what brand of braid is your favorite that you would recommend to people?
I use suffix 832 and I would highly recommend it. I've also heard good things about power pro. Don't think you could go wrong with either...
sufix - original for frogs - 832 for everything else
832 is tough as nails, but there's better. If you want the best, it's Samurai or Smackdown.
I'm currently using Stren and power pro. No complainants with either.
Power pro. Has never let me down.
I've used Power Pro, 832, and Spiderwire....
I think I'm getting ready to switch back to Sufix 832.
Nothing wrong with the others, I just like 832 just that litttttttle bit more.
I use stren, no problems. It is often overlooked by folks.
I only use 832, its round, strong, repels water, and has thin diameter. I have all different kinds spooled on my reels. Their fluorocarbon sucks, but their braid is awesome.
PowerPro gets my vote
Power Pro
Sunline FX2
Spiderwire #30 test , it's never let me down , knots are easy to tie and knot strength has been flawless .
Last time I used braid was pretty much when Spiderwire first came out, until just this season. I am very impressed with Powerpro. I can cast it nearly as far as mono.
I fish PowerPro on a couple of my rigs, but for my everyday favorite it's Fireline Crystal. Doubt that there's much any other braid can do that this line hasn't done equally as well...for me anyway.
I would suggest doing some research and understand why certain braids are more money, made for spinning reels, why gore or titatium is added....I sell lots of Braid to customers and I can say with 100% confidence that there is alot of bad info that is being passed around and tough to find 2 fisherman who like the same line.
All the mentioned lines above are great choices as long as you use them as the right tool for the job you are getting done. Most People Love to just go with Power Pro and that is Ok since they are used to it, trust it, and it is very good quality. However, Power Pro Plus may be a bit more expensive, but fishing an 8 strand spectra weave is also much quieter, more abrasion resistant since it has 8 strands vs. 4, softer, and it is awesome line, but Power Pro 4 strand in the green box has a rough feel to it, and that is a benefit if I am fishing heavy weeds as it acts like a weed whacker and cuts through weeds when flipping.
Suffix 832 is Top Quality as well, VMC/Rapala make great products, it is an 8 strand but they also add a strand of Gore to help with abrasion and also to help the line sink. I find 832 to be my preference if I want a smooth casting braid, but one that still has an edge to it and is sharp.
I love to use Berkley Crystal, Tuff Line Duracast, Spider Wire coated lines on spinning gear which is how they market the coated braids or superlines. Crystal is a strand of Dyneema (spectra = Dyneema almost identical for most part) and it is coated with PE so it has a slick feel instead of the feeling of a weave or braid, but I find it handles great on spinning gear, and I never have luck on casting gear with it so I use coated lines on spinnning reels only, and it works for me.
I was in love with Daiwa Samurai which is a very tight spectra weave which makes it slick, thin, quiet, and stronger than Power pro Plus and was supposed to be the best line out a few months ago as I purchased a 15lb 2.5lb diameter which is so thin and it breaks much higher than 15lb. Power Pro is 10-4 or 10-2, and Tuf Line, Stren, Berkley, Spider Wire, Pro all make great line, but it is good to understand differences as some need more care when tying knots etc...I found Samurai to be great for 3 weeks, and I must of had a bad batch because it started breaking for no reason at all and I have never had a line do that to me, and I can't afford the price to replace it anymore. I am sure it was just a bad batch and that can happen, but learn why guys use Nylon Monofilament vs. Fluorine Monofilament for leader or even mainline for different applications.....Once you figure out what you like, you can jump from Pro to tuff line Xp to suffix y6 if one is on sale and not have a learning curve. I know every time I try a new braid it is always a few knots before I understand it or break it in.
I use Sufix 832 on my casting and spinning rods and really like it.
Power Pro
Power Pro and Daiwa for braid...
power pro was good at first then it went to complete crap. Spiderwire didnt impress me at all. I about gave up on braid after 80$ worth.....
Then I said ill try one more. Went with suffix and I havent had one issue yet with it. Does nicely on rocks cover and everywhere I normaly fish mono. Really happy with it.
Diawa Samuari. Would never use anything less...
Original Power Pro, cheap and cuts through grass for what I am using it for.
Primetime, I must have gotten some Daiwa Samurai from the same batch as you. I used it on a heavy spinning outfit (big snook and medium tarpon). I found it to be the worst line I ever used. It was super prone to wind loops. Even though it was 30# test, I could break it between my hands. I was never able to do that with 20# power Pro or 20# Fireline Original fused line. I would never waste my money on it again. It was super smooth and very thin diameter. It cast great when it didn't break.
Tuf Line Duracast (20# I think) was great on a baitcaster. I could cast 10 or 15 yards further with it than mono and it was super sensitive. I bank fish so I only used one outfit (it gets all the usage). I'm retired so I fish 3 or 4 hours a day. So I give my equipment a serious workout. After about a month I noticed what looked like twist in the line. Closer inspection revealed the outer core was slipping on the inner core. Once that happened I got a lot of breakoffs on hooksets. Finally I discarded it. I had no such problems with 50# Tuf Line. The 50# Tuf Line is much thinner diameter than the 20# Duracast.
I would not hesitate to recommend either Tuf Line for a baitcaster (never tried it on a spinner) or Power Pro.
I'm no expert but I've tried all the big name ones and I landed on suffix 832.
Suffix 832. Got the camo color because it was on clearance for $3.98. The color was awesome for the first 2 days, but has faded a lot. Still great line though and the color variation on the line helps me visualize how quick my bait is moving in the water when retreiving, so this has helped me slow down a lot and be more patient. So if ur an impatient fisherman like me then camo braid or marking your line might be a good tip to help you slow down your presentation.
On 5/3/2014 at 9:33 AM, shanksmare said:Primetime, I must have gotten some Daiwa Samurai from the same batch as you. I used it on a heavy spinning outfit (big snook and medium tarpon). I found it to be the worst line I ever used. It was super prone to wind loops. Even though it was 30# test, I could break it between my hands. I was never able to do that with 20# power Pro or 20# Fireline Original fused line. I would never waste my money on it again. It was super smooth and very thin diameter. It cast great when it didn't break.
Tuf Line Duracast (20# I think) was great on a baitcaster. I could cast 10 or 15 yards further with it than mono and it was super sensitive. I bank fish so I only used one outfit (it gets all the usage). I'm retired so I fish 3 or 4 hours a day. So I give my equipment a serious workout. After about a month I noticed what looked like twist in the line. Closer inspection revealed the outer core was slipping on the inner core. Once that happened I got a lot of breakoffs on hooksets. Finally I discarded it. I had no such problems with 50# Tuf Line. The 50# Tuf Line is much thinner diameter than the 20# Duracast.
I would not hesitate to recommend either Tuf Line for a baitcaster (never tried it on a spinner) or Power Pro.
I think you just nailed the Daiwa Samurai Issue....I noticed the outer fibers were peeling off and leaving only a few threads instead of all 8. I was telling everyone it was the best line on the market bar none for about 10 days and maybe 8 hours of use as it was silent, smooth, cast a mile, even bright yellow was so thin, I couldnt see it so Fish were hitting worms without a leader and 15lb, true 2.5 diameter is crazy. The line tests out at what is should and I think only Tuf Line XP or supercast is double, Samurai was like 33 I think I read...It sells for $75 300 yards, and the 20-4 and 30-6 sells for $50...I had it fail several times on 2 different spinning reels for crazy reasons, line just would break after 2nd cast for no reason. I love using new brands and I like some better than others, but never had china braid or Dacron I guess it probably is break mid cast without being frayed...I get angry, I got a "Deal" $$49, it sold out in few hours, but I lost some nice lures from line just shrinking and falling apart, and also had it break on a few hooksets, and once fighting a tilapia I snagged by accident....I am going to see if I can get a refund. I buy alot from same place, I got a deal, but it had to be bad, I will be happy to get some Tuf Line Plus from 15 years ago as a replacement..Glad it was not my guides, you are now #3 with issue. Maybe it was fake like all the fake power pro on Ebay......they make it look so real