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What Else Do You Target? 2025

fishing user avatarrvadog reply : 

Obviously we are all Bass fisherman but I was just curious what else you target (if anything) when the Bass aren't biting or you just need a change.


For me:



Saltwater Pelagics

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Anything that will eat a hook is fair game in my book. My favorites are catfish, wipers, white bass, and walleye but I'll fish for bluegill, crappie, drum, gar, carp and just about anything else. Each fish has qualities that I enjoy about them and all hold a special place with me. 

fishing user avatarBuffaloBass716 reply : 

Im going to start going for pike! Ive never caught or targeted them before though

fishing user avatarpbizzle reply : 

Girls :wink3:

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

What ever is by. Fresh and Salt.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Sticks, trees, grass, paper,......whoops! I thought it said what we accidentally catch. Lol

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I usually dedicate 98% of my time in our open water season is for bass with about 75%-25%split on LMB v. SMB, the other 2% is panfish.. When I am not bass fishing for some reason (bored with it , slow going, etc...) I just go "looking" for fish on the graph, and usually find plenty of willing panfish, mostly bluegills, rockbass, and perch, with the enough crappies mixed in to keep it a guessing game. I catch plenty of pike, I don't want to start looking for them on purpose.


During our hard water season it's bluegills most of the time, with the occasional venture to deep water for perch.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

Musky and Pike

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

I go after trout, usually native brookies up in the mountains and browns in the spring creeks. 

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I target bass the vast majority of the time. On occasion I've been known to target panfish (bluegill, crappie) from the yak. Even taken nothing but a long pole or two (no reels) on the yak.


From shore, my boys and I have taken all our long poles, even our 20 footer (both fresh and salt).

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 

Trout & Striped bass (saltwater)

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

i mostly fish for snook but mostly ill target anything saltwater

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

95% bass - 5% Speckle Trout & Reds ;)

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

Besides bass, I like catfish a lot and will also go after crappie and bluegill. If it's really hot or if I'm just getting frustrated, I've often been known to just crack open a cold beer and watch a bobber for an hour or two.

fishing user avatarDelcoSol reply : 

Those d**n pike and pickerel seem to target my new Siebert Outdoors jigs  :mad1:

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

I am bass 99% of the time.  About once a year I will go after bluegill or crappie.  I LOVE chasing big brown trout and anything in the salt, but mostly the larger game fish( bill-fish and sharks)



fishing user avatarbasshole8190 reply : 

Crappie is a big part of my fishing and bluegill with my son. i also chase catfish with the wife as she enjoys chasing jugs

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Mostly walleye and pike, but I plan on targeting stripers later in the fall and next season when the big fish bug hits me.

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 

stream trout 

Walleye in early spring/mid fall to ice

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Walleye and panfish for food, pike and musky on accident, king salmon because you HAVEN'T fought a freshwater fish until you've hooked into a 25lb+ Great Lakes Chinook.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I was a trout only fisherman for decades. After the trout slowed down we would hit the lake for bass once or twice a year. We would also fish for strippers, snapper blues, harbor blues and blues in saltwater. We would go for porgies and blackfish too. Inbetween trolling for blues we would catch weakfish too. We went spear fishing for whitings but never got any. Also we would fish for Flatfish too. (Flounder) We would anchor the boat and fish for flatfish as the tide was going out then go claming off Norwalk.

Now I fish for bass. I do enjoy catching the larger chain pickerel. We do have the northern pike here too. They put them here to control the white perch population in one lake. Now we have pike in all the bodies of water that's down stream.

We also have salmon here too but I never targeted them yet.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

My bass fishing as far as really targeting them is done only in the winter months, once in a while I'll go for peas and snakeheads.  My main focus is saltwater, inshore and offshore which I do every day.  Snook are probably my favorite everyday fish followed very closely by barracuda being the most finicky fish I specifically target. Offshore an amberjack tops my list, inshore it's a permit.

fishing user avatarMike2841 reply : 

Pickerel will hit pretty much any bass lure, and I actually prefer them over bass. In the winter I fish for trout.

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 

I'm mainly bass year round. Will go after trout at times during the winter.

Saltwater wise calico bass and halibut. Would like to get a rig for yellowtails, blue fin tuna and dorados.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Most of the time when I go fishing by myself I target bass.  When I take the kids, we go after panfish.  Once in a great while I will go after trout or muskie.

fishing user avatarJmrichardson2011 reply : 

I am actually coming more into fishing for other species, specifically panfish (love fried crappie and bluegill). I have started taking my boy out with me and we target nothing but panfish. It's easiest for him to learn some things on and he has an absolute blast doing it. Went out last Sunday and caught 30 bluegill between the two of us at a local pond (nothing to keep, but fun hauling 'em in one after another).

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 2:13 PM, bigbill said:

I was a trout only fisherman for decades. After the trout slowed down we would hit the lake for bass once or twice a year. We would also fish for strippers, snapper blues, harbor blues and blues in saltwater. We would go for porgies and blackfish too. Inbetween trolling for blues we would catch weakfish too. We went spear fishing for whitings but never got any. Also we would fish for Flatfish too. (Flounder) We would anchor the boat and fish for flatfish as the tide was going out then go claming off Norwalk. Now I fish for bass. I do enjoy catching the larger chain pickerel. We do have the northern pike here too. They put them here to control the white perch population in one lake. Now we have pike in all the bodies of water that's down stream. We also have salmon here too but I never targeted them yet.

Those are the easiest catch....a pocketfull of ones and you are golden :respect-059:

fishing user avatargr8outdoorz reply : 

60% - Trophy size Brown Trout

20% - Trophy size Rainbows

15% - LMB

5% - Other (Bluegill, Crappie, Carp, Salmon,... basically anything that swims!)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Northern pike, tiger musky, jack perch, steelhead, king/coho salmon, brown trout...

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

All fish are Gods gift I believe to be outside and irrisponsible enjoying what he created. Used to fish a lot for salmon and steelhead but the last twenty years or so have been a bass addict. But if it swims I usually like to catch it.

Tight LInes

fishing user avatarHelluva_Engineer reply : 

In order of preference to target:












In order of most often:

Snook (though I get Jacks way more often as bycatch)





fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

I'm about 90% bass, and the remaining bit split between walleye and Muskie with the occasional Palmetto thrown in there.

When I'm forced to ice fish, and don't have time to go south, I really target big bluegills sight fishing.

fishing user avatarNC_Bass6 reply : 

i love catching huge catfish. nice thing to do at night

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

Saltwater-croaker,rock,blues,flounder,yellow perch,white perch,puppy drum,catfish,seatrout, freshwater-lmb,crappie,bluegill,Pickerel,catfish, I got a bon buffet around here

fishing user avatarCreekcrappie reply : 

Crappie, bluegill, white bass, stocked trout, and catfish. I fish for whatever will be up shallow and in big numbers. I want to be a tournament pro so I bass fish almost every day.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

In the spring, especially, when the bluegill or sunnies are bedding, I'll break out my fly rod and popper assortment and chase them.  A big bull bluegill tugging on a 7.5 foot flyrod is AT LEAST as fun as most of the bass I catch.  I look forward to it each year.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

Nothing. Unless I am in the salt or brackish. Bass, Bass, Bass. Catfish only when alcohol and a late night of talking is involved.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

Bass fish almost every day.... sometime i bring chicken liver to my uncles pond and throw spinning setup out for catfish...   in the spring i stripper fish when they make their run up the Hudson river

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I am totally consumed with snook, I fish for them daily year round, certain times of the year they can be difficult to catch on artificial.  As much as I love catching snook they aren't my favorite to have on the end of my line, the bigger ones can give a heck of a fight but I classify them as a 2nd or 3rd tier fish in the fight department.  Inshore fishing it's hard to find anything that fights harder than a Jack Cravelle, unless it's a Permit and IMO it's the ultimate on lighter tackle.  That said members of the jack family do not get airborn, which brings me to my 2 favorite fish, tarpon and barracuda.  Both get up in the air, have some size to them and the cuda gives ya slam you won't ever forget.

fishing user avatarAssassinAngling reply : 

Steelhead,Salmon, and lake trout. If you haven't caught a steelhead or a salmon before I suggest you make an effort to. A small 25'' steelhead will make fighting a 6-7 pound smallie seem easy. When you hook into a big steelhead you just watch your line disappear and pray the line doesn't break. 


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