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What was your best fishing day? 2024

fishing user avatarmudcatwilly reply : 

What was your best fishing day?  Maybe you had a 100 fish day.  Maybe you caught your personal best.  Maybe you caught 10 and 3 were over 8 pounds.  Maybe it was the first time you caught a bass on a lure.  I just wanted to get a sense from the salty veterans what you best fishing day was like.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

1/08/05 Smallmouth

Fifteen smallmouth on the Tennessee River, seven over 5 lbs. Estimated weight of the best five landed: Something north of 30 lbs. Bait: Live shiners fished on a split shot rig.

6/19/06 Largemouth

Fourteen largemouth in two hours, four on the first four casts, seven on the first ten. Four bass over 5 lbs, estimated weight of the first bass: 8 lbs. Estimated weight of the fourth bass: 9+ Estimated weight of the best five landed: Something north of 30 lbs (~33). Bait: GYCB Fat Ika.

fishing user avatarRobDar reply : 

we  did not catch what we were fishing for...Kentucky Lake, early october...we we fishing for smallmouths and got into stripers. We almost moved, but were having way too much fun. It only lasted an hour or so, but every time the lure hit the water we caught a fish...I do not know how many we caught but it was enough.

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

Early last month, I fished a tourny and won with 5 fish that weighed 34.15. It was an amazing day and I also had first and second big fish with 8.6 and 7.10 respectively.

I also had a day about a year ago where I sat at a pipe during a monsoon, and a friend and I caught over 300 fish standing in the same spot in a 2 hour period. It was absolutely crazy. Nothing big, but fishe between 1 and 3 pounds.

fishing user avatarJoe. S reply : 

Back in April 2003 on Good Friday!

What a day.. Cold front pushed through temps dropped almost 30° and the water temp dropped 10° from 2 days prior. Over cast 15-20 mph East winds with on and off drizzle. (Funny thing is all those variables are supposed to be lousy fishing conditions) But I went and was the only one out there.

I had a silver Husky jerk tied on HJ12  in 3 hours I caught 13 fish for a total of 54 lbs. Nothing under three with the biggest being a 6.8 and also had a 4.12 smallie in there that ran me all over my boat.

I actually retired that husky jerk in my lure box with all the details above, it was brand new when I started and now has the majority of the paint gone  :)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe if you catch over 100 fish you're fishing a location that has just been stocked.  My best day for numbers was back in the 70s on a newly stocked lake.  My Dad and I each caught well over 100 fish, but I don't remember the exact numbers (something like 130 - 150 each.)  Most of these fish were 12 - 15 inches, but I did catch three or four fish that were 3 - 6 lbs.  (Again, my memory fails me.)  

My best day for weight runs around 20 lbs, more or less.  On that day I caught one over 6, one over 5, and some others in the 3 - 4 range.  I generally don't weigh all of the fish I catch so I have to estimate this.  If I think a fish is nearing five pounds or more I weigh it.  Otherwise, I just estimate.  

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Let's see....

Smallmouth : Caught 25 fish altogether, my best fish topping 3 lbs on the Greenbrier River.  My biggest was caught on a live crawdad fished weightless downstream.

Largemouth : I've had good days for largemouth I can't remember, so I'll say my most recent catch from a small pond down the road (No boat, no money, no problem.  ;) ) 6 fish, the biggest topping 3 lbs caught on a black flake senko.

Trout : My best day for trout?  Three years ago on the Cherry River.  1 hour and 6 fish limit, all were 13 inches or more, the best was a 16 inch brook trout.  My grandpa also caught 6 fish.

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 
Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe if you catch over 100 fish you're fishing a location that has just been stocked.

Well, not necessarily.  I know people who fish the Greenbrier River for smallmouth and have had easy 100 fish days, and the smallmouth there aren't stocked.

fishing user avatarRODBENDER reply : 

Every year in the upper Pearl River Basin , the mounth of May and June when the bluegill are bedding , these fish basicly become land locked by low water conditions ...The fish are small 1 #  being the average ....i take my youngest son ( 10 yr old )  at least once a week ....and usually catch 40 to  50 each trip ...we sometimes get lucky and catch a few 3 and 4 pounders ......but not many ...  all we take is Culprit  Junebug worms ...there is no reason  to take anything else ..... this kid can't sleep the night before the trip .....

His mother can't understand why he wants to go to daddys so much ...

I think i've created a monster !!!!

Yall have a nice day !!

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

25 years ago when my wife was pregnant with our first boy,we went fishing in a canoe at my favorite lake.We were using black Mr. Twister worms T-rigged.We were in 8-10 ft of water.She caught 17 bass and I caught 16.It seemed like as soon as the bait touched bottom we immediately were getting a "tap,tap".All of the bass were in the 1 pound range.No big ones but non-stop action.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Fathers day weekend 2004 I took my buddy and his dad pond fishing in Southern Iowa.  Between Saturday and half the day Sunday we caught 90 bass over 3 lbs.  Of those there were 9 fish over 5 lbs, and everyone caught a bass bigger than 6lbs.  The best of the weekend was a 8 lb 1 oz bass my buddy caught that I got wet landing.  It was an amazing weekend and all we were doing was pitching spinnerbaits into holes in the weeds.  The weird thing was 50 of the 3+lb fish were out of one pond.  


fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

2 years ago, 2nd week in april.  I hit the wiggle wart bite on LOZ perfect.  Large fish, 3lbs plus were up on the rocks on secondary points in water barely deep enough to cover their backs.  3lb fish were the average, I had quite a few in the 5-6lb range. Lost a couple that would've gone 7-8lbs.  Then my boat sank after taking some water over the back end from cruiser wakes and the fishing trip was over.

About 8 years ago my wife and I were at LOZ again on memorial day weekend. Terrible time to go but we got lucky, the shad spawn was going on.  Large bass, 6lbs plus were cruising very shallow.  All it took was a shallow diving, chartreuse colored crankbait like a little N in shallow water on main lake points to score.  Too bad we were forced off the lake each day by 9:30am in the morning by big boat traffic.

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

72 Largemouth, 1 over five lbs., a few studs, 3-4 lbs. C'riggin.

Troutfisher don't mean to steal your thunder but I once brought home eight trout over twenty five inches, no kidding.

But yeah, what I was doing was highly, highly, highly illegal. ;D

All native browns. :)

On the fly. :)

Yeah it was nice. :)

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

Fathers day weekend 2004 I took my buddy and his dad pond fishing in Southern Iowa.  Between Saturday and half the day Sunday we caught 90 bass over 3 lbs.  Of those there were 9 fish over 5 lbs, and everyone caught a bass bigger than 6lbs.  The best of the weekend was a 8 lb 1 oz bass my buddy caught that I got wet landing.  It was an amazing weekend and all we were doing was pitching spinnerbaits into holes in the weeds.  The weird thing was 50 of the 3+lb fish were out of one pond.  



Bill Dance ain't got s##t on you man.

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

My best numbers day was 48 on my home lake, before that my record was 17! I ran into a huge school of middle sized LMB on a brushpile and the rest was history. But my most memorbale day was when I got two PBs in one day. Going into the day my PB was a 5.12 Largemouth,that I caught the day before, AFter it was a 7.3, and in between those I caught 6.8 all off a fluke. The 7.3 was the best fight I have ever had in a fish.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

For sheer numbers, around 70 fish on a local 50 acre lake.  My friend and I went for trout, caught our limits and then started fishing for bluegill and largemouth.  Between us we landed around 150.  I went back two days later and caught another 50.

For size, it was a float trip on a local river about 4 years ago.  I was in the front of the canoe and caught around 35 smallies, bluegill, and spotted bass.  One of those spots was about 17" long and at least 3.5 lbs.  Never thought I'd get it in as the line on my reel was old (I hadn't fished much over the previous few years) and brittle.  Could barely get my knots to hold.

For me, a good day is any day I catch fish.  One of my best days this year was a float trip where I only caught 4 fish.  But two of those were 19" and 16" smallmouth.

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

My best fishin' day has nothing to do with numbers or poundage.

I was fishing a farm pond in Pennsylvania about 18 years ago. It was a pond in the middle of a corn field owned by a farmer who never let anyone fish there. I knocked on the door and politely asked if I could fish in his pond and the man thanked me for asking and gave me permission.

I caught and released so many smallmouth bass that I lost coumt. I was using all kinds of different lures and every lure seemed to be a "Ringer' in that pond.

It started getting dark and I decided to leave as I had about 400 yards to walk back to my truck.

As I walked through the fledgling cornfield the sun was just going all the way down on the horizon and at that same time, as the gold, purple, green and blue of the evening sky was just getting brilliant, millions of lightening bugs started flashing about two feet off of the ground for as far as the eye could see in all directions.

I was dumbstruck and mesmerized. It was beautiful. No camera could have captured that moment. I stood there for about five minutes and watched and the sun went down and the bugs went away. I still am in great awe of that little piece of time.

I had the best fishing of my life and I saw one of the greatest sights of my life. It was wonderful.

The topper was that when I was getting back to my truck the farmer ran up to me and said "Wasn't that wonderful? That was just plain fantastic, I have never seen that before on my land." We talked a bit and I drove home in awe. I had the best fishing that I ever had and I saw one of the most beautiful sights that I have ever seen to this date.

I did go back to that pond to fish after that but the action wasn't there...neither was the view.

That evening was just plain awesome!

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 


It was an unbelievable weekend and I started to expect it, with not the same results.  Private farm ponds are amazing fisheries if managed correctly and there is no sizeable population center within 50 miles so it is very remote.  Normal weekend may be a dozen or so bigger than 3 lbs and normally see a 5 lb fish when down for a weekend.  But by no means do I catch them like Bill Dance, although Im not as clumsy either.


fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Geeez, that's a really tough question.

For Bass, I guess it would have to be the day I caught my 18.4 lb PB, and new lake record. Just a thousand times more memorable than any trip from the old days when I caught 50, 80, or 100 plus smaller fish.

Best trip this year though (and partly because it happened on my home lake, which many people do not consider to be a trophy bass lake) was when in three hours I caught a 9.2, a 10.3, and an 11.5 lb bass, plus an 18.9 lb Channel cat, all on the Hud :-) Geez, that was fun.

My 300 lb Sturgeon was especially memorable too, as I caught it only about 5 miles from where I sit...... and again, these waters are not generally thought of (like the Columbia River is) as producing lots of the really huge fish.

For Channel Cats, I guess it would have to be the day I caught my 30.2 lb PB...... and besides that one fish, we caught 54 more, for a total weight of 775 lbs, all on micro-light gear :-) That wasn't the best "total weight" day though. That was a few days earlier, when we caught 71 of them for 935 lbs ! Talk about fun ! :-)

Just can't wait for "my next" best fishing trip of my life !!! :-)



fishing user avatarTop reply : 

my best fishing day was last year right around this time... I threw a Berkley Power worm (7in red shad) and felt the tug of a fish trying to eat it and I caught my first bass after a 12 break... THAT was my best fishing day... the fish wasn't too big BUT it got me hooked and I haven't looked back since.


fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

I have had allot of days I would say are my best days. Heck they are all awesome days if you think about it. But here are a few of the memorable ones:

1) Fishing Lake Fork with a pastor friend of mine we went to a particular point in February and I caught a 7lb, 8.5lb and a 7.5 lb and a 3.5 lb bass all on the same point and all on a white Johnson Spinnerbait. He was throwing the exact same lure and never got a bite. Pretty strange.

2) I used to live on a private lake roughly 350 acres big. Still my most favorite place to fish in the whole world. Wish I still lived there. Anyway, I was out of work during the winter time so I took advantage of it and fished nearly every day for weeks. Now the water level was low and I was one of the few who could get his boat in the water due to the boat ramp. I slayed them every single day on rattle traps to the tune of 25-35 fish per outing. Nothing smaller then 2lbs either. Simply amazing. I must have repeated this for 2 weeks straight. Oh this was in DECEMBER by the way.

3) Fishing with my Dad in Colorado at Pueblo Reservoir for smallmouth. A front was blowing in and we found a small island that was no bigger then a small car sticking out of the water with deep water all around it. We caught well over 40 smallies there. I probably caught 30 of them. One was probably 3lbs as the biggest. Just fun fishing.

4) Can't forget the time I caught my PB of 9.5lbs in my favorite lake I used to live on. I caught her on a 4" centipede t-rigged. I did this because an old man who lived there at the time slayed them on that little worm. That was all he would ever use. I was using a 10" worm at the time when I saw him backing his little boat into the water. I was fishing by the boat ramp. I said to myself, he will holler at me if he sees me using this huge worm so I put on a pumpkin colored 4" centipede and cast it out and tap tap I set the hook and the fight was on. Just awesome. Caught her on spinning gear too which makes it even more fun to me.

fishing user avatarRockvilleMDAngler reply : 

I am not one for the beach but my grandparents have a place in Rehoboth Beach, DE and my wife and I go a few times every summer (she loves the place).  The only saving grace for me is a 100acre lake known as Silver Lake.  The lake is polluted but has enormous carp and a lot of bass, the best part is that nobody really fishes it except for little kids with dough balls so the bass are not pressured at all.  I went fishing there from shore in late May and I got the wife to come as well, she was fishing a drop shot rigged Gulp minnow worm and I was fishing a jig n 'pig.  She caught a nice 3 pounder and then decided to head in, well I grabbed her rod (an ultralight with 6 pound mono) and decided to try a few more casts (I had not caught anything at this point).  I caught my pb of 8lbs on the first cast and proceeded to get 4 more in a row ranging from 3 to 5 pounds.  I fished for two more hours and caught a total of 15 bass.  Catching that 8lber on UL gear was an amazing thrill.  The wife came back to check on me and saw the huge grin on my face and immediately realized that she missed out but she was able to witness a few more catches before we went back for dinner.  I have had better number days before but never that many with so many lunkers.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Best day of fishing as my Dad explained was anytime you get to go.

Nothing gets broken, including bones.

No one hurt.

Just a time to reflect on the outdoors and how lucky we are to be in a postion to fish alot.

Catching fish was just "icing on the cake".      

Willie and I were on Fork recently, we spent over an hour and half watching a nesting eagle in the trees above the water with out casting, just watching.

Pretty good day when you see an eagle that migrated down to nest for the year.

I took a young man, 10yr old, Caesar out for his first trip last year, never fished at all, well, least not in water that had fish, my pool doesn't count, he was practicing casting with his spinner bait and batman rod I bought him.

He caught his first two bass ever, first trip out.    His smiles gave me that great day feeling.  



fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
72 Largemouth, 1 over five lbs., a few studs, 3-4 lbs. C'riggin.

Troutfisher don't mean to steal your thunder but I once brought home eight trout over twenty five inches, no kidding.

But yeah, what I was doing was highly, highly, highly illegal. ;D

All native browns. :)

On the fly. :)

Yeah it was nice. :)

Did you know that some gamewardens police forums.   Not to long ago, a guy on another forum was busted for a pictue that displayed to many ducks.   Of course the guys asking more questions on how many hunters, and did you know you guys where over the legal limits and of course he said yes and was soon busted at his house.

Becareful of what you post.   And this isn't condoning what you did, just think about what you say.


fishing user avatarvolman33 reply : 

around 40 striped bass and 30 bluegill 2 bass 1 catfish

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

Did you know that some gamewardens police forums. Not to long ago, a guy on another forum was busted for a pictue that displayed to many ducks. Of course the guys asking more questions on how many hunters, and did you know you guys where over the legal limits and of course he said yes and was soon busted at his house.

Becareful of what you post. And this isn't condoning what you did, just think about what you say.



I am careful of what I post. If I would have posted where I caught the fish, my name, where I live, and the date of when I caught the fish, there might be a chance I could get in any serious trouble. If they could examine my two 28 inchers on the wall and determine that they came from posted water, then they're dam good and I'll just turn myself in. ;D

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

Lake Toho, 01/19/06.

4 h fishing 11 LM : 8.4, two 7 pounders and a 6 lbs. 34 lbs 5 fish string. I could win the Classic  ;D


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