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Other than black bass, what do like to fish for the most? 2025

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 

I would have to say anything in the bream or cichlid family!

Easy to catch and very spunky!

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

wild trout


fishing user avatarCookieMonst3r reply : 

Black Drum

Red Drum (Redfish)

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 


fishing user avatarKrzkev reply : 

Singlehandedly the Peacock bass, probably the best freshwater fighter out there, too bad they don't live in cooled water temps though, so everyone could experience them as well.


fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

Perch and crappie for me, but I have to drive quite a ways to get to some. :-/

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 




fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Fresh: smallies & peacocks

Salt: tarpon & snook

If I still lived in South Florida, largemouth fishing would probably account for about 5% of my fishing as opposed to 95% up here in the state I hate from November to February.

fishing user avatarStill a Bigbuckifan reply : 


I work for a guy who runs a fish farm by my house. These things are a blast to catch. There in the same family as snook and nile perch.


fishing user avatarMNBassguy reply : 
Singlehandedly the Peacock bass, probably the best freshwater fighter out there, too bad they don't live in cooled water temps though, so everyone could experience them as well.

Muskie is what I chase when im not Bassin.

How's that peacock population doing down there.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

It's a tie between bluegill on a flyrod and rock bass (goggle eye) out of the river.  Or maybe crappie!  Or white bass.  Arghhhhh!!!  Too many choices!  Too little time!

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

Crappie and gills on ultra lite. Nothing fights like a 1lb+ gill. They're just insane. If they could breed 5lb gills that would be awesome.

Saltwater - bluefish just for the fight, especially the little "snapper" blues on light saltwater spinning gear.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Crappie, when it's time to get a proper munch on.

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

I like to fish for largemouth #1, but also spend a lot of time fishing for stripers, channel cats and flathead cats. Caught a 25# flathead last year on a medium action baitcasting rig. WOW. Took about 20 minutes to boat it.     Happy fishing.


fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

My Fishing Season.

Jan. ice fish walleye and some lake trout/white fish. On Warmer days I Steelhead Northshore of Lake Ont.

Feb-March More Steelheading

April Perch and Crappie Mostly catch and eat.

May - June walleye popping bucktails C&R and some tournaments

      Northern Pike Tournaments this is something new for me.

July - Sept Bass tournaments a good mixture of Largies and Smallies.

Oct. - Dec. Perch C&E Walleye and Steelheading some bass fishing.

Thats about my deal for the last 30 years I throw in Carb fishing and bullheads (small cats) and anyting else theres time for.

Now my Fav. is the next season so that would be ice fishing for walleye but the stealies are going good.


fishing user avatarsecretlakes reply : 

i like to catch white perch in the lagoons around my town since i live near barnegat bay. you never know what you'll pull up when you fish brackish water. the pic is a stock photo, my pics are stored in my laptop and can't get a connection right now. they are little but they fight hard, and if u find one you've found them all.


fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Bream - Bluegill, Panfish, Sunfish, etc. They are little but mighty for their size.

I've been thinking about winter Striper fishing here at night but I can't find anybody who'll bear the cold night temps with me on Lake Norman. I really don't like going out in my boat at night alone. I caught a couple this year during the day and Man, what a fight. :D

fishing user avatarBassinSoldier reply : 

Love to chase bream with my 6yr old daughter.  I have a 1yr. old waitin for me at home now too and shell be getting her first trip this coming spring!  I sure can't wait!!!  Can't beat a can o' worms, a lil ultralight, and my lil girls to keep me smilin!

fishing user avatarjeosbo01 reply : 

I'm a big fan of Sauger and Crappie, both are fun to catch and can usually be found from the shore when it is to cold for me to chase bass.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I bass fish exclusivly from April to November. In the winter I hit the ice for some bluegills

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

White bass is another great fish to catch.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 


fishing user avatarmrbassky reply : 
Singlehandedly the Peacock bass, probably the best freshwater fighter out there, too bad they don't live in cooled water temps though, so everyone could experience them as well.

Muskie is what I chase when im not Bassin.

How's that peacock population doing down there.

Muskie as well.

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

Crappie, fly fishing for trout, stripers, and smallmouth. Crappie are a blast because if you catch one, you'll usually catch alot more.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Everything! We sometimes fish with live shad, cut bait and nightcrawlers in a channel off of the Mississippi and we catch a little bit of everything that swims...Usually hoping for big cats, but enjoy catching white bass, bowfin, largemouth, smallmouth, spots, carp, gar, drum, etc...

fishing user avatarjeosbo01 reply : 
Everything! We sometimes fish with live shad, cut bait and nightcrawlers in a channel off of the Mississippi and we catch a little bit of everything that swims...Usually hoping for big cats, but enjoy catching white bass, bowfin, largemouth, smallmouth, spots, carp, gar, drum, etc...

Normally I HATE catching drum, but I nailed a 23 inch one this spring at the Falls of the Ohio while fishing for sauger on ultra-lite gear and man was it ever a blast! Took me a good 15-20 minutes to play that slimy beast in :)

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

I LOVE catching dolphin and sailfish.

fishing user avatarDADto4 reply : 

crappie and bluegill with the kids is a blast ;)


fishing user avatarDADto4 reply : 



fishing user avatarDADto4 reply : 

last one


fishing user avatarDADto4 reply : 

And I'm usually left with this ;D

So I have to brag on the kids!


fishing user avatarYakfish reply : 

Pickerel. I was getting skunked one day this summer while my brother and a couple buddies were reeling in the LM's but the pickerel were going nuts for my top water frog so I went with it. Without a doubt the most ferocious strikes I've ever seen. Not the easiest hooksets but it was a blast watching those mean SOB's jump (reminiscent of the creatures in Tremors). I caught no bass at all that day and left with stinky, slimy hands but I think I had more fun than anyone else on the water

fishing user avatarPondHunter reply : 

Pike. Even the small ones fight better than a bass will.

fishing user avatarshaw24 reply : 
And I'm usually left with this ;D

So I have to brag on the kids!

That thing is huge!!!! When it gets warmer we still need to get together and do some fishing.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

Catfish or spanish and king mackerel, flounder, grouper, anything offshore.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I agree with the other Floridians.

For me in saltwater, it's jack, snook and tarpon.

Freshwater it's peacocks and bass are way down on my list.  Bass is what I fish for when the ocean bite is off and I'm bored.

Excited to try barramundi.

fishing user avatarBayou Bass reply : 

For freshwater I would have to say crappie (we call them sac-a-lait down here) and bream.

Most of my fishing is inshore saltwater and we go for speckled trout and redfish.  Our limit is 25 specs and 5 reds so when the action is on we have a blast.  

fishing user avataralger319 reply : 







fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

I like fishing for catfish and crappie in freshwater and croaker and rock in saltwater all within 5 mins of each other i love living on a penisula sorrounded by saltwater  and so many farm ponds its paradise minus the snow and ICE

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

My former saltwater location, New Smyrna Beach, makes me miss the redfish

fishing user avatarNitroMan reply : 

Blue cats!!!! ;)

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

Muskie & Fly Fishing for Trout/Steelhead

fishing user avatarDawsonH reply : 

anything that will bite on the other end of my line. Spent a lot of time last summer fishing for alligator gar. Got one about 80lbs and 5'6'' long. That puts a bow in your bass rod  ;D

fishing user avatarsilvercliff_46 reply : 

Bluegill and Crappie on the fly rod.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Pickerel.  Luv 'em.

fishing user avatarBassnMan Mike reply : 

When were not bass fishing my buddy Tom and I like to catch crappie, striped bass and native trout.


fishing user avatarcofishingrl reply : 

Lake trout. Right after ice out they're close to shore and hungry!

Cutthroat trout. They prefer high mountain lakes and streams.

Catfish. I'm surprised at how hard they fight!




fishing user avatarBassFishingMachine reply : 

I fish for a variety of fish year round, Though my top 3 favorites are Largemouth, Fluke, and Striper.

fishing user avatarLauren reply : 

[tt]Crappie, sunfish, and bluegill![/tt]

fishing user avatarBernie Mac reply : 

WOW...I thought this post would kinda keep going but died out, and I'm surprised know one included Salmon (any variety) By far the favorite to fish for when Bass season is closed in the fall. Here's a 36" (only one that season, limited time) when I came home for R&R from Iraq in late Oct '08



fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

My buddies and fish for Salmon starting around mid August through October, and then browns and winter steelhead through about now.  Its tough to decide whether to go catch a dozen salmon in the river, or go out for giant smallies in the fall.







fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

Thats definitely a tough one... I love fishing for redfish, but i must say i have the most fun catching large jack crevalle.

fishing user avatarCatBassin reply : 

Bream and big cats.

fishing user avatarjeosbo01 reply : 

This weeks winner is tasty, tasty CRAPPIE!



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