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Would You Keep Carp To Eat? 2025

fishing user avatardulouz reply : 

Are carp any good to eat? if so how do you cook them?

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

They don't taste as good as crappie/perch, but their taste depends on where you're catching at. They can stand polluted water, so watch out where you catch one to try it

fishing user avatarzenyoungkoh reply : 

I wouldnt and i wouldnt recommend eating them. They can live in places with high bacteria content and they eat everything including trash.

fishing user avatarAvid Angler FL reply : 

I'm not sure. I wouldn't, at least. A carp is in the same family as the goldfish, and they're not necessarily the "cleanest" fish around :rolleyes: !

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I wouldn't eat them. My dad was in the fish business and carp were never for sale, we had the best fish available for out own personal table. My grandmother being from the old country loved carp and wanted all we caught when we went fishing. I do remember my dad telling me carp were ok to eat in the spring. Off the top of my head the only freshwater fish I care to eat are trout, Lake Superior whitefish, Lake Erie pickerel( in the states they are called walleyes), lake perch and salmon, I'm sure I left a few out.

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

I watched an Iraqi Army Soldier buy a Euphrates River carp from a fisherman, cut a chunk off with a leatherman, and then roast it on a stick over a burning trash barrel. He offered me some, but I politely declined.

fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

If I catch one there's usualy some one there running over to ask if ill keep it or they can have it. They love em sometimes u can get money to along with sheepshead.

The only fish I keep are walleye there just to tasty to throwback lol

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

In Europe, carp meat goes for over $50 a pound.....

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
  On 8/16/2011 at 11:28 AM, zenyoungkoh said:

I wouldn't and i wouldn't recommend eating them. They can live in places with high bacteria content and they eat everything including trash.

That also describes a catfish and people eat them all the time.

Carp taste good. You can cook them any way you cook other fish. You just need to make sure the water you catch them in is good and that you remove the brown meat when you fillet them out.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

Lots of people eat the giant goldfishies. Kinda has a similar taste to catfish, only a little more... I don't know... dirty? It's not that bad, but I probably won't be going after carp to eat unless I have too. I'm sure if you prepare it right it would be great.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Nope!!! :D

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 

A lot of people around here will smoke them(in a smoker, not in a blunt) :lol: . I've tried it a few times and it isn't too bad. As far as smoked fish go, I like it well-done(dry) as opposed to greasy less smoked meat.

fishing user avatarboystcroix reply : 

I knew an oldtimer that would put them in his spring house water fo a week or so to "clean out" their systems before he ate them. Never even tried them myself.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Most people I know either score and smoke them or pickle them. I don't eat fish but even if I did I wouldn't eat carp :P

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

Carp can be ground and made into fish patties, much like a crab cake. They are delicious. It can also be pickled like herring.

There is a restaurant in Northern Michigan that serves carp broiled with lemon butter, fresh shallots, and served over a creamed spinach that is fantastic....

However, just cutting one up from a river and deep frying it without the proper care is out of the question.

Much of the meat will have a brownish color as stated previously. This must be removed as it is similar to the mud vein in other fish. If the proper care is given carp is light, flaky, and quite buttery, much like a chilean sea bass.

Proper care when cleaning fish is no different than proper care when field dressing a deer. The more vicera and silver skin you remove from a deer the less gamey it will taste.

fishing user avatarzero limit reply : 

If anybody finds a market for carp let the people on the Illinios river know.

Talk here of allowing the asain carp of being commerially fished and make premium cat food

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

There are places that do harvest the Asian carp, in Asia. Actually saw it on Bizarre Foods and Anthony Bourdain. That would be a good way to keep the population in check and feed thousands of people.

Heck, some countries consider the Snakehead a delicacy, why not Asian Carp

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

unbeknownst to me, i ate carp for dinner one night in panama. i had just surfed for 5 hours and i was starving. i'm alive, but i'll never eat it again

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 8/19/2011 at 10:45 PM, zero limit said:

If anybody finds a market for carp let the people on the Illinios river know.

Talk here of allowing the asain carp of being commerially fished and make premium cat food

They're actually putting a plan into action to start using them for food at homeless shelters from what I've heard. I guess when it's ground up it's supposed to taste similar to canned tuna? I really can not imagine that but I think putting them to use at homeless shelters is a great idea, except most places they live you aren't supposed to eat the fish. They're thick in the rivers around here but the state says not to eat the fish from the rivers. I could see it now, someone at one of those shelters getting cancer and it linking back to the fish they've been feeding them and sueing the shelter :rolleyes:

fishing user avatarNashua Nev reply : 

A bunch of people fish for them in the Merrimack river here in Nashua at the Nashua / Hudson bridge.

I know they keep them to eat. It is probably part of their culture. Their english isnt very good, and they are there all the time fishing for them and it doesnt appear they have died from eating them.

Still doesnt mean i would eat them.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

Just about every fish, fesh or salt, is edible.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I would like to see those Asian carp commercially caught for cat food, hopefully would take some pressure off the kingfishing down here Florida. Commercial fisherman are allowed 50 fish per day per boat ( limits sometimes are adjusted downwards), doesn't surprise me Kingfishing isn't what it was 20 years ago.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 
  On 8/16/2011 at 10:37 AM, dulouz said:

Are carp any good to eat? if so how do you cook them?

In a word - NO!

Bury 'em in your garden, they make great fertilizer.


fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

There's an old recipe I'm surprised no else posted. Marinade a carp fillet in soy sauce and orange juice with some ground cayenne pepper and salt and brown sugar. Get some cedar and make a small board, something like a shingle, and bake that fillet, on the board in the overn at 400 degress for about 40 minutes. Take it out and throw away the fillet and eat the board.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

Carp eat crap, and whatever else they can scavenge off the bottom, not yummy sounding to me.

fishing user avatarKabar reply : 

Ok, will tell you. :)

I'm originally from Poland...grew up there....studied...etc

Carp in Poland is v. popular...but this is only during Christmas, it's traditional Christmas meal.....not only in Poland ( I pretty sure in Russia and Ukraine the same...they eat it), this is my fav. fish to eat ( I'm v. good cook.....btw)....there is a HUGE difference in taste between what is here in rivers/lakes ( I live in Canada)..and the farm carp.

Last year went to fishing with my friend....he couldnt catch any bass that day so he started fishing for a carp (used corn from a can as a bait)....took one to try how taste wild carp.....simply the worst fish a ate.

Farm Carp taste great ...if you interested go to local Polish Grocery store just before 24 of Dec,,,,and buy a farm Carp.

Wild Carp taste's terrible.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
  On 9/18/2011 at 3:50 AM, deaknh03 said:

Carp eat crap, and whatever else they can scavenge off the bottom, not yummy sounding to me.

Are not lobster, crab and shrimp scavengers? They are and are forbidden to eat according to kashrut law. No longer are they considered a poor mans food, quite the opposite is true today, and they taste great.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

LOL, haddock is a bottom feeder. That's probably one the cleanest tasting fish meat on the planet.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 



fishing user avatarGavin reply : 

The soul food establishment down the street from my office usually has fried common carp and buffalo on the menu during Lent. Both are pretty good, IMO.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Becareful what you harvest, some places it is illegal to possess grass carp. I know here in FL you are not allowed to harvest and up in VA too, they are/were stocked as weed control.

I am assuming the "asian" carp is one and the same as grass carp because most Wildelife Management districts only post grass carp as the one and only carp species in the waters?

fishing user avatartrevor reply : 
  On 9/17/2011 at 9:14 AM, RAMBLER said:

There's an old recipe I'm surprised no else posted. Marinade a carp fillet in soy sauce and orange juice with some ground cayenne pepper and salt and brown sugar. Get some cedar and make a small board, something like a shingle, and bake that fillet, on the board in the overn at 400 degress for about 40 minutes. Take it out and throw away the fillet and eat the board.

Came here to post that. Classic.

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 
  On 5/16/2012 at 9:50 AM, trevor said:

Came here to post that. Classic.

Hahaha!!!! That is hillarious!!!


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