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New Hair Jig Experiment??? 2025

fishing user avatarFIAB reply : 

I saw a fly pattern that was tied similar to this but just on a bare hook.....I thought I would try and put it on a jig head.  Let me know what you think and what ya might see wrong with it.


fishing user avatarAluma-Bass reply : 

very cool lookin jig!!  :o  send some my way and ill let ya know how they work  :o

fishing user avatarbackwater4 reply : 

8-) I like it!

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Looks great, BH-Jig!

Man, I gotta get back to tying again.

fishing user avatarFishin247365 reply : 

Awesome! Remarkable job!

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

I would definitely try that. Maybe different color but yeah, never seen something like that.

fishing user avatarFIAB reply : 

Thanks all,

I don't think I like the claws.....they seem to be a little bulky to me.  I need to cut them down a make them a little smaller profile I think.  I don't think the eyes would last very long (not that they are really needed....they just look cool) I need to find a better way to attach them.

Scorcher214 - what other color would you like to see.  I tend to get in a rut trying to make everything an olive or watermelon pumkin color.

Aluma-Bass - PM Sent

fishing user avatarHamby reply : 

You should put a weed guard on.

How long does it take you to make one of these?

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I could see a bass inhaling that.  Claws look good too.

fishing user avatarFIAB reply : 


They take about an hour if everything goes good.  If I break my thread I have to start all over.........and

crawfish don't have weedguards.

fishing user avatarFishwhittler reply : 

That's amazing.  The claws look good to me as they are.  8-)

fishing user avatarHamby reply : 

Yeah they look like they take an hour or more to make. Almost too nice looking to fish with!

fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 

That looks good, I bet those pinchers have a nice action in the water.  Reminds me of a small Yum Crawbug on a naked jig but yours is probably a little more lifelike for sure, nice job. 

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

thats sweet looking.  Very nice job.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Those look awesome! I bet the bass wouldn't be able to stand it after watching the first twitch.

fishing user avatarFIAB reply : 

MFBAB - The claws are made from ultrasuede.  They do not have very much action....they just kind of stand up.  But with this jig I did not want much action.  The reason for the spun hair on the jig is to slow the rate of fall of the jig. 

This one is tied on a 1/2 oz jig and falls much slower than a 1/4 oz jig.

The ultrasuede used on this jig is still not what I'm looking for.  I just got some in the other day that is upholstery grade and I'm hoping it will work better.......I have had my man card punched three times already going into fabric stores looking for the right material to use for the claws.

If I ever get a chance I'll try to do a video of how it looks in the water.

fishing user avatarrezbass reply : 

Awesome looking jig!  Have you seen those old trailers that were made of a tough sponge? Those might be the ticket for the claws...   Or feathers maybe?

fishing user avatarFIAB reply : 


I have not seen or do not know what your talking about on the tough sponge, but if it can be cut and colored it might work.  As far as feathers, I really don't like using them....they just don't hold up very long.  I can always use rabbit zonkers for the claws but they look more like a trailer than claws...I was trying to make it look as much like a crawfish as possible.

Do you have an example of the tough sponge that I can look at....(link to a picture of it).

Below is an example of one that I have tied with rabbit zonkers for a trailer.

fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 
MFBAB - The claws are made from ultrasuede. They do not have very much action....they just kind of stand up. But with this jig I did not want much action.

I get it, I wasn't talking about a flapping action like a Rage Craw or something. I like that bouyancy deal, kind of like an Uncle Josh, it is subtle but it never really stays still in the water whether you are actually moving it or not. LOL on the man card, I have found myself in some funny places looking for tying supplies too :o

fishing user avatarrezbass reply : 

I tried a search and came up empty on trying to find a link to the sponge trailers I was talking about.  I can't remember where I got them, but they were shaped like a pork trailer.  Didn't hurt to let them dry out as they were easily rehydrated.  I haven't seen them around for 10+ years... not much help i know...

fishing user avatarSteve_IA reply : 

Whole rabbit pelts are available from most fly tying suppliers (5 - 6 dollars each).  Shave the fur pretty close (but not completely off) and the hide can be cut as you have the ultra-suede.  Tie fur side up and the tiny air bubbles will want to lift the hide claws independant of your action.

Nice looking jig.


fishing user avatarFIAB reply : 


That's not a bad idea, I may have to try that.  Could be alot more costly than ultrasuede (but if I am not able to get ultrasuede).  The only problem I have found this year using rabbit is that the color fades pretty quick (in about 6 months if used.......not shelf life)


fishing user avatarNine Miler reply : 

I want some like the first one, with a weed guard in 3/4 and 1/2.  I'm serious. Heh.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

Man those are awesome.  I love the first one as well.  Would love to get a couple of those.  Awesome job bud.

fishing user avatarFIAB reply : 

Nine Miler and bassman31783 I would love to have some more this time I am having real trouble trying to get the material to make the claws.  Right now I would have to buy a bolt of the material at over $100 per bolt.  Not only will I not pay that, that would be enough material for my great great grandchildren to use.

Still looking into other options (such as rabbit hair) just have not ordered a whole hide yet to try.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Very nice and creative.  I'd eat it!!


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