...Dovetailing off another thread - what time of day did you catch your personal best - or is there a general time frame you tend to catch the bigger ones?
PB Brown bass (7-5) came right before sunrise.
PB Green Bass (11-11) came right before sunset.
Go figure.
The time was Noon, I saw a bass chasing bait against a limestone wall along an everglades canal. That fish was 11.4 and it was over twenty years ago. I used a weightless zoom fluke thrown into the mix, and the fight was on. It had been a reasonable slow day all morning, with bluebird sky, and no wind. You just never know when it will happen!????
Many of my top bass were caught between 10 and 2, including my NY PB 7-2.
4:00 pm, no clouds or wind, about 80 degrees, in 3 feet of water..........
8 lbs 3 oz.
Early evening, around 5:30. Partly cloudy, was along the edge of a weed-bed in 6' of water...it probably darted out from the weeds to grab my lure. 4# 12oz
On 1/24/2019 at 2:27 AM, J Francho said:Many of my top bass were caught between 10 and 2, including my NY PB 7-2.
1:30 to be exact.
I'm not sure if the mid day concentration is because it's a big bass thing, or if it's just that by then, I have things figured out.
My top 10 were all caught after 2 pm. Apparently I’m a terrible morning fisherman
February 3rd 2007 right at daylight 12 lb 8 oz on a Rat-L-Trap
I wish I could remember!!! Haha. I know I caught an 8 lb bass first thing in the morning once. But I have caught two more the same size and I don't remember a time on either. I caught what is probably my PB smallmouth about 930 am a month ago
My 2 best were both 8lbs. One I caught off bed in a pond, in March about 30 minutes before dark.
The other I caught about 30 minutes before dark in July off a brush pile on a lake near me. However I catch most of my bigger bass at night time between June and September. I love night fishing, a Texas rigged black worm and ANYONE can catch em at night
These are all interesting responses because I’m typically a very early riser to be on the water before other fisherman. But seems like just as many PB’s have come mid-day or other times.
Moral of of the story - I need to fish more
About 4PM on a hot day in June but in a creek mouth in the shade.
One PM during my lunch break with two colleagues right next to me. 7-4 on my profile picture.
Everything over 6 was between 11AM and 4PM....crazy. However, the one that got away was almost 11PM
A little after 8 AM October 19th 2018. I dropped my daughter off at school about 7:45 and headed right over to the spot. Put the kayak in and paddled straight to this spot because I had a good feeling about it. I caught her on the first cast at that spot. Air temp was 38 degrees, but water temp was much higher. It's the fish in my avatar.
7 a.m.
My next 5 biggest have been around 11 or noon.
Around noon.
PB came a few minutes before noon. I can remember the time because out emergency sirens go off as a test at 12noon every month.
The 5 giant bass I list were all caught in the AM between sunrise and 9:30 on jigs.
On 1/24/2019 at 3:42 AM, WRB said:The 5 giant bass I list were all caught in the AM between sunrise and 9:30.
18 pounders are probably already napping by 10....... Since they do whatever the heck they want!!!
I fished a lot of very skinny water with heavy shallow cover last year and my best we’re caught mid day....but typically and historically this isn’t the case. I usually catch my better fish after 5pm
1:00 in the afternoon
PB Smallmouth Bass was caught at 9:40am
PB Largemouth was sometime around 11am That's my best guess as it was a long time ago.
PB LMB - around 6pm
I was fishing with a buddy at a pond after work. He got skunked. I got my PB. Go figure. 4 inch Senko. 7lbs.
PB SMB - around 11am
I was fishing 40 yards off a river dam, wading in a foot of water, with my wife, waiting the other couple to show up so we could spend the day wading down the river. Ned Rig. 4lbs.
I live in Illinois.
Just fish all day everyday
On 1/24/2019 at 4:09 AM, GReb said:Just fish all day everyday
Caught my PB just after sunset and about 5 minutes after my previous PB. It was a good day ????.
1 hour before sunset in the dead of summer right by the bank in 1.5 feet of water covered with lilypads ontop
all I know it was day-time .
Between 6 and 9 am.
6:40 am here.
10 at night
830 am
Largemouth #11.10 around 7A.M.
10:00 am
Let me look at the copy of my citation for no license...............about 1130 hours on April 8th. Most of my biggest smallies came in the last hour of day light in Octobers. My biggest in state largemouth was at 10 AM.
Not sure, It was late spring, I want to say maybe 3:30-5:00 PM, I could be off somewhat.
July 3rd ‘17 10:33 AM
Around 10 AM in the morning for the first one.
Around 1 PM in the afternoon for the second one.
Somewhere around midnight....9lbs 7oz on black and blue spinnerbait.
On 1/24/2019 at 4:09 AM, GReb said:Just fish all day everyday
I have caught most of mine during the morning hours. Probably between 5 AM and Noon.
I caught my PB largemouth in around 2pm in the afternoon which was 11 lbs. I recently caught a 9 lb 8oz at 1pm. My wife caught her PB of 9 lbs even at 530pm last year.
2:30pm in late September.
PB smallie 7-6 around 2pm
PB largemouth 11-2 around 1pm
in between 2:00 and 3:00 in the middle of feburary.
water temp 46-48
water depth 9-12ft
On 1/25/2019 at 12:40 AM, Allaroundfishing said:in between 2:00 and 3:00 in the middle of feburary.
water temp 46-48
water depth 9-12ft
Oh she was 6lbs 8 0z by the way
PB Smallie on Columbus Day 2016 (Oct.) at sunrise. Rapala DT-6
PB Greenie on July 8th 2018 at sunrise. Power Worm
PB largie was caught between 1pm and 3pm but it was in the early spring when the water was still really cold.
However, most of my other big bass are caught right around or a little after sunrise or right around or a little before sunset.
PB was around 11 a.m .No scale but taxidermist said 9 pounds. 24 1/2 inch. Only fish I ever mounted. And it was my only bite that warm and windy december morning.
Runner up was between 12-1 pm 8.6 pounds
2 June 2013, 8 am foggy, isolated floating grass mat. 12.3 on spinner bait.
4pm 11.10lb. I was worn out from punching all day. Buddy i was with is an animal and i would had been off the water and hour earlier if it had been my boat. Thankfully he wanted to keep fishing and I got my PB because of that.
1:15 pm late Fall.
First thing in the morning, 12lb 8oz.
It was on the final day of a 4 day trip, the best 4 days of largemouth fishing in my life to date. I broke my PB 5 times that trip. Had 34lb 8oz for my best 5 on day two, then 35lb for my best 5 on day 3. Day 4 I caught the 12lb 8oz and she was the only fish I caught that day. I'm smiling ear to ear remembering that trip while typing this.....
My bigger ones come at night with the exception of my PB that came on a late November windy afternoon.
On 1/26/2019 at 10:36 AM, 18RangerZ520L said:First thing in the morning, 12lb 8oz.
It was on the final day of a 4 day trip, the best 4 days of largemouth fishing in my life to date. I broke my PB 5 times that trip. Had 34lb 8oz for my best 5 on day two, then 35lb for my best 5 on day 3. Day 4 I caught the 12lb 8oz and she was the only fish I caught that day. I'm smiling ear to ear remembering that trip while typing this.....
Whoa........ on the chick??
On 1/28/2019 at 9:14 AM, TnRiver46 said:Whoa........ on the chick??
Yes sir.
Was the day after Thanksgiving. Remember clearly because while everybody was out black friday shopping, I was the only one on the lake.
2-3 pm, was raining fairly heavily, 45-50 degrees out. Throwing a lucky craft pointer. She went 7lb 2oz