What say you?
KVD L&L, it works so well I've never needed to use anything else.
I have used both. The Reelsnot is pretty greasy/oily and it can get on your grips, handles and reel. I am pretty new to it but I have used the KVD for years. After my small time with the Reelsnot, I would recommend KVD. Nothing against the Reelsnot, just a little bit too much "oil" for me.
Use KVD whenever I re spool a reel. Almost looks like Armor All, not greasy .
Reelsnot. I have used both that and KVD but I have gone back to Reelsnot.
Main reason is it seems I have to apply KVD the night before I fish. Reelsnot has been a one and done application for me. a few sprays while spooling the line and I am good to go usually until I have to respool.
On 3/20/2019 at 12:41 PM, Jrob78 said:KVD L&L, it works so well I've never needed to use anything else.
This ^
On 3/20/2019 at 1:02 PM, jbsoonerfan said:I have used both. The Reelsnot is pretty greasy/oily and it can get on your grips, handles and reel. I am pretty new to it but I have used the KVD for years. After my small time with the Reelsnot, I would recommend KVD. Nothing against the Reelsnot, just a little bit too much "oil" for me.
And this ^
KVD for me too.
Nothing against reel snot, but I have always used KVD so +1 to KVD from me.
I use Tangle Free by Punisher Lures.
I use the KVD, Reel Snot, and the BPS Line Conditioner. I keep a selection in the boat, in my tackle bags, and around my garage. So I normally just grab whatevers closest by. With that said, I'm pretty sure that KVD and the BPS stuff are the exact same stuff, with the plus side being that the the BPS stuff is cheaper per bottle and its a bigger bottle. Reelsnot seems to work just as well, but I'll agree that it seems a little more "oily".
I'm still not sure I understand what the heck Reelsnot does.
Thoughts on Reel Magic?
If I had to spray stuff on my line to make it manageable, I'd switch lines....lol
Seriously though, I bought one bottle of the stuff years ago but seems like another solution looking for a problem..IMO
It improves line management and casting for just about every type of line. With braided lines, KVD helps it retain it's color, fading slower. Sure there's lines that work fine without it, but if you can make it better, why not? Anyway, no one is forcing anyone to use it. It's pretty simple to hit the reels after every trip as I put them away.
I use to have Reel Majic for a long time. Was easy to find and get. Tried the Reelsnot the other year and have been using it ever since. I like it. The sight oil doesn’t bother me. Over the winter I picked up the coffee scent and gonna use that on my soft plastics as well. I’m sure it won’t hurt.
Reel Snot is much the same as String Snot used in bowhunting in place of wax. The oily silcone is absorbed to prolong string life. Same stuff just different marketing.
Reel Magic
On 3/21/2019 at 1:49 AM, Joshua van Wyk said:Thoughts on Reel Magic?
Works great
On 3/21/2019 at 1:49 AM, Joshua van Wyk said:Thoughts on Reel Magic?
I used reelmagic for awhile and never noticed a difference. I always thought kvd was better
It's Real Magic, not Reel Magic. Nice for squeaky hinges, but not so great on line.
Real Magic is a petroleum based product that makes your line more supple by stripping away the slightest, outermost layer of your chosen line.
I'd theorize that if you switch your line quite often, not a big deal. If you're not into that practice so much, how much can you strip away before your line is compromised? I'm not willing to find out.
KVD for me, been using it forever.
KVD L&L always....
I made a post about KVD last year. I had never tried it and considered it to be hogwash....until I bought some. It's good stuff and I will never not use it again.
I jsut ordered some KVD line conditioner from everyone praising it ! Should be here Monday, ill let ya know !
Braid/leader=line manageability issues solved
On 3/23/2019 at 8:08 PM, Smokinal said:Braid/leader=line manageability issues solved
When I first started using KVD L&L I didn’t use it on braid because I didn’t think it would add anything. I was talking with a guy in my club about it and he told me that he had been using on his braid. So, I tried it to prove to him that it was useless on braid and I ate my words. In my experience it is also effective on braid and makes it come of the spool much smoother.