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Trilene XL vs XT? 2025

fishing user avatardulouz reply : 

Is there something different between Trilene XL or XT besides diameter?  8lb XT has a diameter of .012, 12lb XL has a diameter of .013. I know in theory, XT is tougher and XL casts smoother and has less memory.  Changing line diameter would accomplish these goals right? So what is the difference?

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 

Red box/blue box?  :)

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Is there something different between Trilene XL or XT besides diameter? 8lb XT has a diameter of .012, 12lb XL has a diameter of .013. I know in theory, XT is tougher and XL casts smoother and has less memory. Changing line diameter would accomplish these goals right? So what is the difference?

No, changing the line diameter won 't change how the line behaves ( casting smoothness and line memory ) nor how it performs ( resistance to abarassion being an important parameter ). XL is a promised, limp, manangeable, low memory but down here on earth in the reality XL 's resistance to abrassion is very poor, it frays and breaks easily with abrassion and at the knot. XT on the other hand is as promised, as I feel 5-6 times more resistant to abrassion than XL, sure has  memory, sure doesn 't cast as nice as XL but you purchase it beacuse you want a tough line for tough conditions.

There 's a lake down here in central Mexico about a four hour drive where I live, the lake is large, very deep, with steep sloping banks because it was formed by daming a canyon, the catch is, the terrain is rocky but the rock has a lot of fractures, it breaks, landslides and the landslide is formed by small chunk, shale like razor sharp rocks. One day I took several rods that were spooled with XL, I just had a brain fart and for whatever reason I took those, well, 14 lb test XL broke simply by pulling ( and not too hard ) to unsnag a lure, on the other hand I fished perfectly well withgout breakeage issues with my setups spooled with 6-8 lb tst XT.

fishing user avatardulouz reply : 

This is exactly the information I am looking for.  I have to wonder though, what role does the diameter play in how the line handles?  8lb XT is almost the same as 12lb XL, when filling a spinning reel for general all around use which would you choose?

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

XL=rubber band

XT=steel cable

fishing user avatarjohnD. reply : 

Whats the opinion on Big Game ? Compared to XL and XT ?

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

XL= limp

XT = tough

fishing user avatarTimJ reply : 

I have been using XT for over 20 years on most of my rigs. I used to have XL on the smallie "finesse" rigs but I hooked just as many and landed more with the XT on the finesse rigs and I love to fish crystal clear water. got rid of the XL altogether a long time ago!


fishing user avatarSausageFingers23 reply : 

Berkley also makes a product called Maxx.  Its supposed to combine the castability of XL with the abrasion resistance of XT.  I've given it a try.  Its pretty decent.  It does take a bit to shake the memory though.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
This is exactly the information I am looking for. I have to wonder though, what role does the diameter play in how the line handles? 8lb XT is almost the same as 12lb XL, when filling a spinning reel for general all around use which would you choose?

For regular size ( 2000-2500 ) spinning reels: 6-8 lbs, at 10 lbs XT starts to show that annoying " I don 't wanna be here" behavior ( tends to jump from the spool when you open the bail ).

Whats the opinion on Big Game ? Compared to XL and XT ?

My opnion: great line, it 's been the line I 've fished with for more than 20 years.

Compared to XL and XT: in between both, reason why I like it so much.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I use 12# test XL for open water on spinning. It's hard to beat the limpness of that line.Lately I've been favoring P-line CXX fluorocarbon in 6# test on my spinning outfits.I always have XL on an extra spool for top water lures though.

I use 14# test XT for most of my baitcasters. XT ain't no joke when it comes to abrasive resistance. I've used that line for just about anything from 3/8 to 1oz jigs.Like Raul mentioned,I wouldn't use XT on spinning reels 10# test line or above.

I'll recommend XL & XT to anybody,it's good line around here.I've yet to have a problem with either.Anytime I try something new I almost always go back to my reliable XL & XT line.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I use 12# test XL for open water on spinning. It's hard to beat the limpness of that line.Lately I've been favoring P-line CXX fluorocarbon in 6# test on my spinning outfits.I always have XL on an extra spool for top water lures though.

CXX IS NOT fluorocarbon.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

For at least 15 years, I used XL on spinning gear. It seemed softer, and more suited for spinning. The XT worked well in heavier sizes on casting gear.

I now use different lines, but Trilene is what I pretty much compare everything else to. You can do better, but you can't really go wrong with it.

fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 

For at least 15 years, I used XL on spinning gear.

imho the best all around line you can use for spinning gear.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
I use 12# test XL for open water on spinning. It's hard to beat the limpness of that line.Lately I've been favoring P-line CXX fluorocarbon in 6# test on my spinning outfits.I always have XL on an extra spool for top water lures though.

CXX IS NOT fluorocarbon.

my mistake...coploymer.... ;D

fishing user avatarsantacruz reply : 

I've been a die hard berkley line user pretty much my whole fishing career.I've used both xl xt,pretty much same as the other post one tough one is weak.As far as the mention of maxx and big game.I like big game alot but has some memory issues.Maxx seems good to me as well.

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

I use XL on all my spinning rigs ( 6. 10, 12 pound test) and on most of my bait cast rigs ( 12 pound test). I use XT ( 17 pound test) on my channel cat bait cast rig. On my flathead cat rig I use 80 pound test braided Dacron with 50 pound test Big Game mono leaders.

fishing user avatarBigBrotherThunda reply : 

I LOVE the Trilene MAXX variation! Not a big fan of XL or XT, but love the MAXX.  >:) Sadly I'm pretty sure it has been discontinued by Pure Fishing Inc....

fishing user avatarjohnD. reply : 
I LOVE the Trilene MAXX variation! Not a big fan of XL or XT, but love the MAXX. >:) Sadly I'm pretty sure it has been discontinued by Pure Fishing Inc....

idk about that , I was at the tackle shop today they had plenty on the wall ,

just checked the trilene web site its still there with the rest of the mono's.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Start another thread. :)

fishing user avatarSausageFingers23 reply : 
I LOVE the Trilene MAXX variation! Not a big fan of XL or XT, but love the MAXX. >:) Sadly I'm pretty sure it has been discontinued by Pure Fishing Inc....

I bought a couple spools a couple of weeks ago.  Granted, I can't use them for another month plus but whos counting?

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

I used XT for years because of it's abrasion resistance.  During those times I was fishing water with a lot of wood, lilly pads and weeds. I moved and now fish lakes with very little wood and even less vegetation and switched to XL for it's castability.

I've been  satisfied with both although A few years ago I started using flouro much more and use it for every thing except surface and other baits I want to keep high in the water column.

fishing user avatarbrophog reply : 

I agree with much of the consensus: XT is good line, but not for spinning reels. It's great on a baitcaster, though.

In general, I'm still a big fan of mono, and my mono of choice is generally Trilene XL. It doesn't give me any issues, it casts good, it's cost effective, and it's widely available.

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

I work at a tackle shop and tbh I hate spooling XT onto spinning gear the stuff just doesn't seem to cooperate XL is a much softer line IMO.

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 

How is XT with top water baits?

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
How is XT with top water baits?

It depends on the test, the heavier you go the more memory it has and the worst it coils, it 's good line for topwaters above 10 lbs when you are fishing stuff like weedless spoons/frogs above vegetation or moving topwater baits like buzzbaits, wobblers and walk the dog type because you keep them moving; it 's not good for baits like poppers or propbaits unless you are fishing with less than 10 lbs test because it coils, if you use lets 'say 8 lbs test for those baits you are fine, but 10 ---> oh, oh.


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