Pro-Am tournament, Pro and Amateur fishing for combined weight( or as a team). As a non-boater you draw a boater, the fishing is very tough and it wont take more than about 10 pounds to win and a 4 lb fish will get you a good check. Tourney is from 7am-3pm. At noon your boater has given up, is listening to his radio eating lunch with his feet kicked up. He won't run the trolling motor and the wind is blowing around everywhere. He makes cell phone calls to make plans for his evening. You being the die hard fisherman you are has to pitch a lure at the same stump for 2 hours, because your boater has given up and you havent yet.
In the end you were forced to quit early, because the boater quit at 2:30, you blank and dont earn any points, and your $100 entry fee is down the drain.
What would you have done or said in this situation?
I would've probably asked him if he knew Mike Iaconelli. When he said "yes", I would have screamed NEVER GIVE UP! at him and told him that he needed to get up and start casting. You won't catch a whole lot of fish without having your line in the water.
QuoteSituation:Pro-Am tournament, Pro and Amateur fishing for combined weight( or as a team). As a non-boater you draw a boater, the fishing is very tough and it wont take more than about 10 pounds to win and a 4 lb fish will get you a good check. Tourney is from 7am-3pm. At noon your boater has given up, is listening to his radio eating lunch with his feet kicked up. He won't run the trolling motor and the wind is blowing around everywhere. He makes cell phone calls to make plans for his evening. You being the die hard fisherman you are has to pitch a lure at the same stump for 2 hours, because your boater has given up and you havent yet.
In the end you were forced to quit early, because the boater quit at 2:30, you blank and dont earn any points, and your $100 entry fee is down the drain.
What would you have done or said in this situation?
Kicked him in the **** and took over the trolling motor!
Man, I just don't get it...
QuoteMan, I just don't get it...8-)
We know RW......we know
That's just sad. The guy shouldn't have even signed up for the tourney. As a boater he had a resonsibility to the team. Even if he didn't want to continue he should have stepped aside and let you have the front of the boat.
Aww man that is terrible. How hard is it to snag a couple dinks just to say you got something?
You must have been fishing in NC, I know some guy's that talk on the phone all the time. I don't see why they even bother to fish. But like was said before, I would have to go ballistic on him.
he should have atleast given you the front of the boat
Quotehe should have atleast given you the front of the boat
X2. I really don't know what I would do in this situation.
I'd just take over the front end of the boat. If you dont want to fish that fine with me, but I want to fish so you can sit down, shut up, and hold on!
Also notice, on pro tour there is a rule where co-anglers cant drive the pro's boat to spots to spots unless the pro is disable!!
I dont know if you have same rule on your tournament tour or if it applies to trolling motor. But in any event you do have that rule I'll defitnley contact tournament director then tell him what situation is and maybe he'll let you bend the rules.
That really sucks !
Did you ask your boater if he would let you the front of the boat ?
Or did he expressly tell you not to take control of the boat ?
Anyway, I would feel pretty bad. That guy should not fish tournament if he can't even fish 'till the end of the day. :-?
QuoteAlso notice, on pro tour there is a rule where co-anglers cant drive the pro's boat to spots to spots unless the pro is disable!!
well then i'd disable him ;D i don't know bout yall but i'd be pi$$ed if someone wasted my tourny fee
What kind of "pro" was this? I think I would have told the guy that if he wanted to give up, he could reimburse my entry fees...
Thats a good point flechero
QuoteAww man that is terrible. How hard is it to snag a couple dinks just to say you got something?
At the Lake BassPro05 is talking about, the last two weeks 2 dinks in 8 hours would put you in the top 10, or even the top 5. Fifth place in a March 30th tournament was 2 fish at 4 lbs 9 oz (out of 51 boats). Fifth place in the April 6th tournament was 2 fish at 5 lbs 12 oz (out of 60 boats). Tough fishing.
File a charge with the T.D. You can't take back being treated unfairly and feeling abused by this low-life, but you might be able to stop it from happening to anyone else! >
At our tournaments, we only have a 30-minute (after weigh-in) span to file a charge.
If this is the same for him here, well I guess it's sort of late.
How big an Ole Boy is he?
size shouldnt matter, if it comes to the point where im gonna popknot someone then im gonna do it no matter how big they are or think they areQuoteHow big an Ole Boy is he?![]()
Welcome back cajun!
What lake was it ???
I'm local to you guys and I'm just curious.
QuoteWhat lake was it ???I'm local to you guys and I'm just curious.
Smithville Lake.
Personally I do not know any boater that would do this.
If it did happen I would have not said a word, just .
walked up front with rod in hand got on the TM and fished my rear off until time to go in.
there are always two sides to the story. who knows what that guy had going on.
i recently ruined a co-anglers day. i thought i filled my tank, so i reset my fuel flow to 50 gallons... ran around for a week, and had only used 25, so i thought i had 25 left... turned out it was 15, as i found out about a mile from the weigh in with 5 minutes to go. no time to flag a ride. he was fishing for points in the series. bad day for him. man i felt bad.
but isnt all this the risk you run as a non-boater. its truly the luck of the draw.
ive never seen a tournament with a draw/team format. is this a local club or something?
Theres a huge!!!!!!!!!difference between intentional and unintentional. Stuff happens, motors blow, heat sensors give up, boats run out of gas, batteries discharge....but boaters don't give up! If not for them then their partner for the day. I wish I knew who the guy was...If I ever got around him I'd use my 8' flippin stick on his shoulder blades, bet that would get him off the phone.
@ warmer, there a few tournament series ive seen that use a draw format. BFL's in oklahoma do if i recall right, and the ABA does no matter where the tourney is at.
in response to the question, id pry have just walked up from and got on the TM. If hed ask me why i did that, id say "you seem to have given up, so im goin to run the TM, if there is a problem, then come back up here and run it." just by the way the question is set up, it seems that there arent any "extenuating circumstances". If it was batteries or somethin to that effect, it happens, but that boater should be trying his hardest to put his non-boater on the fish. If i did somethin like that, id expect the non-boater to kick me out the boat.
Id make it well known I was jacked.
Been there TWICE! One was a open tournament and the other was a Redman Tournment on Carlyle Lake IL(IIRC). On the first time the guy's middle name was Van and he later had some sccess as a pro. He tied us up to a stump and and we sat there for the last 2.5 hours throwing to the same spot.
On Carlyle all the guy (a local) wanted to do was sit anchored under a bridge. That time, in no uncertain terms, I demanded my turn. In that last 2 hours I caught enough to finish in the top 10. Turns out he was afraid I would scratch up his new Ranger and I probably did!