Curious, anybody know the origin of the term lunker? Always wondered, never asked. Funny word, is lunk a verb? To lunk? Is something that lunks a lunker?
Help me understand.
I believe "lunker structure"is an architectural term, it could have something to do with that. I also wonder if the term is related to "spelunker," like someone who explores caves.
Main Entry: lunker
Pronunciation: [ch712]l[ch601][ch331]-k[ch601]r
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1867
: Something large of its kind used especially of a game fish
I like Hawg better
QuoteMain Entry: lunkerPronunciation: [ch712]l[ch601][ch331]-k[ch601]r
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1867
: Something large of its kind used especially of a game fish
I like Hawg better
How much does it have to weigh to be considered a lunker ?
Good question. I'd say at least 5 lbs.
I'll go with 5lbs too, but it may be a little smaller in certain areas.
yeah it probably depends lake to lake and state to state. If the average fish on your lake is only 1 or 2 lbs...QuoteI'll go with 5lbs too, but it may be a little smaller in certain areas.
QuoteMain Entry: lunkerPronunciation: [ch712]l[ch601][ch331]-k[ch601]r
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1867
: Something large of its kind used especially of a game fish
I like Hawg better
Yes, I prefer Hawg... Never really used lunker.
Any body remember "Lunker Lotion" from back in the day? I don't think they make it anymore... or at least not around here. It was basically worm lube! 8-)
QuoteAny body remember "Lunker Lotion" from back in the day? I don't think they make it anymore... or at least not around here. It was basically worm lube! 8-)
It's still available right in your neck of the woods from Producto. Mineral oil is what I use though and it works well. It's NOT an attractant (for those that didn't know) it's just a plastics conditioner or you said.
Wow! Didn't know they still had it. I have worms that are well over 20 yrs old and they are still like new because of that stuff! It really works as far as keeping your worms like new and it smells good too!QuoteQuoteAny body remember "Lunker Lotion" from back in the day? I don't think they make it anymore... or at least not around here. It was basically worm lube! 8-)It's still available right in your neck of the woods from Producto. Mineral oil is what I use though and it works well. It's NOT an attractant (for those that didn't know) it's just a plastics conditioner or you said.
Very welcome sir, glad I could help.
6 lbs has always been the magic number
in KY people fish their entire lives and dont catch a 6 lber.
To satisfy my own curiosity, I've number-crunched literally thousands of bass weights garnered from tournaments,
state and national citation programs, lodge records and my own life log. I've been shown to my own satisfaction
that "6 pounds" is a very significant sticking point for largemouth bass, a bass that can safely be called a "lunker".
I believe the reason for this stubborn weight-plateau is due to the buck (male of the species). As it happens,
buck bass reach a stubborn weight-ceiling at 6 lbs, when they stop gaining weight. This 6-lb plateau shows no apparent respect
for age or geographic location, in fact most male bass weight 3 pounds or less.
If 6 lbs is it....
My first big freshwater fish!
I had been fishing for about an hour, and some other guys came up about 75 yards away. From the bank, I noticed a concrete slab underwater, near some weeds, so I cast out just outside the weeds and started jigging...
I felt something hit , so I set the hook and....
The fight was on! Bent the rod in half! Took about a minute to reel him in.
I held the fish up to show the other guys that were fishing, released it, and walked over to them. When I told the guy that it had to be about 5 lbs, he said "that had to be at least 6 lbs from the looks of it..."
I caught a big fish (for me, anyway). Can you tell I'm happy? 8-)
QuoteIf 6 lbs is it....I JUST CAUGHT ONE!!!1!!!
My first big freshwater fish!
I had been fishing for about an hour, and some other guys came up about 75 yards away. From the bank, I noticed a concrete slab underwater, near some weeds, so I cast out just outside the weeds and started jigging...
I felt something hit , so I set the hook and....
The fight was on! Bent the rod in half! Took about a minute to reel him in.
I held the fish up to show the other guys that were fishing, released it, and walked over to them. When I told the guy that it had to be about 5 lbs, he said "that had to be at least 6 lbs from the looks of it..."
I caught a big fish (for me, anyway). Can you tell I'm happy? 8-)
So you're telling us that you didn't have a scale...? ;D ;D
I believe we all have different goals we want to reach in bass fishing. So the term "Lunker" could apply differently to each one of us as it fits into our varied goals.
I like all bass and I'm happy to be blessed everytime I catch one of any size.
QuoteQuoteIf 6 lbs is it....I JUST CAUGHT ONE!!!1!!!
My first big freshwater fish!
I had been fishing for about an hour, and some other guys came up about 75 yards away. From the bank, I noticed a concrete slab underwater, near some weeds, so I cast out just outside the weeds and started jigging...
I felt something hit , so I set the hook and....
The fight was on! Bent the rod in half! Took about a minute to reel him in.
I held the fish up to show the other guys that were fishing, released it, and walked over to them. When I told the guy that it had to be about 5 lbs, he said "that had to be at least 6 lbs from the looks of it..."
I caught a big fish (for me, anyway). Can you tell I'm happy? 8-)
So you're telling us that you didn't have a scale...? ;D
Everyone knows a lunker when they see one! That other dude said it was 6 lbs, and I believed him!
(a scale has been added to the shopping list!)
The good news is that the fish is still there, and I can catch him again! Next time--PICTURES!
Congratulations !!!!!
My hat is off to you!
You are a good student!
I have fished for several years and have a personal best of only 5 3/4 lb according to the deliar.
Well, my take is this:
Bass become a lot more interesting when they get to three pounds or so. Maybe part of it is sheer mass, but they seem to fight harder and smallmouth fight longer. (3 lbs, btw, is what most unweighed "5-6lbers" actually weigh). A true 5 lb bass is nice, 7-8 seems huge to me and 10+ is a monster in these parts. I think even the Cali, Florida, Georgia and Texas guys might agree that 10 lbs is a HAWG!
To me, double digit = lunker.
Quote(3 lbs, btw, is what most unweighed "5-6lbers" actually weigh)
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
You obviously know what you're talking about, and I obviously don't. Good for you.
My apologies.
That comment was NOT directed at you, it's one I have made on numerous posts. I'm sure your catch was a very nice bass, something to be proud of and I hope you catch her again. When you do I hope she weighs in at 7 or 8 lbs and you can rub in all you want. I REALLY didn't mean to disparage your fish.
No sweat.
I was just guessing anyway--I try to be conservative, but the other guy said "at least 6lbs ...", that had me thinking 'may be....!'
We'll just call it my "official, first unofficial big largemouth bass", and leave it at that. 8-)
I'd say 6 lbs and up you're in Hawg territory ;D
Down south it's either Tight Eyes (eyes are close together), keeper (14+) or Hawg
I believe anything 5+ is a lunker! It seems that bass under this size are very common! I know some of my friends catch 3-4 pounders and think they are 5+ pound fish. I pull out the scale and they are amazed that the fish are under 5 lbs.
you certainly are right about that. i was very dissapointed to learn that all the 6 lb bass i had been catching weighed about 4.5 when i got my first scale. still trying to get a 6 lber that i know for a fact is that big. cant seem to break the 5.5 mark, of which i have several.
this is just relaying personal experience and i have no idea about Bobs fish so i hope no one gets the wrong idea. regardless of what it weighed it sounds like a real nice fish and i hope i can get into one that big soon.