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What does "confidence" in fishing mean to you? 2024

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

You always here bass anglers talking about having "confidence" in this lure or that lure.  What does that mean to you?  Or what do you think it means?  

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

a confidence bait means that when the fishing is tuff    you always have one lure that you know will work cause you know how to fish it correctly    and  know the pattern for it

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I do not think that confidence comes overnight. We all have our confidence lures. Mine is a Gitzit, but, confidence is more than that one lure. I know lots of men who have a few good tourneys or days on the water and think they are " all that ". We all know them. Confidence for me is knowing that, from all the years of experiance on the water that I have had, all the tactics that I have learned from others by reading, watching others and learning from the old timers and my ability to adapt to just about every scenario that I can think of, keeps me confident. Its not the lure. I feel that time on the water and the willingness and ability to adapt and let fishing become a perpetual learning experiance has given me the confidence in knowing that when I get on either a river or lake , and no matter what the conditions or time of year, I am pretty sure that I can put a few in the boat. Its not a 100% guarantee but, I am confident enough in my abilitys after all these year that , at least in my head, I feel optimistic when I go on the water. You can never stop educating yourself in this sport. There are a lot of fisherman, but, not a whole lot of consistant fisherman whom don't rely on luck, but, attempt to make it happen.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 


Function: noun

A feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances

Faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way

If I throw a Texas Rigged Worm I have a feeling of consciousness that I have power over my circumstances.

If I throw a Texas Rigged Worm I have a belief that it will perform in an effective way.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

Confidence comes from accomplishment. Everyone's confidence bait is the one that has caught them the most fish. I have a couple of what I call my confidence baits and I have to believe that if all else fails that if I bear down, concentrate and fish them right, that I will catch fish. If I didn't believe it, I may as well stay home and watch TV. JMHO


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Confidance to me means to know when and what to use to put fish in the boat.

By the way , what a great question.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I agree with BassBrat.  This is a great question.  Leave it to Bass fisheman to cut through all the fog and get to the essence of an issue.

A confidence bait is one that you have used so succussfully in so many situations, that you have come to believe that "If this won't catch em, nothing will"

I believe that the senko probably comes closet to that form more bass fisherman than any other lure.

A plastic t=rigged worm would run a close second.

I think jigs round out the top three.

Then there are ratltrap believers,

rapala or rogue minnow faithful.

and so on.

It is wise to have several confidence baits.  Conditions do vary, and yes Virginia there are times when the bass won't bite a Senko.

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

won't bite a Senko....blaspheme! lol

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Maybe it's my underlying insecurity, but confidence comes and goes with me. When a lure is workingmeaning when I'm working it rightI am overflowing with confidence and hoping that others are watching. When I find myself switching lures and speeding up how I'm working them, it's inevitably a sign that my confidence is at a low point, and I hope no one is watching me hack away.  :-/

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I think it's just a time thing.  A few years of making decisions should build that confidence.  Do you fish with more confidence now than 8 months ago?

Are there certain, baits or techniques that you "discovered' this year that didn't let you down?

Fishing them next year, you'll have more confidence than when the guy 1st handed you one.  If you find the same success, the confidence in that bait has doubled from the day you 1st touched one.

Am I making any sense?  

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Absolutely, Russ. Yes, this was the first year in decades that I really applied myself to bass fishing, and my confidence went from near zero to pretty good. With the temps in the 50s over the next two days, I'm going out at least once more. I do think it's all about "feel," about learning over time to interpret the sensations that are coming up the line to your hands. That, and not being too wimpy on the hookset.

And learning from my friends.  ;)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Confidence comes from accomplishment.

I agree with Alpster's take.

I chuckle inside when I hear someone say, "You've got to have confidence!".

That to me is like saying to a starving man, "You've got to feel like you've just finished a meal".

Simply put, "confidence" is something that follows, it does not lead.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I agree with  Alpster, and Rolo,

Confidence to me is when I have mounted the reel to the rod, lined the rod to the lure, and gone out and had a good day with that rig.

As Rolo stated...

"confidence" is something that follows, it does not lead.

Tight Lines!!!

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 


I chuckle inside when I hear someone say, "You've got to have confidence!".

That to me is like saying to a starving man, "You've got to feel like you've just finished a meal".

Simply put, "confidence" is something that follows, it does not lead.


Good One!Great thread too,Bass Brat!

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Confidence comes from accomplishment.

I agree with Alpster's take.

I chuckle inside when I hear someone say, "You've got to have confidence!".

That to me is like saying to a starving man, "You've got to feel like you've just finished a meal".

Simply put, "confidence" is something that follows, it does not lead.


Interesting thread, and Roger as always you make a good point, but in this case I respectfully disagree. I believe it is confidence that keeps you focussed, and attentive to what you know from experience works. It is not to say , "You've got to feel like you've just had a meal," to a hungry man, but "Trust me brother if you do what I'm doing, we'll eat soon." While cofidence begins with success it is more than that. It is an assurance that what I'm doing is right, even if it isn't working at the moment. Just my .02

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I rely on confidence to keep me going during tough times on the water.I am confident that I have enough info logged in my head that I can get bit no matter what happens during my trip.It may be only one bite,but its a bite.If I'm not confident that I will put some fish in the boat,I shouldnt be there.Having confidence in a certain bait or certain area is good but having confidence in yourself is most important.

There are times that I come home without having hooked up but thats okay,I know the fish are still there and I'm confident they'll grow a little bit before I get back on the water.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Interesting thread, and Roger as always you make a good point, but in this case I respectfully disagree. I believe it is confidence that keeps you focussed, and attentive to what you know from experience works. It is not to say , "You've got to feel like you've just had a meal," to a hungry man, but "Trust me brother if you do what I'm doing, we'll eat soon." While cofidence begins with success it is more than that. It is an assurance that what I'm doing is right, even if it isn't working at the moment. Just my .02

I believe it is "motivation" that keeps you focused, and the more success your efforts enjoy,

the more "confidence" you will build. It's a beautiful cycle, where motivation may lead, and confidence may follow.


fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Although I do have lures that usually never let me down, most of my confidence are in the areas I fish.  There are some places that I just know I'm gonna get a fish on that cast because I have caught them there before.  I try to establish a confidence spot on each lake I have tournaments on.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I knew right away this was a good thread, but it exceeded mere "good" and is downright fascinating.

I never considered Rolo's concept that "confidence follows not leads"  I have been thinking about it, and I believe it to be true.  Except (you knew this was coming right?) that one can establish confidence in himself at an early age.  These are the kids in high school who are the star athletes in every sport.  The student who gets an A in every class.  The have learned at an early age that they have the ability and fortutude to succeed at virtually everthing they attempt.   They also have the self knowledge to avoid those activities where their strength isn't highly relevant.  For example the kid who hack into the principles computer and KNEW he could do it before he attempted it, is NOT trying out for the football team.

You get the picture.

So essentially Rogers premise is accurate, but there are people who take on challenges fully expecting to excel, because it is their nature to do so.

I think I was playing hookey that day.  

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Motivation tells me to get up in the morning and head down to the lake.

Confidence tells me what lure to tie on & which area to fish.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I know I I will catch fish, it 's just a matter of finding out how many.

Mizu no kokoro: mind as clear as water.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Simply put, "confidence" is something that follows, it does not lead

In the beginning, yes, but down the road, I disagree. Having had success in the past with certain baits, conditions, etc. gave me confidence, but my confidence when I get on the lake next time is already in my head, I do not need to catch fish before I can feel confident.

Think of confidence as money... you work and then you get paid, the money follows. But when you spend the money, it is leads another process.

If there were only confidence after the fact, I would call it something else...

That to me is like saying to a starving man, "You've got to feel like you've just finished a meal".

Confidence to a starving man would be knowing he was going to get a meal, not feeling like he just ate one.

Very interesting to see how each of us defines confidence and some other terms.  

fishing user avatardk44 reply : 

to me having confidence in a lure means that i know how to work it, i catch fish on it, and i like to use it

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Honestly a "confidence" lure is not the right word to me. It boils down too "X" lure these people are referring too when they call it a confidence lure.......I call it a lure you like to use often. If you fish a lure more often, you'll be more proficient with it. Confidence by definition is

"1. Trust or faith in a person or thing.

2. A trusting relationship: I took them into my confidence.


a. That which is confided; a secret: A friend does not betray confidences.

b. A feeling of assurance that a confidant will keep a secret: I am telling you this in strict confidence.

4. A feeling of assurance, especially of self-assurance.

5. The state or quality of being certain: I have every confidence in your ability to succeed."

I tell myself I will catch a fish today, and go from there honestly.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Confidence is in the mind.     What gives me confidence that I can go to a new lake and catch fish 8 out of 10 times?

Is it that special lure that everyone else has also?

Is it based on my results on new lakes?

Or is it based on your knowledge, skill, versitiltity, willingness to change up styles and presentations  due to the seasonal conditions, current conditions that always put a fish in the boat?   regardless of special lures.

My confidence comes from over 35 years of bassing in numerous states, being versitile,  learning some science on food chains, and being observant of every condition while on the water.

Experience is my confidence.     The tools of the trade we use change some every year, the goal is still the same, catch fish.

Are you a one dimensional fishermen?   Or can you catch fish at all depths?  All seasons?

Confident or versitile and confident?


fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I believe confidence is something that follows most of the time, as Rolo stated.  But you can have confidence to begin with as well, but this type of confidence isn't as long lasting as confidence that follows.  Let me explain.  A football player can have the  confidence that he will be a good football player before he ever plays.  If he is fast, fit, and strong and he knows he has the attitude for the game, he will believe he is going to be a good football player.  That confidence could disappear fast, however, if he gets knocked on his tush a few times in the beginning.  The same can be said of fishing.  When a beginning angler starts out he may be confident that he will catch fish, but if he gets skunked a couple of times, this confidence will fade fast.  

On the other hand, the angler who has experienced numerous situations with numerous lures will have confidence over a wide spectrum of situations.  A couple of skunks won't likely affect this angler because he knows he has the knowledge and ability to catch fish and that it's just a matter of time before he is boating some fish.  So his confidence, which followed his experience of time on the water, is much stronger than the confidence one might have in the beginning.  

A "confidence lure" is a lure that one knows how to use well under a number of circumstances, and this is a lure that he/she will turn to when the chips are down, due to his/her confidence in that lure.  

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

That I am on the right lake, in the right spot, at the right time, with the right bait, in the right conditions, to at anytime be blasted by a ten plus.

Too often are all of those criteria met, except the last :P


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