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Will they bite again? 2024

fishing user avatarRippinLips57 reply : 

Hey everybody me and my buddy went out yesterday afternoon after school and we were runnin this dockline and I threw in this boat slip and reeled it right to the boat and a big ol LM hit it he jumped up and shook it tho :( well he wasn't real big but he was a good 3 lbr but anyways we circled back around and threw at the dock again and nothin so when you hook one should I just keep on fishin down or circle around and try to get the one that came off or is that  kind of a waste of time, Will they still bite after they've come off? If ya got any helpful info tell me. Thanks :) 

fishing user avatarvisagelaid reply : 

If you actually hook the fish i couldnt imagine it hitting it again.  I would move on.  They say that fish have about a 15min memory, so in theory, it could bite again in 15min.  But i would move on. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I know for a fact that they won't bite again if you don't try. 

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

I will usually follow with a different bait. Usually a senko. If she doesn't bite then I'll fish for awhile elsewhere and come back in a lil bit. If you hook up with a big one and she shakes the hook, that's probably your only chance at her that day IME. 

fishing user avatarScottDB reply : 

I'm not sure if I hooked the same fish but I ran a crankbait down the same set of spawn beds (about 15 yards) and my buddy and I caught 10-15 largemouths in around an hour. They might've just been super aggressive around their beds though.

fishing user avatarmllrtm79 reply : 

if LMB aren't terribly different from Pickerels then yes, they will bite again. A couple of weekends ago my fishing partner had a Picky fight him and break off, went back in with a creature bait and pulled him out 3 minutes later, the hook and senko were still on his jaw. I would think that (especially guarding a bed) they will return to what they were doing and could be caught. 

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

I'll always try again, but I've never had any luck getting bit again if I actually had the fish bite and hooked. Wayne Gretzsky once said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take". 


To elaborate further, if a fish bit a bait and I swung and missed, I've never been able to get another bite. Same goes with having hooked a fish, fought it for a little, and then it came off. On the other had, I've had fish smack at lures before like a topwater bait or a swimbait, and I have caught them with a follow up bait like a tube or a Senko.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

Every fish is different.  Every situation is different.  However, while I know that pike, walleye, snakeheads, smallmouth, and others will hit more than once...even on same retrieve....I have zero confidence that a LMB will hit a lure soon after getting a good taste or tug and spitting it.  As I said, every fish is different, and I have no clue what the average memory span might be, but I wouldn't hope to hook it again in the next half hour or more.  Bumping and swiping are completely different, though. 


BTW, are you any relation?



JK....sry :)

fishing user avatarZeeter reply : 

It depends on how hard the hookset was and how she broke free. I've seen fish go into a state of shock after being caught even if the hookset wasn't particularly troublesome. Pulled the hook out and put the fish back in the water - less than 30 seconds between catch and release. She just sat there and didn't move until a turtle came by and ate her. Same thing happened with a pickerel, though that one was out of the water longer. Not sure if anything got the pickeral as we had to move on but she was hanging at the top for around 15 minutes before we left.

fishing user avatarRippinLips57 reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 10:41 PM, Choporoz said:

Every fish is different.  Every situation is different.  However, while I know that pike, walleye, snakeheads, smallmouth, and others will hit more than once...even on same retrieve....I have zero confidence that a LMB will hit a lure soon after getting a good taste or tug and spitting it.  As I said, every fish is different, and I have no clue what the average memory span might be, but I wouldn't hope to hook it again in the next half hour or more.  Bumping and swiping are completely different, though. 


BTW, are you any relation?



JK....sry :)

Yeah that's my sister man ;) lol no but most likely if you set the hook and you get them good but they come off at the boat there probably not going to bite again? I wouldn't think so but I was just Asking to see what you guys do after one comes off Thank Ya for all the info everybody appreciate it :) 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

I have caught a fish, that I had lost hours before and it was still willing to feed again with my #3 Gama hook, two feet of line, and a wacky rigged trick worm still attached to it upper lip.  I was amazed how the hook and worm had little effect on its ability to hunt.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

When a bass 'misses' your bait, getting right back to him is the best thing you can do (strike while the iron is hot)

On the other hand, once you 'stick' a bass solidly, the odds of a comeback strike are mighty slim!

Of course, we all follow-up with a cast or two, but whenever I catch a bass after losing a bent-rod fish,

I'll always assume that it's another bass that was attracted by the commotion (they often hang in pods)

Needless to say, bed-fishing is a whole other ballgame.



fishing user avatarBassn4fun reply : 

You guys might not believe me but I actually caught the same smallmouth off a bed 7 times in one day.  So here's how it went down my buddy and I were bed fishing smallies on a very clear lake, I tossed a 1" red and white tube to a bass on a bed, he bit got him unhooked and let him go.  It immediately went back to the same bed, I thought what the heck see if I can hook him again and he bit again this happened 4 times in a row.  After that we left for an hour or so and came back to the same bed and proceeded to catch him 3 more times in a row before we decided enough was enough and left.  But it had me wondering if we hit it at just the right time when it was guarding fry and was very protective?  The interesting thing is that I used the same lure every time.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
  On 5/4/2017 at 1:03 AM, Bassn4fun said:

You guys might not believe me but I actually caught the same smallmouth off a bed 7 times in one day.  

A bass defending a bed is a different animal entirely than a feeding bass. SM's are known to be more aggressive defenders. And every individual bass is... an individual. I believe you! Although 7 times is pretty extreme.

fishing user avatarUPSmallie reply : 

If a fish hits and it misses the hooks, yes you have a VERY good chance of hooking up.  If it hits and mouths the hooks but you miss the hookset, you STILL have a chance.  If you set the hook on it and it starts to fight for even a second, then I'd say move on and come back later in the day.  This generally applies for any fish species.  Literally had this happen two days ago splake fishing.  Tank followed me in and struck my husky jerk, but missed it and swam off.  Pitched it back out 20 feet and started cranking it in.  He came back and crushed it, but when I set the hook the the lure came flying out of his mouth.  Game Over.  Gotta love fishing.

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

To me, if I missed hook the fish they would bite again, some right away, some longer. If I set hook fish jump spit the lure out or like broke off, never see that fish again.

fishing user avatarQuarry Man reply : 

I've caught the same bass three days straight!

fishing user avatarjimf reply : 

I know for sure I hooked the same fish twice - a good 5# out of a golf course pond years ago.    I landed it, released it, took a second to get everything in order and calm my nerves, made a cast back to the same spot (because sometimes they school) and I hooked another one that had absolutely no fight in her at all.   Got her in and sure enough.


And not right away, but I saw the same fish get "caught" twice within 3-4 hours.   I've told this story here like 4 times so sorry if you have read it, but was out with some boy scouts on a camping trip and a kid caught a bluegill and kind of used it as bait for a minute when a big bass took it.   Almost landed it but the fish broke off.    I ended up fishing off of a dock at dark and caught the same fish - bluegill still stuck in it's gullet.

fishing user avatarMosster47 reply : 

Depending on how long you had it on and what you are fishing with you can get it to bite again on the same cast. 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

If it's a hot bite you can catch the same bass several times, the fact the previous same bass are in my livewell may indicate they weren't the same bass after all, they just look the same.


fishing user avatarQuarry Man reply : 

yeah they will

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

I've broken off a fish and when I came back up the bank, caught him again with my hook and bait hanging off his lip.  Middle of summer so not bedding.  You have got to realize that bass eat things with claws (crawfish) and spines (bluegills/baitfish) that are constantly sticking and fighting them.  IMHO, the old term of "sore mouthing" a fish is overstated.  

fishing user avatarTracker22 reply : 

I hooked my PB twice. He broke my line, I rerigged, threw it to the same spot and he bit again. 8lbs and still had my purple worm stuck in his mouth.

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 

it depends on the conditions really but yes its worth tossing a few more and/or following up with a more subtle bait

you dont leave a bite to look for a bite (or rather its not wise to)

there may be a small school there or it may be prime location

usually after a catch, the fish will spook esp if it were wounded and the bite dies down a bit there then its better to look elsewhere and return later


happened kind of to me this morning.. first time out this season worked an area got a huge hit and lost it went back from a different angle an hour later and lost a 5 pounder as she broadsided me near the surface (sharpen your hooks=very important)

fishing user avatarSullivan Rick reply : 

22 black bass first hour, farm pond, 1/2 oz. Black Topedo, same spot about 4 ft. from edge of bank. 

fishing user avatarDens228 reply : 

When I'm fishing with hollow body frogs I have another rod right next to me with a plastic worm.  If I miss a hook set with the frog I cast right back to the same spot.  If I don't get another strike I throw the worm to that spot, often times I get the fish with the worm. 

fishing user avatarflyingmonkie reply : 

'Twas just TONIGHT... fishing a drop-shot in the dark (yeah, that's right), missed a fish twice before actually getting her hooked.  Third time's a charm. :)  


I think it depends on how much you rattle 'em.  If you actually get a hook in them and they shake it out with some acrobatics or what-not, may take them a while to regroup.  If you get a pick-up/nibble and just miss the hookset, you can catch them on the next cast with the right presentation.

fishing user avatarWill1248 reply : 
  On 5/3/2017 at 8:40 PM, Yeajray231 said:

I will usually follow with a different bait. Usually a senko. If she doesn't bite then I'll fish for awhile elsewhere and come back in a lil bit. If you hook up with a big one and she shakes the hook, that's probably your only chance at her that day IME. 



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