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Your Braid Of Choice? 2025

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

I have to pick power pro. Just casts better, stays strong, and tangles less than all the others I have tried.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

power pro

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

PP......... priced right, available almost anywhere, doesn't fail me.  I've used others,but always come back to PP.

fishing user avatarMaico1 reply : 

Sufix all the way.....

fishing user avatarSenkoman12 reply : 

fireline original best casting superline I have ever had also super strong and lays on the spool like mono

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

Western Filament Tuffline.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I voted for the other brand... 8-)

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

fireline braid blows away powerpro.powerpro is an outdated 4 strand braid as i have proved in earlier is rougher and noisier than 6 and 8 strand braids.diawa samurai braid is also very good but i prefer the fireline braid because it has more body.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Suffix gets my vote. Smoother than pp & doesn't dig-in on itself.

fishing user avatarRWSCHMITZ reply : 

FireLine Braid there is nothing more to say !!!!!!!

Power Pro 10 years ago was it, now it is not.  ;)

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I voted for power pro.  It the only one I have ever used.

fishing user avatarberkley reply : 

Power Pro.

fishing user avatars13john reply : 

Fireline ...

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 

I logged a vote for PP.  Has anyone tried daiwa samari?

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I've had the Samuri on now for about 3 months..I've used mainly for heavier swimbaits, but have used it for pitchen, and flippen jigs, and other lures. I have used it with a lure tied directly on, and have used leaders from 10 to 20lb test.

I went with the 55lb green Samuri, I would have prefered yellow, but they were out.

This braid is very limp right out of the box, needs No brake in, it does fade, as do most braids, the color doesn't make a mess..A bit spendy compared to other brands, but worth it imho.

The only othere braid I tried was Spiderwire Ultra Cast..which was waxey, and the color made my thumb

fishing user avatarJavelin200 reply : 

Suffix. I like it so far. Switched from Fireline.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
fireline braid blows away powerpro.powerpro is an outdated 4 strand braid as i have proved in earlier is rougher and noisier than 6 and 8 strand braids.diawa samurai braid is also very good but i prefer the fireline braid because it has more body.

He speaks the truth............................................

fishing user reply : 

I have recently been trying out new braids.  I first used Power Pro, and as of now that is my favorite.   I have suffix tied on one of my rods, and I am disappointed in its performance.  I seems to be a stiffer braid and cause a lot more problems when casting.  I will be trying fireline after this to compare it to the others.;

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

both sufix and fireline braid will soften with use.powerpro also softens with use as the wax wears off.that extra body is what cuts down on wind knots.if soft is what you want than the diawa braid is the best.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

I can't believe Spiderwire isn't getting more votes! I love the Invisi-Braid and the Camo Braid. I've been using it for about 2 years now and haven't had any issues with it yet.

fishing user avatarDave T. reply : 

Haven't tried them all, but I've tried a bunch. For my smallmouth spinning rod setups, 20/6 Suffix always ends up back on the reels. ;)

With a little use it becomes nice and soft and extremely limp, and yet remains very strong, abrasion resistant, and holds a knot exceptionally well.

The only thing I don't like about it is the noise in makes in the guides... but I can live with that given all the other positive attributes.

fishing user avatarDuane1982 reply : 

stren sonic braid imho is 10x better than power pro or fireline.

fishing user avatarAdam Harbuck reply : 

PP is my personal favorite. I am not going to go and spend $$$ just to see if I can find one that works better. I found PP, it works better than ones I have tried in the past (Spiderwire, Fireline, Tuffline), so I am sticking with it. Maybe there are better lines out there, but PP is competitively priced, available everywhere, and works for me.

But heck, I'm old school....been using Big Game for 15 years and never found a reason to find a different mono.

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 
I can't believe Spiderwire isn't getting more votes! I love the Invisi-Braid and the Camo Braid. I've been using it for about 2 years now and haven't had any issues with it yet.

I just started using the Spiderwire Stealth this year on my spinning rods and so far it has performed great.  The only problem I have with it is that I CAN'T SEE IT ;) .  Fishing wacky style with a co-poly leader I can't see the line move/jump or whatever.  Next time I'll be going with something in hi-viz.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 
I can't believe Spiderwire isn't getting more votes! I love the Invisi-Braid and the Camo Braid. I've been using it for about 2 years now and haven't had any issues with it yet.

I just started using the Spiderwire Stealth this year on my spinning rods and so far it has performed great. The only problem I have with it is that I CAN'T SEE IT ;) . Fishing wacky style with a co-poly leader I can't see the line move/jump or whatever. Next time I'll be going with something in hi-viz.

Try Camo Braid, it has hi and low vis sections. It really adds a level of depth perception when you have hi and low vis sections.

fishing user avatarSimonDM17 reply : 

P-Line Spectrex for spinning, PP for casting.  I think the Spectrex has more body, and I noticed it got fewer wind knots on spinning gear, but the PP handled better on casting gear.  Also, I couldn't pick out a backlash of Spectrex for the life of me. 

fishing user avatardmac14 reply : 

Fireline braid for sure. I used power pro once and it seemed too stiff for me. Suffix would be a close second.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

I have only used PP.  I use 50# on my casting rigs and the 20# on my spinning rod.  I was looking at the Sufix today to maybe try to save a buck or two, wrong!  It was $5 more for the exact same test and amount as the PP.  If I had went to Walmart rather than Academy the PP would have been $2 less than that.  It works great on both my caster and spinner, I have no reason to switch.  Also I still use good ol Trilene XT on my crankin rod, works great, no reason to look for another.


fishing user avatarrumbal reply : 

Power Pro

fishing user avatarPondHunter reply : 

I use Power Pro as well. The only other braid I have tried was fireline and was really dissappointed in how stiff it was, and knots just wouldn't hold.

Like others have stated already, it is easily available, works well, and I have no reason to change. Backlash is easily removed if it does occur. The color fades. So what?


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