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Pictures & Videos from the Classic Day 2 2025

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Hi Folks,

Here's some shots we took today at the Bassmaster's Classic:








fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 




























fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 


fishing user avatarOHIO reply : 

That second to last picture is pretty cool. Thanks.

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

the top 5 pros will cry when kvd wins teehee

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
the top 5 pros will cry when kvd wins teehee

Dude don't jynx him lol

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
the top 5 pros will cry when kvd wins teehee

Dude don't jynx him lol

A jinx doesn't work on KVD. I'm sure every guy in the field has tried to put the bad mojo on him at some point already.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

You can't jinx waypoints.  ::)

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
You can't jinx waypoints. ::)

What's that mean?

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

You can have as many way points as you want....ya still have to fish them right at the RIGHT time.... ;)

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Yep, your prefishing is very easy when you receive a bunch of waypoints from locals. That's the buzz going on around here. He hasn't broken any rules but he has received a lot of help with this one. We might see some rules change after this Classic.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 
Yep, your prefishing is very easy when you receive a bunch of waypoints from locals. That's the buzz going on around here. He hasn't broken any rules but he has received a lot of help with this one. We might see some rules change after this Classic.

Fluke....that really isn't anything new is it??? I have heard of this happening around my area but never any proof...just talk. I believe it is a VERY gray area...a heartbeat away from cheating. But that is just me. I would be surprised to hear that was the case with KVD and if so...shame on him. Just because something isn't listed in the rules as cheating...your heart and soul should tell you what is and isn't. IMHO :(

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 


Thanks for the up close and personals Glenn....makes us snow bound dudes a little warmer. On a good note, I can now see my front walk!!!!

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
Yep, your prefishing is very easy when you receive a bunch of waypoints from locals. That's the buzz going on around here. He hasn't broken any rules but he has received a lot of help with this one. We might see some rules change after this Classic.

I knew the FLW pros could get "outside information", but I didn't think the BASS guys could.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
Yep, your prefishing is very easy when you receive a bunch of waypoints from locals. That's the buzz going on around here. He hasn't broken any rules but he has received a lot of help with this one. We might see some rules change after this Classic.

I knew the FLW pros could get "outside information", but I didn't think the BASS guys could.

Last I knew they could no get any outside info within 30 days of an event.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
Yep, your prefishing is very easy when you receive a bunch of waypoints from locals. That's the buzz going on around here. He hasn't broken any rules but he has received a lot of help with this one. We might see some rules change after this Classic.

I knew the FLW pros could get "outside information", but I didn't think the BASS guys could.

Last I knew they could no get any outside info within 30 days of an event.

Ok, so he could have gotten the waypoints (if he actually did this) before the 30 day cut-off point.  If everyone else could do this, what's the big deal?  KVD wasn't the only angler fishing that area this week.  He just seems to be the one to fishing it the best.

fishing user avatareyedabassman reply : 
Yep, your prefishing is very easy when you receive a bunch of waypoints from locals. That's the buzz going on around here. He hasn't broken any rules but he has received a lot of help with this one. We might see some rules change after this Classic.

I knew the FLW pros could get "outside information", but I didn't think the BASS guys could.

Last I knew they could no get any outside info within 30 days of an event.

Ok, so he could have gotten the waypoints (if he actually did this) before the 30 day cut-off point. If everyone else could do this, what's the big deal? KVD wasn't the only angler fishing that area this week. He just seems to be the one to fishing it the best.

Are we just jumping the gun alittle bit? For one ,does anyone know this to ba a fact? And if it was before the 30 day cut off then he is legal and every other BassMaster could have had the same info or had the chance to get it! KVD I would think would NEVER cheat to win. He is on the top of his game and in my mind ,is the very best of the best! So untill this rumor becomes a fact he is my man!

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Haters gonna hate.

fishing user avatarNova Kaw 650 reply : 
Haters gonna hate.

So true.

It only takes a few keystrokes to start a rumor.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Just for the record...I don't believe it... and I don't want to be a hater...hell...I don't even know what that means!!!!

Hey Matt 5.0 we need to get out this year!!!! ;)

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Fact is they all do it, some use guides, etc. There is no stopping it.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Anyone catch Aaron Martens wife and how unhappy she looked. They must already know or doesnt want to hear him complain about another second place for a year.

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 


fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Thanks for the great pictures Glenn.

fishing user avatarsix-mile C-Rig reply : 
Fact is they all do it, some use guides, etc. There is no stopping it.

this is 100% correct.  In fact, there are guides around my home lake that advertise, in plain english, these services.  There is no way that these pros could survive without some information from locals.  There is just simply tooo much water to cover in preparation for these tournaments.

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
Just for the record...I don't believe it... and I don't want to be a hater...hell...I don't even know what that means!!!!

Hey Matt 5.0 we need to get out this year!!!! ;)

Right on, we need to drag that kid Mike out on the water too. If his Crohn's will let him.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

Thanks for the great pics

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

Thanks for the up close and personals Glenn....makes us snow bound dudes a little warmer. On a good note, I can now see my front walk!!!!

Lucky, Its 21degrees and i just got 12in of snow dumped on me :(

fishing user avatarbasspro96 reply : 

I heard the voodoo stores were selling alot of KVD voodoo dolls.....Still didn't work


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