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Fishing Confidence 2024

fishing user avatarMidnight Splash reply : 

I have always been a believer of keeping confident that I'm going to catch fish.  A positive attitude and confidence just seems to pay off for me.  I don't really understand it but I surely do believe in it.  I preach this to my old man because he tends to have a negative fishing outlook when things don't get jumping from the start.  Especially when we fish Kona, HI for Blue Marlin without getting bit the first day.  He thinks I'm crazy but I'm 97% sure I'm not.  What do you guys think?  Do you believe confidence at whatever kind of fishing you are doing is really that important?

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

Confidence truly is the key to fishing success

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

Always be optimistic! I truly do believe that the next cast I'm  gonna stick a 5+. This attitude makes you focus on every cast and not become sloppy and miss a solid bite. Be confident and remember your fishing to have fun!  :)

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 

you have to stay confident, i will admit it is tough when fishing new areas. You HAVE to know the fish are their or its hard to stay positive. It can be even more challenging trying a new technique and not getting bit, though it can be discouraging you have to stay positive or nothing will ever go right!

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

Fishing and gambling must have the same psycology as we have to think we will win with the next hand/cast or it just is not fun and we will stay home. If I did not think I would catch on every cast I would not work at it, my presentation would be off and then it would be a self fulfilling prophesy--no fishys in the boat.

To me confidence is everything.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Confidence or the power of belief is a good thing.  Confidence leads us to keep thinking of ways to solve the puzzle and then we act on it and magic happens.  In and of itself, without action it is useless.   

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

I believe i plays a big part with fishing success .Its kind of hard to explain but it helps bring everything together in your mind and helps with your focus and concentration and opens a lot of your senses so you can become a fine tuned bass catching machine.I hope this makes sense,i should be in bed by now.

fishing user avatarsaint romain reply : 

I know confidence comes from catching fish, but how do you gain confidence in baits that you've fished once or twice but really never caught much? Suppose you're out one day just trying new things, using baits/colors/presentations that "by the books" are solid, but you've never used them, and don't even get bit? Would you just give up with that bait?

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

Confidence brings focus to what you are doing. Being focused can help you to be more observant. Being more observant provides you with information to process and then you can apply what you have learned to make the best decisions that increase your chances of putting fish in the boat. I'm never confident I WILL catch em, but I am confident I can stay focused and apply everything I have learned to increase my chances to catch em'. Misplaced confidence can be a hindrance. My dad told me to be confident but not cocky.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Confidence is no more than the ability to know what you are doing. If you don't have a clue for what your doing  , confidence doesn't mean squat.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Confidence is gained through time and experience -- and success.

fishing user avatarbear7625 reply : 
Confidence is gained through time and experience -- and success.

I couldn't agree more! Confidence is built by the knowledge you gain, from the experience you get, from the time you put in. That equals success. 8-)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Be careful there....It doesn't equal success for me.  Success cements the deal.  Example:  I've put in hundreds of hours with a C-rig.  I've caught some dinks.  I know how to fish it.  I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than use it, though.  I have NO CONFIDENCE that I'll catch a decent limit with it in a tournament.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Absolutely, confidence is very important.... even for normal people. But then, for myself, with my AADD, I had better believe I'm going to get bit on every cast or else, my mind will be on some completely other subject, in a whole different time and place, and then, when I finally do get bit, I'll be most likely to miss it.

Fortunately, as was mentioned, confidence is gained through experience. I know what it feels like to get slammed, using pretty much all the lures, baits, and techniques that I use.... So it's very easy for me to imagine getting slammed, on every single cast :)



fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Success builds confidence.

The definition of optimism is having hopefulness and confidence about the future of successful outcomes.

What I believe you are saying is you are optimistic and have a positive outlook and not easily discouraged when fishing.


fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

If I go fishing, I know in my heart of hearts that I will have successful that day, BEFORE I get there. I feel that with the way I fish I can entice any strike. I also know that, if I'm getting skunked my concentration gets more intense.

If I do get skunked, then it wasn't for lack of trying, I just plain got skunked. I will never let 1 day of being skunked detract from my confidence. To me, it's like losing a lure in the junk: To me, I just say..."That's fishing"...

fishing user avatarstriper11 reply : 

yes I think it helps.

fishing user avatarRebel Angler reply : 

Most definitely. If you don't have confidence in yourself, might as well stay at the house.

In the words of Mike Iaconelli..


fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

If your leaving the house saying were not going to catch anything, i say stay home then and watch fishing on TV.

Stay focused, Stay motivated, Keep going as long as you can.

When the trout season opens i bass fish at 3:30am everyday for as long as i can 24/7. Till i get burned out probably by june/july. I'm disabled and push it as much as i can.  Sometimes i fish for an hour or two but i'm out there not giving up yet.

I use only lures so it me upgainst the little brainers. One day i stayed with no fish bitting and went thru my tackleboxes of lures twice changing my presentations, sizes and colors till i caught at least one fish before going home. The manns loud mouth in fire tiger broke my trip home from getting skunked. Trust me after a sore ram from casting i went home proud as a peacock from at least catching one bass. It was too late in the morning and i was running late but i stayed focused and motivated. Bill

fishing user avatarlaus reply : 

So true, Bill. Confidence to me means I can see that bass, be that bass, like I'm sitting underwater watching. I know for sure I'm twitching/cranking/presenting that lure just right, and there's such joy in that. If the fish pass me by except for one, I still know I was excellent at my art. MoJo! 

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

If its slow i like to just sit and practice all my different presentations with every lure. A fish will always interupt me sooner or later.   Bill

fishing user avatarVABassin'14 reply : 

To me, confidence while fishing is a little different than how anyone here has described it. I know that I'm not going to catch a fish on each and every cast. I don't feel that I need to have confidence that before each cast that I am going to get bit. However, I do feel that I have to be confident that I am fishing in the right area, at the right time, with the right lure, and with the correct technique. I believe that I need to be confident that I am going to cast my lure into the area that I am trying to cast to, and once my lure is in that spot that I will fish it in the most effective way. So in other words, I believe that as a fisherman it is important to feel confident in everything that you have control over and just let everything else take care of itself.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
I know confidence comes from catching fish, but how do you gain confidence in baits that you've fished once or twice but really never caught much? Suppose you're out one day just trying new things, using baits/colors/presentations that "by the books" are solid, but you've never used them, and don't even get bit? Would you just give up with that bait?
First and foremost you need to have confidence in yourself as a fisherman. Confident you can adapt to different situations that present themselves.

The problem many people have is they don't give new baits enough of a try and when new stuff isn't producing they go back to the tried and true. Myself included. My remedy for that is practice. If you're out fishing just to fish dedicate a portion of your time using the new presentation. Or better yet, leave the senkos and spinnerbaits at home. Rather than being overly concerned if it produces or not just try different retrieves under different conditions without expectation. Everyone goes to the lake with that new bait they heard about on Bass Resource, or the one that won the B.A.S.S. tourney. You just spent $12 for and when it doesn't produce the day is ruined and you're out $12. Just because a bait doesn't produce one day doesn't mean it won't the next, and vice versa. Case in point KVD threw spinnerbaits on day one and started throwing them on day 2 but realized the spinnerbait bite shut down. If KVD wins the Classic using his 1.5's or 2.5's and you buy them and they don't work for you, Does it mean that KVD got lucky and the lure is really garbage? OR The lure just isn't producing under the conditions you are facing. To expand on that same thought, other pros were also throwing KVD cranks in the same general area he was. But he was doing things a little differently, bumping stumps with the lure. The more knowledge you develop in fishing situations the more confidence you'll have knowing what lures to use when.

fishing user avatarMr SwimJig reply : 

Confidence in yourself is key, if you do not have confidence in yourself then your going o struggle with whatever your doing.  Then you also have got to have confidence in the lure and color your using.

My son is learning this the hard way, but at least he is learning.


fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
Confidence is gained through time and experience -- and success.

This sums it up well for me. The more time I spend successfully using different baits in specific situations, the more confidence I have that when faced with similar conditions I will catch fish. Over time I have gained confidence that most of the time I will find fish. That isn't always the true, but I always expect to. That expectation allows me to stay focused for a longer period of time, which enables me to catch more fish, which gives me more experience... 8-)

Like J Franco what works for you may not work for me. I have much confidence in a C-rig, but very little in deep cranks, based on my experience. Much of that comes from not liking the work involved using a big crank, and my general preference for slower presentations. Finding what works, and then refining those techniques to catch more and bigger fish is very cool. As VABassFisher said being confident you have done your part, while being prepared to adjust if necessary is what we all shoot far IMO.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

So...Confidence is good...Fishing a lot gives you confidence...Therefore fishing a lot is it?

fishing user avatarK.Fox reply : 

Im confident when I fish. It's staying focused when the fish aren't biting that I have a problem with. ADD!


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