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Release or not to release? 2024

fishing user avataralarcher reply : 

I'm an avid catch and release guy but was asked by a fellow worker today: "what if it's the state record, do you want to turn it loose just to see it caught by someone next year and break your record if it's larger." First reaction was: No problem I can live with it (assuming it's the same fish). Now after some serious thought I'm not so sure.  I love to release large fish and I get a thrill knowing that I may have a chance to trick them again someday. However is my ego willing to let the state record go?  I would like some more thoughts on this one. :-/

Thanks guys.

fishing user avatarSpecialSause reply : 

hey first of all im new and to answer your question take pictures with measurments their are places that will make an exact replica if you bring them the pics and you get to let the fish go..


fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

I think I would let the bass go. I would get a replica of it done up. I rather have the fish live the rest of its life, than worry about someone else catching it one day and breaking my record. It would suck though. Once the word gets out about a world record being caught some where, you can bet that tons of new people are gonna be at that spot everyday trying to get their hand at a world record. A bass that old though deserves to be released in my opinion. It has survived being a fry from when it was born, to competition against other bass, and other predators. Good topic though.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

If I lived in any other state besides Cali or GA I would release the fish. But since I do live in Cali a state record would most likley be a world record and I'm keeping it. If I catch a 22lb 3oz bass its going back, 22lbs 4oz and I am keeping it. yeah I know its supossed to be 2oz over Perry's but I wouldnt care, Tie or break the reacord, its dying.

fishing user avataralarcher reply : 
hey first of all im new and to answer your question take pictures with measurments their are places that will make an exact replica if you bring them the pics and you get to let the fish go..


Welcome aboard SpecialSause! but that's not an answer to my question, read it again and give me an honest answer.  It's not about a mount it's about loosing the record because you didn't harvest the fish.  This is all hypothetical, so think it over more, be honest and let me know.

***Harvesting the fish is in no way illegal or wrong*** I'm just looking for opinions.

Thanks Matt, your opinion is highly/deservedly valued.

fishing user avatarjiggerpole reply : 

To be honest the odds of you catching it would be astronomical. If released the odds of someone else cathcing it would be again astronomical. A fish that old has; from a biologist point of view, lived its life, so it would be your feelings for the fish that determines your choice. I would keep it alive if at all possible and after having it officially weighed donate it to Bass Pro Shop's aquarium and they will give you a replica of it. I believe Woods & Water will do this also.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

New member, Welcome Aboard!

Breaking a State Record is a big deal, I would keep the fish, especially a brown one in Tennessee!   :o


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

If you keep it just because you don't want someone else to catch it when it's larger and break your record , you fit in with this me society we live in today.

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

I would let it go. All that would matter to me is the fact that I had the state record bass, even for a short period of time. It wouldn't matter to me if someone came and caught the same fish, beating me by a couple ounces.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
I would let it go. All that would matter to me is the fact that I had the state record bass, even for a short period of time. It wouldn't matter to me if someone came and caught the same fish, beating me by a couple ounces.

I'm with jake on this one.However it doesn't bother me if someone choose to keep a state or world record fish either.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

I would let it go, records mean nothing to me. I would get more satisfaction out letting the fish go than killing a miracle and having it on my wall.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

State record? I'm more likely to win the lottery.


But to answer your question: I'm keeping it.

fishing user avatarGatorTom reply : 

Keeping it and donating it to BPS.  Not because I don't want anyone else to catch it, but because I live on the lake that I would most likely be fishing when I caught it and I don't want everyone and their brother out there fishing and trying to catch it.  More of a crowd control thing.

fishing user avatarStill a Bigbuckifan reply : 

State record, which would be 18 pounds ,I think i would throw it back

World record, is a whole diffrent story That bad boy is going to a certified scale, I would try to keep it alive, but if it died it would be worth it.

fishing user avatarwarmer reply : 

i would let it go, and LIE LIE LIE about everything!  

from where i was fishing, to what i caught it on.  I'd drive trailer that fish to the next county to have it officially weighed, and trailer it back afterward. i mean it'd be a shame to cut down an all-star like that in her prime.

World record, is a whole diffrent story

i wouldnt sweat a world record here in florida my man. i dont think youll have that problem untill we start stocking trout, or some other giant slimy fatty slow forage fish like those california cheaters.  i mean, you steal our fish and make em fat. cmon cali. geez!

and i prefer romans 8:38-39.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Fisrt there are several classes of record bass; state record, line class, all tackle and personal best records.

From a hypothetical perspective it's the expected norm today the release bass, even record size fish. The question with C & R is always about survival percentages, which are less the bigger the bass is.

The value of big bass is high in the bass fishing community, to catch big bass is an important goal.

When it comes to the moment of truth, so to speak, every angler reacts differently. The excitment of the moment, the desire to do the right thing, whatever that maybe, drives us to a decission; keep or release. The vast majority of bass fsiherman, that I know, kept thier first big personal best bass. The reason that most big bass are kept is they were in poor condition after all the handling, photographing, measuring, weighing and generally bragging about the catch to other anglers on the water. Releasing a big bass, after all the extra handling will more than likely lead to the bass dieing from stress.

My advice; handle these special big bass carefully and release all that are healthy, with the exception of potentail record bass. If a bass has grown to record size, it is at it's peak weight condition and will only get a older and less healthy, keep it.

The reality is; you may never get another chance to validate the bass was in fact a record fish without keeping it. I released a potential world record bass simply because of being caught up in the moment and not validating the catch properly and now realize that was more than likely my only chance, record bass are very rare.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
i dont think youll have that problem untill we start stocking trout, or some other giant slimy fatty slow forage fish like those california cheaters. i mean, you steal our fish and make em fat. cmon cali. geez!

C'mon man, what do you really think 'bout them cheaters?


fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I would only keep a world record.  State records really don't interest me.  It would be a nice achievement to break a state record, but I wouldn't need the recognition for doing so.  I would let the fish swim away to produce more little state records.  That's just my humble opinion.  

fishing user avataralarcher reply : 

Thanks guys, I appreciate the feed back. Everyone has valid points and I'm still not sure so I guess I'll continue to fish my tail of in hopes of coming to this situation!

Thanks again.

fishing user avatarSpecialSause reply : 

i guess if i caught any record i would keep it state or world i loath the thought of having someone one up me by catching my same fish after it ate. im by no means someone who keeps all the fish but i do eat some that i catch but no more. but if that sucker is really that big he is going on my wall.


fishing user avatarmrmacwvu1 reply : 

i would have to say that i would keep it and take it to a private pond where i would feed it the people's next door jack russels

then i know it would be over weight

just kidding

think of it this way

i am not a godly man by no means however i feel no closet to the man above whoever that may be when i land a monster fish

every time i take that fish out of the water that just lessens my chances of feeling that way

fishing user avatarnashkcn reply : 

Release!!! Unless you need something to eat.

fishing user avatarwowyo reply : 


fishing user avatartennwalkinghorse reply : 

Let it go take a picture and measure it

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

A state record catch is a dead duck unless the hatchery truck can get here before I leave the water. Actually here in Texas the state will send a truck to pick up any bass caught between 10-1 and 4-30 each year weighing over 13lbs. Soooo, he might survive, just not going back in the water.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

I don't think anyone who has not caught a state record can say with certainty whether or not he would release a state record fish if he caught it. Now I say I would probably keep that bad girl, but I'm sitting at my desk at work. If I were on the water holding a 13 pound fish (Connecticut), I might have to let her go out of respect, or I might succomb to the promise of fame and keep her. Who knows? Hopefully I'll know soon  ;D

fishing user avatarno.4shot reply : 

I would do my best to keep it alive and take it to the DNR and do whatever is needed to get my name in the record books then take it back and release it.  Records are meant to be broken.


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