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Who else is on "injured reserve?" 2024

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

Seems like I've notice a lot of other people referencing injuries or illnesses keeping (or at least limiting) the amount of time, or the type of fishing they can do.

I had rotator cuff surgery in the fall and was way ahead of schedule on my rehab... was cleared to fish "full throttle" or as the Dr. put it, any freshwater fishing was ok. He obviously forgot that it was a hookset that finished off what was left of the cuff last year...

I had been very careful, to the point that I was using lighter rods and even spinning tackle a lot, just to be safe. Well, Wed. night I fished and got caught at a really awkward angle when I got nailed. As luck would have it (read that as unlucky) I had a 7' hvy rod in hand when I turned on it, I swung hard out of instinct and strained my shoulder pretty bad. I don't think it did any "damage" beyond a GOOD reminder to be careful a little longer.

Anyway, I've been icing the heck out of it and praying it was only a close call. I'm feeling good enough to fish this weekend but will have to be smarter than I was on Wed.

Enough of my pitty party, who else is on light duty?

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

Fish a wacky rig until you are 100%. Feel better man!

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Dose missing a couple of rods count.  

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I've been completely grounded recently and don't know when I'll be able to get back to work or fishing. This forum has helped in keeping me sane. Thanks all.

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

       Flecharo, I feel you pain ( in a way ). I'm coming off a all winter/early spring battle with tendonitous of the right elbow. 2 cortizone shots and rehab and I'm still not %100. I'm a mechanic by trade and am right handed. Every time I swing a hammer, I'm reminded that I'm still hurt. When I'm out throwing a spinnerbait, it wears me out. I still have a hard time getting to sleep sometimes because it hurts "BAD"! I hope you back in form soon.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

ECH- Episodic cluster migraine.  Went to Dr's again today,..out fishing,....I mean,...healing for another 8 weeks.  

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I am down for at least another 10 weeks...maybe more. Broken left forearm (ulnar fracture in a hard cast), broken pelvis (minor, I can still bear weight on my left leg and walk without pain), and a compression fracture of the t10 vertebrae in my spine which forces me to wear a back brace 24/7. Sustained all these injuries on a fall through a hole in the floor from the 7th floor to the 6th floor of the building my crew an I were working in. Happened on May 26th.

I have an appointment on Monday with the orthopedic and spine doctors. The trauma doctors I saw today essentially said that whether or not I could fish while I heal is those doctor's call. I am not talking bass fishing here...probably bluegill and crappie...anything to keep me from going insane with cabin fever.  :P

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Dude.......................................You win.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
tendonitous of the right elbow. 2 cortizone shots and rehab and I'm still not %100. I'm a mechanic by trade and am right handed

Yup, left handed, left shoulder.


I saw your post last week, I cringed when I read it! At least mine was something I could schedule, I can't imagine just falling like that.


When I had my surgury, I was out of work for a week & a few days and no fishing for 5 solid months... I spent most of my days on this forum or the rodbuilding forum... it was the only way to keep from going nuts.


That explains why you are on the forum morning, day and night! I thought you had a laptop in the truck!

Lets all try to heal up this summer and have a big time productive fall!!

My best healing wishes to all,


Ps.  We got any Indian healers on this forum?  This would be a great time to have one!   ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Last year I fished close to 250 days.  This year I'm paying for it.

I had severe tendenitis in my right elbow.  The cortisone shot worked and now I wear the strap with the air bladder, but it will hurt some after a day on the water.

The big thing now is my shoulders and upper back.  I've gotten into tossing larger, heavier baits like swimbaits.  That coupled with the fact that I row instead of using an electric motor, has forced me to cut back on my fishing.

The trolling motor would help alot, but I like the exercise I get rowing, and it's just so easy to toss the canoe in the back of the pickup.  No lugging heavy batteries, no recharging, or motors to get weeded up.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I wouldn't want to oar around the 300 acre place I fish but I think that's a great way to get excercise.  THe biggest thing the doctors preach as we age is to stay active. The amount of physical exertion you put into your fishing and the amount of it you do, probably far outweight he physical contribution of someone 1/2 your ages daily routine.

That's also probably why you're such a good dancer too,lol.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

Shake it Avid!!! ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Did you see me on Soul Train or American Bandstand?  

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I know what you mean.I have degenerative disc disease in my back. I have 5 herniated discs in my back from it, and it just gets worse.I'm OK as long as I sit in my boat,but I love to pitch/flip and it really kills my back to stand up for any length of time.My doctor said he could do surgery but said it wouldn't help with the pain.I have to wear a pain patch on my arm just to get out of bed in the morning(usually around 2:30 AM from the pain).

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

Man RR...that sucks. What causes degenerative disc disease? That sounds awful. If the doctor offered surgery, but it wouldn't help with the pain, then what would the said surgery accomplish?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Did you see me on Soul Train or American Bandstand?

Nope, just the members video,lol

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 


I saw your post last week, I cringed when I read it! At least mine was something I could schedule, I can't imagine just falling like that.

Yeah...definately was not an odd way though I am very grateful. It could have really been a lot worse. I could have ended up a parapalegic...or I could have ended up orphaning my little girl an widowing my wife. When I look at it that way...what's happened to me doesn't really matter. At least I will make a full recovery. What's a little pain anyway...I have a pretty darn good tolerance for it. Heck...I got up and walked out of the building we were working on to my foreman's truck and he took me to the hospital.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

It hasn't really limited me because I'm a moron, but I've been dealing with vertigo for a week now.  Its a pretty annoying and sometimes scary experience, and the vomiting isn't all that fun.  Its like being drunk 24/7 for those that experienced that sometime in life.  I actually had went camping last night and was planning to stay the whole weekend but ended up having to pack up my tent and everything else at 2 in the morning because I was too sick to stay. :

Valascus, get better soon man, thats some rough stuff to be going through

Rogue, same goes to you...I've had back pain for 8 years now..and its a very annoying thing to deal with, too.  There are a lot of times I'm not able to do what I wanna do because of my back, and if I don't sleep a certain way...the next day you can forget about.  My problems aren't as serious as DDD but, it hurts, heh...I won't even think of having surgery on my back..too scary.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Ken- I had a double ear infection couple yrs back. Started off with vertigo but by the end of the day I couldn't walk 4 or 5 steps without falling over. Not to metion the lethargy that accompanies it. It's like you are "literally" too tired to lift your arms. YUK.

Certainly alot less fun than the "vertigo"  I used to experience in college! lol.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

LBH, I suspect that an ear infection is the root of my problem, as well..about two weeks ago I had blockage in my right ear, sounded like an air conditioner running in my head constantly, then after that goes away I get vertigo. I'm a strong willed person so it ticks me off to no end when I can't keep my balance well or walk without holding on to something..anything like that. It does make you feel very tired, and wobbly on the legs...all that good stuff.

And lol, yes its a whole lot less fun than that other kind of vertigo ;)

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

So I had my orthopedic/spine appt. yesterday. And it was all good news. No surgery on the arm, the spine, arm, and pelvis are all healing quickly and correctly. I can drive myself about now, and the best part, I can go fishing. I can't fish for bigger fish, but I have some ultralite gear that I will go after crappie and assorted panfish with. It may not be bass fishing, but at least it's fishing. ;)

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

Off Injured Reserve and Put On Waivers.

Fished what will be my last tournament over the weekend (at least I took 4th). Due to numerous injuries (neck, back, spinal cord, shoulder, ankle, thumb, and knee) and all that lovely ensuing arthritis and bone spurs, I couldn't move fast enough to get the net in time, which caused my partner to lose a big 18 plus smallmouth and first place in the tourney.  Plus this year, after each tourney, I had to take the following day off from work due to all the pain.  Will resign from my club this month.  It's rough when the ailments affect my fishing, but when it starts to affect my partners then I guess enough is enough.

fishing user avatarJR reply : 

First off, I would like to second that this site helps to keep you going while you are down.

I went to the hospital for a femoral by pass surgery.  About 4 days later I had a condition called compartment syndrome, something I had never heard of, and was taken back to the emergency room.  At first they thought they would have to take my right leg off and then it was decided to try and save my leg with a new type of procedure.  After two more surgeries and two weeks in the hospital they let me go home for complete bed rest for a month.

After a month I started therapy and am still going 3 days a week.  I thank God everyday for the people that saved my leg.

In about a month I get to start fishing again.  This site has filled in the emptiness for me.  You don't know how much you can miss fishing until you can't do it.


fishing user avatarBassMaster_1 reply : 

Thats all I have to say is WOW! This post caught my attentionbecause  I was just complaining to my wife and then my fishing buddy how sore I am from fishing 12hrs this weekend.  My back, shoulder, side, elbow(tendonitis), forearm all sore and here I am 26yr olds.   Then I start reading this post, and it sounds like I have it pretty good... I use to be a 3 sports varsity athlete not too long ago and here I am sore from fishing.... I think my body is trying to tell me something!  For all of you that are down and out, please get better and get out there!

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 
Man RR...that sucks. What causes degenerative disc disease? That sounds awful. If the doctor offered surgery, but it wouldn't help with the pain, then what would the said surgery accomplish?

That is a very GOOD question.One that I haven't had answered to my satisfaction.Also it's the reason I haven't gone under the knife yet.I get the ole "you'll be like this the rest of your life and will have to get used to it.The patches do make it managable,though.Degenerative Disc diesease is hereditary.My Grandmother,Father,Aunt,and Sister all have/had it.Basically,the discs are disintegrating and no medicine or surgery can stop it.With surgery,I'd be getting rid of one pain but creating another,according to my surgeon.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Dude.......................................You win.

What he said......I'm starting to feel the tennis elbow coming back as the worm/jig bite has kicked back in.I can get away with c-rig,spinnerbait and crankbait hooksets but the hard sets with the jigs and worms are tweaking my elbow again.The last cortisone shot (Jan.) is holding up well though.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

That is a very GOOD question.One that I haven't had answered to my satisfaction.Also it's the reason I haven't gone under the knife yet.I get the ole "you'll be like this the rest of your life and will have to get used to it.The patches do make it managable,though.Degenerative Disc diesease is hereditary.My Grandmother,Father,Aunt,and Sister all have/had it.Basically,the discs are disintegrating and no medicine or surgery can stop it.With surgery,I'd be getting rid of one pain but creating another,according to my surgeon.

Wow...I am really sorry to hear that RR.  At least you are still able to fish, but man...that just sounds really rough. Hereditary huh? I don't know how good the stem cell research initiative in the state of Louisiana is, but in my very limited understanding of it some genetic disorders can be treated usin some methods in that field. Could be something worth looking into.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Well Now I did it! I was throwin a Rapla into the shallows and treed it. So I go onshoe get it out and didnt see the &^^%%**&POISON IVY and now


fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

about the only cause I've heard commonly associated with DDD is aging....and no one wants to get old :  After reading more about it, I think maybe I'm headed down that road, but I sure hope not.

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

One big problem with doing surgery on degenrative disks is that once they are fused together it tends to transfer more pressure onto the weaker disks above and below the ones that were the main sorce of the problem in the first place and then it gradually stair steps out from there. Finding the exact disks that are the source of pain is sometimes anouther major problem. I think most people suffer from it to a small degree over the years, but age isn't always a requirement, back abuse and injuries tend to hasten the condition. It took me out of the running when I was 36, allthough some of mine was possibly due to a para thyroid gland absorbing calcium from the bones. There are a few things that can help with pain at least to a degree even if it fairly tempory in some cases if it involves the nerves. I have seen a few people that recieved some relief from some of the non surgical procedures if it's not severe. RR are those the Fentanyl Patches? I tried those a few years ago and they about ate my lunch, but still get along pretty good with meds.


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