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Giant! 2025

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

A friend of mine found this pic on another forum.

50lbs. 8oz. !!


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


That's huge.

fishing user avatarDalton Tam reply : 

That's Insane! :o

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Dan, do you have muskies in Europe?

fishing user avatarmwbrown reply : 

that thing is scary  :o

fishing user avatarjaystu11 reply : 

that shot cant be real. that would be a world record trout.

fishing user avatarRebel Angler reply : 

that's a haus

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 
that shot cant be real. that would be a world record trout.


Maybe, if it were a trout

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Dan, do you have muskies in Europe?

No RoLo, only Pike.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
that shot cant be real. that would be a world record trout.


Here's the record "trout" Jay...


Back to topic at hand, that is a massive muskie!

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

That's the new Michigan state record that was caught a few months back. Field and Stream had a write up about it. There's several pics on their site with that beast!

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
That's the new Michigan state record that was caught a few months back. Field and Stream had a write up about it. There's several pics on their site with that beast!

fishing user avatarstupid brim reply : 

Oh wow thats huge!

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 

That is an absolute monster!!! I am stunned...

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Absolute monster.   :o

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Now, that's a nice muskie. I've gotten a few a little over thirty pounds. That fish dwarfs them.


fishing user avatarcowiemi reply : 

Huge!!! :D

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

People who say they'd rather catch "numbers" than catch that Rhino make me laugh so hard! 

I'd take getting skunked for an entire spawn just to catch and release a fish with that relative size from ANY species. 

LOOK at that thing!!!!!!  I can't stop staring at it.  What a preditor!

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 

That's a giant for sure. 

I don't really like the photo - - the obvious intent was to make the fish look as big as the 150-200 lb. guy behind it.  Almost comical.   ;D

fishing user avatarWoolleyBass reply : 

Wow thats huge. Roby

fishing user avatarChaz Hickcox reply : 
that shot cant be real. that would be a world record trout.


Here's the record "trout" Jay...


Back to topic at hand, that is a massive muskie!

Hey that is a real picture, those trout live in Mongolia and are HUGE. They're called Taimen and can grow to be 2m and about 90-95kg.

fishing user avatarKorea_Bassin reply : 

Very nice brook trout! ;D

fishing user avatarSnookOne reply : 

Those are some fish!

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 


fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

Jimzee caught one around the 42+ lb mark and i was lucky enough to be with him to help him boat it. But the one in this pick looks 20 plus lbs bigger. Awesome fish to say the least

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

Also Jimzee released his. Im guessing this one was not so lucky.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 
Also Jimzee released his. Im guessing this one was not so lucky.

You're right, it wasn't released. There's pics in the Field and Stream like that shows the musky in a lab somewhere. Most of my biggest ski's get released, unless I can't CPR them. A small keeper size (I'd get banned from saying this on a musky forum) I do keep from time to time. Musky are great eating! It's a toss up between them and walleye on which one I think taste better.

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 
Also Jimzee released his. Im guessing this one was not so lucky.

You're right, it wasn't released. There's pics in the Field and Stream like that shows the musky in a lab somewhere. Most of my biggest ski's get released, unless I can't CPR them. A small keeper size (I'd get banned from saying this on a musky forum) I do keep from time to time. Musky are great eating! It's a toss up between them and walleye on which one I think taste better.

I can remember when i was younger and dad caught 1 or 2 that year and we ate them. What i can remember i liked. I dont know if i could compare it to Walleye or Sauger though, those are mighty tasty.

fishing user avatarEternal Angler reply : 

Definitely bookmarking this post, I didn't know we had a record Muskie like that in our state.  It's the same size as the fisherman.  I was showing my girlfriend the size of huge Muskies, she was astonished.  She's like if I ever catch a fish like that I will lock up.  She's so afraid of them.

fishing user avatarAluma-Bass reply : 

nice!! cool how Torch Lake water is BLUE

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 
Also Jimzee released his. Im guessing this one was not so lucky.

You're right, it wasn't released. There's pics in the Field and Stream like that shows the musky in a lab somewhere. Most of my biggest ski's get released, unless I can't CPR them. A small keeper size (I'd get banned from saying this on a musky forum) I do keep from time to time. Musky are great eating! It's a toss up between them and walleye on which one I think taste better.

I can remember when i was younger and dad caught 1 or 2 that year and we ate them. What i can remember i liked. I dont know if i could compare it to Walleye or Sauger though, those are mighty tasty.

To me and a handful of anglers that have had sample some of the musky I've cooked said its close. I've never had them side by side though to do a completely fair judgement though. The only semi-complaint I have with the musky fillets is the huge Y bone that's in the center of the fillet. But they do pull out quite easily after its cooked.

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

Thats huuuge!

fishing user avatarFish M4ST3R reply : 

Is that a tiger muskie because if it is not it should be close to the record

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 
Is that a tiger muskie because if it is not it should be close to the record

No, this is a pure strain. Tigers do not get the red tint in the fins due to hemorrhaging like the pure strains do.

fishing user avatarTwistertail reply : 

It's like the freshwater jaws! You grand-kids will look back and put you in the same boat as perry when tell them this story in the nursing home! My biggest muskie (and my only one) was 17lbs and even then it felt like a monster! Nice work man!

fishing user avatarbobbyc reply : 

Anyone know the bait and tackle used for this monster?

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

Look at that picture close.  There's no shadow from the fish.  He's not holding it.  I did the same thing with a bluegill.  Hung it from a tree with light mono line and gave my wife a rope and she backed up, away from the fish.  I lined up the rope with the fish and took the picture (lost it when an old puter crashed).  She weighs 230 pounds and the bluegill looked almost as big as she is.

fishing user avatarIowa Matt reply : 

This particular fish has been very well documented and was, in fact, tagged and weighed after being netted by fisheries scientists from the State of Michigan a few months prior to being caught on hook and line. There is no reason for the angler to try and fake a picture. It has been in Field and Stream as well as In-Fisherman and is legit beyond reproach. It just amazes me that EVERY time someone catches a huge fish or shoots a big buck people have to try and debunk it instead of just being happy for the person!

Sorry for the rant........


fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

That thing is huge.  Scary looking.

fishing user avatarleslie_goes_mental reply : 

DANG.  I can't even imagine what kind of rod, reel and line to use to get those things.  Maybe a shark rod and a boat to haul those things to shore.


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