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Run in with bait shop owner AAARGH 2024

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Went to the lake today and shortly after I got  there I had a run in with the Owner of the bait  shop which wasnt very pleasant. The shop is normally  closed during during the week in the winter because of the lack of patrons. Well its starting to warm up and I inquired about the bait shop reopening during the week.

The bait shop owner was on the boat dock tending to his rental boats and I kindly asked" Excuse me, Do you by chance know when your going to reopen your store." In a very smart A** way he said" Whenever I feel like it." He then said" You see these boats? Theyre gonna get me $100 a day per boat this Memorial Day weekend. So why would I open my shop just so you can spend 50 cents on a soda or $2.50 on some worms?"  

That wasnt exactly the response I was looking for. I was only inquiring about when he was gonna start his summer hours during the week again. Maybe I just wanted to go into his shop and look at the "Braggin Board" of the catches that have come out of that lake for motivation. About a year ago I ran into about 5 UDA'S and I asked this same guy to use his phone in the shop so I could contact Border Patrol.The lake is way far out and there is 0 cell phone service available. He told me to just leave those UDA'S alone...Theyre not harming anyone. Yea But they are here illegally,so Basically this guy is just as guilty as the UDA'S crossing over. I vow to never (if possible) go back into his shop again. Needless to say the little run in I had with him ruined my whole day!!!!

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 
Needless to say the little run in I had with him ruined my whole day!!!!

Just shake it off.  If you allow it to ruin your day, dickh#@d wins!  Don't give him the luxury.  You should have told him you needed to go in and buy a couple of high priced baitcasting outfits, but instead you'll buy through BPS.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

Forget it, the guy's a jerk with a chip on his shoulder. There's not a reason in the world for him not to give you a civil answer in response to a civil question.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Well, he may have ruined your day, but it was only 'one' day.

With his attitude he will likely spoil many of his own days.

In fact, with that un-business demeanor, his Boat Rental business is on pretty shaky ground.


fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 

Lookie here! There may have been a good reason why he was such a grump.

So, just kill his dog and pour a quart of termites under his shop. Works every time!



fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

reminds of the time I went to check out a guide (salt/flyonly) because I heard he was over by the "T-wharf" (a common spot for fly fisherman) Now I had 3 people coming from NJ, skiing friends of mine that wanted to learn fly fishing. I can only fish 2 people with fly gear on my boat so 2 of the guys were going to get a guide. I wanted to check this guy out before we booked him so I travelled to T-wharf and rthere he was with a customer. (this was long before my 2 best friends got capt's licenses and began guiding on their own) I watched and he caught. They were doing well but I was doing better. The big difference was fly color. I had a similar fly on but it was white and silver and had a wire core wrap so it sank quickly, his where all white, and light.

I drifted closer, hopeful for a kind word and ready to offer a couple of my flies to this guy hoping he will remember me and take care of my friends, ya know, building a friendship. I opened the conversation with "Afternoon Captain, looks like youf olks are having a good day, do you mind if I ask what you are catching on?"

"the bottom" was his reply.

I said "no need for that,I have somthing that may help you guys out a little more,my flies are attracting some of the larger fish"

"so does my talent" was his reply.

I kindly then said,"very well then, please ignore the email from the 2 NJ guys requestinfg rates. They will want to fish with someone who is much less of an A$$hole"

Then Tied a bag with 2 flies in it to a chunk of foam and threw it near his boat. I said "here's a couple flies for your customers, no need your arrogance should rain on their day" and punched the 225 and off to the horizon I rode. Jerk.

fishing user avataralhuff reply : 

people like that need to have a big rock tied around their little necks and tossed over board.....oooooo did i say that out loud.  ;D


fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

It just amazes me that people with attitudes like that get into business, and even more amazingly, they stay in business.

Obviously the guy has some "issues"

laugh it off and go fish.  I refuse to waist energy on negative people like that.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

Just try to spread the word about his comments and then maybe his boats won't be making him 100 dollars a day this weekend and his store won't have anyone buying 50 cent cokes and 2.50 worms.  Theres power in people, so use word of mouth and maybe this guy will eventually have to take his business elsewhere.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

That really sucks, but don't let another person ruin your whole day, unless it's a chick, then it's hard to not let them do it sometimes...hehe

fishing user avatarBassinWV reply : 

  Yeah dont let a chump like that ruin your day. It is attitudes like that, that send you to the daisy pushing races early. Dont sweat it.  ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I don't know what it is about bait shop owners, but they get real grouchy after awhile.  Maybe it's the getting up so early and having to smell bait at 5am. But out of all the storefront businessess I can think of, bait shop owners are the crabbiest.

As far as the guide he was being a creep.  I'm sure he get's alot of people coming over to him looking for free advice, but I know several guides, and the best are pretty generous with their knowledge.  

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

Bait shop owners are all used-to-be fishermen.Now they spend all their free time counting nightcrawlers and meal worms.Plus they come home smellin' like fish and that ticks off the old lady and...well.......hence the root of the entire bait shop owner problem.So don't sweat it and sneak back tonight and pull the plugs outta his rentals(j.k)

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

I very seriously doubts he counts worms and stuff like that. Here in Southern Arizona the only live bait allowed is worms,and crawfish. He only sells the worms and has a distributor come down from Phoenix to supply him with those. His bait shop is really weak. Some basic necessities, minor food availability. But as far as Tackle,all he sells is terminal stuff which comes in ziploc baggies,and to be honest he may just be wandering the bank finding stuff people have left behind to sell. He doesnt sell rods or reels and no fishing line either.

This guy told me once that us"anglers" need to get a hold of the Game and Fish department so they can dump other fish in the lake. The only fish they stock now is trout. I do think the baitshop owner would have better luck talking to Game and Fish about the stockings,its the fishing that brings people to his store. I enjoy fishing there but why am I gonna go and try to get Game and Fish to stock other species? Yeah it would be nice but it would also benefit his earnings in that store, and thats something I see fit doing.

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 
and to be honest he may just be wandering the bank finding stuff people have left behind to sell


That's a good one.....        but tackle-shop owners are a bit on the crazy side.

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

When he made the crack about the 50 cent soda and the $2.50 worms I probably would have said that I wasn't actually planning on buying anything I was just asking if you were open so I could use your restroom. Bro, don't let the losers in this world put a damper on your good time. In some ways people that miserable are almost comical and I'll certainly enjoy a little entertainment at their expense if they wish to invite it. I just can't imagine why someone would want to live their life that way. Bad karma, creating an environment where success and happiness simply can't exist. They're like a cross between Yosemite Sam and Eeyore. Who wants to be around that?

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

just go back after dark and pull the plugs on his boats ;D

fishing user avatarToddn76 reply : 

I had a similar situation with a boat dealer here in Battle Creek, Mi.  I had an old tri-hull boat that I fixed up years ago and would frequent his shop for parts.  It seemed to me that everytime I went in there to pick up a part he would act like I was a bother to him.  So one day I asked him; Why when I spend money in your shop do act like I am bothering you?  His response was I am really busy...  So I just shrugged it off!  Well a year later I was in the market to buy a new boat and just as before he was rude.  I told him that I would like to spend my money here in town but that I would not buy a boat from an old grumpy a%% hole and went to Kalamazoo and bought my new boat.  He has since passed away and I went to school with his son who is a nice guy, so I get most of my service done there now!

fishing user avatarfishingrulz reply : 

what a Dh. he probably got skunked or just plain sucks at fishingor maybe he got a hook up his poop shoot... ;D

fishing user avatarBassbum80 reply : 

I don't blame you Fishinaz...guys like that make me want to stand out on the docks and ruing the business he's trying to get for those boat rentals.  But then you realize those are the battles that just aren't worth fighting (as tough as it is to ignore)  I personally would never go there again though, even if it doesn't affect his business.  Or just wave a wad of cash in front of you when he's nearby and say "bet you wish YOU were selling those worms....sucker" ;D

Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

A good friend once gave these words of wisdom: "Argue with a fool and your libel to act like one". I don't always remember this advice, but I try to use it as a guide. Life is just too short.....

fishing user avatarflippin4it. reply : 

            Back in the day, That guy would have got a knuckle sandwich! People like that are the ones that I used to have a really hard time with.......... Now the kinder/gentler me just laughs at them and walks away. Do yourself a favor and don't let anyone ruin your day of fishing......If I still let people get to me, I would never have a good day. Ever. You should have told the guy, "the Bible say's not to judge, So thanks for proving your a a$$h0le!".

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

Having a touch of vinegar in your veins is part of being a lakefront baitshop owner's job requirements.  I don't deal with the guys on any lake under any circumstance.  I get much better service in Cabella's, Wal-Mart, Academy, or Bass Pro plus the tackle and gear that I buy is much better quality and generally better priced.

I'm all about helping the little man fight his fight against big business...until it interferes with my fishing experiance.  I have on little hobby that doesn't bother anyone except my wife and some old coot is going to give me flack about it when it was his idea to open the stupid baitshop?  No thanks.  Wal-Mart always tells me to at least have a nice day when they don't have what I'm looking for instead of "If it ain't in my shop it don't catch fish anyway."  Yeah....ok

fishing user avatarbiteme reply : 

Aw screw em! Just open up a bait shop right next to him and show hime how its done!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Pretty valid point though when I think about the local shop owners.  I don't think I've ever seen 2/3's of them ever smile.  Someone should just use honest advertising to attract people and call their shop

"Ornery Bait & Tackle"

-Where we will tell you you're a liar about your catch and tell you flat out that your wife is ugly.  Oh yea,..they sell bait too.


fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Sounds like a real horse's arse to me.If it makes you feel any better he probably talks to everybody that way.He just hasn't run into the right guy yet.

fishing user avatarbassfishinmover reply : 

lol, you shoulda just slapped him, dude.  you wouldve felt so much better afterwards.


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