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Everyone's PB 2024

fishing user avatarbma3 reply : 

Hey guys, 


I love hearing stories and seeing pictures of people's PBs, so if anyone wants to post a pic with their story on this thread that would be awesome. 



fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

We've got a few of these threads already, FWIW.


Have you done a search?


7.5 is mine. Thick slop/salad, 6' Casting rod, 10lb braid

10lb leader. :) Happiness ensued.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

:computer-22: not again, please do some research!


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

There you go:




Beat that ya'll ! :lol-045:



fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

Dude, your really need a new TV.  That old Sony 4:3 tube TV is the equivalent of a Diawa Millionaire reel: Great when introduced, tough as nails but totally outclassed today.


Is that old boat anchor considered high tech in Mexico?

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

I haven't PB'd for a while now, mine came back in 2007 on opening day of fishing season. Traditionally, my dad and I chase after some northerns on opening day on Lake Holcombe, but in 2007 we were living at our cabin and dad had to deliver a boat to my great uncle, so that meant I was going to be fishing solo. At the time I only had a little 10' BassTender and despite the choppy conditions I headed out anyway. I pulled up on my first spot, a stump covered flat, and started chunkin' and windin' a white spinnerbait. After about 5 minutes of that, I hooked into a good fish, first bass of the year that went 18 1/2". I was pretty happy with that and the day already had a good outlook. I kept on fishing and within a few minutes I caught a dink. With 2 fish in the first 10-15 minuets of fishing I was feeling good about my location choice, and that's when it happened...I chucked my spinnerbait out towards a stump and brought it past it fully expecting to get bit but nothing. I kept going with my retrieve, and about halfway back to the boat, my spinnerbait got slammed. As hard as it hit, I was thinking it was a big northern at first until I stared to feel those textbook head shakes. She jumped once, but I didn't get that good of a look at her, but I knew she was big. It wasn't until I got her up boat-side where she jumped again and I can still see that huge mouth, I started praying that she just hang on a bit longer so I could get her in the boat. I quickly unhooked her when I did get her in, dropped her in the livewell and back to the cabin I went. (Smartphones were new at the time and I didn't have one or a camera so I had to run in for a picture) It ended up going 20 1/2" and weighed 6 1/2 lbs. It was a tank of fish and an experience I'll never forget.


fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 
  On 3/28/2017 at 4:31 AM, WIGuide said:

... on opening day of fishing season...


I think many of us live in areas where the opening day of bass fishing season is Jan. 1 and closing day is Dec. 31...

fishing user avatarRMax reply : 

A 3 pounder, sad to say.  I wish it were higher and it will definitely be surpassed by a pound or two this year, because I learned of a few new spots.

fishing user avatarjdz197 reply : 

I've never actually owned a fish scale but if I had to estimate the biggest has been 5-6 lbs. 

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

Bear in mind that a lot of people on this forum and in this thread do not live in same part of the country or North America for that matter.  A 20 inch/5 pound largemouth is very big for the northern Midwestern states whereas that is not necessarily a tank in Texas or Florida.

fishing user avatarQuarry Man reply : 

My PB story is quite the interesting one. Here is some background. My friend and I were 15, we had a 12' jon boat and lil tm on a 100 acre lake. The lake had no hp limit, so jet skis were a wizzn by. I told my friend to grab the net from the golf cart before we headed off. He "misunderstood" me and thought i said to leave it. I did not notice. We pulled up to two docks and began to fish. I decided to get off on a random dock and fish the other one. My friend jokingly left me. I made a cast and hung up on the boat at the other dock's motor. I started to walk around to unfree the wacky senko. then it started moving. It was an 8+ lb bass easy. I yelled for him to come back and that i had a fish. He did not hear or believe me. once the fish jumped, he believed me and hurried back. I handed him the ml power spinning rod and 8lb line, after not fighting the fish long enough, i reached down to lip her. That was my fatal move. the fish had plenty of energy left, and when i went to lift out of the water, she broke free. I consider it a catch because the fish was out of the water in my control for a split second. The line snapped and she barely escaped as i jumped in for her. This was in the late spring after the spawn. The next day, my friend caught the male, a 6-7 lb bass.




fishing user avatarsully420 reply : 

7.4 on a booyah pad crashed bullfrog color. Caught in 12ft water of a Lilly pad milfoil mixed weed edge in late June in Minneapolis Minnesota on a public lake.


fishing user avatar12poundbass reply : 
  On 3/31/2017 at 12:40 AM, sully420 said:

7.4 on a booyah pad crashed bullfrog color. Caught in 12ft water of a Lilly pad milfoil mixed weed edge in late June in Minneapolis Minnesota on a public lake.


Nice! I don't know about Minnesota but in Michigan a 7lb bass is a monster.

fishing user avatarsully420 reply : 

Thanks it's a monster in mm as kinda bitter sweet chances are I won't catch one that big here ever again. My buddy was 10' away from me when he took the pic. My other buddy on the boat didn't believe the scale and made us measure it 24" and looked up a length to weight diagram then shut his mouth.

fishing user avatarTX-Deluxe reply : 


Caught when I was 10 LOL


I don't count that as personal best anymore cause I was so young. 



fishing user avatarMTBassin reply : 

5lbs 13oz




This one is close to the same size. Didn't have a scale to weigh it though.


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
  On 3/27/2017 at 11:27 PM, OCdockskipper said:

Dude, your really need a new TV.  That old Sony 4:3 tube TV is the equivalent of a Diawa Millionaire reel: Great when introduced, tough as nails but totally outclassed today.


Is that old boat anchor considered high tech in Mexico?


Up to generation 6 consoles are better played in a CRT fyi. Got a 29" Sony Trinitron just for them. 50" Philips for generation 7 & 8 consoles.

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 
  On 3/31/2017 at 9:59 AM, Raul said:


Up to generation 6 consoles are better played in a CRT fyi...

That is no longer correct.  


The old consoles have analog video connections that don't look good on TV'S larger than 32", regardless of type.  If you connected that old console to a new 32" 4K up converting LED set, the image would look better.


Back when HD first came out 15 years ago, the HD sets did not do a good job with non-HD images.  The current crop of 4K sets upconvert images and don't have that issue.


BTW, that Philips is the equivalent of a Zebco 33, although it is better than a Vizio :D

fishing user avatarjimf reply : 

@MTBassin - Wow to the scenery.   I spent a week fishing the Yellowstone and Madison 15 years ago (trout), seeing those pics make me want to go back and hit some of the lakes for bass.   Incredible.  



fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Mine is 10lb 2oz from Lake Commendero, MX. I was quickly reeling in an 8" Zoom lizard when she chased it to the boat. Free spooled my reel and my bait only sank about a foot before she ate it. Set the hook, fish jumped, guide caught her in the net. Entire fight lasted maybe 3 seconds. She was extremely skinny, our guide said she would have been 13-14 pounds if she was filled out, but it was still a DD and that's what I was hoping for. 

fishing user avatarjakebrake reply : 
  On 3/28/2017 at 6:10 AM, RMax said:

A 3 pounder, sad to say.  I wish it were higher and it will definitely be surpassed by a pound or two this year, because I learned of a few new spots.

crazy as it sounds, a 3 pounder can be the difference in winning and losing a tournament.


in some waters, 3 pounds is a monster. in my end of the world, that's a real nice catch.

fishing user avatarA5BLASTER reply : 

Wish I had a pic on my phone to share of my personal best but I dont.


My PB came on a black and red flake ribbet frog in less then a foot of water in some lilly pads, not far from north Toledo Bend park, my scale said 10.67 so I took her in to get offically weighed,  while waiting for the slotted amount of time in the tank she throw up two big bluegills.


She offically weighed 9.14, since then I have caught and released 7 nine pound plus bass but none have broke the 9.14 YET.

fishing user avatarWI_Angler1989 reply : 

I'll never forgive myself, but I don't have the weight of this fish. It is very clearly my PB, caught on a guided trip in Door County. I was dragging a tube along a Sandy trench in shoreline rocks when she slammed it. It was even a double with my buddy! His wasn't as big haha. 


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

February 3rd 2007 was a nasty cold morning with Northwest winds at 15-20 mph, a slight misty rain falling, and temperatures in the middle 30's.


After having launched out of Jack's 944 Marina I made the short (2 minutes) run to the mouth of Bull creek trying to stay out of the wind and some what warm.


Having rounded the corner I dropped the trolling motor, picked up my Rat-L-Trap rod again with the thought in mind of keeping moving and staying warm.


My third cast was into the mouth a cut leading to a boat shed which I knew had stumps on the west side, after turning the handle 4 or 5 time my trap stopped solid, I tell Pat d**n to close to the stumps so I push the trolling motor handle towards the mouth of the cut while stepping on the switch. At the exact same instance my line starts zinging towards deeper water rod all bowed up & drag slipping; I immediately scream at Pat get the net. By now the boat is moving off to my left the bass is moving off to my right and I'm nearly on my knees in front of the console with the upper third of the rod in the water.


Pat net in hand is now on the front deck killed the trolling motor and with a swift motion netted the hawg; which ends up weighing in at 12 pounds 8 ounces.


Needless to say I was rather warm for the rest of the day ;)

fishing user avatarRMax reply : 
  On 4/1/2017 at 9:17 PM, jakebrake said:

crazy as it sounds, a 3 pounder can be the difference in winning and losing a tournament.


in some waters, 3 pounds is a monster. in my end of the world, that's a real nice catch.

Believe it or not, I caught two of similar size twice in one day. They were the only fish we caught and I don't know which was bigger, only that they were about 3 pounds.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

The capper of a  5 day trip south of the border in 2013 came on the third day late in the afternoon.  While fishing a ¾ ounce SK Redeye Shad (Sexy Shad) in front of some bushes on a “nothing” bank, I hooked what eventually turned out to be a new PB.  The fish hit like a freight train and immediately ran for the bushes, I managed to turn her.  Next she went way under the boat attempting to get free, I managed to foil that one. Then in a last ditch effort she went straight for the trolling motor.   I thumbed the spool & she didn't make it, leaving this now less inspired Trophy bass nowhere to go but in the net.  Once our guide Manual placed the net bag onto the deck, with my heart just about pounding right out of my chest, the bait fell from the fish’s mouth.   Seriously lucky for sure and quite a rush.

This fish weighed 11lbs 11 ounces was caught on Nov 11th (11-11) ~  that's going to be a hard one to forget.




   After getting a weight, photos and successful release, I had to take several minutes to collect myself – I had a bit of the shaky hands thing going on.   It was cool.    By now the sun had just about set and once I could no longer feel my pulse in my face, I went back to fishing.  The magic continued on my very next cast.  As an 8 -14 bass sucked down that redeye shad and again, the fight was on.  To tell you the truth, I don’t really even remember that fight very well, sort of a blur.  I was still pretty numb from the previous events.  Somehow the fish ended up in the net, there was a weight and some pictures taken in the dark and then she was released.  That’s 20.5 lbs of Mexican Bass in two casts.

 It was like dream – the good kind.  




fishing user avatarRobert Riley reply : 

probably this lil piggy 


fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

This 9 pound 13 ounce Mexican bass.




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