I had a family emergency I was bank fishing, loaded up my car as fast as I could and headed for the emergency room. I got home 10 hours later to a message on my home answering machine, which with cell phones hardly ever gets used anymore. Mr. Harvey this is so and so we found your tackle box at the pond and would like to return it. now this is my big tackle bag 1000s of dollars worth of lures in this thing it would take me years to build it back up, not counting all the irreplaceable lures that are either old or just good fish catchers. I want to ask this community what should I do for them in return when I meet to get my tackle this afternoon? im thinking some cash but how much im not loaded by any means, or maybe offer them a day out on my boat this summer? either way I cant begin to explain how thankful I am someone honest found my bag and then used my fishing license to track me down makes me have a little faith in society.
Offer a day out on the water and maybe youll make a new fishing partner.
I wouldn't accept cash for returning someones property
I would give him what cash I could spare. I would also offer to take him fishing. It is hard to find honest people like that who knows you might have just found a new fishing buddy.
It sounds as if your good Samaritan wouldn't accept money anyway, so offer him an outing on your boat. A few of his favorite lures &/or lunch goes a long way towards being grateful, too. Nice to hear of a good ending to your story.
I would offer him what cash I could spare or offer to take him fishing if the person seemed like someone you wanted to spend the day with on your boat. A honest person is great but I have met personalities that a day on a boat would be considered cruel and unusual punishment to one or both parties.
I would think $100.00 would be a gracious offer. To a honest person that should show your gratitude.
If you're from a small community as I am, a public thank you in the community newspaper is a nice gesture.
How about a gift certificate from a tackle shop. Most people I think will take a GC instead of cash.
On 3/31/2016 at 10:19 PM, tander said:How about a gift certificate from a tackle shop.
that was another thing I had in mind or a gift certificate to a restaurant if there not into fishing.
All good ideas and if I was in your situation I'd probably approach it with three potential options and decide which one to go with after getting a first impression. Some cash/GC, buying lunch, a day on the boat, or a genuine thank you could all be great options. Congrats on getting your gear back and best of luck!
If he's a fisherman offer to take him for a day..bait, food, drinks included.
If not jam a 100.00 bill in his pocket, and give him a hug.
If he gives it back, offer to take him and his significant other to dinner at the place of his choice
If he won't accept none of that, find out his place of employment and drop off a gift certificate at the most popular tackle shop in your area.
Either way, give the man a hug when he hands you your box.
an honest thank you, sincere as you can be. then tell him you're dead set on letting him know just how thankful you are and tell him you'll pick him up and drop him off for a day out on the boat. while he's on the boat, feed him some lunch and make his day. if he's got a kid, offer to take the kid.
i'd agree that he's likely not going to accept the money, but might accept a gift card or a dinner or something like that.
take him fishing
Here is what I would do if I was on either end of this:
If I was the guy who found it...........I would return it as is, and expect nothing but a thank you. If they offered something, I would decline, unless it was a small gesture.............no harm, no foul in accepting a token of someones gratitude.
If I was the guy who lost something and had it found and returned............I would offer a fishing trip, or a gift certificate for a family dinner/etc.
Bring BBQ....nothing shows great gratitude towards someone (especially me) like a platter of some fine BBQ
You just find a great friend to fish with. I don't think he is expecting anything monetary in return, a simple thank you will serve the purpose. If you feel strongly about "gifting" him, then plan a weekend fishing trip with him. I will be fairly upset if I return something valuable, then he/she is trying to thank me with Cash. Unless, you believe he is in need of financial compensation and your "cash/gift card" will make an impact then it is a good idea.
"My bait monkey talking"...some nice tackle....j/k
So I am a chef by trade. Today was baking day so I decided who can say no to a fresh baked fruit pie and cookies. So this and a thank you card, and an offer to go fishing where I will also provide a home cooked lunch will be my thank you. Appreciate all the ideas everyone. I truly feel blessed I'm getting this back will post pictures of the tackle when I get home to show the magnitude of this event for me
On 4/1/2016 at 4:22 AM, nhpleasantlakebass said:So I am a chef by trade. Today was baking day so I decided who can say no to a fresh baked fruit pie and cookies. So this and a thank you card, and an offer to go fishing where I will also provide a home cooked lunch will be my thank you. Appreciate all the ideas everyone. I truly feel blessed I'm getting this back will post pictures of the tackle when I get home to show the magnitude of this event for me
Thats the b3st thing you coyld have done..you put effort into his thank you. Great story..hope the emergency turned out ok.
On 4/1/2016 at 4:59 AM, deaknh03 said:Thats the b3st thing you coyld have done..you put effort into his thank you. Great story..hope the emergency turned out ok.
On 4/1/2016 at 4:22 AM, nhpleasantlakebass said:So I am a chef by trade. Today was baking day so I decided who can say no to a fresh baked fruit pie and cookies. So this and a thank you card, and an offer to go fishing where I will also provide a home cooked lunch will be my thank you. Appreciate all the ideas everyone. I truly feel blessed I'm getting this back will post pictures of the tackle when I get home to show the magnitude of this event for me
This is a very kind gesture on your part and I am certain he will appreciate it.
Uh... anything else you've recently lost... maybe I've just found it for you...
sorry I just thought of the movie American Pie when I saw that
would probably just lie and say I am diabetic
Ask him if he wants to go fishing, many people don't have the tackle, or just don't know how to catch fish. You might just gain a fishing friend in the process.
i'd be stoked to get a box full of pie/cookies!!! i'd then take you up on the fishing trip in hopes you'd bring more pie and cookies!!!
I wouldnt accept money, I wouldn't offer either, I just find it rude. Now a day of fishing, I'd never say no to. Pie and cookies helps too!
This is a little on the late side, but here's hoping that everything turned out okay with the family emergency as well.
I wouldn't accept any money either but a box of baked goods I'd take that no problem! A gift certificate to a tackle store is a great idea!