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You Never Know How Much Fishing Helps........ 2024

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

This has been a stressful year, lost my job (right in the process of having our new house built), fortunate to have another one lined up, death in the family, tight finances during my job transition, school workload, and a few other difficult areas. My faith was vital in all of this, and I also attribute my calming to fishing. Things are set now. Thank God! Moved in new house, school is better, job going well. The times that were super tough, I just went on the water for hours, literally sometimes I just bounced a worm or a jig and it seemed like all was tranquil. Medical studies showed that fishing is a good way to relax. It taught me not only to be a better angler, it also made me more patient, and how to appreciate true down time. It was a rough year, but the uphill battle is over and now we look ahead to a better future.


fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

i know when i fish, its like an escape. i just seem to forget about everything going on around me in "the real world".  i think fishing is great for clearing the mind for awhile, kind of like taking a mental dump. and the clearing of the mind and forgetting about lifes daily happenings for a little while is one of the main reasons i fish. its helped me through some rough patches in life. some people table fishing when dealing with stuff like you described 5 dollar, but i think its for the best that they probably dont, everyone needs something in their lives to provide a moment of clarity during rough times...

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 

Keep ya head up brother.. I've had some things also and it has helped Big Time

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

It is truly an escape. I know my mind is set on the water and under it when I fish. It's like my own world. And when I'm done, I feel refreshed to take on what I left to do.

fishing user avatarPz3 reply : 

Fishing is like that for me as well but I must admit it has also become a bit of an addiction. Its not always about the next bigger bass or time on the water but how I can turn a passion into a living. Now all I do is think about....

products/quality/design/locations/events/marketing and even schooling to try and turn this passion into a lively hood.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

True that! I ponder on all of that also. :-)

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

Glad things are looking up for you. Fishing has helped me keep a good attitude through some tough times too.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Thanks all!

Yeah, it's crazy that what started out as something to try out just a few years ago has been such fun and a natural remedy for stressors.

And an obsession........:-)

fishing user avatarmichang5 reply : 

Same here. Tough year last year -- daughter was having problems in school, guy hit and totaled my car, two cats died, and my parents divorced after almost 50 years of marriage.

Wife and I supported each other -- and our daughter. And fishing helped keep me sane.

Things are much better in 2014. And my fishing has gone into full obsession mode.

fishing user avatarRipSomeLips reply : 

There is something amazing about that point you hit in fishing where it becomes more about the going than the catching.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 
  On 5/8/2014 at 5:44 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

This has been a stressful year, lost my job (right in the process of having our new house built), fortunate to have another one lined up, death in the family, tight finances during my job transition, school workload, and a few other difficult areas. My faith was vital in all of this, and I also attribute my calming to fishing. Things are set now. Thank God! Moved in new house, school is better, job going well. The times that were super tough, I just went on the water for hours, literally sometimes I just bounced a worm or a jig and it seemed like all was tranquil. Medical studies showed that fishing is a good way to relax. It taught me not only to be a better angler, it also made me more patient, and how to appreciate true down time. It was a rough year, but the uphill battle is over and now we look ahead to a better future.


Glad things worked out in the end and I totally agree.  In 2012 I had lost my job too for 4 months, finances were tight...but fishing kept me sane.  While searching for a job to keep myself from going crazy sitting there waiting for an interview call, I would go bass fishing.  If it wasn't for this, who knows what it would've done for my stress level.  Now I am grateful for the free time I had to fish as  much as I did then, it helped me improve my abilities and to really cherish the time we have on the water.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Life sometimes is testing our will, our strengths, to see if we can survive. My prostate cancer in 2013 is in remission but the new test is my spinal stenosis. Big word? It's arthritis in the canal in our spine that carries the nerves in it. Yup it's a test of my will and how much pain I can take.

I lost my job in '83, again in '84 and again in '85. I worked three months a year during those three years. Yup life tested me back then too. I grabbed my two new husqvarna chainsaws and started cutting firewood to support the family and heat the house. I flat out refused to lose everything I worked very hard to get. I survived it all. It taught my kids if dad could survive that situation than we could survive anything. It made them stronger seeing me being strong willed. I did firewood till the early 90's. It was a great full and part-time job between jobs. These recessions really took its toll on the American tradesmen. What was our industrial manufacturing might is long gone now.

My relaxation was taking the kids fishing too.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

My job is very stressful, fishing is my release. Addition runs in my family so other extracurricular activities aren't a good option. It's a great way to connect with people too. Not many fisherpeople I've ever met didn't like to swap some stories :)

fishing user avatarMaico1 reply : 

Fishing has always been a great mental enema for me and I have kept it that way . Something about getting out on the water and just soaking up the surroundings no matter whether on a creek, river or lake. Glad you have found the "sweet zone"of fishing and truly enjoy it.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

FIshing :) i wish i could go right now need to clear a few things as well.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Sweet Zone it is! As well as the mental enema. Lol

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

The act of fishing is truly an escape from all my worries.  I can't agree with you more.  I say the "act" because there are times when just being out there is good enough.  Focusing on the fishing makes everything go away for a little bit.  I don't even have to catch them sometimes if that makes sense.

fishing user avatarporkleaker reply : 

They should prescribe fishing trips over anti-depressants.

fishing user avatarfishva reply : 

I hear you. I work for myself out of my home, and business was really slow for a few months. After feeling really down about it for awhile, one day I said screw it, sitting here feeling bad about things isn't doing me any good, I'm going fishing. For a few weeks straight, everyday I went fishing for an hour or so during my lunch break. I can't tell you how much it improved my overall attitude and perspective on things. Now, business has turned around and I've got more than I can handle. But I'm still making time for fishing most days, because I learned that having that time outside and focusing on other things helps me keep a clear head and make better decisions.

fishing user avatarblongfishing reply : 

I have the worst week and I go fishing and things turn around. My attitude is so different.

fishing user avatarPz3 reply : 

Sometimes fishing feels surreal. You get a perfectly calm water with an overly dramatic sky just as the sun is coming up. The night birds just finished their night calls and the morning birds arent even up yet.....

That is the best. Really makes the rest of the day go by so much quicker and nothing will stress me out.

fishing user avatarporkleaker reply : 

That's why I get up at 5am with a travel mug full of coffee. It's just you, calm waters with haze rising off of them. All you hear is nature and your reel and nothing can possibly bother you, even if you get skunked. 

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 

Being in banking/sales/100% comission I pretty much feel the opposite sometime. Constant phone ringing, email alerts, etc. The days I do get to fish without those distractions are however some of the best moments ever. Fishing without distractions are amazing. Also, smart phone are the bane of my existance seems like; always on call or someone else will be....

Happy to hear life on the right track for you now.

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

Fishing is my therapy, decompression zone, place to reconnect with buddies, make new friends and my church. Just talking about fishing puts me in a better place.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I can't wait to get out on the water and put the week's stress behind me.

fishing user avatarBigKev77 reply : 

There is nothing else in the world when I am on the water. There is no drink or drug that will do that for you. Well, not that I have tried anyway.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

So true! There is something about the water that makes it all better. :-)

Not to mention the thrill of that big hit right before I set the hook.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

You all play a pivotal role in it as well. I don't know you all personally but here at BR it feels like a fishing family. Good to see the posts and get a laugh here and there while learning a bunch too.

fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

Boss asked me to work a few hours today....lame but as soon as I'm done I'm hitting the water for some fishin therapy. :)

fishing user avatarthehooligan reply : 

I've always used fishing and riding motorcycles as my stress relievers. I got canned recently for taking off a week from a bad case of the flu. Got better, got out fishing a few times while I have some downtime, and landed a better job. Usually it all works out...

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Yea Guys..... Life is Mountains and Valleys, mountains and valleys....

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

My situation was similar hooligan. Being on the water cleared my mind and I felt refreshed when I got back home. Glad your situation got better also. ;-)

fishing user avatarJaderose reply : 

Fishing forces me to relax.  Usually when I hit the water, I'm fishing "angry".  Tense, inaccurate, trying to throw lure too far, reeling too fast, etc.  After a few backlashes and no bites, I start slowing down and focusing.  Casting gets a lot smoother....retrieval speeds slow down...start catching fish.....and all the thoughts about work or whatever seem to just go away.  At least for awhile.  I will never make a living fishing but I sure as hell can make a life doing it.

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 

Glad to hear everything is better for you buddy, GOD works in mysteries ways.  I would say fishing was a contorting factor to turning my life around and in the end saving me..... GOD BLESS

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Thanks CDMeyer!


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