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favorite plastic by category 2025

fishing user avatarthinkingredneck reply : 

Worm:   Zoom trickworm

jig trailer:  Rage craw

Soft swimbait:  mister twister (small) and 3:16 Mission fish (larger)

Creature:  Zoom brush hog

swimjig trailer:  Rage menace

beaver type bait:  havoc pit boss

Fluke:  not sure

Topwater:  salad spoon by Lunker city


What are yours?



fishing user avatarCroakHunter reply : 

Knock-off Senko

Rage craw

Berkley grass pig and grass pig jr.

Rage magnum bug

Yum f2 craw chunk

Pit boss

Don't fish flukes. 


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

All of em! ????

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 

Baby Brush Hog.

Ultra Vibe Speed Craw.

Ultra Vibe Speed Worm.

Super Fluke Jr.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 7/14/2018 at 1:18 PM, thinkingredneck said:

Worm:   Zoom Magnum Finesse worm

jig trailer:  YUM Craw Papi or Christie Craw

Soft swimbait:  Swing Impact Fat (small) Savage Gear Line Thru trout (large)

Creature:  Zoom brush hog

swimjig trailer:  Don't fish them

beaver type bait:  YUM Woolly Bug or BBB Yo-Momma

Fluke:  YUM Houdini Shad

Topwater:  Zman Floating worm

Stickworm: Ocho





fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 

TRD.... Only plastic I use..

fishing user avatarPickle_Power reply : 

Gulp Minnow Worm

Berkley Chigger Craw

Berkley Grass Pig & Jr.

Lake Fork Craw Tube

Zoom Super Fluke


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Worm:   Weightless:  Senko   Weighted:  Rage Tail Thumper

jig trailer:  Rage Tail Craw

Soft swimbait:  Rage Tail Swimmer

Creature:  Rage Tail Space Monkey

swimjig trailer:  Rage Tail Shell Cracker

beaver type bait:  Rage Tail Structure Bug

Fluke:  GYCB D-Shad

Topwater:  LC Sammy





fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Worm: Robo 6" Straight Tail or Senko (tie)

Jig Trailer: Yamamoto D/T Grub

Soft Swimbait: Keitech Fat Impact

Creature: Baby Brush Hog

Swimjig Trailer: Keitech Fat Impact

Beaver Type Bait: Z Craw Jr

Fluke: Zoom

Topwater: Whopper Plopper

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 

Worm: weighted Zoom u vibe, weightless GYCB Senko.


Soft swimbait: Gambler big ez


Creature:  Rage Tail Craw


beaver type bait:  Rage bug


Topwater:  Stanley ribbit

fishing user avatargilkeybr reply : 

Because it hasn't been mentioned:


Fluke:  Caffeine Shad.  In my experience more often than not, this will catch more fish back when compared to the Zoom Fluke in similar situations.

fishing user avatarBuzzHudson19c reply : 

Worm: Trick worm

Stick bait: Shim e stick or Dinger

Creature/jig trailer/buzzbait trailer: Reaction Innovation Beaver


fishing user avatarJ.Vincent reply : 

Worm: Zoom Dead Ringer

Stick Bait: Yum Dinger 

Jig trailer:  Yum Christie Craw

Soft Swimbait: Yum Pulse

Creature: Zoom Brush Hog

Swimjig trailer: Yum Pulse

Beaver type bait:  Havoc Pit Boss

Fluke:  Zoom Fluke

Topwater: Lucky Craft Sammy

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

Mine's pretty simple.  Open up a Yamamoto catalog.  I've got 10 colors of everything they make and even some things they don't make anymore.  :lol:  If they don't make it, I don't throw it with one exception....tubes.  Even though they have some tubes and I do throw them, there are some unique colors of triple dipped tubes we throw on St Clair that I get from another manufacturer.  

fishing user avatarTroy85 reply : 

Worm:   Culprit 7.5"

jig trailer:  Brushhog

Soft swimbait:  Berkely Pre-Rigged Swim Shad

Creature:  Rage Craw

swimjig trailer:  Matrix Shad

beaver type bait:  I hate beaver type baits.  I don't know why, I just have no confidence when I throw them.

Fluke:  Zoom Super Fluke

Topwater:  Ribbit Frog

fishing user avatarGReb reply : 

Worm: original Culprit

Creature: Missle Dbomb

Jig trailer: Rage Menace

Swimjig trailer: keitech fat swing impact

Chatterbait trailer: Yamamoto Zako

Lizard: zoom

Fluke: zoom

Stickbait: Senko


fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

Worm:   Yum Dinger

jig trailer:  Zoom Super Chunk

Soft swimbait:  Strike King Caffiene Shad

Creature:  Missile Baits Baby D Bomb

beaver type bait:  Berkley Havoc Pit Boss

Topwater:  Whopper Plopper 90

fishing user avatarPrimus reply : 

Weightless worm : 5" Senko


weighted worm : 10" Big Bite Kriet tail, runner-up 7" Magnum baits trick stick


Beaver type : Rage Menace bug , R.I. Sweet Beaver & Missile baits D bomb


Creature : Brush Hog 


Grub type swimbait : Kietech Fat Impact


Small swimmer : Huddleston weedless shad


medium size swimmer : Rago 7" BVD , I also like a 6" weedless Hudd and the Matt lures Hammer tail Bluegill


Topwater soft bait : Zoom Horney toad and Gambler Burner worm.


Jig Trailer : Rage Craw , yamamoto Spider Grub or R.I. Sweet Beaver


Fluke Style : Caffiene shad

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Worm:   Creme Scoundrel

Jig Trailer:  Super Chunk

Soft Swimbait:  Sassy Shad

Creature:  Baby Brush Hog

Beaver Type Bait:  Super Hog

Fluke:  Super Fluke

Topwater:   Jitterbug, or Super Spook Jr.

fishing user avatarjtharris3 reply : 

Worm: Berkley Power Worm

Jig Trailer: Rage craw

Soft Swimbait: Reaction Innovations Skinny Dipper

Creature: Biffle Bug

Swimjig Trailer: Rage Menace

Beaver Type Bait: Havoc Pit Boss, Berkley Chigger Craw or Missle D-Bomb

Fluke: Zoom Super Fluke

Topwater: Hollow Body Frog (Booyah Pad Crasher)

Spinner Bait: Booyah, Terminator T1 or War Eagle Gold

fishing user avatarWVU-SCPA reply : 
  On 7/14/2018 at 1:18 PM, thinkingredneck said:

Worm: Power worm/Smartbaits

Beaver: Rage Menace

jig trailer:  Rage craw

Creature:  Maxscent Creature Hawg.  Can't not catch fish on them this year.  Real issue.

swimjig trailer:  Rage craw

Ned: Canadian Craw with a side of Mega Strike all day, every day, and twice on Sundays.




fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 

Worm, weightless 5 3/8 stick-o, weighted zoom ol monster .

jig, Netbait paca chunk.

swimbait, keitech F I,

creature, big bite baits, swimming mama.

beaver, rage bug.

Fluke style, bass assassin straight tail shad.

top, hollow body frog.

fishing user avatardetroit1 reply : 

There are soft plastic sammys?, spooks?, whopper ploppers? I have not seen these things you speak of....

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 


Tube..................NetBait BK

Swimbait.............Havoc Grass Pig

Grub...................Kalin's Lunker Grub

Craw...................SK RageTail Craw

Creature..............RageTail Structure Bug

fishing user avatarYaknBassn reply : 

Worm: Lake Fork Hyper Stick or Culprit

Trailer: Netbait Paca Chunk

Swimbait: Rage swimmer

Creature: Biffle Bug

Swimjig trailer: BB CaneThumper 

Beaver: RI Sweet Beaver

Fluke" ZMan Jerk Shadz 

Topwater: Keitech Noisy Flapper


fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 

Worm:  TTG Lures or Diesel Baits Stick baits

jig trailer:  Zoom Salty Chunk

Soft swimbait:  BioSpawn Exo Swim

Creature:  BioSpawn Vile Craw

swimjig trailer:  BioSpawn Exo Swim

beaver type bait:  Reaction Innovation Sweet Beaver

Fluke:  TTG Lure soft jerkbait

Topwater:  N/A

fishing user avatarsully420 reply : 

Worm: max scent power worm

Craw: Rage craw

Grub: menace

Swimbait: Keitech 4.8

Creature: Rodent 

Swim jig, spinnerbaits and chatterbait trailers: Keitech easy shiners



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