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Question About Weighting Fish 2025

fishing user avatarkanasbassfisher08 reply : 

might be a novice question and maybe even talked about in the past but i have always wondered if you should hook the scale in the gills or if you should make a new hole in the lip for weighing whats the best way not to harm the fish! seen it dont both ways but i want to know whats the best way!

fishing user avatargreyleg33 reply : 

Either way will work without damaging the fish but I prefer a hole in the bottom lip.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

If your really concerned put the fish in a weigh sack or plastic bag and then weigh . You can subtract the weight of the sack out.

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

I gently place the hook inside the last gill plate.  I have already done enough damage with my hook.  I have seen scales with spring clips for gripping the lip.


Like this:

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

You have to catch a fish big enough to weigh first buddy  :laugh5:

fishing user avatarreelnmn reply : 

I prefer not to put a hole in the fish if I don't have to.  You have to be careful when placing the hook behind the gill plate.  You can definitely do damage back there.  I will be adding the Fish Grip Fish Holder to my boat soon.  Seen these in use and seems like a quick method to weigh fish.

fishing user avatarBluegiller reply : 

I have used this with good results. 



fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I stick it in the gills, but even though that method doesn't put a hole in the mouth, it's potentially dangerous, because the fish can easily jump off and remove it's protective slime coating on the ground by flopping around. Either way there's dangers.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

I try to put the hook behind the gill plate. 

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

I go through the gills.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 1/21/2015 at 8:29 PM, Senko lover said:

I stick it in the gills, but even though that method doesn't put a hole in the mouth, it's potentially dangerous, because the fish can easily jump off and remove it's protective slime coating on the ground by flopping around. Either way there's dangers.

the fish is potentially injured more by falling off the scales hook when/if it decides to flop around while hanging. as for the slime coating, the effect is probably minimal. its not going to lose all its slime flopping on the ground or boat carpet or whatever for a few seconds.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Right Here ~


AJ Scale (1)



fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 1/21/2015 at 1:17 PM, Fisher-O-men said:

I gently place the hook inside the last gill plate.  I have already done enough damage with my hook.  I have seen scales with spring clips for gripping the lip.


Like this:


I have one of those, the clamp works really well, I've never felt that the fish was too heavy or flopped around enough to slip out.

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 
  On 1/21/2015 at 10:08 PM, A-Jay said:

Right Here ~





I won't put it through a gill, the chance of permenant damage is to great.

A hole in the bottom lip, tho not ideal either, will heal.


fishing user avatarDon't Tell The Wife reply : 
  On 1/21/2015 at 10:08 PM, A-Jay said:


Right Here ~




Is that the same clip they are using on MLF?  If so they look like they work pretty well.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 1/21/2015 at 10:32 PM, Don said:

Is that the same clip they are using on MLF?  If so they look like they work pretty well.


Yes - when MLF started using it, I emailed them to ask which one they preferred. 


They said this one and sent me the link. (Below)



fishing user avatarDon't Tell The Wife reply : 
  On 1/21/2015 at 10:35 PM, A-Jay said:

Yes - when MLF started using it, I emailed them to ask which one they preferred. 


They said this one and sent me the link. (Below)





Thanks!  I have been looking to pull the trigger on one for awhile...with free shipping it is $12.79 to your door and here on Monday. :respect-059:

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Catch the fish, don't keep them weighting!  There's that spelling monster again! 

fishing user avatarkanasbassfisher08 reply : 

Thanks for all the replies I was really interest to get various opinions

fishing user avatarTurtle135 reply : 

I am not currently carrying a scale with me but I think I would probably go with weighing them in a net with a rubber bag (less potential damage to the bass).

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

The question by the OP was concern of mine until last year. I never liked weighing a fish by putting a hook around the gil area. More often than not the fish never cooperated and wiggled loose and the chance of injury was high. I also hooked through the lip. That fixed the problem however, again, I am making an additional hole in the lip. Last year a member from another forum turned me on to the fish grip. It has a special knotch for scales. Its a win win. The fish and scale are secured and injury to fish if weighed correctly drops to 0 imho. Here is a pic of what I am describing. Hope this helps someone. 


Fish grip with scale attached

fishing user avatarbassindon reply : 

Like this in gill base, Just watch the first one. It can't hurt , I caught one of the same fish over 10 four days later ; )  Just keep them wet also. It's easy to get cought up in the moment of a big bass for pics/video. At least dip them if you need time. 

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

It is hard to beat a Boga Grip for a scale that protects the fish.  They grip the lip of the fish, are compact, are very sturdy, and are very accurate.  The weight of the fish causes the grip to squeeze the lip even tighter so there is no danger of the fish coming unglued from the scale.  The only drawbacks are the lack of granularity in the weight markings and the price ($119 for the 15 lb).  The 15 lb Boga Grip that I use only provides quarter pound increments up to 15 lbs and the 30 lb and 60lb models only provide half pound increments.  It is not that difficult to make an educated guess of the 4 ounces that lie between the quarter pound markings, however.  Even someone who is half blind shouldn't be off by more than an ounce or two.  I've read of bogas that are over 10 years old that are just as accurate as they were when new.

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

Over the past several years I have owned a couple of different scales.  I don't trust any of them.   They all lie.   Oh, they will weigh dead weights, like 5 lb barbells easy enough.  You put a live fish on one and they always weigh a pound or maybe 3 lbs lighter than they should.   It is very frustrating.   I've taken to leaving the scale at home

fishing user avatarward131 reply : 

Received my Fish Grip JR. today.   I think it is going to work great! 

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I got the lip grip style for this year to give it a shot. I always carefully hooked below the gill plate but I started thinking that if you catch something decent, that's a lot of weight hanging from a small fleshy area.


I absolutely am against putting holes in a fish's mouth to weigh (already doing that with hooks). They are a suction feeder and IMO you could be doing quite a bit of harm there.


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