I just read the 2014 thread on Upgrading Bearings - cleaning bearings vs replacing them- and Perfect Solution cleaner degreaser was suggested.
Lowe's doesn't carry it.
Amazon doesn't carry it.
Google didn't help, unless I want to call a cleaning company in Wisconsin and order some over the phone.
www.induscoltd.com will sell me a one quart spray bottle for $6.38, but UPS ground shipping is $19.14, which includes a $5 per order 'handling fee'
A gallon is $13 or $14 and shipping is only a dollar or two more if anyone is interested. I don't think I need that much. I have a large case - a free case - of orange cleaner in the garage for the mowers and such.
Thanks for any leads, the stuff sounds useful.
Not sure where you can get Perfect Solution but I picked up 16 ounce bottle of Ardent Reel Kleen Cleaner for $ 14.99 delivered (Amazon Prime). The Ardent stuff works well for me for cleaning bearings.
You have to call them..
I've been wondering this, too. Nothing works as well.
Thanks for verifying the Rotunda source. If I could halfway hear on the phone I wouldn't mind calling so much.
This stuff sounds a lot like Simple Green, anyone know what it actually is?
Highly basic (pH) degreaser/cleanser. Works like SS, but 10000x effective and quick. I wear gloves, as undiluted irritates my hands. Cuts cleaning reel parts down to about 10 mins. Also works great to degrease bearings before soaking in acetone.
On 1/19/2018 at 9:55 PM, J Francho said:Highly basic (pH) degreaser/cleanser. Works like SS, but 10000x effective and quick. I wear gloves, as undiluted irritates my hands. Cuts cleaning reel parts down to about 10 mins. Also works great to degrease bearings before soaking in acetone.
Interesting, I have spent a lot of time using SG to degrease steel and Al pre-welding and it isn't very strong, even undiluted. I might pick some Perfect Solution up then.
My local Lowe’s sells it. @J Francho put me on to this stuff a couple years ago and it’s been my go to bearing soak since!
On 1/21/2018 at 6:02 AM, dam0007 said:My local Lowe’s sells it. @J Francho put me on to this stuff a couple years ago and it’s been my go to bearing soak since!
I was looking for it and have read that Lowe’s no longer carries it.
I travel past 6 Lowe's stores on a weekly basis. One of them still carries it and the others haven't had any for quite some time. No idea why. I got turned onto this stuff a couple years ago. It's good stuff.
On 1/21/2018 at 6:43 AM, kschultz76 said:I was looking for it and have read that Lowe’s no longer carries it.
Interesting, I haven’t bought it since late summer 17. Next time I’m in my local one I’ll check for you.
On 1/21/2018 at 10:11 AM, dam0007 said:Interesting, I haven’t bought it since late summer 17. Next time I’m in my local one I’ll check for you.
I’m gonna check mine as well maybe some still have it on the shelves.
I go by 3 or 4 in the course of a week, so I'll check. Searching lowes.com gets this...
"This item is no longer available on Lowes.com"
I even searched the lowes site using a variety of zip codes from around the country and got nothing.
Try CFC Electronic Cleaner. Removes grease really, really fast, evaporates fast and leaves no residue. I put my bearings in a tiny food wire strainer, step outside and blow out the bearing with the red tube inserted. A short rinse in lighter fluid, blow them out and they are ready to go. This stuff will blow grease out of a frame bearing in seconds. Buy mine at Walmart. It is also nice to use on boat electronic connections.
A buddy was telling me Boca Bearings sells a soak for bearing cleaning. They have a good reputation that might be something to look into???
I tried using simple green once in my ultrasonic, idk the bearings didn’t feel right. Had to re soak em in alcohol to free em up. Felt like it made them sticky or something??? This was before Perfect solution came around.
On 1/21/2018 at 11:27 PM, dam0007 said:A buddy was telling me Boca Bearings sells a soak for bearing cleaning. They have a good reputation that might be something to look into???
I tried using simple green once in my ultrasonic, idk the bearings didn’t feel right. Had to re soak em in alcohol to free em up. Felt like it made them sticky or something??? This was before Perfect solution came around.
Run them through the PS in the ultrasonic cleaner. Then put them in a final bath of acetone in a baby food jar in the ultrasonic cleaner to clean anything left over. Blow them dry /w compressed air , hit them /w a hair dryer or let them sit. You'll be surprised how long it actually takes for them to completely dry.
Checked 2 Lowe’s and my girls brother works at one other side of the state. Nowhere to be found. Sorry :/
It's all over their FB page. Tons of complaints about where to get it, shipping costs, etc.
Only $19.14 to ship one $6.38 quart to Virginia. What a deal, only $25 and change for one spray bottle.
Guess I will be trying acetone or something else...
I use Ardent cleaner then I will apply Ardent Reel Butter Bearing Lube
I have the phenomenal Perfect Solution for sale. You can clean virtually anything & safely. I use bare hands on many things as it does not irritate at all. I clean car engines, wheels, outdoor furniture & vinyl, canvas, etc. floors, laundry. Horses tails (& mixed in bath water for filthy dog) greenhouse, especially algae covered places. Walls, cars, the list is endless! I am in NJ & can ship or you may pick up if near enough. I found this product over 25 years at a truck center & was fascinated by it’ uses. Never found anything nearly as good so I started selling at my small fresh egg & farmstand.
i give it as gifts. I am sure I can get it to you reasonably
I deleted this because I posted the same thing above. I gotta stop trying to do 12 things at once and pay attention.
This ^^^^^