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Fishing guest coming from Georgia 2024

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Senko77, whom I met on this board, is coming to RI this weekend to visit family so we are planning an outing for Sunday.

 We tried this a couple weeks ago but our lines of communication got messed up.  

 Senko77, if you have rain gear, bring it.  weather will be unstable Sunday.  I have extra gore tex bibs for you but you will need a jacket.

 Has anyone else met someone on the board and did you guys ever meet up and fish?  I can't wait to see how someone else approaches my lake.  (especially someone who at age 14 , rates himself a 9!!)kidding.  Gonna be a fun one!!

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 

I think that is so great you are taking senko77 to your lake. ;D Hats off to you and I hope you both have a great time and catch lots. Guys like you give fishermen a good name. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

It was on another board, but I met a guy five years ago. We fished together only three times the first year, but now it's 15-20 times a year. Worked out great. I needed a guy with a boat, he wanted a back-seater and I was available to fish with him at times when most guys aren't available.

The first time we met at the launch, I asked him if he had any qualms about meeting a stranger from the internet and he said that his sister thought for sure he'd be murdered. But I let him live.  ;D

Actually, though, I was reading his posts for about six months to get to know him before I mentioned that I was from the same town.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

5:02,..supposed to p/u Ryan at 6:30 but havn't heard from him so I call moms cell phone.

WHat happened next is so inconsiderate, I can't finish this post.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Spill it LBH....

fishing user avatarmike90 reply : 

yeah tell i am in suspence

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

Tell Me Tell Me Tell Me Tell Me Tell Me Tell Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

sorry cant. I know the kid wanted to fish bad but it was taken out of his hands I think. I'm not gonna badmouth his mom on a forum. Just a huge, "WHAT THE....?"

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

well i have noticed that senko77 hasnt been on the forum in a while, and that he is selling everything that has to do with fishing on the flea market forum so maybe his mom wont let him fish anymore or somthing.

that would definately suck

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

I hate to see any person get out of fishing and especially a young person with so many years ahead of him.  I had that problem as a kid I was forced to quit fishing, but when I got older I was rewarded with a wonderful lady who let me fish whenever I wanted.  Hopefully something good will come of Senko77, he will never loose the bug to fish.  All I can say young man is be patient, and don't be afraid to dream

                                           CPR ;D

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

i dont see how someone could be forced to quit fishing i mean i am 15 now and almost 16 and my parents like that i like to fish i mean there are alot of kids my age that are into some bad things and i mean fishing is really good and keeps kids out of drugs and other things that they shouldnt be doing. i dont think anyone should ever be forced to quit fishing.

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

Playmaker I agree with you 100%, but we never know family situations.  At the age of 14 I was left to live on my own, first you have to get someway to feed yourself and at the time fishing was not paying me anything, so I had to give it up until a later date when my life stablized a little.  I hope this is not what is happening with Senko, but you never know.

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

thats true phishn_phool

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

And if you read some of his posts, the kid can fish.

The crazy thing is that I spoke directly to both him and his mom on saturday when they were on the road here and everything was fine.  We even set the time (6:30)  Then w/o a call by 5ish, I called her and she just said I don't think it will be possible.  This is the 2nd time I didn't book a weekend shift and didn't even get a cancellation call.  No explanation, nothing.  I really don't get it.  At first I thought she was apprehensive about the internet thing but I was meeting the family at their house.  They could have my liscense #, reg #, etc.  I printed maps and highlighted the route of exactly where we are going and even secured her a spot to park (through a landowner ) where she could even watch if she were still nervous.  I let her know how much I respected the fact that she was being a cautious parent.  

I was taught to at least call if you have to cancel.  Common ettiquette.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

That's too bad.  I am sure the kid and you missed out on a great time.

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

hey LBH did you even get an explanation as to why his mom said he couldnt go? did you go by yourself that morning then or what

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

no explanation.  I took my neighbors kid.  He got a 3.1.  His biggest ever so it all washes.  I'm a big karma believer.

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

well at least you had a good day fishing anyways

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

i am ashamed of what happened.  the reason i couldnt fish last second, was cuz my dad is in jail for something he didnt do, and he could be in for life.  me and my mom are under alot of stress, but she let her mom and dad talk her out of it.  she cried when she told me cuz she felt so bad, but i really feel embarrased to tlak to lbh now.  i hope he forgives me.  i made him miss out on like 300$ and i feel so bad.  but what is going on is puttin alot of stress on my mom, and my grandparents think its to big of a risk, which i think is bull$hit, cuz russell or lbh, is an awesome guy.  i hope everyone on this forum will still tlak to me

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

well i hope everything will work out for the best for you :)

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

and the reason i have to sell my stuff is because while my dad is gone temporarely i have to make money for me and my mom so we can eat and have a/c and stuff.  but i feel like a jerk for not explaining.  i am just really embarressed for what happened and i hope this all works out for lbh

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

o yeah, my mom has supported me wanting to become a pro since i first started, she has driven me to tournies in alabama at 3 in the mornin, the lady is amamzing, we talked about, and it has come down to my joice to sell my stuff to support my family.  i love fishin with all my heart, and i have worked so hard to become good, but life is life, and food and bills and taking care of my mom and bein the man of the house comes first.  i will kepp my rod and a few lures, but evewrything else is going

fishing user avatarMax-in-Mn reply : 

L-B-H seems like a good guy Ryan, I am sure he will forgive you. I truly hope your situation at home works itself out cause I hate to see families in turmoil :-[ Just stay positive and it will work out.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Best of luck to you and it is a stand up thing you are doing.  Hope everything work out for the best.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Sorry the fishing trip did not work out for LBH and if Ryan is truthful it is a shame his father is in jail.  But we can't select our parents.

I only take kids fishing if their parent goes along.

Believe me, it is much safer for everyone if the child's parent is in the boat for the entire venture.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

All is forgiven, crap happens.  You need to resolve your dads situation cause we can't keep lettin' Ike and KVD win everything.  You're the new blood.  I'll call you and your mom this morning and we can fix everything.  

Also, Alot of your drama is going on here in RI and you live in Ga, I guess that's why you keep travelling to RI.  I know alot of people here and if we can help with things while you are in Ga, let us know.  I know dad's problems will be resolved in court but if your grandparents need anything or whatever, let me know please.

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

LBH   That is very good of you..Ryan, you are very young and good things have a way of coming to good peaple.  I don't know if you read all the post. but I once had that kind of problem as a younster, and it took a couple years to straighten out, but eventually I got back into fishing and for the last 20some years I have been a partner in a fishing business and been guideing several times a week in the summers.  Now I am older and fish almost everyday as much as I want to.  You hang in there and never loose your dream

                              CPR  ;D  


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