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Golf Course Fishing 2024

fishing user avatarjustin apfel reply : 

I just started a new style of fishing, golf courses. I live in Virginia Beach and I went up to a golf course near my house and walked right onto one of the lakes and threw a pearl white 5" sinking minnow (gulp) weightless out and started fishing it right off the bottom. After a few casts I saw my line runnin, always a good feeling haha. I set the hook into a nice little 2 pounder and casted right back out. I ended the day with a 3.5, 3, 2, 1.5 and a little 1 pounder. The conditions were pretty bad too, a cold front moved through a day before I went yet I still did pretty well. I was expecting to get kicked out but the management people there were friendly and didn't even care. I dressed in some nice pants and a dress shirt because I read an article in a magazine once that said if you want to fish a golf course dress nicely and the people there will respect you more and you are less likely to get kicked out. So grab a wormin rod and your dress shirt and get to the nearest golf course ha let me know if any nice bass come out of this...

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I would say your results with management are pretty unique. Most golf courses up here specifically prohibit fishing. Remember, you are on private property, and therefore subject to "rules" which are usually not posted, and can change without any notice.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

It really doesn't hurt to ask , you were lucky. :rolleyes:

fishing user avatardhami013 reply : 

Golf courses can hold some lunkers. If you ever do get kicked off, just pull the "I didn't know card, and I'm terribly sorry." Then you can always write a letter and ask for permission. Worked for me a couple times.

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

Teach the head golf pro to throw a baitcaster and get his business card.... :D

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 
  On 4/27/2011 at 7:42 AM, hookingem said:

Teach the head golf pro to throw a baitcaster and get his business card.... :D

Hahahaha :D

fishing user avatarOutdoorsBen reply : 

Golf course ponds are GREAT fishing holes but as mentioned they mostly all prohibit fishing. I've had mixed results asking for permission.

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 
  On 4/27/2011 at 7:42 AM, hookingem said:

Teach the head golf pro to throw a baitcaster and get his business card.... :D

So, I know now how you did it AJ. ahahha NICE! :)

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Some golf courses do not mind if you fish on their closed days, which are usually Mnodays.

Otherwise, I suggest asking for permission before tresspassing on private property.

And when you do fish please be thoughtful and a good steward regarding trash left behind. Take all cut fishing line with you and never leave any trash behind.


If a golf course grounds person or bum comes up to you and asks for that beautiful six pound lady loaded with eggs don't give it to him. THROW IT BACK. ;)

fishing user avatarfishindrew reply : 

I have not fished in that many golf course ponds. When I do, I go at night time so I don't bother anyone playing golf. Also don't need to worry about the stray balls.

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 

my dad used to park cars at gold courses and he got permission to fish the ponds. They stalked them with trout and bass. He caught a 7 lb LM

fishing user avataroconn reply : 

I fish a golf course in my town some of the best fishing in the town. The owners allow you to fish as long as its after golfing hours.

fishing user avatarMikekw3 reply : 

All golf course bass should be released. So many chemicals runoff into that water from fertilizers and what not.

fishing user avatarJoePhish reply : 

I've always wanted to pack a rod and reel in my golf bag. Call it my F-Wedge or something, lol.

Whenever I get to a water hole you can tell I'd rather be fishing.

I wouldn't be suprised if there was a state record lurking in one of the ultra-exclusive courses in the area.

fishing user avatarjustin apfel reply : 

I went to the same golf course today and just plain slayed. The whole day I caught between 25 and 30 bass, each averaged around 3 pounds. Couldn't have asked for a better day. Here are some pictures...




fishing user avatarjustin apfel reply : 

Here's a few more




fishing user avatarjustin apfel reply : 




fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

If you would have done that at some of the golf courses around my house, you would have been asked to leave or been arrested for trespassing. The higher end the golf course and surrounding homes, the closer you would come to being arrested. Ballen Isles is notorious for not allowing fishing at all, not even for its own residents.

fishing user avatarjoshholmes reply : 

its too bad that many ponds at golf courses where i live have any fish poisoned out of them to stop ducks and geese from crapping everywhere

fishing user avatarjustin apfel reply : 

Thats the thing, this isn't too nice of a golf course and I think thats why they let me fish. I haven't been asked to leave once and I have fished there 3 or 4 times. If I were you I would find a not so nice course to try and fish.

fishing user avatarcentral.PA.bass reply : 

Here is some word of advice...use barbless hooks or bend in the barbs of your hooks you are using.. that is common courtesy to save some fish as well.. you will definitely be asked to leave if they see dead fish laying around

fishing user avatarjustin apfel reply : 

Never said I was killing or keeping any? I know courtesy ha

fishing user avatarCoBass reply : 

Fishing golf courses around here (Denver area) is a big no-no. Even if they catch you after hours it's a trespassing charge. Get more than one fishing while trespassing and you could lose your fishing license for a year. I have contacted several courses trying to get permission and have always been told no because of insurance liability issues. Even when I offered to sign a waiver. I wish our golf courses were as liberal as some of yours, there's some good looking water out there.

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

I have a couple uncles who are notorious for fishing while they are on the course. They carry those telescoping push buttons reels in there bag and are always making casts when there by a water hazard. Generally they try to stay on the low while they are doing it though. There are tons of really nice fish on golf courses who have never really seen a lure and in turn are really easy to catch.

fishing user avatarctf58 reply : 

People are fishing golf courses around KY lake right now. By Boat!!!! Saw a picture of a bass boat flipping towards the pin because the golf course is flooded. Does that count?

fishing user avatarjustin apfel reply : 
  On 5/4/2011 at 7:47 AM, ctf58 said:

People are fishing golf courses around KY lake right now. By Boat!!!! Saw a picture of a bass boat flipping towards the pin because the golf course is flooded. Does that count?

I don't know, but that sounds awesome. There is a canal that runs through the golf course and we have a little 10 foot jon boat with a 9.9 on it that we run through the canal so we don't have to walk on the course and get in people's way. Works out pretty well

fishing user avatarTexfisherman reply : 

Great article!

I've grown up fishing different golf course ponds and I can tell you, they hold some big bass!

I try to dress atleast respectable-looking and try to keep the noise down when I hook into one (very hard for me to do, lol!).

I was fortunate enough to have recently found a great 'honey hole' on a golf course pond. After about the third time of fishing there, the dreaded maintenance golf cart pulled up to us.

To our surprise, he said it was ok for us to fish there, but really it is supposed to be for the residents of that neighborhood only.

He told us as long as we throw the bass back and don't litter, nobody will say anything to us.

I go as far as picking up other peoples' litter... why? Because we have pulled out several 4 and 4.5 pounders out of this pond. My friend also pulled out a lunker in this same pond.

So, if they do eventually kick you off, keep looking and trying. Keep the place clean and practice C.P.R. (Catch, Picture, Release).

Good luck!

fishing user avatarMysteryTackleBox reply : 

There's no doubt that golf course ponds can hold some trophy bass, but wetting a line in one of these honey holes can be a bit tricky. Here's How To (Legally) Fish On A Golf Course Pond. 


Keep your head on a swivel for stray golf shots and Happy Fishing!



fishing user avatarRick Howard reply : 

Do yourself a favor.  Ask permission.  Some clubs are pretty serious.  You don't want to be arrested over fishing.  I've been first hand witness to several arrests of trespassers on a particular country club.  The pros only care because their members care.  The police are irritated to have to deal with it.  The trespasser loses that battle.  In NY the laws state that posted signs are not required for land with improvement.  Now we might not all agree that a golf course is an improvement to a landscape but by definition it is :)

fishing user avatarKoz reply : 

Nearby we had a golf course in a residential neighborhood shut down a few years ago and my son and I have been doing a lot of fishing there lately. We can ride our bikes along the old cart paths and go from lagoon to lagoon.


I've only seen a few others fishing out there and that's been great news for us. We routinely land 2-4 lb largemouth. A neighbor caught a 7 lb lunker last month. The other day we hit a new lagoon with lots of tree cover and downed trees. It looked perfect. Lots of fish, but all we pulled out were juveniles less than a pound. But hopefully big momma is till lurking out there somewhere! We also saw a GIANT catfish patrolling the banks but couldn't entice him to hit anything.


A lot of golf courses have shut down over the past 5 years or so. If you're lucky you can find one of those to fish.

fishing user avatarlonnie g reply : 

HECK! go golfing, one of my favorite clubs in the bag is a bait caster with a buzz bait!:tongue3:

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


One day I caught a great big giant bass from a golf course pond.

Just as the scale hit 11 pounds, the scale busted

and about 10 golf balls came tumbling out of her mouth.

Okay...I lied about the golf balls    :embarassed:

fishing user avatarTyloo reply : 
  On 4/27/2011 at 1:48 AM, justin apfel said:

I just started a new style of fishing, golf courses. I live in Virginia Beach and I went up to a golf course near my house and walked right onto one of the lakes and threw a pearl white 5" sinking minnow (gulp) weightless out and started fishing it right off the bottom. After a few casts I saw my line runnin, always a good feeling haha. I set the hook into a nice little 2 pounder and casted right back out. I ended the day with a 3.5, 3, 2, 1.5 and a little 1 pounder. The conditions were pretty bad too, a cold front moved through a day before I went yet I still did pretty well. I was expecting to get kicked out but the management people there were friendly and didn't even care. I dressed in some nice pants and a dress shirt because I read an article in a magazine once that said if you want to fish a golf course dress nicely and the people there will respect you more and you are less likely to get kicked out. So grab a wormin rod and your dress shirt and get to the nearest golf course ha let me know if any nice bass come out of this...

I'm pretty new to Va Beach and have been looking for good spots to fish some bass. Mind telling me which golf course you go to? Or some other spots to try?

fishing user avatarjimf reply : 

My #2 PB is from the St. Peters Missouri public golf course pond.   This was back in the late 80's, no clue if they let you still fish there or not.   It was right by my house and I would hit it before/after work pretty regularly.  

fishing user avatarDjman72 reply : 

Golf Course fishing is close to my heart. A couple courses hold some of the best bass in the area. One i'm allowed to fish, and one i'm kind of sort of allowed to fish.


The "kind of sort of" pond is far superior in quantity and quality bass. I've made friends with the Golf Pro while golfing and told him that i sneak in to fish the property regularly. This was after a few beers and he laughed and didn't care one bit. He went into some long story about how the owner of the course hates fishing because he was accidentally hooked as a little kid. As long as he isn't around, I had permission to fish freely. I was only asked to leave by the pro one time, and he was very cool about it. He actually asked to use one of my poles and wet a line himself for about 15 minutes.

I was a sad camper when the pro was no longer there. 


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