Robby was a good enough known locally that he gets a new boat every year on sponsorship.
Reminds me of an angry lynch mob wanting justice around the country reading some replies off web sites. Got them pouring into alot of forums across the country.
Agreed. Matt, have you seen the response over on the TFF? I think it's up to about 30 pages this morning.
Sad because the man actually had talent
Even I went back to TFF after 4 years just to catch up
QuoteSad because the man actually had talentEven I went back to TFF after 4 years just to catch up
Catt, I'm not so sure he did have talent. Each time he had an observer he didn't catch diddly.
Maybe his talent was in deception.
From what I read the bass he put the lead sinker in was over 9 lbs that takes talent and some other questionable stringer were decent fish to start with. I don't think it was about money but the fame.
I post on here a while back how I've seen guys hock their house, spend their life saving, & give up their family just to keep up with the Jones and most aint even in the top percentile.
QuoteFrom what I read the bass he put the lead sinker in was over 9 lbs that takes talent and some other questionable stringer were decent fish to start with. I don't think it was about money but the fame.
There is a question whether that fish came from fork or not. It is being investigated now. He supposedly caught the fish last week fishing with a guide. No idea if they can or will confirm it though. They took tisue samples before the fish was released. If, in fact, it was caught up there, it might be a slot fish and that might draw the parks and wildlife deeper into it. You can bet the guide will never tell, if it was, and he becomes involved that would be the end of his business. Unless, of course it was an over, then Robby would be within his rights to keep the fish. What ever happens, it's going to be a mess for a while.
Sad truly sad
QuoteSad truly sad![]()
Sent you a PM.
I would hope Tom chimes in on this. I do not know of any Fork guides that allow you to keep a "healthy over" in the first place.
Another, why would Robby need a guide for????
Would you knowingly ask a guide to keep a fish that udoubtedly knows you, and then get caught cheating with a fish that weighed the same minus 1lb weight few days before?
I would think that will prove to be rumor, but who knows. No guide has stepped up and said they had him as a client recently.
Also, almost 20,000 views of the thread on the TFF.