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Clearwater Soft Plastic Colors? 2025

fishing user avatarJoedodge reply : 

So I've looked at the searches and articles. And I've been fishing some new local lakes I found that the water is insanely clear excelent visibility. In the dirty lakes and ponds I've been fishing, I use black/blue laminates, watermelon red, Carolina pumpkin with a chartreuse tail, and even black. I see a lot of guys go to lighter colors in Clearwater. Since I've never really fished it what is working for you guys?

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 

In clearwater I have success with green pumpkin and off-white/pearl in plastics

fishing user avatarJoedodge reply : 

Oh ok excellent! Thanks for the reply

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

Green pumpkin, watermelon and smoke colors work well for me in clear water.

fishing user avatarBrian-S reply : 

Tend to lean towards more in the natural realm. Watermelon Red, Green Pumpkin, Smokes, etc.  



fishing user avatarJoedodge reply : 

Ok so im kinda on the right track I'll add some whites and smoke/shad xolors

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I fish a lot of clear water.  My main color is green pumpkin, but red, black, white, blue, purple, smoke, and chartreuse also work for me.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

 Every color works for me in the clear waters I fish . . . . .


As long as it's Green Pumpkin.




Oh, and black's pretty good too.



fishing user avatarriverbasser13 reply : 

Green pumpkin (pretty universal) baby bass, watermelon,pearl white and salt and pepper are my favourites for clear water and sunny skies. If it's cloudy or flat light and the above colors aren't getting much attention, then I'll try a black and blue or watermelon red or a purple ish color. Clear water can try your patience but it's awesome when you can see the strike 10-12 feet down.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I pretty much use the same colors in both waters. A couple of more I would add are motor oil and brown / orange .

fishing user avatarFrenchman83 reply : 


fishing user avatarcgolf reply : 

I have found that calm bright days smoke purple is king along with other natural colors and when there is a chop or it is overcast water red works great. It is probably a thing on the lake I fish, but it is either or bite, very rare to get hits on both colors in the same timeframe.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Natural colors, specifically watermelon, green pumpkin, and black. 

fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 

The more translucent the better for me, but every color has its time and place. Every day is different and more opaque colors willl shine on certain days.

fishing user avatarChrisD46 reply : 
  On 3/18/2015 at 8:18 AM, Bassguytom said:

Green pumpkin, watermelon and smoke colors work well for me in clear water.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

Translucent colors like WM and smoke.



fishing user avatarJoedodge reply : 

Thanks for the awesome replys even everyone. I guess I won't have to change things up much. I've got a week off work in two weeks im gonna hit the clean lakes real hard then

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

I'm not sure if it's just a thing up by me, but black/blue laminate seems to work well in clear water as well. Usually I try it and if it's a no go, I'll switch to a more natural color.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I like purple, greens, browns, oranges, and shad colors. Anything that looks like a natural color.

fishing user avatarPenguino reply : 

Watermelon red flake, junebug etc.

fishing user avatarSonik reply : 

I used Okeechobee Craw to some good success. I also like a junebug for deeper but still clear. I had one day where a Houdini color was unstoppable.

I need to pick up some for this year in plain old pumpkin. I used to do so well with pumpkin worms about 20 years ago. Very very opaque with a hint of orange.

fishing user avatarcorn-on-the-rob reply : 

For me I use anything and everything in clear water, only in stained/muddy water do I start to reduce my selection.

fishing user avatarDocNsanE reply : 

Same as others: watermelon, green pumpkin, perl/silver and smoke. Colors you can hold up to the sun and see through are usually pretty good.


Someone above mentioned purple smoke and I can't agree more. On a sunny day, nothing produces for me as much as a purple smoke color like the Ozark Smoke for a Yum Dinger


fishing user avatarJoedodge reply : 

I love my black blue laminate dingers! But that ozark is amazing! On my list!!!

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

i fish a lot of clear water. my approach is to match the background. fishing on the bottom? match the bottom color. fishing through weeds? match the weed color. fishing in wood? match the wood color.

you don't want them to get a real good look at your bait. try it, it works.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Salt & Pepper which is a clear body w black flake


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