I know some of you are pretty much multi-species anglers, which is cool. So am I
But even for those of you that only fish for bass, your still going to stick a nice bonus fish, of a different species now and then, right ?
Well anyway, not to put down some nice Stripers and Sturgeon I've caught in the last few years....
But without hardly a second thought, I'm still kind of blown away by those monster Red Ear Sunfish I was sticking last Summer ! I've wanted to get into some giant sunnies for years, and it finally happened.
I'm SOOO hoping to get into them again Fantastic eating too.... {sensible, selective harvest, of course}
Come on 4lb + !
3.2 lbs, 14 3/4"
3.1 lbs
Come on babies ! Bite me again this year !
WOW, great sunnies Chris!
Chris, sweet fish! and it looks like your workout regimen has been paying dividends, nice job man.
I'm an artlure angler which means that I try to catch as many species as possible on lures in competition day. This often means that there is no time to really chase trophies. This makes a trophy all the more special to me. I agree that size alone doesn't make a trophy. I treasure a number of big Zambezi river bream I have caught more than my national and provincial record fish of other species. Those are lovely fish.
If I could find/catch bluegill like those depicted, I'd probably give up bass fishing altogether.
Probably my "trophy" catch is hooking a 30" muskie on 6 lb line. 30" isn't big by any means but it was caught in the river current and it pulled hard. I thought I had on a world record smallmouth (what I was fishing for) so I was simultaneously disappointed and elated when I saw it was a muskie.
Those are sweet red ears, man!
I fish what we got, and since the only open water in winter is trout water, that's what I fish.....
Beauties so far. Here a few of my favorites.
WOW - great fish above!
I only fish my little neighborhood lakes and don't get to big water at all. I target bass, but have collateral catches of bluegill, redear, warmouth, white crappie, channel cat, yellow perch, and stocker rainbows. The only "big game" I have are grass carp. Some folks don't like 'em, but I'll never turn down the opportunity to fight and land a 40-50 pound class fish!
I don't think that's a carp. I believe it is a buffalo fish.
On 4/6/2012 at 9:08 AM, roadwarrior said:I don't think that's a carp. I believe it is a buffalo fish.
Hey RW, they do look similar huh.
Anyway, my photos are of triploid (sterile) grass carp (aka white amur), specifically stocked for aquatic weed control. Very controversial in my little lakes - while they are great fun to fight, they eat the cover used by the forage fish and by the bass...with negative effects on all the other species in the lakes.
Wow ! Great replies guys Thank you.
JF, that German Brown is absolutely awesome !!! I am SO envious of that catch there buddy
Dwight, you really are the man ! What I wouldn't give to catch any of those awesome sportfish your holding there ! Especially the first two
Goose, those White Amurs are (from what I've heard) some of the hardest pulling fish you will ever find ! Fast ! Strong ! I saw HUGE ones in some of the lakes I fished in LA and AR, but never could get one to bite anything Keep after those big strong suckers
Keep em' coming guys. Doesn't have to be huge, just a good one, but not a bass
1lb 15oz
Fun thread. Here are my favs
Silver Carp. Dime a dozen, but loads of fun
It be a garrrrr!
Oh, and by the way...GREAT Sunnies!
Some of my favorite "other" fish.
Wipers or hybrids.
Probably my favorite individual fish is this 20+ lb catfish I caught on 4lb test crappie fishing. It ate a 2" power minnow on a 1/32oz jighead under a bobber and took me 55 minutes to land by myself. It was funny because I was giving my wife a play by play of the whole fight over the phone. I had it on speaker phone sitting on my pedastal seat the whole time. You can see my phone on top of my tackle box in the picture. The gentleman that was nice enough to take my picture also did an excellent job.
10lb+, 30"+ chain pickerel. I kick myself every day for letting it go without a photo OR calling the fish commission.
The most awesome fish I caught was a 100# amberjack, world record is about 150#. I've caught larger fish but none that have fought harder, sorry to say a computer crash lost this photo and some other great fish from an outing in P.V. Mexico. I was on a charter with 2 other fisherman, I get a strike using a fairly hefty offshore conventional rig, battled this fish for quite a while till I run out of energy and barely got it off the bottom, hand the rod to another guy, 6'4, 240# of rippling muscle, he fought it until he ran into the head and puked his guts out for the rest of the trip, a third man handled the fish for awhile then I got the rod back and finally land it. We would never have landed this fish without the captain chasing it down with the boat.
In recent history fishing in my " backyard" in Florida, I've had some notable catches, but nothing rivaling the amberjack.
About a 35# amberjack
Jack Crevelle
Reef Shark
25-30 lb mahi which was a slightly better fight than the two 35+ sailfish from that day, but I just booked a trip to costa rica for new years so hopefully my trophy will be broken soon.
Awesome guys
I've got start carrying a camera!
My pride and joy of trophy catch would be my first ever landed blue marlin. Have fished 4 days for one of these and hooked up to 3, but this is the only one I have ever landed! The day before my wedding, guys trip!
Eradicating the invasive species!
3 of these in one day will wear you out! Especially when you dont fish BIG water as frequently as you would like!
Bad picture but my first ever Brown....this lead to an addiction that I will NEVER kick! No Francho sized Browns YET, but I aint giving up!
And since that is a horrible picture, but it is my first, here is a great picture of one!
Browns are so underrated. They are largemouth of the trout world.
Big Al's first brown:
That's just not right!
Nice mudshark!
"Browns are so underrated. They are largemouth of the trout world."
You are not right.....around here those are WORLD CLASS trophies. Any one of those is a catch of a lifetime!!
I wish I had a picture of my personal best brown. There I'd be, standing on the pier, in a shirt and tie holding up a 22 lb. brown trout while on my lunch break.
Right on !
Those are some awesome salt water catches too !
And JF, those Browns are SOO cool BTW, I know of a guy who used to be like a world class Brown chaser. Later he started chasing trophy Largemouth's, and he became super successful at this too.
Now he says, trophy bass are "sooo easy" compared to big Browns. Guess I'll have to take his word for it. My biggest Brown was probably about 3 lbs
Chris, I had a brown on that dwarfed my PB. Easily over 25#. It was the day after Christmas, and I had already caught the fish below in the same hole. I knew the brown was in there, along with a couple other browns, steelhead, and two straggler Coho salmon. A few drifts later, it's float down, and I set the hook. In an instant, I see one of the biggest browns I've ever seen in person roll -it's on my hook! Well, I choked. My knees buckled, and my grip on the centerpin reel tightened. So much so, that I didn't give that fish any line to run. One flick of it's tail, and 8# leader just snapped.
I at least got a 35" steelhead that day.
My biggest non-Bass is my avatar. 40 incher from Leech Lake in Walker,MN.
As far as the brown trout species, IMO they can unhook themselves like no other fish I've caught.
My wife
I SO want to get a huge "Bluegill". My pond has pretty big ones.... maybe a 2 1/2, but a 3 would surprise me. They always seem to run a little smaller than the Redears {shellcrackers..... or if your from South Louisiana, it would be a chinkipin}
Awesome !
When I was 15, I caught a crappie that weighed just over 4. We were slow trolling shad raps behind rubber core sinkers on the bottom in 35 ft of water, targeting stripers. I thought the lure had snagged some moss or line at first. I had never caught a crappie before, so I didn't know what I had, I just knew it didn't fight much, so I wasn't really impressed with it. Now I know how big that fish was, and understand why my dad got all excited.
My favorite "trophy catch" has to be the 2 back-to-back 9.5lb hybrid stripers I caught when I was 17. I got them both on 8lb-test on very long casts into breaking fish. I spent half the morning fighting 2 fish.
I've caught a few 30" chain pickerel here at different places. I know there like baby northern pike(45") but what a fight.
My older brother found a hole under a rail road bridge and pulled out two 50" stripers(saltwater from shore)
Wish I could say this was me- but I only got to take the picture. We were fishing plastic worm on a point- came off log pile at end of it. #10 mono and 45 minutes.
a 15lb blue cat.
'Poon in my avatar.
Also shared in the catch of a blue marlin off St Lucia but the pics didn't come out (ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!). Guess I'll just have to get another
A 30lb Striper on a light weight casting set up with 8lb test line. It was on for about 20 mintes. No net, had to land by hand.
Thanks again guys ! All cool catches
Chris at Tech, that Tarpon is SO cool I would just love to catch one of those 100lb + Minnows
Don't they look just like a bait store Shiner ? ....except about a million X's bigger. I really want to catch the bass that can eat a Shiner like that one in your avatar
@ Fish Chris............a tarpon is the world's biggest herring and the world's biggest minnow is a white amur aka grass carp.
On 4/18/2012 at 9:29 PM, Chris at Tech said:'Poon in my avatar.
Also shared in the catch of a blue marlin off St Lucia but the pics didn't come out (ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!). Guess I'll just have to get another
Chris, where did you catch that Tarpon?
On 4/26/2012 at 7:27 AM, Helluva_Engineer said:Chris, where did you catch that Tarpon?
Hilton Head Island, SC
Add these things to your bucket list if you haven't already
A few crappie caught last summer while working some submerged trees for bass the one hit a 3/4oz jig the other hit a T1 spinner.
The pike isn't that big but i caught it in a stream that's about 5 foot across and 2 foot deep on a double fluke rig.
and then one of my sons blue gills not his first or biggest just the only pic I have on the computer.
I wish I had some of all the salmon and trout I caught back when i was a kid with my UL running down stream on the tail of running salmon trying not to break off. man i used to tick off a lot of the hardcore guys with all there big heavy tackle for the salmon run nothing gets more hardcore then a year old having to run down stream in hip waders to not get spooled by a ticked salmon or trout with a 5ft shakespear UL combo from walmart
here are a couple of my good ones
couple more
Tezz nice musky, but how wide is that dang boat? LOL
A 7ft shark. I can get a pic from my buddy. We took turns reeling it up from 200ft down
Hadn't check this thread for a while, but did just now... and Wow !
Some very cool catches here I'd be happy with any of those catches
Fish on !
Nice fish guys, you caught some big ones.
what to expect on Lake Erie, the Small Mouth were just caught wile perching on the same Perch rigs I was using for the Perch, a Loomis 6' Light action IMX and a 1000 Stradic, we kept a couple smaller Bass to go with the excellent eating Perch. The Yellow Perch run from 10" to 15"
Monster perch
Monster Perch!
holy crap them are some giant perch that 3rd and 4th from the right my lord look at them things there bigger then the bass i think ur holding up the wrong fish to show off
Forget about the extraordinary large perch, look at the giant bottle of beer! It is as large as a 5 gal bucket!!! Where do you get ur 6 packs at Capt.?lol ...nice fish by the way
White Seabass from the surf.
I only got out for one day this season, and only caught one fish. 36" 23lbs.