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Trespassers - what would you do? 2024

fishing user avatarhoosierfisherman reply : 

Here's the situation:

I live next to a pretty decent fishing pond.  That pond is owned by my Home Owner's Association.  I pay fees to the HOA that keep it maintainted.

On every entrance to the pond, and around the pond there are clearly visible signs that plainly read "Private Property - for residents only".

Several weeks ago I recognized an unknown truck there, who was obviously not a resident as I did not recognize the vehicle and it was obvious they had come from some distance and were very prepared.  They parked in the most discreet area.  I.E.  Serious fisherman on a private lake.  They parked right in front of the no trespassing sign :)  No way they could have missed it.

It bothered me, but I let it go.

Fast forward two weeks.

I saw the truck again, but now ANOTHER truck was there - same profile, and the two were there together.  The guy had brought his non-resident friend.  And they were definitely all geared up to fish - waaay overkill for what I even do on the pond.  Obviously serious fisherman not from the neighborhood.

Now, if the lake weren't marked and it was a one time deal I wouldn't care.  But it is very clearly marked and these guys obviously are experienced and know the rules.  No excuses.

I'm inclined to call the police for trespassing or the DNR the next time I see them.

I know most of you will think that I'm a little harsh, but I already gave them grace the first time and I probably shouldn't have then.  The signs are very, very clear and they parked RIGHT in front of the sign, and by another down by the lake.

If they were to get hurt or sue the HOA, I'd be paying for it.

What would you do?

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Call the authorities.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 
Call the authorities.


fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

This one is going to be off the wall....But make friends with these guys. Tell them that it's illegal to fish there without you and if they do it they'll get in trouble. But on the other end, you have to invite them back to fish with you, unless it's the kind of pond that if you have permssion from a resident you can fish. Then just tell them that it's okay as long as they don't bring anyone else. It's always fun fishing with new people and learning new things. I'm sure they're good people that just love fishing. Just cause they're trespassing to fish doesn't mean they're bad.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

What Bass Brat said Recent scenario me and my fishing partner faced'

We fish 2 bodies of water, on private property belonging to an industrial park here, that they have gated but generously have not posted, If you want to fish it you have to walk in. One is a small pond that holds LMB 3 to 4 lbs, then about 100 yards back a stripping pit that holds numerous smaller bass and psycho pickrel.

The pit is a draw point for local factories and the fire dept for waters for brush fire control. Everyone who can draw water, has a key and gets to drive their tankers to the pit for water. We have noticed a guy, with a large tanker truck parking close to the gate, not going in and running a draw hose to the closer pond and taking water. We thought this strange

Last month when we were fishing one of the Indusrtial Suit Guys stopped and spoke with us. HE saw us picking up those freaking styrofoam bait holders, debris from a fire and cans up. We explained it was not ours, and he said that is why he stopped they are thinking about closing the site to fishermen because of this litter and some constuction dumping going on,. He gave us his card if this were to happen so we could get permission to keep fishing there. We told him aobut the truck, he got very agitated to say the leat as they suspected this was going on, and asked us next time we see this to get the company name and or plate number so he could adress this as it WAS HIS JOB. I was able to do that 3 days l;ater as the same mook showed up. We solved his problem and made a friend to keep us on a favorite spot!

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Under on circumstances accept criminal activity. When you do, you just invite more.

fishing user avatarkayl. reply : 
Under no circumstances accept criminal activity. When you do, you just invite more.

Broken Windows Theory, eh? :)

I agree with ya.

fishing user avatarYankeesWin reply : 

Confronting people in a situation like this can sometimes get you to the bottom of the story and or introduce you to a new friend.......  but in way too many cases it has gotten UGLY!

I think it would be best to contact the authorities and let them "get to the bottom of it" and or "make some new friends".    ;)

just my 2 bits   ;)

fishing user avatarT-Bone reply : 

I say alert the authorities, because breaking the law is breaking the law.  If the first guy brought one guy then you can only suspect that he will bring more.

fishing user avatarKYbassman67 reply : 

Breaking the law is breaking the law, and there is no excuse...but...

Maybe the guys just love to fish and have bass fever, growing up in the area I did, it was tough to find good ponds to fish, and if we ever did fish anything questionable we would always release, but when you love to fish and you see a nice little pond w/o any other sources of water it can be tempting  ;D

But, if you are familiar with the area, go talk to the guys and recommend some other spot to fish that you know is legal and try to keep the peace

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
I'm inclined to call the police for trespassing or the DNR the next time I see them.

I know most of you will think that I'm a little harsh, but I already gave them grace the first time and I probably shouldn't have then. The signs are very, very clear and they parked RIGHT in front of the sign, and by another down by the lake.

You're well within your rights to call the authorities.  If you really want to be nice you can try and explain to these guys that they aren't supposed to be fishing there, but you're under no obligation to do so.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

  • I would try to tell them they are fishing of private property first, from a distance of course.

  • Then by there reaction to your advice, go from there.

  • If they tell you to stick it, call the police.

  • If they leave, let it go and hope they get the point.

  • If they do comeback then def call the police.

This year I stopped at a 17 acre county park to fish for a bit. Well I parked relitively close to where I was fishing and walked straight to my spot. I didn't happen to see the signs that stated the pond was off-limits for a 2 week period before trout season starts.

Luckily 2 guys walking around the pond politely informed me that the pond was closed to fishing. Of course I felt like a complete idiot because when it comes down to it, it is the license holders responsibility to know where they can and can't fish. I was very greatful they told me because if I would have been caught, I could have lost my fishing license, my car, all my gear that I had with me, and faced a $300.00 fine not to mention a probation period where I couldn't buy a license. It was no joke and I was very thankful that they let me know I was in the wrong.

It was honestly a case of not seeing the signs- and trust me, there were lots of em too. Just not on the way from my car to my fishing spot. There was a sign post that is always in the same spot, but the sign was missing.

fishing user avataryankthatsucker reply : 

honestly i would weigh out the situation. are they troublemakers? do they leave their trash behind? do they practice catch and release?are they loud? blocking peoples driveways?

if theyre serious fisherman as you say they prob want to keep that pond as nice as you do.

and lets be honest youre going to tell me that youve never found a "secret hot spot" ?

the only thing i would be ticked about is them bringing all kinds of other people with them and parking their big ol trucks anywhere they pleased.

thats my opinion.

fishing user avatarNEKvt reply : 
If they were to get hurt or sue the HOA, I'd be paying for it.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. It bothers me so much that I can't fish some water because people can't take responsibility for their actions.

"oh I was fishing a steep bank next to a pond after some rain and slipped and broke my arm... someone else should pay for this... why don't I sue that way I can't come back here and do this again."

You let him fish it the first time by himself.  Bringing a friend in a second truck is the end of the line.  He is not even trying to be sneaky about fishing your private stash, plus hes bringing friends.  You could go really passive aggressive and leave a note on his truck.  See the truck again call police.  

fishing user avatarjaystraw reply : 

In NH all the water is public, but the land around it could be privately owned. There is no such thing as a private lake, but there might not be pubilc access to any given body of water.

I'm not sure what it's like where you live, but I would talk to them and let them know they are parking on private property and a landowner may have them towed while they are out having fun.

If they come back and park on private property, get them towed and I doubt they would return after that.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Call the authorities.



fishing user avatarJoe Boss reply : 

The same thing happened to a friend of mine recently. When he complained to his HOA they told him that the guys fishing there were HOA maintenence workers. Since they worked for the HOA maintaining the grounds the HOA gave them permission to fish there.

All is not always what it seems. Ask your HOA to take care of this problem thats their job.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

I've had this problem for the last fifteen years. Ever since my wife and I bought a house on the water, we have people (mostly icefishermen) parking on our property, and using my seawall for access to the water/ice.

I've called the police and had vehicles towed away. It's comical to see the reaction of the guys, when they come in from fishing, and they look all around my property looking for their vehicles. It turns into a very expensive fishing trip, because they have to pay the towing bill and the ticket.


fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Go to an HOA meeting and notify them of the problem and ask them to address it.  

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 

I say let them fish!

don't ask y!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
I say let them fish!

don't ask y!

OK I won't ask Y but I sure want to know why.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Of course, "call the authorities" is the answer but......

Knowing me,....

I would simply approach them and inform them that they are on private property.  ANY guff and you just turn on your heel and go call the cops.

If they leave, but do it kicking and moaning,Get your car wash bucket w/soap and sponge and follow him home.  Wash your car on his front lawn and see if he likes it.

Again, the authorities,lol.

fishing user avatarBlack Bass reply : 
The same thing happened to a friend of mine recently. When he complained to his HOA they told him that the guys fishing there were HOA maintenence workers. Since they worked for the HOA maintaining the grounds the HOA gave them permission to fish there.

All is not always what it seems. Ask your HOA to take care of this problem thats their job.


fishing user avatarPencil Pusher reply : 
I say let them fish!

don't ask y!

Why am I not surprised!!!

fishing user avatarkayl. reply : 
I say let them fish!

don't ask y!

OK I won't ask Y but I sure want to know why.

Because it's him!! ;)

Or he does it in FL! :)

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Call the HOA to confirm they are tresspassing.

Then call the law if so.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I agree, call the police.

Then, after you call the police call your local game warden.

Then, after you call the police and game warden call your HO Assn. president and file a formal, written complaint.

Other than throwing nails under their tires while they are fishing I don't have any other suggestions other than to ask them to leave but that may place you in a dangerous situation.

I like the nails.  ;D

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Unfortunatley now days people are getting shot for a lot less than even a friendly confrontation.  It's in the news daily.  If you're compelled to act at all, call authorities.  They are better equipted for them kind of conversations.

Years ago I was driving past some of our family property during deer hunting, when I noticed 2 pieces of orange that didn't belong.  When I pulled in and went to talk with them, before I knew it I was surrounded by about 12 pieces of orange telling me that my property wasn't posted so therefore was their's to hunt.  I agreed, and was more than happy to get the hell out of there.  Went home and called the warden with a tag number, and promised myself never again.  JMO


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