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Don't Sell Out 2024

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

This was on UFC Fighter Chris Camozzi's blog and I think Bass fishermen need to read it too.
I have been thinking about writing an article that addresses something similar that I see with fishermen.



Won't Lower The Bar - Never Selling Out

Posted by Chris Camozzi on March 15, 2013 at 2:28pmView Blog
I Won’t Lower The Bar


“Never Selling Out But Always For Sale”



The fighters do not seem to care about how little they make and it seems like managers don’t either when it comes to sponsorship. This used to be such a big part of the sport. Maybe it is because they did not work as hard as me to get here or maybe it is because they do not work as hard as me for the sponsors outside of the Octagon.


Read the entire blog here

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I've been around a while.  I seem to recall when I was a kid, and boxing was reaching the masses through the wonders of a new electric gizmo called television, that it was the promoters and organizers who pocketed most of the money.  Eventually, most notably during the era when Cassius Clay became Mohammed Ali that boxers had the opportunity to make millions.


Sadly, many of the greats of that era frittered away the millions they made.  It may have been agents, their own naivety or who knows what else that drained their once fat coffers.  I recall the legendary Joe Lewis earning a living by being a greeter at a Las Vegas Casino, and posing for photos with casino guests.


Others toiled away for purses in second or lower tier matches.  That toiling left them "punch drunk", an old term to describe someone whose brains were scrambled by taking too many shots to the head.


I suppose there are many forms of "entertainment" which were supported by "sell outs" during the early years of their growth.


It can be said of almost all sports.  Baseball, basketball, football, hockey, you name it, the pioneers of most, if not all sports labored in the limelight for peanuts.  You can include the Olympics.  Today, they are "amateurs" in name only.  Heck, I don't think they even try to foist them off on the public as amateurs.   Be that as it may, it was the amateurs who provided the entertainment and excitement that made the Olympics such a desirable commodity.


It seems to me that what Cammozi, has written may in fact be the natural order of things. 

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

It is like all of these Bass fishermen wearing jerseys (that they pay for) with a boat company's name on it and they don't even get a discount on the boat.


Why would a company pay to sponsor an angler when 10,000 anglers promote their brands for free?

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 3/17/2013 at 4:58 AM, JT Bagwell said:

It is like all of these Bass fishermen wearing jerseys (that they pay for) with a boat company's name on it and they don't even get a discount on the boat.


Why would a company pay to sponsor an angler when 10,000 anglers promote their brands for free?


I figure I'm doing the advertisers a favor by not wearing clothing with their brand prominently displayed.  I mean, who's going to buy their product based on my (a nobody, except to my circle of friends and family) promotion of their product?


Take golf.  Nike pays Tiger plenty, because many golfers want to use or wear the products identified with Tiger.  The "Tiger Brand" not only generates sales for Nike, but it also generates the sponsorship to which you refer.  Hats, shirts, footwear, umbrellas, rain gear, you name it, all emblazoned with either the Nike "swoosh" or the NIKE name.


Would you purchase something because this guy recommends it?  Or would you say, "That product is for the birds."?



fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

lol Nice Picture.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I learned this a long time ago. 


I finally accepted the fact that I did not have the athletic prowess to get paid for endorsements.  After thinking about it some time, I realized all was not lost.  I began contacting companies telling them how much I liked their product and was going to begin promoting their products at no charge.


It worked like a charm.  You'd be surprised at how much I now rake in from those companies, and per our contract, I promise never to mention their name in public.  I can however wear their apparel, provided I wear it inside out.

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

Its all about money..been watching many fisherman on TV the same ones 20+ yrs.selling out to the highest bidder.its a shame

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I think that someone endorsing a product that they do not really use lacks integrity, and many do it. I don't blame a pro who is trying to make a living for selling his name to something he uses, even if he is not its biggest fan. Without credibility a pro has little to sell though, and that is something that is hard to come by.  


I have no problem with someone wearing a shirt or jersey with the name of a product they like, whether they own it or not. I have several National Guard caps that I wear much of the time when I'm fishing. I have not served in the Guard. I have many t-shirts and sweatshirts with logos of all sorts of organizations I don't belong to, and products I don't own. I have an assortment of Cabela's and Bass Pro branded articles of clothing, that I have purchased. I have a Tackle Warehouse t-shirt that I received free with an order. I wear them all, though not one of them has offered me a dime for my endorsement. I'm OK with that.

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 
  On 3/17/2013 at 5:35 AM, Fishing Rhino said:

I figure I'm doing the advertisers a favor by not wearing clothing with their brand prominently displayed.  I mean, who's going to buy their product based on my (a nobody, except to my circle of friends and family) promotion of their product?


Take golf.  Nike pays Tiger plenty, because many golfers want to use or wear the products identified with Tiger.  The "Tiger Brand" not only generates sales for Nike, but it also generates the sponsorship to which you refer.  Hats, shirts, footwear, umbrellas, rain gear, you name it, all emblazoned with either the Nike "swoosh" or the NIKE name.


Would you purchase something because this guy recommends it?  Or would you say, "That product is for the birds."?



I would buy your shaving kit if you told me to.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I have always wanted to create a fictious bass fishing shirt with funny names and photos.


Starting with a bail bonds company; a fake tobacco chewing product that is guaranteed to give you cancer; condoms; sex toys; ladies undies; Slob Beer - Guaranteed to Give You Gas; Yugo to pull your boat; and other funny ones.


What holds me back is the Holy Grail of bass fishing and I do not want to poke fun at anyone in the sport that loves it as much as I do.


I bet we could come up with some funny names and products on a fictious bass fishing shirt. But that is for another thread.


And as JT says, why advertise for free for a compayn? We do it all the time with or G. Loomis sweatshirts; our Bass Pro and Cabela's tees; our caps; and the pros fishing shirts that scream at us what porducts the pros are supposed to be fishing.

fishing user avatarwakeeater reply : 

you can never or should never blame a man for bettering himself.  i applaud anyone that can get paid to wear/drink/drive/or use any product.  he has to have some type of credibility to do that.  he is also not a burden on the taxpayers.  i'll take any sponsorship i can get.  i can see it now..."there goes Wakeeater in his Tampon bass boat (so absorbent---it's impossble to sink), being pulled by his Summers Eve pickup."  

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I just think people look at things differently.

The blog was basically about getting your fair share out of these companies.

Would you work at your job for a discount and a shirt you have to pay full price for?

fishing user avatarkevfishin reply : 

This is a good blog on self worth. 

I have been looking into writing about self worth and the connection it has with sponsorship too. 

Keep me posted and I will keep you posted

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

I think about this every time I see a bait or company offering a tournament jersey that you have to buy. Sure, let me pay $80 for a jersey to advertize for you for free. Yeah ok yeah!


Ill tell ya, these reel and rod companies have the perfect marketing idea. Here is how it typically goes


Buy item A

Send in proof you bought item a and the money to ship it and we will send you a shirt


So... you bought the reel, you paid for the shipping on a shirt that cost them $5 to make if that and now you are going to wear that shirt around with pride, you became a walking billboard.


I have a good chuckle everytime I see some knucklehead with a Mathews sticker covering their entire back window of their truck. They paid $100 to advertize for a company that did nothing but take their money for an overpriced bow.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I'm a sucker for free t-shirts

fishing user avatarupnorthbassin reply : 

I think a lot of people want to immitate the pros they see on TV. They dress like them, use their sayings, etc. I think the name/logo put on almost everything I can think of is the Bone Collector series. I swear you could probably find Bone Collector toilet paper if you looked hard enough.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Today it's the more about the me culture of what can I get for nothing without earning it and this tells you a lot of a person.

Integrity is all about having good ethics. There is an saying "we are all whores", just need to determine the price we sellout for. Don't sell out.

Why people choose to wear labels to advertise for free may have more to do with recognition that they belong to a certain group, then free advertisement. However at the end of the day you are a free sign board keeping the product out in front of the public.


fishing user avatarupnorthbassin reply : 
  On 3/18/2013 at 12:13 AM, WRB said:

Why people choose to wear labels to advertise for free may have more to do with recognition that they belong to a certain group


I have to say.....I've struck up conversations with people (and vice versa) wearing clothes that advertise a product I like....not really about the specific product but maybe about the sport/game/etc in general. That might be more of a reason to wear something like that than the advertising end of it.

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 

So do all of you guys take the logo's off your clothes, shoes, vehicles, boats, phones, and ect... You are all ridiculous...


Lets see we have hate for the rebates jerseys, shirts, and hoodies.. We have hate for the vehicle stickers. Hate on Mathews Solocam. Hate for people who wear jerseys for free because now people actually need to prove worth to get a sponsor deal..

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

WRB and UpNorthBassin, you two have some very good points.


JHoffman, I am on the same page with you.



CkFishin, I do not take the labels off of my shoes, jeans etc. But I also doubt if

someone saw me fishing in jeans and tennis shoes they would assume that I

was sponsored by Nike and Silver jeans.


However, if they saw me wearing a jersey and hat with a Silver jeans logo and

a sticker on my truck window, that might be a different story.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 3/18/2013 at 4:46 AM, CKFishin said:

So do all of you guys take the logo's off your clothes, shoes, vehicles, boats, phones, and ect... You are all ridiculous...


Lets see we have hate for the rebates jerseys, shirts, and hoodies.. We have hate for the vehicle stickers. Hate on Mathews Solocam. Hate for people who wear jerseys for free because now people actually need to prove worth to get a sponsor deal..


Strange.  I didn't see any hate in any of the prior posts.  Maybe you could quote from the posts that express hatred. 


Really, I find it humorous coming from someone who with one broad brush labels everyone else as ridiculous. 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I know some folks who are absolutely against labels of any kind and take them off everything; cars, clothing etc. What we are talking about having your boat wrapped with sponsor labels and you are not a sponsored angler is an extreme. Having decals on your tow vehicle and boat like Loomis, Ranger boats, Lowrance etc and you are not sponsored by these companies and only associate with the products because you are a bass angler, very common with anglers. I went thorough this phase with clothing having patches on nearly every square inch until I realized how foolish it was. Today I wear plain sunscreen cloths with no big logos except the small tags inside the collars, the smaller the better!

Here is where the rubber meets the road; I have every ball of the products I use in the rod locker for 2 reasons; spare cap if I need it while fishing and for photos should I catch a world record bass to have a picture taken I with each hat for no other reason to promote the products for $$$ if the opportunity ever happens.....we all have our price!


fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Tom you are 100% correct.


That was exactly the reason I posted Chris' blog.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

If I like the logo and have no ethical reason not to do so, whether it is GLoomis, Megabass, Nitro, Cabela's,  Ruger, or Burger King I may wear it on something or put it in the window of my truck. You may have St. Croix, Shimano, Ranger, Bass Pro, S&W, and Hardee's on your stuff-or nothing at all. Life is too short to stress about such things in my opinion.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

Too much talking and not enough fishing here.


I do agree though. A jersey is over the top unless you are actually sponsored. or part of a team.


This topic is beating a dead horse as far as golfing go's. We call them "Tour Posers"


I think we should all just shut up and fish. 

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Talking is what we do here JellyMan. :eyebrows:


The question is asked why would a company pay to have a pro endorse their products when I may wear their stuff and pay for the privilege. No one gives a rip what I am wearing or using. Many care what KVD is though. He has earned the credibility by performance and the products he endorses. 

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

He raises some interesting points in his blog. I understand that Nick worked really hard to get where he's at and wants his "fair" share. I mean no offense, but he has to realize that he's a low-middle-tier competitor in an emerging niche sport with a cult following, fighting on free UFC preliminary cards and cards that are shown exclusively on Facebook.

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 

 Though this site is free so we dont pay to comment many here,myself included, sure give away free advertising in their testimonials to the products they use ie Shimano, YZ, ABU. I think sites like this are more beneficial to companies than any jersey worn by a person. I come on here everyday and see mutiple posts saying how great product "x" is so try it out. I myself have never seen a person at a lake wearing a jersey. I do see people at BPS Gander and the like with ST Croix sweaters/shirts on and never think whoa they must be sponsored. Just like when I see a Packers jersey on a person at walmart I dont think hey he must play for the Packers.

 Ill buy whatever I want with my money without care to what others whom I dont know think about it. I would like to have a jersey with Bass Resource,Pinnacle,Okuma,GY,St Croix,SPRO,PowerPro and a few other logos on it. If someday I do and a person sees me and thinks "what a tool" so be it, its their hang-up not mine.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Looking forward to your article JT

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Quake'N Shake if memory serves...Bass Resources can get you a shirt just like that....right now. Look under "gear" and :Custom Tournament Jerseys".

Some folks just like to 'belong'.

Can we go fishing now...Please...



fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

I'm painting a big yellow 48 on the side of my car and only making left turns from now on...

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Interesting thread.  Personally i think it is silly when i see peopel wearing jerseys with all the bait manufacturers on them unless they are a pro. The only logo items i wear are for sports teams and all the advertising i do is by looking for whatever brand i am using.  Now i won't hesitate to offer up my opinions on a product and i am a st croix and sage rod fan.



If you want to see a funny sport, watch cycling.  I like to ride and it always cracks me up when i see a group of riders all "kitted" out and aren't even going along that fast.  To me if you want to spend your money on logo gear then by all means go for it but it just isn't for me.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I'm convinced.I've decided to donate my clothing to the poor.  When you see a bunch of kids on tv wearing *** shirts begging for 30 cents a day, just know there's a naked fat guy, with a big heart, who can't go out in public anymore.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I heard there's plenty of patriots super bowl shirts from the last couple of years that got donated

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I think this has been an interesting thread



For all of you that keep saying let's shut up and fish, by all means go fishing.



It is snowing like crazy here and the lakes are still half frozen so I will continue

to spend my time here talking with others just like me until it's a little warmer.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I agree, I come here to read and respond, when I can't fish.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 
  On 3/18/2013 at 10:29 PM, tomustang said:

I heard there's plenty of patriots super bowl shirts from the last couple of years that got donated

Not just Pats, every big game has apparel made up for both teams, the loosing stuff gets sent back and donated to 3rd world countries, most of which never heard of football, baseball, basketball or hockey. My wife works for a sporting goods retail chain, and part of her job is making sure those boxes are returned unopened. You'd think they contained precious metals the way they are guarded and accounted for. Nike is the only company I know that makes Shimano looks benign...

That reminds me, gotta finish my bracket...

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 3/18/2013 at 11:45 PM, JT Bagwell said:

I think this has been an interesting thread



For all of you that keep saying let's shut up and fish, by all means go fishing.



It is snowing like crazy here and the lakes are still half frozen so I will continue

to spend my time here talking with others just like me until it's a little warmer.

Snow and freezing rain in Chicago

fishing user avatarbasseditor reply : 

Name brand clothing and company logos are everywhere, not only in outdoor sports. Try buying a shirt or jeans in a top line store. I don't like that "polo player" logo on my shirts. I don't play polo.

I purposely try not to wear any logos when I'm fishing if I can help it. But some of my fishing shirts have the manufacturer logo on them.

We had a college-aged summer intern a few years ago and she said the Columbia PFG shirts were the "in thing" for her peers. To me they were fishing shirts, I didn't know I was so hip.

Maybe we need a "no name" brand? New business venture. Ha!

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

I have stuff with logos on it, I am certain everyone does. The younger generation 30 and under was brought up where if you didnt wear name brand stuff you werent in the cool crowd. I never caved to it as far as some people but I do have gear with logos on it, though not much. I can think of four items in my wardrobe which have a companys name prominently on it. A GAP hooded sweatshirt, an elite archery hat(best warrenty in the business and customer service), TW hat in white I bought to fish in the summer heat and a Daiwa shirt that I also got in white to fish in the summer heat.


I try my best to never put stickers on my vehicle which have a name. Right now, my only sticker is three turkeys walking, an NWTF sticker which I cut their name off of even though I support their cause.


Its always the people who have these high priced name brand product stickers on their cars who are the first ones to complain someone broke into their cars or homes to steal stuff. Nothing like telling total strangers you have nice gear. I dont have a big archery sticker on my vehicle because when my car is parked along the road, I dont want anyone to know I might be after a big buck. The details is where this argument of being against it comes from me. I dont want my stuff stolen and I dont want to advertize your company unless you have done something special. Orivis, really did something specail for me, Elite... same story. I absolutely love almost everything I have or I wouldnt own it but I am not putting any sticker from a company on my ride without a discount.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
  On 3/18/2013 at 11:45 PM, JT Bagwell said:

I think this has been an interesting thread



For all of you that keep saying let's shut up and fish, by all means go fishing.



It is snowing like crazy here and the lakes are still half frozen so I will continue

to spend my time here talking with others just like me until it's a little warmer.



JT I live a couple hundred miles south and went fishing Saturday at Kinkaid just as the cold front blew in. We did not catch a thing, and just about froze to death before we would concede defeat. We have had 3+ inches of rain with a little sleet for variety thrown in since. I can only talk about fishing and fishing related things for now-I still haven't completely thawed from sat...

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Yeah man that is what I am trying to say. I would love to be out fishing right now but it is cold and miserable outside so all I would catch is a moving chunk of ice and frost bite right now.


We aren't supposed to get too far out of the 20's for the next week or so.


But these forums are designed to come here and talk fishing right?

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

Well since I am a big and tall person I buy what I can fit in which inst all that much, never liked labels, I will promote a product for sure when said product meets or exceeds my needs, would I wear a free hat, you bet ya, free t-shirt I would if I could, my clothes are expensive and if I could I would wear a free tshirt to fish that be great.  But I am not a pro nor am I promoting anything if you want to be a billboard for companies product and not get paid then that's wasted space, since you could use it to promote companies that could support you.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Now, I must REALLY be bored. I actually read all of this


fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I think some of the meat and potatoes of Chris' blog has been lost in translation.

fishing user avatarIntroC reply : 

I see a lot of unsponsored people driving around with stickers plastered all over their windows and wear the Berkley or Mercury clothing, I guess thats their MO. I personally think it looks silly unless of course your sponsored by that paricular company. On the other hand if someone gave me(as in free of charge) these articles of clothing I would have no problem wearing them. My thinking behind this is you give me something for free your gonna get something in return and thats me advertising your product, if I like it. The stickers you can keep. I'm not real big on plastering  stickers all over my vehicle free of charge. If sponsored, then yes.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Let me run this by you guys. How do you feel about Ranger bucks, or Skeeter bucks, or Legend bucks, or Toyota bucks which are givin out at club tourneys sponsored by the boat/truck mfgs. My club has Legend Boats as a sponsor. Legend is pushing real hard for new boat sales.thru their Advantage program. It cost the angler $200 fee. A 1st place win in a angler field the size I fish regularly, Legend will pay $10,000 per single win on top of the tourney winnings providing the boat is a 2013 year model, Legend is written across the jersey and a Legend decal across the rear window of the tow vehicle. Would you consider that selling out?  My take and my sons take differ which is part of the reason I didn't take him boat shopping with me. As some of you may know, I bought a new boat a couple weeks ago. Legend was one of the boats I considered. Not because of the incentive program, but beacuse they have a good reputation for big water handling. My son was sold on the incentive program and the boat styling(they are absolutely beautiful boats if you've never looked). Do you view getting into these incentive programs as a form of selling out? There is a chance of monetary gain but no guarantee. My club also has bonus bucks for a jersey mfg and a sunglasses mfg. Knowing my luck I'll take a first place this season and be out 10k LOL

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 3/19/2013 at 6:52 AM, IntroC said:

I see a lot of unsponsored people driving around with stickers plastered all over their windows and wear the Berkley or Mercury clothing, I guess thats their MO. I personally think it looks silly unless of course your sponsored by that paricular company. On the other hand if someone gave me(as in free of charge) these articles of clothing I would have no problem wearing them. My thinking behind this is you give me something for free your gonna get something in return and thats me advertising your product, if I like it. The stickers you can keep. I'm not real big on plastering  stickers all over my vehicle free of charge. If sponsored, then yes.

Agreed. I have an Abu sweat shirt I got as part of their promo for buying a rod and reel, but that's it. And a BPS hat, but I don't wear fishing jerseys. That's silly.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Slonezp my notion of selling out is a little more liberal than some, and my opinion is worth what it costs. I think that Legend has an interesting marketing plan, and if you had chosen to participate how is that selling out? You pays your money and you takes your chances; good for you and Legend. It gives a little more incentive to buy their boat and focus on winning, which is good for them and you. You win and $10,000 will buy you a lot of new clothes; good for everyone!

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

We repowered for the Yamaha $ during the FLW Striped Bass tourneys and hit them up for an extra $30k or so, Buying a new boat every year, I don't know about that,  sounds like drawing to an inside straight. 

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I just read another article about this topic yesterday, seems like it is an issue in multiple sports, not just fishing.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 8/17/2014 at 10:22 PM, JT Bagwell said:

I just read another article about this topic yesterday, seems like it is an issue in multiple sports, not just fishing.

I know the NBA is talking about putting sponsors on their "jerseys" which are potentially going to a short sleeve t-shirt design as well.

fishing user avataratcoha reply : 

Interesting discussion.

Is there any credibility left in anything/anyone that needs a sponsor to "survive"?  I.E. what you are talking about...a professional sport or the like?

That's a rhetorical question...we all have our own answer to it.

fishing user avatarEmersonFish reply : 

The link to the blog mentioned here didn't work for me, but I read some of the discussion.

It's funny. While I was fishing yesterday, I was thinking about this. I plan on fishing some tournaments next year. I have no sponsors, and probably never will, but there are charitable organizations I wouldn't mind endorsing, and was thinking about having a jersey made for that purpose. It was just a random thought that will probably go nowhere.

I know most of the people I see with the shirts, decals on their cars, etc..., are sending a message to people about their lifestyle. Kind of like wearing a concert T-shirt, or something with the logo of your favorite team. You want people to know something about you. I'm a bass fisherman! I like the Ramones! I'm a Cardinals fan!

Where it gets goofy is when people start slapping all kinds of logos on their boats, or wearing jerseys with logos, and paying for the privilege to do that. Everyone knows you are a fisherman. Let those who have agreements with the company do that. What should the bar be? Free stuff? A discount? Financial compensation? That depends on the level of the fisherman. But if guys start selling themselves short, it impacts everyone in the business. I know tournament fishing isn't cheap, but you are a brand as well, and you have to manage that, if you get to that point in your career.

I try not to wear anything with obnoxious logos on it, anywhere. Not just fishing. That's a personal preference. I find it tacky. Obviously my shoes have logos, my shirts will often have a small logo, my jeans have a logo. That's all hard to avoid. But I don't begrudge the guy with the Castrol hat and the Berkley shirt. They were probably free, and if he likes them, why should he care what I think.

fishing user avatarhoosierbass07 reply : 
  On 3/17/2013 at 9:04 AM, Maxximus Redneckus said:

Its all about money..been watching many fisherman on TV the same ones 20+ yrs.selling out to the highest bidder.its a shame



  Like the show I watched a few days ago with Roland Martin in an inflatable kayak.  He seemed out of place in it.  I watched the whole show because he was in a kayak.  But the reasons he gave for fishing one simply seemed like talking points a sales man would give.  

fishing user avatarhoosierbass07 reply : 

 I don't have a problem with people wanting to wear fishing shifts with logos of their favorite fishing equipment.  I really like St. Croix rods and wouldn't mind having a St. Croix shirt to wear.  

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

My buddy owns a very popular restaurant in town. I asked him to sponsor me. I told him if he gave me a sticker, I'd put it on my boat and 3 or 4 people would see it each weekend when I fish. Of course he laughed and never gave me a sticker (jerk). 


I don't think I'd like being sponsored if it meant I couldn't use the lures I love to use. I wouldn't be caught dead on the water without my favorite popper, walking bait, and frog. If I had to stop using any of them (they're made by 3 different manufacturers) I'd be upset. Further, if I was given apparel to wear from any of those companies, I'd wear it. My rule is I only wear stuff from companies that have products I truly use and like. I have a TW shirt that I wear because I love their service. I now how a Hoorag from MTB and I'll wear it because I love me some MTB. If someone asks me about either of these companies, I'll be happy to endorse them. Not for money, but just because they're good and I want to help others.


I really like Cabelas guidewear shirts. I don't mind it a bit that it says Cabelas on it. 

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 
  On 3/17/2013 at 11:40 PM, upnorthbassin said:

I think a lot of people want to immitate the pros they see on TV. They dress like them, use their sayings, etc. I think the name/logo put on almost everything I can think of is the Bone Collector series. I swear you could probably find Bone Collector toilet paper if you looked hard enough.

For those days when you're out of mossy oak coffee beans


fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

Not only bass fishing. Hunting is the same me!


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Anybody else not catching anything?
Who Would You Want In The Boat?
Bass Fishing Things to Say to Get You in Trouble
Whats The Story Behind Your Personal Best?
Most Important Thing You Forgot At Home?
Question: So What Do You Have on Your Boat or Take With You that has Nothing to do with Bass Fishing
Bow Fishing.... Is It Ethical?
Is it normal to not catch anything?
Tackle vs. Knowledge
Please welcome WBT Pro Angler Sammie Jo Denyes!!
What's Your Style?
Welcome To The New Forums!
Danger!!! Snake Bit :(
Under what conditions would you KEEP a bass?
How to get young people fishing?
how many spots do you mark on a map?

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What are you putting on your fishing Christmas list? -- General Bass Fishing Forum
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8+ Pounder In Small Lakes? -- General Bass Fishing Forum