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Flippin' & Pitchin' 2024

fishing user avatarGot Bass? reply : 

How do you practice your flippin' & Pitchin'?

fishing user avatarFishing Doug reply : 

wow. now this is weird.....I was just standing in my dining room, pitchin' into my living room aiming at my latest edition of Field and Stream laying on the floor until the lady told me to stop 'cause she was tired of seeing a baby brush hog on a jig head fly by her while she was on the couch trying work from her laptop.

so there you have it. that is how I practice (until someone tells me to stop).

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I walk out into the yard and just pick out sticks, the mail box, car tire, corner of the shed, etc. and try to get as close as I can with as gental a landing as possible. I sometimes put a paper plate or hubcap under a chair or lay a bucket on it's side to mimic pitching under a dock, etc. Hey, you do what you can to get through the winter. JMHO


fishing user avatarGot Bass? reply : 
wow. now this is weird.....I was just standing in my dining room, pitchin' into my living room aiming at my latest edition of Field and Stream laying on the floor until the lady told me to stop 'cause she was tired of seeing a baby brush hog on a jig head fly by her while she was on the couch trying work from her laptop.

Thats awesome.............I get a wipped cream container and fill it with water, then put the container on some newspaper....Practice until you can pitch it in the container without splashing the water on the newspaper.........Cool HUH!! ;D ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I use to irritate the family cat till he died a couple years ago   ;D

Seriously I flip/pitch at momma's azalea brushes in the flower bed; almost like buck brush

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I stand on my back deck which is approximately the same height above the ground as my front deck is over the water and practice hitting different targets.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I taught myself to pitch during the 19 days without electricity or a job to go to during the aftermath of Katrina.there was nothing else to do but clear trees with my chainsaw and (for a little recreation)practice pitching.I just pitched to various targets that I had set up.The hardest part was setting the baitcaster just right,so I didn't backlash every pitch.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I have an 18" high brick wall around my back patio.  I stand on it a practice hitting twigs and such.  The neighbors on either side of me, whe are not fishermen, think I'm a nut case.  I'm still terrible at pitchin and still below average at flippin.  I think that, in the back of my mind, my neighbors are intimidating me.  Maybe I should put up privacy fences.

fishing user avatarBassBest reply : 

I set 3 coffee cups in the yard, one at 10 ft, one at 20 ft, and one at 30 ft, I also pick out leaves or whatever too.

fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

It may sound funny but I practice with an old shoe. I stand away from the shoe at various lengths. Start at 5 feet, and then work my way back to 60 feet. I got really good at pitchin' I also practice my backhanding and side casting. I even got my neices and nephews into flippin' and pitchin' and here in Virginia we have the Casting Kids contest and my niece Bridget won her age bracket so she got the closed face casting rod with the jig and a Casting Kids target. So now I practice a little on that too!  ;D

Mostly I practice with shoes...I just need to wash my baits before fishing, otherwise I get no hits... ;D ;D ;D ;)

Have a jolly christmas everyone!!!  :P 8-) :)

fishing user avatarBASSMACHINE reply : 

I use a six inch pie pan filled with flour.  I go outside and stand on a five gallon bucket and pitch to the pie pan. When you start hitting the target without the flour making a dust cloud, you can put your bait in the water without a ripple!

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

shoot.....I tried practicing with a bucket and what not.....but it gave me the urge to wanna fish I just practice while im fishing ;D

fishing user avatarjigfisherman reply : 

I practice at my in-laws on the deck of there pool, I will put stuff that will float around and try to hit it until my Mother-in-Law see's me and just about has a heart attack. I make my on jigs and spinnerbaits and I try them out in there to. I have got my 14 year old brother-in-law in trouble so many times because he now tries out his stuff in there too.

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

I use pitching all the time. Try using a coffee mug as the target.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I practice by pitching into a thimble.   ::)

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
I practice by pitching into a thimble. ::)

When you can hit one while standing on a moving skate we're talking. ;) :-*

fishing user avatarbubbler reply : 

It might seem kinda wierd but I will fill a piture with water and practice flipping and pitching to it. I trie to creat as little water ripple as possible.

Hope it helps!!!

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 
I use to irritate the family cat till he died a couple years ago ;D

Seriously I flip/pitch at momma's azalea brushes in the flower bed; almost like buck brush

I think that is funny.  When I practice in the backyard, my cat will chase the lure, and think it is a game.  

I usually pick out different targets and go to town.  But I like the coffee cup idea.  

fishing user avatarNATHAN_JAMES reply : 

Yeah its easier to get the hook out of the cup than the cat  ;D

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

Embarassing fact: I have no idea how to pitch and flip.

fishing user avatarflukenLizard reply : 

I stand on the love seat  and flip at the dog bowl, works pretty good, the other night i was practiceing and somthing caught my eye on tv and my plug was still in the dog bowl and my 1/2 lab 1/4bull mastif 1/4 blood hound hit my plug and drug it in some "brush" aka under the kitchen table fought em for bout 5 minutes and he spit the plug out and went back to bed. maybe i should post this under the biggest one that ever got away.  anyway ive gotten pretty good at hittin the bowl thats how i do it.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I test all my lures in the swimming pool.  Used to drive my wife crazy, but she's to it now.

Me: "Honey watch me pitch this jig into the little floating pool toy"

Wife:   Did you put out the garbage yet?

And the beat goes on.  8-)

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

I stand out in the parkinglot at work in the morning waiting on the car to warm up.  I find oil spots or other things around and pitch to them. ::)  It helps that I work at night and no one else is there at the same time I am. ;D

fishing user avatarFIN-S-R reply : 

Um..I drive about 15min, put the boat in the lake and take a couple rods (18) and then i start pitchin' and flippin' at boat docks. no hard water here in the winter. I guess you would call it on the job training

fishing user avatarh1x71 reply : 

in the back yard, i toss out my kids basket ball and try to bounce it off the ball at diffrent distance.

between the bushes that i have to *^#@!^&* weed eat around.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Embarassing fact: I have no idea how to pitch and flip.

OK Jason, listen up dude,

Pitchin is when you throw a baseball to the guy with the bat.

Flippin' is what you do on the trampoline or in gymnastics.

I don't know why this stuff keeps coming up on a bass fishin forum, but it does  

Ps -

Flipping is pretty specialized and takes alot of practice, but pitching is easier and very effective.

Good luck and have fun.

fishing user avatardave reply : 

This thread has been informative :o and entertaining! ;D


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