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Kayak Angler Hit By Boat 2025

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 

Lets keep our eyes on the road when we're under way.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

oh wow! What an idiot, and it looks like he just wanted to leave too! Didn't even care to make sure the guy got his stuff that dumped into the water....JERK!


fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

There's a good discussion of it here:

I know I would not have been so calm about it.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 

I've all ready gotten into a fight and threw a canteen at a jet skier that decieded to knock me out of my kayak. That woulda made me furious. People these days.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

The consensus is leaning toward it being a fake.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 5/4/2012 at 2:29 AM, J Francho said:

The consensus is leaning toward it being a fake.

Again, people these days. Lol
fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

It would almost have to be fake, there is NO WAY I would have been that calm about it !!!!

I keep a can of WHOOPASS on the boat for just such occasions !!

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Yep. They guy in the jon boat would need emergency dental work.

fishing user avatarjerzeeD reply : 

I hate that... We had jetskiers that kept buzzing us at the largest lake in NJ. They stopped about 30-35 feet away. In anger, my buddy cast his crankbait at them and luckily hit one of them in the head. Too bad the hook didnt grab so we could reel him back to the boat. They got the hint after that and left. Jet skiers are the biggest ****** canoes on earth.

fishing user avatarBassHunter954 reply : 

wow i would of flipped out an took his boat an threw my kayak on an left him an his bud in water an met him at at boat ramp an his boat sunked down ritgh there

fishing user avatarBrianSnat reply : 

Where the heck was the camera mounted on?

fishing user avatarNodda4me reply : 

Wish it had better sound quality...

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
  On 5/4/2012 at 2:29 AM, J Francho said:

The consensus is leaning toward it being a fake.

That was the very first thing I thought of.

I'm generally a fairly calm person now, but something like that would have set my off almost instantly. Funny how the guy whipped out the cell phone to snap a picture of the jon as it pulled away.

fishing user avatartopwaterrob reply : 

Looks pretty legit to me and the Kayaker has much better self control than I do for sure......

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 5/4/2012 at 12:22 PM, topwaterrob said:

Looks pretty legit to me and the Kayaker has much better self control than I do for sure......

I woulda thrown something heavy at them.
fishing user avatarMichael DiNardo reply : 

He handled that waaaaaaay better than I would have.


fishing user avatarNot_Here reply : 

they could of atleast grabbed the guys paddle that got ripped off the side and was floating farther & farther away...

fishing user avatarbigbasshunter reply : 

Gopro on ski pole mount. Looks legit to me. Honestly I was speechless just watching it, I couldn't imagine being the yaker. You kinda can't do anything be 1 humanpower @ 330lbs vs 10+horsepower @ 800lbs, like a game of chicken between a smart car and a Hummer.

I have been fishing in my Jon boat on a spawning flat and had a 250hp Stratos come full throttle about 10 yards away from me. I was about to get belligerent and stupid then relized its a lot easier to remain cool. Followed them for a while from a distance and finally got close enough to find who and what tourney they where fishing(all while remaining calm) took a picture of them and the boat and promptly informed Virginia and Maryland Marine police. Let them know which launch the tournament was held and which launch we had used. Within an hour we were kindly approached by Fairfax County Game Wardens to collect info on the incident that happened. After exchanging info we went back to fishing free and clear of trouble or damages.

Hopefully guy in yak reported them. Seeing stuff like this just irritates the pee outta me. Biting my tongue hard

fishing user avatarmudkart reply : 
  On 5/5/2012 at 2:49 PM, bigbasshunter said:

I have been fishing in my Jon boat on a spawning flat and had a 250hp Stratos come full throttle about 10 yards away from me. I was about to get belligerent and stupid then relized its a lot easier to remain cool.

Lemme guess, the Potomac? You handled it as well as could be. To paraphrase someone from another board: "If their momma didn't teach them any manners, you're not gonna." The bite has been so good this Spring, it really brought the idiots out. Best solution is to fish weekdays, or launch around 3-4PM after the weigh-ins.

fishing user avatarbigbasshunter reply : 

Yes it was on the potomac, fortunately it was last year. No real issues this year, just a lot of of people who don't understand what no wake zone is.

The Potomac bite has been amazing, over 400 fish in the boat in the last month. Got 4 over 6lbs a dozen or so 4lbers lots of 3 and below

fishing user avatarWookieeJedi reply : 

I haven't had any trouble from other boaters while fishing from the kayak. I did have one guy stop to check on me, he went around a point full-blast and thought he might have swamped me, and I got to explain how that was pretty much impossible. That turned into a 10 minute conversation about kayak fishing. I think overall, boaters are more courteous and careful than they were in the past. I can remember back in the 80's, woo-hoos would swing a skier by right next to a bass boat just for fun. It has been a long time since I saw behavior like that.

fishing user avatarWookieeJedi reply : 

A little update to the story:

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 

Hey Wookiee, thanks for that update. It's good to know that the guys in the boat were not taking off, but rather were going after equipment that got knocked off the kayak. They even offered to pay for damages.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

It would have been go time. If anything was remotely scratched or broken, I want cash or we go in the parking lot.

I dont understand how this guy is so cool about it.

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 
  On 5/11/2012 at 1:24 AM, JellyMan said:

It would have been go time. If anything was remotely scratched or broken, I want cash or we go in the parking lot.

I dont understand how this guy is so cool about it.

You woulda went to the parking lot with 2 80 year old senior go wid yo bad self :punch-2: .....seriously though i have read this post from the start and seen allot of i would not been as nice and "he woulda needed dental work" and so on, before we found out the 2 gentlemen were seniors. First the guy is out numbered. Are you really gonna start spouting off at the mouth when its 2 against 1? All that will probably get you is an a** kickin and appointment at the emergency room along with a broken boat. The fact is you can't rely on most people to be civil these days. How many people here carry guns with them? How do you know that the person you are about to be belligerent with does not have one too? Is it worth being shot or having criminal charges and possibly jail time because you wanted to tell someone what you thought? The kayaker handled the situation the way it should have been. Sure he was visibly upset and had a right to be so, but he didn't let his emotions interfere with the way he handled the situation. Stuff like this escalates extremely rapidly when people let their emotions take over and then you hear about the results on the 6 o'clock news. Point is keep cool, accidents happen. And if someone is intentionally being a butt then review the situation and figure out the best plan of action before your mouth starts writing checks your butt can't cash.

fishing user avatarKevinator1 reply : 

I'm with you Ima on this one. People get too worked up and say and do stupid stuff like "they would need dental work" etc.(A moderator at that) They were 2 old guys who probably felt bad enough the way it was. I had an experience last year where I was fishing around a corner and a young guy on a waverunner came around the corner and was probably 10 feet away from me before he realized how close he was. I could have went crazy on him but the kid turned around and came up slowly towards me and apologized for coming so close to me while I was fishing. I told him it was ok and that him stopping and apologizing was the only thing I could have asked for and I told him to have a good day. I think what we have these days are too many MMA fighter wanna be's just wanting to go off on someone.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Being staged seems feasible, how can you not know there's a boat behind you when even the camera recorded the motor sound from far away. Part of having a watercraft is the responsibility of knowing what's around you, clearly neither party was paying attention.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I don't care how old they are. I would not have been so nice. Get this, those two old fools loaded that boat on a trailer and DROVE ON THE ROAD. Yeah, look out for that mess. They can't avoid a collision at ten miles per hour, imagine their ineptitude at highway speeds.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 
  On 5/11/2012 at 4:24 AM, Ima Bass Ninja said:

You woulda went to the parking lot with 2 80 year old senior go wid yo bad self :punch-2: .....seriously though i have read this post from the start and seen allot of i would not been as nice and "he woulda needed dental work" and so on, before we found out the 2 gentlemen were seniors. First the guy is out numbered. Are you really gonna start spouting off at the mouth when its 2 against 1? All that will probably get you is an a** kickin and appointment at the emergency room along with a broken boat. The fact is you can't rely on most people to be civil these days. How many people here carry guns with them? How do you know that the person you are about to be belligerent with does not have one too? Is it worth being shot or having criminal charges and possibly jail time because you wanted to tell someone what you thought? The kayaker handled the situation the way it should have been. Sure he was visibly upset and had a right to be so, but he didn't let his emotions interfere with the way he handled the situation. Stuff like this escalates extremely rapidly when people let their emotions take over and then you hear about the results on the 6 o'clock news. Point is keep cool, accidents happen. And if someone is intentionally being a butt then review the situation and figure out the best plan of action before your mouth starts writing checks your butt can't cash.

I dont care how old you are or how many of you there are. If it were me running into them, which would never happen, I would be immediately apologizing and checking to see if everything was ok. These guys did not seem to be too concerned with anything. I would also understand if this was an accident such as foot on the pedal or something along those lines. Things happen and thats understandable but again, these guy did not look concerned with what they had done and I did not hear anything from them on the video. That attitude alone ticks me off and is un called for.

Hitting someone parked in a kayak at low speed is also very uncalled for. You may let people get away with what ever they want but as they say, "If you keep doing things like that, one day you are going to mess with the wrong guy." I had neighbors that did their best with trying to tick me off. I calmly went to their door to talk to them about the noise and all I got was rudeness Fair enough. I did my best to have them evicted and in a month they were gone. You mess with the wrong person and thats what happens. People are going to be stupid and that fine, but just hope you dont be an idiot to the wrong person.

This goes both ways.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Just think if that was a kid in that kayak....

Those two guys need to be off the water permanently.

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 
  On 5/11/2012 at 8:48 PM, J Francho said:

Just think if that was a kid in that kayak....

Those two guys need to be off the water permanently.

That's a bold statement considering you were not at the scene. Only 3 people know EXACTLY what happened and the rest of us just speculate on what we see. How can you advocate denying people their rights based on a video? How do you know that those 2 individuals have not been on that body of water for 60 years with no incident, and now you say they should be kicked off because they weren't paying attention and had a accident where there was no physical harm? Bold statement my man, bold statement.....

The fact is no one was hurt at all. People assume the risk of any task whether it be drive a car, be on the lake or walk alone in a dark alley when they are in a public place. You know every time you hop in your car,or boat something CAN happen that is out of your control. Its how you handle that situation that defines you as a person. Violent actions actions bring violent consequences. No matter how bad you think you are, there is always someone badder, and regardless of if they are at fault ,no one wants to hear the outburst or physical consequences from the other person. If thats the case they usually just bring actions of their own.

I do not condone the actions of the 2 men and i agree they should have been paying more attention to what they were doing.What i disagree with is the fact that people state that the best cause of action in those situations is a violent outburst.Luckily no harm was done and no kids, but even if it there was it would be the responsibility of law enforcement to bring the consequences, not the individual. There's a time, place and reason to fight but this ain't one of them.

I'm done ranting on this subject, I'm going back to talking about something a little more entertaining , like fishing :D

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I'm not condoning violence either. I'm just saying, I wouldn't have been so calm. Is he a bigger man than I? Maybe. Just telling the truth.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 5/11/2012 at 8:48 PM, J Francho said:

Just think if that was a kid in that kayak....

Those two guys need to be off the water permanently.

Especially the kids younger than me that don't wear a life jacket.
fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 

I'm with JF on this, if that was me, I woulda been upset, now the fact they were elders I probably wouldn't have thrown something at them because that's just lack of respect, but I would be pretty furious talking to them. How can you not see a kayaker with a BIG ass ORANGE flag at the stern of the kayak. The whole point of the flag is to avoid that situation, boaters that are not responsible should not be allowed to launch.

fishing user avatarbighoss reply : 

I think I might buy a can of this to keep on the boat: Whoop-ass in a can

fishing user avatarwhittler1 reply : 

After reading these posts on this thread and seeing all this keyboard bravado I have to ask what if the guys in the boat were a couple NFL linebackers who were not paying attention and caused this accident? Do you suppose there would have been a mad dash to the parking lot to put the lid back on that can of "Whoop Ass"?

fishing user avatarWookieeJedi reply : 

If there had been NFL players on the other boat, there would be a team of lawyers waiting at the boat ramp.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 5/13/2012 at 12:12 PM, WookieeJedi said:

If there had been NFL players on the other boat, there would be a team of lawyers waiting at the boat ramp.


And a camera crew.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

This scares the holy crap out of me.....The fact I just brought a kayak this year and I can't even swim. I'm surprise it didn't flip!

The guy handled the situation much,much better than I would have. It does beg the question how a boat can even hit a kayak like that. Pure stupidity! I don't care how old those guys were in the boat. I'm in agreement they shouldn't be in or driving a boat anymore after a stupid thing like that. Sorry,but your in a motorize boat,hitting something that just still in the water.

Hell it could have been a kid in a inner tube just out in the water having fun....Seriously,I don't know how anybody could even see this situation differently.


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