I'm not one to fish for catfish, but I caught this little guy tonight and I was wondering what kind of catfish it is. (I live in South Florida if that helps)
Edit: After some research I am thinking it is a yellow bullhead.
It looks like a brown bullhead to me. It looks similar to a small channel cat, but channels have forked tails unlike bullheads so it must be a bullhead.
On 6/11/2016 at 9:24 AM, IndianaFinesse said:It looks like a bullheads to me. It looks similar to a small channel cat, but channels have forked tails unlike bullheads so it must be a bullhead.
But what kind of bullhead? In Florida I think there are 3 different kinds of bullheads.
I would guess a brown bullhead, but I wouldn't bet on it.
For little guys, they have amazingly strong jaws. If they latch on to a finger or thumb, it is a bear to pry them loose.
On 6/11/2016 at 9:18 AM, BrowardBassin said:I'm not one to fish for catfish, but I caught this little guy tonight and I was wondering what kind of catfish it is. (I live in South Florida if that helps)
Edit: After some research I am thinking it is a yellow bullhead.
Yellow Bullhead
On 6/11/2016 at 9:39 AM, soflabasser said:Yellow Bullhead
Your welcome. Try casting out bluegill as cutbait on a 2/0-3/0 hook .There are probably channel catfish in that lake and they can exceed 20 pounds down here.
On 6/11/2016 at 9:43 AM, soflabasser said:Your welcome. Try casting out bluegill as cutbait on a 2/0-3/0 hook .There are probably channel catfish in that lake and they can exceed 20 pounds down here.
Your welcome. Try casting out bluegill as cutbait on a 2/0-3/0 hook .There are probably channel catfish in that lake and they can exceed 20 pounds down here.
Your welcome. Try casting put bluegill as cutbait on a 2/0-3/0 hook .There are probably channel catfish in that lake and they can exceed 20 pounds down here.
That's exactly what I did lol same hook size and bait
On 6/11/2016 at 9:44 AM, BrowardBassin said:That's exactly what I did lol same hook size and bait
Yes it's a great way to catch catfish. They also like chicken liver,hotdogs,and bread.
We call em butter cats.( yellow bullhead)My favorite eating catfish.
According to my Petersen's Guide To Freshwater Fishes, it looks like a yellow, brown or black. And the maps show only the yellow and brown in FL and the yellow stops about the Everglades, while the brown covers the entire state.
We've got plenty of yellows and browns in N.Florida.World record yellow was caught in the cedar river here in Jax.Okefenokee swamp in a Georgia is full of them too.
I sometimes run trot lines for them in the Ocala forest.All you can eat!!!
First catfish I ever caught was on a Mepps spinner. I lifted him out of the water onto the bank (I was about 13 or so) he opened his mouth, and the bait came free. He was just too stubborn to let go
Ah man, i thought this was about fried catfish..
Too bad..
On 6/14/2016 at 8:30 AM, N Florida Mike said:We've got plenty of yellows and browns in N.Florida.World record yellow was caught in the cedar river here in Jax.Okefenokee swamp in a Georgia is full of them too.
I sometimes run trot lines for them in the Ocala forest.All you can eat!!!
How big was the yellow bullhead caught in Jacksonville?I read about a 6 pound, 6 ounce yellow bullhead that was caught in Missouri.That one was a monster for its species,since the average size is around a pound or so.
The one caught in Jax. was actually the state record BROWN bullhead.Caught in little cedar creek.5.91 pounds I think.
5.91 pounds is a giant for any species of bullhead, would like catching a bullhead that big.Talking about catfish is making me want to do a night trip for catfish,it's been a while since I have specially targeted catfish.Might fish for channel catfish this weekend.
I caught a brown bullhead back when I first started fishing for flatheads that would have broken the world record. It was an ounce or two over 8 pounds and ate a green sunfish I was fishing for flatheads. I had no idea what it was. It looked like a flathead, except it had a big, round head like a channel cat. The mottled coloration and rounded tail made it obvious it wasn't a channel though. My buddy and I, (he was 12 and I was 14 at the time), thought I'd caught a hybrid channel/flathead and turned it loose without even thinking twice about it. Some years later, when I became more educated about it, I realized the fish I'd caught was actually a massive brown bullhead. Not even sure I took a picture of it, since 8 pounds is a pretty small flathead.
Yeah I'm getting the catfish fever too.I plan to camp on an island out in the home lake and see how many I can catch all night.There's channels, browns and yellows now.Hopefully the otter won't come back!!.I caught a 22 pound channel cat in here years ago.
yellow bull head are my favorites of the three
It's a yellow.Browns are mottled dark brown to black with white mixed in.
Idk I've caught yellows they were very distinct almost the color of albino trout
The yellows are the only ones that are light brown to pale yellow like that.They are the palest of the bullheads .They can have some dark coloration but are mostly yellowish.
The browns are specked dark/ white blotches.
Blacks are very dark.
I have actually caught a few albino channel cats in a stocked farm pond.
The tail is also rounded,which indicates a yellow too
On 10/27/2016 at 1:59 AM, N Florida Mike said:The yellows are the only ones that are light brown to pale yellow like that.They are the palest of the bullheads .They can have some dark coloration but are mostly yellowish.
The browns are specked dark/ white blotches.
Blacks are very dark.
I have actually caught a few albino channel cats in a stocked farm pond.
The tail is also rounded,which indicates a yellow too
Yup seems ur right which I felt like I should now this because I fish these guys a bit. I catch lots of black bull head only a few brown and yellows they seem to end the most rare in the ponds by me. The belly seems quite bright is why I thought it was a brown but the yellows I was catching looked like this which is actually albino I think
^^^That's a cool fish!
Not quite albino, but on the right track. It's a xanthic morph bullhead: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanthochromism
On 10/27/2016 at 2:25 AM, J Francho said:^^^That's a cool fish!
Not quite albino, but on the right track. It's a xanthic morph bullhead: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanthochromism
Lol it wasn't my fish I grabbed that pic from Google but the one I caught was identical in color and close to that size. I've caught him three times ik it's the same fish cuz it's missing a left whisker if I catch it again I'll post a pick
On 10/27/2016 at 1:59 AM, N Florida Mike said:The yellows are the only ones that are light brown to pale yellow like that.They are the palest of the bullheads .They can have some dark coloration but are mostly yellowish.
The browns are specked dark/ white blotches.
Blacks are very dark.
I have actually caught a few albino channel cats in a stocked farm pond.
The tail is also rounded,which indicates a yellow too
There was a albino catfish that I caught at least 2 times in one of the lakes I fish in. Me and my friend named this albino channel catfish ''Meow Mix'' and it was one of our ''pets'' in that particular lake.
One of the lakes I fish occasionally produces quite a few albino and piebald blue cats every year. I've caught one of each, the albino earlier this year on Ned rig fishing for smallmouth.
Caught this one a little while ago.Its a great example of a brown bullhead.
She's also pregnant so I let her go.
The male's usually don't get off so easy.Love em fried!!!
Don't know why all my pics are crooked lately.
On 10/29/2016 at 2:54 PM, Bluebasser86 said:One of the lakes I fish occasionally produces quite a few albino and piebald blue cats every year. I've caught one of each, the albino earlier this year on Ned rig fishing for smallmouth.
Nice blue catfish.Wish we had those in South Florida since they can weigh over 100 pounds. I don't think it's a true albino since it has dark eyes and albinos have red eyes.The albino channel catfish that I caught was completely white with red eyes. Have not caught the piebald coloration yet,that's a unique coloration that I have only seen in pictures.
On 10/31/2016 at 10:19 AM, soflabasser said:Nice blue catfish.Wish we had those in South Florida since they can weigh over 100 pounds. I don't think it's a true albino since it has dark eyes and albinos have red eyes.The albino channel catfish that I caught was completely white with red eyes. Have not caught the piebald coloration yet,that's a unique coloration that I have only seen in pictures.
I've seen the pure albinos from this lake and they do have pink eyes like you're saying. This one wasn't 100% white (the adipose is nearly black), but it's easier to call it an albino than a white blue catfish or a white cat, which we have none of here (despite lots of river rats calling our blue cats "white cats" or "Mississippi white cats" due to their washed out look in the muddy water). The piebalds, or holstein catfish as they're sometimes called, are pretty wild looking fish.
I'd like to catch a big one of either. Kansas' state record blue is over 100 pounds and the lake record for this lake is over 80 pounds, so catching a huge one isn't out of the question.