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Ike and the haters 2024

fishing user avatarpiranha reply : 

I had the pleasure of talking with Iaconelli for about an hour at a sportsmen's show one-on-one. As Will pointed out, he is different when the cameras are off. I expected this, but it was nice to see it for myself. There are others in my local bass club who have met him (he fished in one of our winter tournaments) and everyone sad the same thing.

He knows how to market himself and he knows how to keep people awake in a seminar. And he has a typical, sarcastic, New Jersey sense of humor which I loved but many people in the seminar didn't get. For me, that made the jokes even funnier. All around, he is a nice guy. After having met him, I firmly believe that the people who don't like him, for the most part, just don't get it. I think he overdoes it a bit, but that doesn't take away from his kindness or his fishing ability.

Some of his jokes and humor were centered around the fact that he overdoes it with the screaming and yelling. People who didn't get it were saying derogatory remarks about him which again, made me laugh even more because THEY were the stooges. Ignorance is always funny in my book.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

Ike is just excited about fishing. Most of the haters in the Pros have Bass ***, and they feel threatened by his skills. They all need to get over it or quit if they can't handle the pressure.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 
Ike is just excited about fishing. Most of the haters in the Pros have Bass ***, and they feel threatened by his skills. They all need to get over it or quit if they can't handle the pressure.

well spoken

fishing user avatarchunter_ksu reply : 

I too talked to Mike at Bass U and as much as I hate to say it I came away a huge fan. One of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Sure he does some things that get under peoples skin but it won't bother me as much anymore. I kind of wonder if they aren't fixing tapes to make him look worse than he is.

He took time to bring kids on stage that he talked to while signing autographs during his seminars and made them a part of it. People that say he is a bad influence on kids should lighten up. A young kid is going to be alot more interested in fishing after listening to Ike than some of the other good ole boys on tour, and isn't getting them into fishing what is really important anyways.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Every post I have ever read on any forum where the poster has actually had the opportunity to meet and speak with Ike says the same thing.  He is a likeable, "regular" guy, who is willing to answer questions, sign autographs, and just shoot the breeze.  I have not heard the same said so universally about other big name bass stars.

His antics may turn off the purists, but he is the new breed.  I'm glad he is a nice guy.  Now if he will just learn how to throw back his shorts.......................OH well.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

I don't care for his antics and I'm not a purist and I don't think he's representative of the new breed. His act is a little over the top by any standard in any sport and transparently fake. Having said that, I never thought he was a bad person or anything less than an outstanding angler.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I've never hated Ike.In all honesty,I think his trademark "tirade" just adds a little spice to the whole thing!

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 
Ike is just excited about fishing. Most of the haters in the Pros have Bass ***, and they feel threatened by his skills. They all need to get over it or quit if they can't handle the pressure.

I agree with you.

fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 

I don't "hate" Ike, though some might come to that conclusion from reading any of my posts regarding him. I do, however, greatly dislike his behavior.

Let me make this simple (that way I can understand it,  ;D). If you have children, grandchildren, nieces and 'phews, which pro basser (or football player, opera singer, mortician, whatever,) do you want little Algernon to emulate?

Let's say little Algie or Algette is gonna be featured on ESPN's "Bassin' for Adolescents" (in production as we speak!). You invite all of your friends over to watch and share your joy. You start the grill. Momma makes her famous Eggplant ala Alabammy, and Uncle Rufus brings a keg.

Hurrah! By dint of astute lure selection, a sense of where the critters are hangin' out, and God's grace, Lil' Algie/ette wins the event with a lake record stringer!

Now choose: Do you want to see the little champ(ette) conduct his/her/itself as  Rick, Zell, or Dean would when accepting the trophy and a year's supply of Clearasil... OR... would you rather cringe in your LazyBoy as your shocked guests witness an "Ike Routine", complete with "bleeps", as performed by YOUR kid?

See? All is made clear! 8-)


Spiritual Advisor To Hooters Girls

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 
I don't care for his antics and I'm not a purist and I don't think he's representative of the new breed. His act is a little over the top by any standard in any sport and transparently fake. Having said that, I never thought he was a bad person or anything less than an outstanding angler.

Just to play devil's advocate here, a bit, what do you think of "antics" like doing a touchdown dance or a baseball player pumping his arm in the air after a homerun? Is that over the top or is it enthusiasm? Some of it may be showmanship, but for the most part I feel it is a genuine show of emotion, and shouldn't be condemned. Remember Brandy Chastain in the summer Olympics when she pulled off her jersey after scoring the winning goal? Was that over the top? Perhaps, but it was also an unabashed release of emotion, the likes of which are seen in every sport, from tennis to basketball to bowling. Competition gets our adrenalin pumping higher and higher, and at some point will need to be vented. If Ike was a member of a team and gave his partners a high five or a slap on the butt after catching a nice fish, would we disparage him as much? I think not.

Just because no one's acted like him in fishing before, it doesn't make it wrong or over the top. What some people feel goes against the grain of the norm is what makes them dislike what he does. But without going against that grain, change will never come, and from there stagnation. And as we all know, a stagnant pond will soon be choked out by weeds and then there will be nothing but smelly swamp water...

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

I really admire people that express that much passion in their work/play. I have it, I just can't express myself that way. I am afraid that some of his outbursts on the lake are looking more and more staged and encouraged by TV cameras and if it is he may start to resent having to perform for the cameras. I noticed on an recent FLW show after he caught one that he looked around for the camera and other boats and then put on a show for each of them.

I'd hate for him to get burned out because he really is a great angler and a unique person.

*just my 2 cents.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I remember about 40 some odd years ago a young man that was similar to Ike in a lot of ways . He was very brash and arrogant . He would try to upstage all his oppoments (which he usually did) . He had his world title taken away from him because he believed in his religion. People either hated him or loved him. Today he is considered an icon of his sport. Now I know a lot of you will think this comparsion between Ali and Ike is probably off the wall but it is just my comparsion of two people that generated a lot of interest one way or another.

fishing user avatarFlatfish reply : 

Break Dancing and Yelling on the deck of a Bass Boat, kinda over the edge isn't it, Well unexpected anyway. If nothing else he has got us to pay more attention. Attention sells and he is in the selling business, I am's sure his sponsors enjoy it all. Comparing Ike to  Ali, well no doubt they have both rattled their gums to the point of annoyance, but both have proven time and time again they can back it up.

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 
I remember about 40 some odd years ago a young man that was similar to Ike in a lot of ways . He was very brash and arrogant . He would try to upstage all his oppoments (which he usually did) . He had his world title taken away from him because he believed in his religion. People either hated him or loved him. Today he is considered an icon of his sport. Now I know a lot of you will think this comparsion between Ali and Ike is probably off the wall but it is just my comparsion of two people that generated a lot of interest one way or another.

Here I thought you were gonna say Roland He was arrogant in his younger days. Look at all his AOY's, the only thing he couldn't win was the Classic. Now we have a guy who yells, screams, break dances, jumps up and down everytime he catches a big bass. We think he should stop because we don't like it.

I remember the days when my parents didn't want me to listen to AC/DC, KISS, Led Zepplin, Ted Nugent.

SO WHO REALLY CARES HOW IKE ACTS ON HIS BOAT? WHAT HARM IS IT DOING TO YOU AND YOUR KIDS? Must be people don't want their kids to get excited when they catch a fish, or show any kind of emotion at all when they go out fishing with their dad. Same thing different intensity. So who is to say Ike is in the wrong with his showing off his emotions? You, me, the media? If you hate Ike, make it a good reason, like he kills people, robs banks, steals from the poor, beats women and children, sells drugs/guns, is a terriost. a lawyer, or a But make it a real reason to HATE SOMEONE, not cause they enjoy who they are.

Sorry, just tired of reading why people Hate or Dislike Ike, just for who he is, or how he acts.

I would like my kids to be like MIKE, only cause, as a parent that would excite me to see my kids enjoy what they are doing.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

There is a saying that celebrities generally agree on.  It goes something like this "Any publicity is good publicity"  The death knell for celebritiy is rung when people stop talking about you.  The comparison with Muhammed Ali is a very good one.  He knew perfectly well that people were coming to his fights and buying the theatre tickets to see him get beat up.  He capitalized on  this by being even more outrageous before a fight so he make more money.  He has said as much on numerous occcasions.  As far as being a good role model, well that doesn't put money in the bank.  I wish it did, but it doesn't.  So love him or hate him, Ike is laughing all the way to the bank.  I just wish he would treat his dinks with a little more respect when he "releases" them.  I hope he has gotten the word on this by now. Let's see what happens at the classic.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

 I have never judged him for freakin' out. The plain truth is that the guy can "fish". Being a father I get to see what the younger generation relate to. Extreem sports and the one that stands out in a crowd are the ones liked and disliked equally. The young like it and the elders dislike it. He is a bit of a showboat,but if he was a football player he would be loved.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I don't like his bleeping, but out of all the tournaments I have seen him in, he got bleeped out on one tournament. Every other tournament he did not get bleeped at all. Gerald Swindle gets bleeped out a lot more than Ike does. It's funny how some parents get offended by Ike. They wonder what their kids will think or do about bleeped out words, but they don't think twice when allowing their children to see movies that have V,N,L & SC, which none of it is bleeped out or blurred out. At least they bleep curse words out on Bass Tournaments. You can't compare a Bass Tournament to a PG-13 or R movie.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 
Here I thought you were gonna say Roland  He was arrogant in his younger days.

And in his older days.  ::)


Doing no harm at all, but that doesn't mean that we have to like his act. I just prefer the Marvin Harrison type who acts like he's been there before when he gets into the end zone, as opposed to the guys who pull out Sharpies, cell phones, etc., for their pre-planned, staged "celebrations."

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
I don't like his bleeping, but out of all the tournaments I have seen him in, he got bleeped out on one tournament. Every other tournament he did not get bleeped at all. Gerald Swindle gets bleeped out a lot more than Ike does.

That all has to do with air time. You know what is coming out of their mouths when the cameras aren't rolling.  

I know what comes out of mine when I'm fishing!!  


fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

We don't have that amount money riding on every fish like they do. I don't curse when I lose a fish. I just KEEP ON FISHING!!! Tightlines!!!

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : was more of a joke.  ;D

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I know...... :)

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

I too agree with the Ali -Ike comparison.  The thing about Ali is that HE BACKED IT UP!  As I know Ike can back it up.  So let it be.  I think Ike is great for our sport!  A fresh, new face to a sport of passion.  

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

I have a huge swearing problem, my wife told me that I was swearing at a potluck dinner at my church.. Who am I to judge Ike? I teach my girls the difference from right and wrong and raise them in a loving household. Other than that.........I'm me. Let Ike fish.

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 


"SON! IT'S A 6-7-8-9-10 POUNDER!" (2 lb fish)

Guess the torch has been pased ;)

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I usually try to keep quiet and just read everyone's thoughts, but

I am bored so I will add a little bit of my thoughts on Ike.

There is nothing about the guy that would prevent me from allowing

my kids (if I had any) to look up to Mike. The guy can fish like a machine

and I am sure he does not scream for every fish. If he catches 50 and only screams for 5 of them, you can bet those 5 will be on tv.

Furthermore, I just got off of the telephone with him about 15 minutes ago

and he is pretty much just like any other fisherman that is in his late 20's or

early 30's. We all just like to have fun and catch some fish.

JT Bagwell

Ps: I think I cussed more in our last conversation than he did. So hate me,

not Ike. Oh wait, he is famous and I am not so who cares if I cuss.

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 
Ps: I think I cussed more in our last conversation than he did. So hate me,

not Ike. Oh wait, he is famous and I am not so who cares if I cuss.


;D :o ;D

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 
I usually try to keep quiet and just read everyone's thoughts, but

I am bored so I will add a little bit of my thoughts on Ike.

There is nothing about the guy that would prevent me from allowing

my kids (if I had any) to look up to Mike. The guy can fish like a machine

and I am sure he does not scream for every fish. If he catches 50 and only screams for 5 of them, you can bet those 5 will be on tv.

Furthermore, I just got off of the telephone with him about 15 minutes ago

and he is pretty much just like any other fisherman that is in his late 20's or

early 30's. We all just like to have fun and catch some fish.

JT Bagwell

Ps: I think I cussed more in our last conversation than he did. So hate me,

not Ike. Oh wait, he is famous and I am not so who cares if I cuss.

You cuss? Hummmmm....come back when you are famous...then I will tell you how I*&^*&^(^*(&^*&^*%*^)

I swear way to much for TV....How I got through Love Connection without swearing...I will never was a :-/..  Just glad to know we are all  

Just need to keep a Big Fish in my mouth to keep me from saying

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

JT,   What do you call famous?   I've googled lots of info on fishing, and your name pops up alot, not to mention here on the forum.   Your famous to some of us!!!!


fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

lol you guys are so crazy.  

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

some people need to worry more about the music there kids listien to more than what ike is doing on his boat. Like jt said if he wasn't famous no one would say anything. Anybody who makes time for anglers and kids the way he does earns my respect.  I have also heard some say he is not liked by fellow pro anglers well I don't like some of the people I work with either but have to work with them no one makes me so tough I have to deal with it and it ain't hurting me one bit Let the man fish and do his thing as long as he dosen't flash himself or moon the camera who cares

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 
some people need to worry more about the music there kids listien to more than what ike is doing on his boat. Like jt said if he wasn't famous no one would say anything. Anybody who makes time for anglers and kids the way he does earns my respect. I have also heard some say he is not liked by fellow pro anglers well I don't like some of the people I work with either but have to work with them no one makes me so tough I have to deal with it and it ain't hurting me one bit Let the man fish and do his thing as long as he dosen't flash himself or moon the camera who cares

I agree....woo hoo...someone who knows what he is talking about.  Couldn't have said it better myself.

fishing user avatarbixbybasspro reply : 
I had the pleasure of talking with Iaconelli for about an hour at a sportsmen's show one-on-one. As Will pointed out, he is different when the cameras are off. I expected this, but it was nice to see it for myself. There are others in my local bass club who have met him (he fished in one of our winter tournaments) and everyone sad the same thing.

He knows how to market himself and he knows how to keep people awake in a seminar. And he has a typical, sarcastic, New Jersey sense of humor which I loved but many people in the seminar didn't get. For me, that made the jokes even funnier. All around, he is a nice guy. After having met him, I firmly believe that the people who don't like him, for the most part, just don't get it. I think he overdoes it a bit, but that doesn't take away from his kindness or his fishing ability.

Some of his jokes and humor were centered around the fact that he overdoes it with the screaming and yelling. People who didn't get it were saying derogatory remarks about him which again, made me laugh even more because THEY were the stooges. Ignorance is always funny in my book.

That's what i have heard before..Still Interesting to hear it from another person..

fishing user avatarcrankbait reply : 

So What


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