Hey everyone - I bought the 998 and a map chip last night. Was debating over the 798 vs. the 998 - obviously a price gap there - decided to go ahead and splurge and invest "big" - I am glad I did - I did not have a chance to touch it at all last night as I got home late, but I woke up at 4am this morning, couldnt sleep and started playing with in in sim. mode - it is so freakin sweet (well at least so far it looks sweet)
All the various modes and split screens available - I am glad a splurged - although I am sure the 798 would have been really awesome too - no looking back now
I will be postin more in the next 2 weeks with all of my experience with it so far.....
Enjoy it. New toys are always fun.
Especially since this is your LAST toy. ;D Have fun with it man. Save some fish for the rest of us.
QuoteEspecially since this is your LAST toy. ;D Have fun with it man. Save some fish for the rest of us.
I was thinking about it and Im sure that this tool will help me - particulary over time I imagine I will eventually have much of my local waters "mapped out" in my head.
A friend who was skeptical of the purchase who does not fish told me to "call him when it puts more fish in the boat". So will I catch more fish or more quality fish, or be able to catch more consistently? I asked him the question - If I learn the structure of my waters faster and more thoroughly - I cannot see how that will not help my fishing? Or is will just be this really awesome screen to make me feel high tech
But since I am now starting out to venture on my own, the GPS will be a huge benefit for me, just so I dont get lost - particularly on many bodies of water that I have rarely ever been on - particularly smith lake - its pretty big and has tons of "fingers" to it for me to get lost.
The side imaging seems really sweet - cant wait to try it out - went fishing today with my neighbor, havent even installed it yet....played with it in sim mode only...
Going to start another thread on this, but looking now to buy a good RAM mount that is a good price - anybody know a good one for my unit?
QuoteGoing to start another thread on this, but looking now to buy a good RAM mount that is a good price - anybody know a good one for my unit?
dang - 100 more bucks - I was hoping for like 40 or 50 bucks - darn crooks
Wonder if the 25 dollar one will do the job and hold it down securely - dont want to buy something "cheap" per se, but I dont want to get ripped either - any thoughts on these alternatives - has anybody used them?
There was a thread a while back here where somebody did a home made ram mount that was pretty cheap and easy to do.
Unfortunatley it looks like the pictures are gone now. You may be able to PM Bassnajr about getting them.
That is cool - although I will need the ability to swivel really so I will keep looking for a good deal on a RAM mount.
My reading so far on google serching other forums is simply first what size ball to buy - 1.5" vs. 2.5" - I fish pretty calm waters mainly with the only significant wave encounters being possibly someone's wake...so I think the 1.5" will do the job fine? But if I can find a 2.5" for a 40-60 bucks, I could live with that too - 94 bucks just seems like alot -I will however buy it if I must......
I will say this. I've got a Ram Mount on the sonar I have on the lake and one on my offshore boat. You can't go wrong with buying them. Good product. The only drawback is that you need to buy the hardware to install it. I think the one I recently installed cost me about 3 bucks for the stainless bolts/nuts/screws at Home Depot.
Here is the 1.5" - For mainly calm waters it should suffice correct? Easier on my now much depleted fun budget!!!
QuoteI will say this. I've got a Ram Mount on the sonar I have on the lake and one on my offshore boat. You can't go wrong with buying them. Good product. The only drawback is that you need to buy the hardware to install it. I think the one I recently installed cost me about 3 bucks for the stainless bolts/nuts/screws at Home Depot.
Dontcha hate that kinda crap - just bought the 998 and paid 2K and it doesnt even have enough length of wire for the power - no biggie to lengthen, but cmon!!
I definately will buy a RAM mount - I am not a very handy person to make a home-made type of job....
congrats on the new tool. I freakin love my SI unit, a 797c2i.
You will not be disappointed under one condition, you take the time to learn your unit.
I have a friend who has one and barely uses it, consequently he doesn't get much out of it. I work the thing until the button are worn down to numbs.
Only problem I see is it allows any Tom, Dick or Harry (or Kim) to pull into a new body of water and find the spot on the spot in one day instead of 1-10 years.
go to: www.hightechfishing.com and read all you can. It will help you.
Quotehttp://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98611_250003004_250000000_250003000_250-3-4Here is the 1.5" - For mainly calm waters it should suffice correct? Easier on my now much depleted fun budget!!!
I use this one on an HDS8 with no problem. My theory is if it proves to small, I'll move it to the front and buy the bigger one.
I know where you can pick up the 111u ram mount for $42 if you are still looking.
"Only problem I see is it allows any Tom, Dick or Harry (or Kim) to pull into a new body of water and find the spot on the spot in one day instead of 1-10 years. "
That is the whole reason I bought it if it really works that good anyway - I am just starting to venture out to my local waters (and there is alot of em around Birmingham) and I need to shorten my learning curve hopefully
Cant wait to try it!!
QuoteQuotehttp://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98611_250003004_250000000_250003000_250-3-4Here is the 1.5" - For mainly calm waters it should suffice correct? Easier on my now much depleted fun budget!!!
I use this one on an HDS8 with no problem. My theory is if it proves to small, I'll move it to the front and buy the bigger one.
Your theory makes perfect since - If I wasnt so broke I would splurge even further than I have and get the 2.5" but I got nutin left!! Plus on some other forums there were a number of people that used the 1.5 like yourself and were fine - although there was one guy that crushed his 1.5 ball after time and time tightening it very much - some of these guys on really big rough waters I imagine will just absolutely need the bigger one.
QuoteI know where you can pick up the 111u ram mount for $42 if you are still looking.
Do tell - I am going to Academy Sports today to look what they have in stock - let me know...
got the big ram mount for my 898 at jandhproducts for $74, got here in 2 days unless back ordered
Only place nearby that had one was west marine (thank god) - bought the smaller Ram mount for 42 bucks - lifetime warranty - if it doesnt work out just as suggested, I will use it for my future unit on the front of the boat - but I have already tried this RAM mount out and it really is sturdy - I think that if you are in rough waters over time though it could start to wear at it - and other forums confirmed this - so far it seems to be fine upon my inspection - havent got it on the water yet - got the transducer installed very nicely today and the Ram mount, but now I still have to just do a few finishing touches and hook it up - cant wait!!
i have the medium size ram mount was like 40-50$ i think. its solid as an f-ing rock on my 997. those mounts are built like tanks! when you get some snapshots post em up i cant wait to get some more water time with mine!! we just had ice out so its on!! wed. will be my first day on the water this week im dieing already!!
Quotei have the medium size ram mount was like 40-50$ i think. its solid as an f-ing rock on my 997. those mounts are built like tanks! when you get some snapshots post em up i cant wait to get some more water time with mine!! we just had ice out so its on!! wed. will be my first day on the water this week im dieing already!!
Yeah, that is the one I bought - it was 42 bucks - when I tighten it, it was very difficult to move! I too cannot wait to get it out there and try it, cannot hardly sleep!!
you will love it! mine has paid off already and have only been on the water with it 4 or 5 times. i have caught fish in places i would have never even thought to fish. when people say they have not caught more fish because of these units its simply because they either are clueless of fishing or dont take time to learn the unit BOTTOM LINE
Gale, thanks, very re-assuring. I couldnt really see how it would not pay off. I was fishing a couple weeks ago on a large flat with patches of weeds and I am pretty sure I was catching the ones I was catching on random patches on this flat - now with my unit, I will target weedlines, patches, rock piles, whatever stands out ou there in the abyss - cant wait.
no problem! heres a couple examples of how it has helped me. one i was just cruising and seen a large rock pile in a wide open area. i marked it made one cast and caught a fish. most guys would run past this spot a million times and never even think twice it was in an open area where most boats cruise through. another spot that it helped alot. i was fishing some downed trees in a spot and didnt get a hit. i made a pass to see if i could get some good shots of the trees. i noticed more trees further from shore isolated from the rest of them. i moved out about 20-30 feet and bounced some cranks through them and nabbed about 5 or 6 fish!! again another spot i wouldnt of even thought to hit without the si. this stuff is worth its weight in gold. i cant wait till i have a year or two of seat time with it!!
You guys are killing me. I dropped my small boat off this morning to have the 898 si installed. My plan is to use it this weekend. Once I get the small boat done I will be having the 898 si installed on the bigger boat also! It is absolutely killing me to have to wait till the weekend to see the unit in action. I will be burning a ton of gas tocheck out the reservoir!
Darn it gail, I am with fishingforfun - I am dying - I actually finished the install in totality last night - I actually do not know when I will be able to get out ont he water with it - I am going out of town to visit family this weekend - ahhhhh
Gale, your description of your actual on the water experience is exactly what all of us hope for in buying this technology - you are making us salivate
Cant wait to get it out there as I have said - even though the boat monkey is off my back, it is still in my mind cause I have not even seen it in action yet >
I hope you have a good idling motor.....because you will be putting around looking at everything.
QuoteI hope you have a good idling motor.....because you will be putting around looking at everything.![]()
I have a 30HP mercury - it idles ever so quite and is quite slow at idle - I think I will be ok - I have never wanted to get in my boat so back just to idle
i get to wet the line a bit tomorrow!! i am getting teeth pulled a 2pm so i have the mornming open i am hoping to get some good shots from a spot i know has some drowned trees in 30+ foot of water
Do you guys have the Navionics card? I purchased the 2010 Platinum edition. I hope to check out Burke Lake this Saturday!
I have the "premium" card I believe - I have previewed its details on a couple of local lakes and it is freakin awesome!!! It has 1 foot variable changes in depth on contour and also details like areas of submerged grass or timber, docks, landings, man all kinda crap - I would pull my teeth tomorrow to get out with it !!!
i didnt get any of the cards yet atleast. they dont cover any lakes i reguarly fish anyway....... i live in a small area and i fish a private lake and a couple small lakes close to me. i travel maybe a few times a year. the local few i fish have produced 10+ bass and decent numbers so i stay close to home usually
Alright, thats enough gale, your pissin me off
How do you preview the details of the card? I am thinking that the guy who is putting the sonar on my boat is getting tired of me calling! I can't wait to get it on the water.
QuoteHow do you preview the details of the card? I am thinking that the guy who is putting the sonar on my boat is getting tired of me calling! I can't wait to get it on the water.
get it hooked up to power...then during start up at some point you will press menu and choose the simulator mode and you can preview the maps all you want - I know I have too dude - my setup is sittting ready in my garage since 2 nights ago and guess what....I aint gonna be able to get it out there till NEXT weekend AHHHHHHHHHHH :'(