The Bassmaster Elite series tournament for Lake Guntersville is coming up. I've gone through my starting lineup.
Who are you going with?
I have the same except for bucket A and D. For bucket A, I chose Hackney. For D I chose Ehrler. On a lake like Guntersville, it's anyone's game though. Its hard to really pick and chose who will be in the top 5. I wanted to go for Christie in D, but I figured I'd give Ehrler another chance. He's bound to do well before too long.
Yup, I find it all too easy to overthink and overguess. I flopped the Sabine river. But hey! That's the fun of fantasy fishing!
I flopped on the Sabine also.. I think it was my worst performance ever..haha
I think this one could be the toughest event to predict.. Its going to be a slamfest and anyone is capable of winning but Im going to lean toward the power fishermen.. I havent picked KVD in a long time but this event could be perfect for him.. He fishes fast and could do well just because he gets in more casts than most guys.. I am also thinking Randall Tharp may want revenge after how things went down at the 2014 classic on Guntersville, therefore watch out for him..
Flippers will win this one
i have arron martens, randy howell, randall tharp, jason christie, and bobby lane
my second choices were justin lucas, tommy biffle, keith combs, brent ehler (but he hurt me a lot on the sabine), and edwin evers
i didn't know I'm usually of my phone picking my buckets and i just went on on my laptop and had no idea that almost every person i have has the highest % in their group lol on my phone it doesn't tell me the % of people that have each person
Biffle is a wild card he could win anywhere
Id have Mark Davis, Chris lane, howell, tharp, and not sure on my fifth lo
But alas i cant chris lane and mark davis since they are in the same pool! Aarg lol
I've got: A - Hackney, B - Swindle, C - Combs, D - Ehrler, E - Kennedy
I have Mark davis, howell, tharp, t.o, and bobby lane
I went with:
Greg Hackney
Derek Remitz
Ott Defoe
Kelly Jordon
Paul Mueller
hoping for a much better result than i had on sabine, that was a flop and half for me.
Yeah I think the Sabine hurt almost everybody! I changed up and went with Skeet Reese in Bucket D for Guntersville. Sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing and he may be gone tomorrow.
I saw a video Skeets twitter or facebook last night where he stated that he was struggling.. He may be sandbagging but he didnt sound like it..haha
Really interesting results so far today.
Kudos to anyone who picked Brent Ehrler, he is 2nd right now. Glad Ike is on my team, cause he's 6th.
My guys are doing okay. It's amazing how many people have solid limits. It's going to take more than a 5-fish limit to win this thing!
Look at the bottom, though. Randall Tharp, 97th, Stephen Kennedy, rock bottom at 104th, Mike McClelland at 103rd. A lot of people picked them.
Surprises always happen.
I flopped on Sabine too. Worst I'd ever done. I have Martens, Howell, Defoe, Christie, and Evers.
My lineup isnt doing too bad except Tharp.... Look out for these guys that are fishing off shore! Bad weather is coming and they will continue to catch em.. I have Dean Rojas and hes had a good day but is fishing shallow. I look for him to struggle tomorrow..
everybody i have is middle of the pack except for kelly jordon who was 2nd after day 1!!
Shamless, I know. I looked at BassTrakk and Bassresource during my school morning. But I had to, I mean, c'mon! What's the reproductive and digestive systems in an earthworm and the childhood of Charles Dickens when Mike Iaconelli is pounding them on Guntersville?
Couldn't believe my eyes. FOUR of my guys; Ike, Edwin, JLu, and Skeet are in the top 7. That's pretty amazing. Christie isn't doing so well, but better than last. KVD has climbed, as well.
Before you diss me, I know half of you are looking at this comment at work . And bye, I'm back to school.
No dissing by me Senko! Btw, nice job with the Fantasy Lineup!!
I had 1048pts after yesterday and I think it will improve.. Evers finished the day in 50th and I look for him to climb.. Tharp couldnt drop any lower... I think Ike will finish top 3.. Dean Rojas and Ehrler will hold well..
my guys arent doing too well lol
On 4/9/2015 at 6:04 AM, Senko lover said:Yeah I think the Sabine hurt almost everybody! I changed up and went with Skeet Reese in Bucket D for Guntersville. Sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing and he may be gone tomorrow.
Reese is in Bucket C, I know because I have him. My picks are:
A - Jordan Lee
B - Derek Remnitz
C - Skeet Reese
D - Brent Ehrler
E - Boom Boom Roumbanis
With my E pick, I believe I am mathematically eliminated from winning the this event. For my overall points, it will help if Jordan Lee once again comes through with a big day 3, Remnitz can pass Ike and Ehler stay ahead of B. Hite.
I am stoked that right now I am in 208th for the season, which is in the 99th percentile. That means there must be over 20,000 entries, although I bet a couple thousand have already been forgotten about by their owners
On 4/2/2015 at 6:29 AM, fishinphilly said:i have arron martens, randy howell, randall tharp, jason christie, and bobby lane...
Prior to the tournament, that lineup looked impressive.
After day 2, it was ouch, darn, I don't understand? and 2 good performances. I messed up, I had Bobby Lane in Bucket E, but then made a gut decision to change & go for a dark horse in Roumbanis...
This is my first time doing the fantasy fishing thing. Pretty fun so far. Can only go with what I know from watching MLF, Bassmaster, and FLW tournaments last 2 years. I believe KVD and Chris are going to drop me down out of the winnings for this tournament.
Bobby Lane
Chris Lane
VERY happy I have Ike on my team. Picking the leaders always gives good points, and I know he's going to go all out for this one. Ike doesn't fish for second.
Three of my guys, Ike, Skeet, and Christie, are in the top 15, which isn't bad. Edwin Evers was doing really well in the early morning yesterday, but is now in 31. Still better than yesterday. Justin Lucas was a disappointment. He was doing well yesterday for a while too, but he's in 51. I think he made it to today, under 53rd was the cut. So that's good that they all made it.
On 4/11/2015 at 10:14 AM, RSM789 said:Reese is in Bucket C, I know because I have him. My picks are:
A - Jordan Lee
B - Derek Remnitz
C - Skeet Reese
D - Brent Ehrler
E - Boom Boom Roumbanis
With my E pick, I believe I am mathematically eliminated from winning the this event. For my overall points, it will help if Jordan Lee once again comes through with a big day 3, Remnitz can pass Ike and Ehler stay ahead of B. Hite.
I am stoked that right now I am in 208th for the season, which is in the 99th percentile. That means there must be over 20,000 entries, although I bet a couple thousand have already been forgotten about by their owners
Yeah, I'm in the 96.9th percentile. Pretty pumped if I can pull off a good GVille.
My picks helped me jump 50% in overall score after Sabine flop.
All my picks were in the top 35
Glad I made a last-minute decision to add Skeet. I had JPow but switched like the day before the tournament. Congrats to the man in yellow!
Three of my guys made it to the top twelve. I'm happy.
99.40th percentile yesterday, will have to see how that changes once they update it for today.
My mouth dropped after Ike weighed in. From 1st to 12th just like that, a drop of 46 points - I bet that cost someone a $3000 BPS gift card.
If Ike didn't have 55 bonus points (40 for big bag, 15 for leading 3 days), he wouldn't have been high man in his bucket (Remnitz had 290 points, Ike with his bonus had 309).
I just looked and the scores have been updated. Ikes drop combined with Reese, Remnitz & Ehrler moving up put me in 219th place with 2213 points (99.3 percentile). I am guessing with your picks you should be either slightly ahead or just about tied with me. Good luck the rest of the way.
I followed BassTrakk through the day, so I was prepared for the weigh-in. Really feel bad for Ike. What a disappointing day. We are in the exact same percentile at 99.3!
Good Job Senko!
I had a good run going.. I had Ike, Ehrler, and Rojas in the top 12 but all 3 kinda fell yesterday.. I cant believe Ike only weighed in 1... I bet he kept thinking things were gonna turn on and when they didnt, it was too late..
After Sabine, I was below the 50th percentile but now Im at 87.3%.. Im making a comeback!!