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Why Bass? 2024

fishing user avatarRockvilleMDAngler reply : 

Why do you fish for bass instead of other species of fish? I have been pondering this question for the last few days and I cannot really come up with a great answer. Bass fight OK but not as good as a muskie/pike/carp/salmon/catfish/walleye, they are OK to eat but not nearly as good as crappie/trout/salmon/walleye (I almost always catch and release anyway), they are usually easy to locate and catch but not as easy as crappie/catfish/carp. So why do we all obsess over these fish? I think that for me it has mostly to do with location, they seem to be the dominant fish in most of the lakes I fish. I also think that the bait monkey has a lot to do with it since there seem to be more cool baits and equipment that can be used for bass than any other fish. Any other ideas as to why most bass anglers have nightly dreams about fishing for these fish?

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

Why not????? ;)

fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 

Bass fishing is just the off season of steelhead fishing....

I actually enjoy targeting everything, but also enjoy fishing bass tournaments too. :)

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

This response is totally my opinion.  It is based on my experience.  

I bass fish because it is more fun than fishing for any other species of fish.  I have fished for lots of other fish, but never catch fish consistantly like I do bass.  I do think bass fishing is over rated, but that is due to the billion dollar industry it is.  I think bass are one of the hardest fish to catch consistantly, but also at the same time one of the easiest if you know your stuff.  But that goes with any fish species I guess.  I mainly bass fish because I went one day with a true bass fisherman, and he showed me what to do.  I did it and caught a few nice bass that day.  I was simply hooked.  I am sure I could come up with lots of other reasons, but I'll think about it, and get back to this thread later.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 



fishing user avatarRockvilleMDAngler reply : 

I forgot that Smallies fight so hard, I was originally talking about LM only.  Having caught 1 muskie in my life I have to say that three in a day would be amazing.  They fight like CRAZY so I would probably take the muskies.  That being said smallies are a lot of fun, especially when they are biting.

fishing user avatarfoul hooked reply : 

Bass fishing is like when you are single and  persuing that particular women.

Bass don't play by the rules.

Bass defy logic.  

But when you get a good hookup, hang on brother.  There is nothing like the pursuit of that keeper!

I say this with the greatest respect for women.

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

I started fishing for "fish" when I was about 6 years old -- as I got older, learned that bass fishing was the most interesting of challenges because of some of the same comments as noted above.  When the BASS burst on the scene, I became more interested because I had an opportunity to be a part of something besides just fishing.  Over the years I have continued to love the sport of fishing and have even had some desire to crank up a big ol' tuna or swordfish, but the elusive bass has always been my primary target.  Now that I have had an opportunity to join a bass fishing club and fish competitvely and learn at the same time, my love of the sport has grown even more.  I still like to do some crappie jerkin once in a while and am never disappointed when I manage to land a big ol' catfish, heck I even enjoy playing with the blue gill.  But for me, the challenge of figuring out how to trick those big ol' bucket mouths into biting my plastic worm, buzzbait, crankbait, etc.  still give me the greatest satisfaction of all.

fishing user avatarfloridabassboy reply : 

CAUSE BASS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 

because they are found in almost every body of water all over the united states. tiny pods, large lakes, and rivers. i am never more than a few miles away from a place that i can throw my lure. the tactics for catching bass consistently are numerous. who flips a jig 6" from a stump for other species???? does anyone throw a 1oz sinker pegged to a worm into slop for any other species? not that i have heard of. these are just a couple of the reasons why. by the way......i disagree with some of the fish that you say fight harder. size wise maybe but not lb. for lb.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Because they are smarter than me.

The water is calm and great to fish.

The scenry is beautiful.

No noise.

No phone calls.

No office.

No wife.

No kids.

No dogs.

It is a relaxing and wonderful thing to do.

And the fellowship is outstanding!

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

I bass fish becuase:

I dont have the stuff to musky fish, and dont have the money to get it

Carp are awsome, but they are somwhat borring to fish for.

Catfish are awsome, but there isn't much good catfishing around.

Bass fishing takes alot of skill to get them on the line. Where with catfish you just throw out some liver and hold on.

Bass look the coolest.

And the #1 reason.... *drum roll*

Bass are way better than all those lame fighting boring old no-good wimpy jumping stupid looking dowright nasty species! CAN I HAVE A AMEN?!?!?!!?!?

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 


fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I think it has a lot to do with the variety of ways you can catch bass. It's not like carp where you just throw something out and let it sit there. With bass, there are tactics, strategies, patterns, and equipment. All of that makes it more exciting and challenging. They are also moderately easy to catch most times and are relatively easy on equipment. I think those factors make them appealing to game fishermen.

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

    I bass fish becuse of the challange of the sport/addiction. I have fished for trout, catfish, and stripers

They are all pertty much the same put the bait in the hook and wait and wait and wait some more

it nice some times but gets boring almost gave up fishing a few years back was bord with it.  Then I caught my first bass on a rattle trap. It was on after that. That was 4 years ago havent looked back since. I still trout fish some times and nothing beats catching gills with my son. But when its time for me to go fishing I just grab my bait casters and back pack and off I go..................  

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

Bc there in 49 states i believe so everyone can fish for them and like said earlier if u know ur stuff there the easiest to catch in #'s

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

the night i got hooked on bass was when my best freind (orey10m), and his dad took me out to fish buzzbaits.  it was pitch black and i thought what in the world will hit this thing.  at that point all my fishing had been salt water.  my second or third cast and BAM.  my heart was beating faster than it ever had.  it was pure adrenaline.  so i guess adrenaline is my reason for bass.  they seem to get it rushing the best, but i can tell you, since that summer night of 03' my sole purpose in life, my every extra moment of thought and every second of free time has been spent outthinking bass and owning every lake possible.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
the bait monkey has a lot to do with it since there seem to be more cool baits and equipment that can be used for bass than any other fish

It'sall about the bling baby  

fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

I started fishing when I was 6 or 7...then for some reason I fell in love with bass fishing and since age 20 thats all i fish for. Now Im 33 and I am obssessed with bass and I cannot explain it. I have recurring dreams about seeing a huge bass in this lake and I either have a rod with no reel or no line and I have a panic attack. When I watch bass shows my heart beats real right now. I see bass on tv and say " that is so beautiful " and my wife is like " theres something wrong with you " LOL...shes right though there is something wrong with sitting here and not fishing. With that said...the bass ( lmb ) is the coolest creature on the planet...followed by chameleons. Did I say that out loud?

fishing user avatarCrabcakes reply : 

I think there are a few reasons bass fishing is so popular:

Bass are everywhere. Almost anywhere in the U.S. there's a species of bass for you to fish for.

They offer the right balance of challenge. Easy enough to catch but difficult to master entirely. Harder than bluegill less diffficult than permit.

The equipment for bass fishing can be very cheap, though we prefer to make it more expensive. It's for both the casual and avid angler. If you want to fish for tuna its plain expensive whether you like it or not. You don't find too many casual tuna fisherman.

Being so common and prolific, we are able to study bass very closely and determine all the best ways to catch them at different times of the year and how to catch them. Leading to it becoming an industry based on tackle sales not meat sales. hence we protect bass not eat them (for the most part)

Because your daddy fished for bass and so did his. A snook whats that? Cobia? Bass were good enough for grandpa so the love of bass has rubbed off. It's a cultural thing. They're "America's Fish"

I think it's accessibility first and foremost. It's become like golfing for the non country club set. A social activity men do when they get a little old for contact sports. It reminds us of our youth. It's challenging and allows you to be outdoors without breaking your bones.

Granted these are generalizations but I think they ring true in most cases.

For me I fish for bass because I am able to do so multiple times a week as opposed to saltwater/ trout fishing that I can only do once every month or two.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I grew up in south Louisiana. When I was a kid it was still the "Sportsman's Paradise". In the Gulf of Mexico, you could catch fish like nowhere else. Red snapper, king mackeral, grouper, drum, tarpon, sharks you name it. Because the Miss. river mixed with the Gulf, you could fish the brackish bays and pipe line canals in Plaquimines Parish with a 'shad rig' & popping cork to catch speckled trout & red fish untill you were tired of catching fish. Fresh water, on the other hand, was more of a challenge. It required a different attitude and a higher level of determination. As posted above, I think the charm & passion of Bass fishing is, that you MIGHT catch them almost anywhere. With a broomstick & kite string, or G-Loomis rod & Shimano reel, you have a chance at landing an elusive memory. Keep on keepin on.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


[i think it's accessibility first and foremost. It's become like golfing for the non country club set. A social activity men do when they get a little old for contact sports. It reminds us of our youth. It's challenging and allows you to be outdoors without breaking your bones.]

Your post struck a nerve, that was very insightful.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

If carp would hit a buzzbait, I wouldn't fish for bass!!   ;D

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I wanted to do what my dad was doing.

When your small, your told to leave that rod alone and be patient.    Wait till the bobber goes "all the way down".

How come my bait doesn't look like yours dad?    Can I put one of those baits on, I won't move it?

My perch never jumped out of the water like his did.      

Back in the days, there used to be something about "fooling a fish".

I was never musically inclined, couldn't draw or paint, my dad always said that Bass fishermen were artistist in there own way.

After watching others on tour, KVD for example, its pure poetry in motion watching the cast, the placement, and the face of "anticipation", and that still keeps me going.

Why Bass?         I have never gave that much of a thought, I just thank my parents for giving me an outlet that didn't lead me astray.

I always make friends with a kid that doesn't have the opportunites I had and share that experience.     That I owe to my dad, he took many of boys to the river for the first time, including his family.    

Funny how I never really care for the Fishin Hole and ole Jerry, he always talks about his Dad.      

I can see why, I do the same thing myself.

My Dad is why.     As Jerry always said,    "HE ALWAYS HAD TIME TO TAKE ME FISHING!!!!!"



fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Why bass?  I think, at least in America, it is related to our addiction to things with big mouths.  I mean, look at how fascinated we are with celebrities?  And how about the WWF?   ;)

fishing user avatarLaggyman reply : 

First time I saw a Bass was when I was about 10.  I went along with my family to a lakeside lodge and had some fun with Canoeing.  I found a lure snagged on the dock, and remembered I found a stick with some line and hook attached so I dug around for some earthworms and put the line in the water from a dock. I really didn't expect to catch anything... Anyways, I ended catching about 5 Smallmouth bass about 10in.  More than enough to hook me  ;D

It turns out that the particular lake was 1 in 2 lakes in Japan where we can catch SmallMouth.  Once I got home I started gathering money to buy me some tackle.

I guess it's just the fact that I was in awe looking at the SM Bass.....  It looked sooo... cute....

Ever since then, Bass Bass Bass!!! But only LM.... That Lake is too far away from where I live... About a 5 hour drive..... Wish I could go there every week though... I haven't caught any SM ever since and I just can't wait 'til the day I get back to that lake and hook up some Smallmouth.

Wish I had some good ponds nearby....

fishing user avatarAbsolute_St.Croix reply : 

I fish for everything. I just get a few more smallies than anything. I really enjoy going out for pike! They have been hittin pretty good lately but I have yet to catch one larger than 11"! I know there in there too! as afr as Muskies go.. Thats fun but it takes forever and a day and about 3000 casts a day! LOL

fishing user avatarCaptain Underpants reply : 
  I also think that the bait monkey has a lot to do with it since there seem to be more cool baits and equipment that can be used for bass than any other fish.

Somebody mention my name?  ;D

I fish for bass because I can't live without my name incarnate shaving a few grams off my wallet every week. Plus, I only get to fish ponds with only bass and panfish.  :-[

At least they're all fish(-able)!  :)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Why Bass?

First and foremost, bass are found everywhere in the United States and are common in most bodies of water.

Bass are the ideal gamefish because they eagerly strike artificial lures. That alone rules out many other candidates.

Bass grow to large sizes and bass are very handsome fish (largemouth, smallmouth & spotted bass).


fishing user avatarNoviceGirl reply : 
Bass fishing is like when you are single and persuing that particular women.

Bass don't play by the rules.

Bass defy logic.

But when you get a good hookup, hang on brother. There is nothing like the pursuit of that keeper!

I say this with the greatest respect for women.

You can tell you are from Sugar Land.

fishing user avatarc17Lat reply : 

they are the perfect fish to real you just lip 'em 8-)

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

Bass are an exciting fish to catch the way they attack a lure, jump out of the water and shake their heads around trying to throw the lure plus they are found everywhere in the continental U. S.


fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

when i was young i just loved to fish.  when we went to the beach i loved to throw out a bottom rig and when my mom (most certainly not my dad) would take me to the river i would throw out a bobber an meal worm or nightcrawler and have a blast.  i started watching fishing shows on tv and they dealt with either saltwater or bass.  i would have liked to do either as they both looked exciting but did not live near the ocean.  so bass it was.  

the first time i caught a bass on an artificial lure (a original rapala) i set down the bobber and worm for good.  it was so much more fun for me as a young kid (and still today) to be casting and reeling than just waiting.  even as a kid it was not all about catching fish it was also about having a good time exploring the river, and i could cover a lot more ground with a grub on a jighead, and got a great satisfaction every time i "tricked" one of those river smallmouth.

im surprised no one else contributes any effect from bassmasters and the other bass shows to their initial interest.  i think that the bait monkey and the tv play a larger part than some of us want to admit to.  i always loved buying new tackle and now not having to depend on an allowance can buy all the tackle i want (not completely true as i still have a wife).  i love buying and playing with tackle, and man is there a lot of options when you are talking about bass gear.  

anyways i rambled a lot but i guess the bottom line is that i developed a love for all things associated with bass fishing in my youth and never really lost it (although i took some breaks along the way).  its a fish that everyone can fish seriously for if they choose, wherever they live.  there are a lot of different tactics and techniques you can master which keeps it fresh.  this is a good thread and made me kind of sentimental.  kinda want to call my mom and thank her for taking me to the river :) :)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

It's American

All other types of fishing started some where else

It's what football is to rugby or soccer

It's what baseball is to cricket

It's what NASCAR is to Formula One

It's a down home, in your back yard, flag waving American tradition  

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
It's American

All other types of fishing started some where else

It's what football is to rugby or soccer

It's what baseball is to cricket

It's what NASCAR is to Formula One

It's a down home, in your back yard, flag waving American tradition



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