It's in the Storm series and I highly suggest you check it out
Just ordered some Storm Series Roadwarrior yesterday. I'm going to give Mike a call today add add a few of yours!
Cool design.
Im all over this, thanks for the heads up. My favorite jig design and with the color and skirt material that is a sweet jig man.
I have to say I do like that orange hue...
Well my options showed the new jig but my picture does not. Here is Siebert's actual new jig color, also in the Storm Series
If only shipping wasn't so much to Canada
Color is getting closer to what I use. Am I the only one or is it very difficult to discern the color of their jigs from the website. It is extremely hard for me even with my glasses on and a magnifing glass.
On 1/27/2015 at 7:53 AM, jignfule said:Color is getting closer to what I use. Am I the only one or is it very difficult to discern the color of their jigs from the website. It is extremely hard for me even with my glasses on and a magnifing glass.
Agreed, Mr. Siebert is in dire need of finding a way to make his product images larger.
The older website design allowed for better zooming. The newer website is a bit tougher. Not sure if there was a size/space issue due to the expanded product offerings. Hopefully something can be done to correct this a bit.
I agree, thought I was the only one
I agree the web page is not user friendly. What color is the one you posted? Is it a football head?
If you click on the picture on his website it magnifies it. If that doesn't work you can right click and open the picture in a new tab to make it even bigger.
On 1/27/2015 at 10:32 AM, WildmanWilson said:I agree the web page is not user friendly. What color is the one you posted? Is it a football head?
It's my namesake color, Bluebasser86 in the Storm Series. It's available in a few different head styles and a variety of sizes. It has been a killer color for me in my homemade jigs, but they don't look nearly as pretty as Siebert's baits do!
The selection chart is just to small, I wish I could see all the selections the size you posted. I tried as suggested looks the same. Which Web Browser are you using, I'm using Firefox maybe thats the difference?? I am only able to get them the size of the first one Bluebasser posted.
I'm using Google Chrome.
On 1/27/2015 at 8:55 PM, BadBassWV said:The selection chart is just to small, I wish I could see all the selections the size you posted. I tried as suggested looks the same. Which Web Browser are you using, I'm using Firefox maybe thats the difference?? I am only able to get them the size of the first one Bluebasser posted.
On 1/27/2015 at 3:43 PM, Bluebasser86 said:
If you click on the picture on his website it magnifies it. If that doesn't work you can right click and open the picture in a new tab to make it even bigger.
Tried it all and still too small for my eyes. Hard for me to buy a jig if I can't get a good idea of it's color. Sorry
Hey guys,
Sorry you are having problems viewing the pictures. Badbass, I use firefox also and the picture should expand once clicked on and then you should be able to click it again to expand it more. For the color charts on the custom jigs I know this is an issue and I apologize for it. I am constantly looking for a better solution to the small pictures to increase the size so everyone can view them easier. The main issue is I can only hold 10 pictures like I have in the Storm Series, Dredge Arky, Brush, and Football which are 10 of the most popular colors and have added a custom build side for the guys looking for custom but I am looking for a work around to the smaller charts.
I spent an hour on the phone with the website host and I believe the problem with the pictures is fixed of the colors not changing accordingly.
On a good not, Bluebasser did an awesome job with his jig color. I know it will be a great jig.
Thank you
On 1/28/2015 at 12:42 AM, Siebert Outdoors said:Hey guys,
Sorry you are having problems viewing the pictures. Badbass, I use firefox also and the picture should expand once clicked on and then you should be able to click it again to expand it more. For the color charts on the custom jigs I know this is an issue and I apologize for it. I am constantly looking for a better solution to the small pictures to increase the size so everyone can view them easier. The main issue is I can only hold 10 pictures like I have in the Storm Series, Dredge Arky, Brush, and Football which are 10 of the most popular colors and have added a custom build side for the guys looking for custom but I am looking for a work around to the smaller charts.
I spent an hour on the phone with the website host and I believe the problem with the pictures is fixed of the colors not changing accordingly.
On a good not, Bluebasser did an awesome job with his jig color. I know it will be a great jig.
Thank you
There is no names under the jigs in those pictures. Is the list when selection jigs in order from first picture to last picture. It's hard to telling which jig goes with which name.
On 1/28/2015 at 2:02 AM, Eccs said:There is no names under the jigs in those pictures. Is the list when selection jigs in order from first picture to last picture. It's hard to telling which jig goes with which name.
I just fixed this. All of them now are named. I'll also work on getting bigger and better pictures.
On 1/28/2015 at 4:51 AM, Siebert Outdoors said:I just fixed this. All of them now are named. I'll also work on getting bigger and better pictures.
I'll get my wallet ready
Ok, now Im seeing high-res images.
Much better.
On 1/28/2015 at 6:11 AM, Heron said:Ok, now Im seeing high-res images.
Much better.
I look forward to seeing high-res product images for the rest of your lineup.
The Pictures of the Storm series are awesome. Your Right Bluebasser's jig is nice now that I can see it. Not trying to bust anyones balls just noticed the problem of the small pictures and thought you should no. I'd hate to see you lose business over not being able to see the jigs.
On 1/28/2015 at 4:51 AM, Siebert Outdoors said:I just fixed this. All of them now are named. I'll also work on getting bigger and better pictures.
Much appreciated really helps with the ordering process
Good job, that's much better!