I know there a ton of ways to do it and each have their purpose. If I missed one, chime in and let us know how you like to rig.
I am looking for your "go to" / confidence method. I am a texas rig guy (un-pegged, bullet sinker, no bead).
i like alabama rigs because you can consistantly catch bass and not get tired of it. u can catch a ton of BASS!!!
Texas hands down.
tally one more up to the texas rig....simple and efficient dont ask why but i like ti more for worm, when it comes to a lizzard i use weightless
Weedless Wacky with an Octopus hook.
Wayne, I guess you and I are the only 'Wacky' ones so far. ;D ;D ;D ;D
I love the Texas Rig and Florida Rig, but Weightless is by far my Fav.
I went with the wacky rig. Its just my personal favorite now that ive learned how to use it really well. There all so good, I can go a whole day and fish every single way on the poll. Whats with the 0 for the carolina rig?
I fish pretty shallow waters, so I rig most of my worms weedless/weightless.
Texas rigged with a 3/16 bullet weight and a 4/0 Gami.
Texas Rig for Texas Bass
Texas rig hands down if I had to choose just one? Now the Carolina has caught some fish for me and I am working on the drop shot but Texas rig has produced my top 5 largest bass for me.
Drop shot and dart head.
T-RIG 8-)
Old school Tejas
Most of the time T rigged with a 1/8 oz bullet wt. Usually not pegged unless I am around wood or a lot of heavy grass.
C rig
Texas rig for me. I think it is a confidence thing for me, I grew up with it and it is the only way I think I ever saw my Dad do it.
I goe t-rig weightless and when it gets beat up I go wacky But plan on spending time on the shakyhead this year.
I'm really into C-rigging.It's a great way to put 5 in the livewell.I also am nuts about pegging tubes and creature baits for pitchin'/flippin',the drop shot rig,split shotting,and the shakey head rig.All of these are great when the chips are down,but if I have to choose one I'll go with the C-rig.
Texas rig, with the weight dictated by wind and depth.
Drop shot rig with 5/8 ounce lead sinker and 1/0 octopus hook.
Texas rig for me too, usually with a 1/8 tungsten bullet. I have started experimenting with the shaky head and drop shot styles though.
I am amazed about how much of a lead T-rig has. No other method is a close second.
texas rig
side note: to the forum pondfisher!!!
drop shot